evmultilogin($username, $password, "admin"); if ($count != 0) { $_SESSION["evename"] = $username; $_SESSION["stype"] = $stype; $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Login Successfully!", "message" => "welcome admin!!", "action" => "dashboard.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Please Use Valid Data!!", "message" => "Invalid Data!!", "action" => "index.php", ]; } } else { $h = new Event(); $count = $h->evmultilogin($username, $password, "tbl_sponsore"); if ($count != 0) { $_SESSION["evename"] = $username; $_SESSION["stype"] = $stype; $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Login Successfully!", "message" => "welcome Sponsore!!", "action" => "dashboard.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Please Use Valid Data!!", "message" => "Invalid Data!!", "action" => "index.php", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_category") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["title"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/category/"; $url = "images/category/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); $target_dirs = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/category/"; $urls = "images/category/"; $temps = explode(".", $_FILES["cover_img"]["name"]); $newfilenames = uniqid().round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temps); $target_files = $target_dirs. basename($newfilenames); $urls = $urls . basename($newfilenames); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cover_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_files); $table = "tbl_category"; $field_values = ["img", "status", "title","cover"]; $data_values = ["$url", "$okey", "$title","$urls"]; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiinsertdata($field_values, $data_values, $table); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Category Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Category section!", "action" => "list_category.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_category.php", ]; } }elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_category") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["title"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/category/"; $url = "images/category/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); $target_dirs = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/category/"; $urls = "images/category/"; $temps = explode(".", $_FILES["cover_img"]["name"]); $newfilenames = uniqid().round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temps); $target_files = $target_dirs . basename($newfilenames); $urls = $urls . basename($newfilenames); if ($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] != "" and $_FILES["cover_img"]["name"] == "") { move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file ); $table = "tbl_category"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "img" => $url, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Category Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Category section!", "action" => "list_category.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_category.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } else if ($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] == "" and $_FILES["cover_img"]["name"] != "") { move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["cover_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_files ); $table = "tbl_category"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "cover" => $urls, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Category Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Category section!", "action" => "list_category.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_category.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } }else if ($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] != "" and $_FILES["cover_img"]["name"] != "") { move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file ); move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["cover_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_files ); $table = "tbl_category"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "cover" => $urls,"img" => $url, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Category Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Category section!", "action" => "list_category.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_category.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } }else { $table = "tbl_category"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Category Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Category section!", "action" => "list_category.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_category.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } }elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_page") { $ctitle = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["ctitle"]); $cstatus = $_POST["cstatus"]; $cdesc = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["cdesc"]); $table = "tbl_page"; $field_values = ["description", "status", "title"]; $data_values = ["$cdesc", "$cstatus", "$ctitle"]; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiinsertdata($field_values, $data_values, $table); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "page Add Successfully!!", "message" => "page section!", "action" => "list_page.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_page.php", ]; } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_page") { $id = $_POST["id"]; $ctitle = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["ctitle"]); $cstatus = $_POST["cstatus"]; $cdesc = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["cdesc"]); $table = "tbl_page"; $field = [ "description" => $cdesc, "status" => $cstatus, "title" => $ctitle, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "page Update Successfully!!", "message" => "page section!", "action" => "list_page.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_page.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_faq") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $question = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["question"]); $answer = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["answer"]); $table = "tbl_faq"; $field_values = ["question", "answer", "status"]; $data_values = ["$question", "$answer", "$okey"]; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiinsertdata($field_values, $data_values, $table); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "FAQ Add Successfully!!", "message" => "FAQ section!", "action" => "list_faq.