component = $component; } /** * Get the view / contents that represent the component. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View|string */ public function render() { $template = <<<'EOF' getAttributes())->mapWithKeys(function ($value, $key) { return [Illuminate\Support\Str::camel(str_replace([':', '.'], ' ', $key)) => $value]; })->all(), EXTR_SKIP); ?> {{ props }}
{{ slots }} {{ defaultSlot }}
EOF; return function ($data) use ($template) { $bindings = $this->bindings($class = $this->classForComponent()); return str_replace( [ '{{ component }}', '{{ props }}', '{{ bindings }}', '{{ attributes }}', '{{ slots }}', '{{ defaultSlot }}', ], [ $this->component, $this->compileProps($bindings), $this->compileBindings($bindings), class_exists($class) ? '{{ $attributes }}' : '', $this->compileSlots($data['__laravel_slots']), '{{ $slot ?? "" }}', ], $template ); }; } /** * Compile the @props directive for the component. * * @param array $bindings * @return string */ protected function compileProps(array $bindings) { if (empty($bindings)) { return ''; } return '@props('.'[\''.implode('\',\'', collect($bindings)->map(function ($dataKey) { return Str::camel($dataKey); })->all()).'\']'.')'; } /** * Compile the bindings for the component. * * @param array $bindings * @return string */ protected function compileBindings(array $bindings) { return collect($bindings)->map(function ($key) { return ':'.$key.'="$'.Str::camel(str_replace([':', '.'], ' ', $key)).'"'; })->implode(' '); } /** * Compile the slots for the component. * * @param array $slots * @return string */ protected function compileSlots(array $slots) { return collect($slots)->map(function ($slot, $name) { return $name === '__default' ? null : '
{{ $'.$name.' }}
'; })->filter()->implode(PHP_EOL); } /** * Get the class for the current component. * * @return string */ protected function classForComponent() { if (isset(static::$componentClasses[$this->component])) { return static::$componentClasses[$this->component]; } return static::$componentClasses[$this->component] = $this->compiler()->componentClass($this->component); } /** * Get the names of the variables that should be bound to the component. * * @param string $class * @return array */ protected function bindings(string $class) { [$data, $attributes] = $this->compiler()->partitionDataAndAttributes($class, $this->attributes->getAttributes()); return array_keys($data->all()); } /** * Get an instance of the Blade tag compiler. * * @return \Illuminate\View\Compilers\ComponentTagCompiler */ protected function compiler() { if (! static::$compiler) { static::$compiler = new ComponentTagCompiler( Container::getInstance()->make('blade.compiler')->getClassComponentAliases(), Container::getInstance()->make('blade.compiler')->getClassComponentNamespaces(), Container::getInstance()->make('blade.compiler') ); } return static::$compiler; } }