* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule; use function count; use function gettype; use function is_iterable; use function sprintf; use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint; use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsEqual; use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException; use PHPUnit\Framework\InvalidParameterGroupException; use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Invocation as BaseInvocation; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ final class ConsecutiveParameters implements ParametersRule { /** * @var array */ private $parameterGroups = []; /** * @var array */ private $invocations = []; /** * @throws \PHPUnit\Framework\Exception */ public function __construct(array $parameterGroups) { foreach ($parameterGroups as $index => $parameters) { if (!is_iterable($parameters)) { throw new InvalidParameterGroupException( sprintf( 'Parameter group #%d must be an array or Traversable, got %s', $index, gettype($parameters) ) ); } foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if (!$parameter instanceof Constraint) { $parameter = new IsEqual($parameter); } $this->parameterGroups[$index][] = $parameter; } } } public function toString(): string { return 'with consecutive parameters'; } /** * @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException * @throws ExpectationFailedException */ public function apply(BaseInvocation $invocation): void { $this->invocations[] = $invocation; $callIndex = count($this->invocations) - 1; $this->verifyInvocation($invocation, $callIndex); } /** * @throws \PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException * @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException */ public function verify(): void { foreach ($this->invocations as $callIndex => $invocation) { $this->verifyInvocation($invocation, $callIndex); } } /** * Verify a single invocation. * * @param int $callIndex * * @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException * @throws ExpectationFailedException */ private function verifyInvocation(BaseInvocation $invocation, $callIndex): void { if (!isset($this->parameterGroups[$callIndex])) { // no parameter assertion for this call index return; } $parameters = $this->parameterGroups[$callIndex]; if (count($invocation->getParameters()) < count($parameters)) { throw new ExpectationFailedException( sprintf( 'Parameter count for invocation %s is too low.', $invocation->toString() ) ); } foreach ($parameters as $i => $parameter) { $parameter->evaluate( $invocation->getParameters()[$i], sprintf( 'Parameter %s for invocation #%d %s does not match expected ' . 'value.', $i, $callIndex, $invocation->toString() ) ); } } }