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_faq.php", ]; } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_faq") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $question = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["question"]); $answer = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["answer"]); $id = $_POST["id"]; $table = "tbl_faq"; $field = [ "status" => $okey, "answer" => $answer, "question" => $question, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "FAQ Update Successfully!!", "message" => "FAQ Code section!", "action" => "list_faq.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_faq.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_payment") { $dname = mysqli_real_escape_string($evmulti, $_POST["cname"]); $attributes = mysqli_real_escape_string($evmulti, $_POST["p_attr"]); $ptitle = mysqli_real_escape_string($evmulti, $_POST["ptitle"]); $okey = $_POST["status"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $p_show = $_POST["p_show"]; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/payment/"; $url = "images/payment/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] != "") { move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file ); $table = "tbl_payment_list"; $field = [ "title" => $dname, "status" => $okey, "img" => $url, "attributes" => $attributes, "subtitle" => $ptitle, "p_show" => $p_show, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Payment Gateway Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Payment Gateway section!", "action" => "payment_list.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "edit_payment.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } else { $table = "tbl_payment_list"; $field = [ "title" => $dname, "status" => $okey, "attributes" => $attributes, "subtitle" => $ptitle, "p_show" => $p_show, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Payment Gateway Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Payment Gateway section!", "action" => "payment_list.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "edit_payment.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_profile") { $dname = $_POST["email"]; $dsname = $_POST["password"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $table = "admin"; $field = ["username" => $dname, "password" => $dsname]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Profile Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Profile section!", "action" => "profile.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "profile.php", ]; } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_setting") { $webname = mysqli_real_escape_string($evmulti, $_POST["webname"]); $timezone = $_POST["timezone"]; $currency = $_POST["currency"]; $pstore = $_POST["pstore"]; $tax = $_POST['tax']; $id = $_POST["id"]; $one_key = $_POST["one_key"]; $one_hash = $_POST["one_hash"]; $s_key = $_POST["s_key"]; $s_hash = $_POST["s_hash"]; $scredit = $_POST["scredit"]; $rcredit = $_POST["rcredit"]; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/website/"; $url = "images/website/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["weblogo"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["weblogo"]["name"] != "") { move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["weblogo"]["tmp_name"], $target_file ); $table = "tbl_setting"; $field = [ "timezone" => $timezone, "weblogo" => $url, "webname" => $webname, "currency" => $currency, "pstore" => $pstore, "one_key" => $one_key, "one_hash" => $one_hash, "s_key" => $s_key, "s_hash" => $s_hash, "scredit" => $scredit, "rcredit" => $rcredit, "tax"=>$tax ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Setting Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Setting section!", "action" => "setting.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "setting.php", ]; } } else { $table = "tbl_setting"; $field = [ "timezone" => $timezone, "webname" => $webname, "currency" => $currency, "pstore" => $pstore, "one_key" => $one_key, "one_hash" => $one_hash, "s_key" => $s_key, "s_hash" => $s_hash, "scredit" => $scredit, "rcredit" => $rcredit, "tax"=>$tax ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Setting Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Offer section!", "action" => "setting.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "setting.php", ]; } } } else if($_POST['type'] == 'add_sponsore') { $okey = $_POST['status']; $commission = $_POST['commission']; $mobile = $_POST['mobile']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $target_dir = dirname( dirname(__FILE__) )."/images/sponsore/"; $url = "images/sponsore/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); $chek = $evmulti->query("select * from tbl_sponsore where email='".$email."'")->num_rows; if($chek!=0) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"false","title"=>"Email Address Already Used!!","message"=>"Upload Problem!!","action"=>"add_sponsore.php"); } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table="tbl_sponsore"; $field_values=array("img","status","title","mobile","email","password","commission"); $data_values=array("$url","$okey","$title","$mobile","$email","$password","$commission"); $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiinsertdata($field_values,$data_values,$table); if($check == 1) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"true","title"=>"Organizer Add Successfully!!","message"=>"Organizer section!","action"=>"list_sponsore.php"); } else { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"false","title"=>"For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!","message"=>"Operation DISABLED!!","action"=>"add_sponsore.php"); } } } else if($_POST['type'] == 'edit_sponsore') { $okey = $_POST['status']; $commission = $_POST['commission']; $mobile = $_POST['mobile']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; $id = $_POST['id']; $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $target_dir = dirname( dirname(__FILE__) )."/images/sponsore/"; $url = "images/sponsore/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); $chek = $evmulti->query("select * from tbl_sponsore where email='".