import store from '@/Store' import { wireDirectives } from '@/util' export default function () { store.registerHook('component.initialized', component => { component.targetedLoadingElsByAction = {} component.genericLoadingEls = [] component.currentlyActiveLoadingEls = [] component.currentlyActiveUploadLoadingEls = [] }) store.registerHook('element.initialized', (el, component) => { let directives = wireDirectives(el) if (directives.missing('loading')) return const loadingDirectives = directives.directives.filter( i => i.type === 'loading' ) loadingDirectives.forEach(directive => { processLoadingDirective(component, el, directive) }) }) store.registerHook('message.sent', (message, component) => { const actions = message.updateQueue .filter(action => { return action.type === 'callMethod' }) .map(action => action.payload.method) const actionsWithParams = message.updateQueue .filter(action => { return action.type === 'callMethod' }) .map(action => generateSignatureFromMethodAndParams( action.payload.method, action.payload.params ) ) const models = message.updateQueue .filter(action => { return action.type === 'syncInput' }) .map(action => action.payload.name) setLoading(component, actions.concat(actionsWithParams).concat(models)) }) store.registerHook('message.failed', (message, component) => { unsetLoading(component) }) store.registerHook('message.received', (message, component) => { unsetLoading(component) }) store.registerHook('element.removed', (el, component) => { removeLoadingEl(component, el) }) } function processLoadingDirective(component, el, directive) { // If this element is going to be dealing with loading states. // We will initialize an "undo" stack upfront, so we don't // have to deal with isset() type conditionals later. el.__livewire_on_finish_loading = [] var actionNames = false let directives = wireDirectives(el) if (directives.get('target')) { let target = directives.get('target') if (target.params.length > 0) { actionNames = [ generateSignatureFromMethodAndParams( target.method, target.params ), ] } else { // wire:target overrides any automatic loading scoping we do. actionNames = target.value.split(',').map(s => s.trim()) } } else { // If there is no wire:target, let's check for the existance of a wire:click="foo" or something, // and automatically scope this loading directive to that action. const nonActionOrModelLivewireDirectives = [ 'init', 'dirty', 'offline', 'target', 'loading', 'poll', 'ignore', 'key', 'id', ] actionNames = directives .all() .filter(i => !nonActionOrModelLivewireDirectives.includes(i.type)) .map(i => i.method) // If we found nothing, just set the loading directive to the global component. (run on every request) if (actionNames.length < 1) actionNames = false } addLoadingEl(component, el, directive, actionNames) } function addLoadingEl(component, el, directive, actionsNames) { if (actionsNames) { actionsNames.forEach(actionsName => { if (component.targetedLoadingElsByAction[actionsName]) { component.targetedLoadingElsByAction[actionsName].push({ el, directive, }) } else { component.targetedLoadingElsByAction[actionsName] = [ { el, directive }, ] } }) } else { component.genericLoadingEls.push({ el, directive }) } } function removeLoadingEl(component, el) { // Look through the global/generic elements for the element to remove. component.genericLoadingEls.forEach((element, index) => { if (element.el.isSameNode(el)) { component.genericLoadingEls.splice(index, 1) } }) // Look through the targeted elements to remove. Object.keys(component.targetedLoadingElsByAction).forEach(key => { component.targetedLoadingElsByAction[ key ] = component.targetedLoadingElsByAction[key].filter(element => { return ! element.el.isSameNode(el) }) }) } function setLoading(component, actions) { const actionTargetedEls = actions .map(action => component.targetedLoadingElsByAction[action]) .filter(el => el) .flat() const allEls = component.genericLoadingEls.concat(actionTargetedEls) startLoading(allEls) component.currentlyActiveLoadingEls = allEls } export function setUploadLoading(component, modelName) { const actionTargetedEls = component.targetedLoadingElsByAction[modelName] || [] const allEls = component.genericLoadingEls.concat(actionTargetedEls) startLoading(allEls) component.currentlyActiveUploadLoadingEls = allEls } export function unsetUploadLoading(component) { endLoading(component.currentlyActiveUploadLoadingEls) component.currentlyActiveUploadLoadingEls = [] } function unsetLoading(component) { endLoading(component.currentlyActiveLoadingEls) component.currentlyActiveLoadingEls = [] } function startLoading(els) { els.forEach(({ el, directive }) => { if (directive.modifiers.includes('class')) { let classes = directive.value.split(' ').filter(Boolean) doAndSetCallbackOnElToUndo( el, directive, () => el.classList.add(...classes), () => el.classList.remove(...classes) ) } else if (directive.modifiers.includes('attr')) { doAndSetCallbackOnElToUndo( el, directive, () => el.setAttribute(directive.value, true), () => el.removeAttribute(directive.value) ) } else { let cache = window .getComputedStyle(el, null) .getPropertyValue('display') doAndSetCallbackOnElToUndo( el, directive, () => { el.style.display = directive.modifiers.includes('remove') ? cache : getDisplayProperty(directive) }, () => { el.style.display = 'none' } ) } }) } function getDisplayProperty(directive) { return (['inline', 'block', 'table', 'flex', 'grid'] .filter(i => directive.modifiers.includes(i))[0] || 'inline-block') } function doAndSetCallbackOnElToUndo(el, directive, doCallback, undoCallback) { if (directive.modifiers.includes('remove')) [doCallback, undoCallback] = [undoCallback, doCallback] if (directive.modifiers.includes('delay')) { let timeout = setTimeout(() => { doCallback() el.__livewire_on_finish_loading.push(() => undoCallback()) }, 200) el.__livewire_on_finish_loading.push(() => clearTimeout(timeout)) } else { doCallback() el.__livewire_on_finish_loading.push(() => undoCallback()) } } function endLoading(els) { els.forEach(({ el }) => { while (el.__livewire_on_finish_loading.length > 0) { el.__livewire_on_finish_loading.shift()() } }) } function generateSignatureFromMethodAndParams(method, params) { return method + btoa(encodeURIComponent(params.toString())) }