environment('testing')) { // We want to "fake" the first time in a test run, but not again because // ::fake() whipes the storage directory every time its called. rescue(function () { // If the storage disk is not found (meaning it's the first time), // this will throw an error and trip the second callback. return Storage::disk(static::disk()); }, function () { return Storage::fake(static::disk()); }); } return Storage::disk(static::disk()); } public static function disk() { if (app()->environment('testing')) { return 'tmp-for-tests'; } return config('livewire.temporary_file_upload.disk') ?: config('filesystems.default'); } public static function diskConfig() { return config('filesystems.disks.'.static::disk()); } public static function isUsingS3() { $diskBeforeTestFake = config('livewire.temporary_file_upload.disk') ?: config('filesystems.default'); return config('filesystems.disks.'.strtolower($diskBeforeTestFake).'.driver') === 's3'; } protected static function directory() { return Util::normalizeRelativePath(config('livewire.temporary_file_upload.directory') ?: 'livewire-tmp'); } protected static function s3Root() { return static::isUsingS3() && is_array(static::diskConfig()) && array_key_exists('root', static::diskConfig()) ? Util::normalizeRelativePath(static::diskConfig()['root']) : ''; } public static function path($path = '', $withS3Root = true) { $prefix = $withS3Root ? static::s3Root() : ''; $directory = static::directory(); $path = Util::normalizeRelativePath($path); return $prefix.($prefix ? '/' : '').$directory.($path ? '/' : '').$path; } public static function mimeType($filename) { $mimeType = static::storage()->getMimeType(static::path($filename)); return $mimeType === 'image/svg' ? 'image/svg+xml' : $mimeType; } public static function middleware() { return config('livewire.temporary_file_upload.middleware') ?: 'throttle:60,1'; } public static function rules() { $rules = config('livewire.temporary_file_upload.rules'); if (is_null($rules)) return ['required', 'file', 'max:12288']; if (is_array($rules)) return $rules; return explode('|', $rules); } public static function maxUploadTime() { return config('livewire.temporary_file_upload.max_upload_time') ?: 5; } }