'', 'permissions' => [], ]; /** * Indicates if the plain text token is being displayed to the user. * * @var bool */ public $displayingToken = false; /** * The plain text token value. * * @var string|null */ public $plainTextToken; /** * Indicates if the user is currently managing an API token's permissions. * * @var bool */ public $managingApiTokenPermissions = false; /** * The token that is currently having its permissions managed. * * @var \Laravel\Sanctum\PersonalAccessToken|null */ public $managingPermissionsFor; /** * The update API token form state. * * @var array */ public $updateApiTokenForm = [ 'permissions' => [], ]; /** * Indicates if the application is confirming if an API token should be deleted. * * @var bool */ public $confirmingApiTokenDeletion = false; /** * The ID of the API token being deleted. * * @var int */ public $apiTokenIdBeingDeleted; /** * Mount the component. * * @return void */ public function mount() { $this->createApiTokenForm['permissions'] = Jetstream::$defaultPermissions; } /** * Create a new API token. * * @return void */ public function createApiToken() { $this->resetErrorBag(); Validator::make([ 'name' => $this->createApiTokenForm['name'], ], [ 'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'], ])->validateWithBag('createApiToken'); $this->displayTokenValue($this->user->createToken( $this->createApiTokenForm['name'], Jetstream::validPermissions($this->createApiTokenForm['permissions']) )); $this->createApiTokenForm['name'] = ''; $this->createApiTokenForm['permissions'] = Jetstream::$defaultPermissions; $this->emit('created'); } /** * Display the token value to the user. * * @param \Laravel\Sanctum\NewAccessToken $token * @return void */ protected function displayTokenValue($token) { $this->displayingToken = true; $this->plainTextToken = explode('|', $token->plainTextToken, 2)[1]; $this->dispatchBrowserEvent('showing-token-modal'); } /** * Allow the given token's permissions to be managed. * * @param int $tokenId * @return void */ public function manageApiTokenPermissions($tokenId) { $this->managingApiTokenPermissions = true; $this->managingPermissionsFor = $this->user->tokens()->where( 'id', $tokenId )->firstOrFail(); $this->updateApiTokenForm['permissions'] = $this->managingPermissionsFor->abilities; } /** * Update the API token's permissions. * * @return void */ public function updateApiToken() { $this->managingPermissionsFor->forceFill([ 'abilities' => Jetstream::validPermissions($this->updateApiTokenForm['permissions']), ])->save(); $this->managingApiTokenPermissions = false; } /** * Confirm that the given API token should be deleted. * * @param int $tokenId * @return void */ public function confirmApiTokenDeletion($tokenId) { $this->confirmingApiTokenDeletion = true; $this->apiTokenIdBeingDeleted = $tokenId; } /** * Delete the API token. * * @return void */ public function deleteApiToken() { $this->user->tokens()->where('id', $this->apiTokenIdBeingDeleted)->delete(); $this->user->load('tokens'); $this->confirmingApiTokenDeletion = false; $this->managingPermissionsFor = null; } /** * Get the current user of the application. * * @return mixed */ public function getUserProperty() { return Auth::user(); } /** * Render the component. * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function render() { return view('api.api-token-manager'); } }