$email."' and id!=".$id."")->num_rows; if($chek!=0) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"false","title"=>"Email Address Already Used!!","message"=>"Upload Problem!!","action"=>"add_sponsore.php"); } else { if($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] != '') { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table="tbl_sponsore"; $field = array('status'=>$okey,'img'=>$url,'title'=>$title,'mobile'=>$mobile,'email'=>$email,'password'=>$password,'commission'=>$commission); $where = "where id=".$id.""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field,$table,$where); if($check == 1) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"true","title"=>"Organizer Update Successfully!!","message"=>"Organizer section!","action"=>"list_sponsore.php"); } else { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"false","title"=>"For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!","message"=>"Operation DISABLED!!","action"=>"add_sponsore.php?id=".$id.""); } } else { $table="tbl_sponsore"; $field = array('status'=>$okey,'title'=>$title,'mobile'=>$mobile,'email'=>$email,'password'=>$password,'commission'=>$commission); $where = "where id=".$id.""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field,$table,$where); if($check == 1) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"true","title"=>"Organizer Update Successfully!!","message"=>"Organizer section!","action"=>"list_sponsore.php"); } else { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"false","title"=>"For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!","message"=>"Operation DISABLED!!","action"=>"add_sponsore.php?id=".$id.""); } } } } else if($_POST['type'] == 'edit_ownprofile') { $mobile = $_POST['mobile']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; $id = $sdata['id']; $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $target_dir = dirname( dirname(__FILE__) )."/images/sponsore/"; $url = "images/sponsore/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); $chek = $evmulti->query("select * from tbl_sponsore where email='".$email."' and id!=".$id."")->num_rows; if($chek!=0) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"false","title"=>"Email Address Already Used!!","message"=>"Upload Problem!!","action"=>"oprofile.php"); } else { if($_FILES["cat_img"]["name"] != '') { move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table="tbl_sponsore"; $field = array('img'=>$url,'title'=>$title,'mobile'=>$mobile,'email'=>$email,'password'=>$password); $where = "where id=".$id.""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field,$table,$where); if($check == 1) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"true","title"=>"Profile Update Successfully!!","message"=>"Profile section!","action"=>"oprofile.php"); } else { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"false","title"=>"For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!","message"=>"Operation DISABLED!!","action"=>"oprofile.php"); } } else { $table="tbl_sponsore"; $field = array('title'=>$title,'mobile'=>$mobile,'email'=>$email,'password'=>$password); $where = "where id=".$id.""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field,$table,$where); if($check == 1) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"true","title"=>"Profile Update Successfully!!","message"=>"Profile section!","action"=>"oprofile.php"); } else { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"false","title"=>"For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!","message"=>"Operation DISABLED!!","action"=>"oprofile.php"); } } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_facility") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["title"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/facility/"; $url = "images/facility/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_facility"; $field_values = ["img", "status", "title"]; $data_values = ["$url", "$okey", "$title"]; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiinsertdata($field_values, $data_values, $table); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Facility Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Facility section!", "action" => "list_facility.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_facility.php", ]; } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_facility") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["title"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . 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"", ]; } } else { $table = "tbl_facility"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Facility Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Facility section!", "action" => "list_category.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_facility.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "add_restriction") { $okey = $_POST["status"]; $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["title"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/restriction/"; $url = "images/restriction/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . 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"", ]; } } else { $table = "tbl_restriction"; $field = ["status" => $okey, "title" => $title]; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Restriction Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Restriction section!", "action" => "list_restriction.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_restriction.php?id=" . $id . 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"." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["coupon_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "tbl_coupon"; $field_values = [ "expire_date", "status", "title", "sponsore_id", "coupon_code", "min_amt", "coupon_val", "description", "subtitle", "coupon_img", ]; $data_values = [ "$expire_date", "$status", "$title", "$sponsore_id", "$coupon_code", "$min_amt", "$coupon_val", "$description", "$subtitle", "$url", ]; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiinsertdata($field_values, $data_values, $table); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Coupon Add Successfully!!", "message" => "Coupon section!", "action" => "list_coupon.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_coupon.php", ]; } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "edit_coupon") { $expire_date = $_POST["expire_date"]; $sponsore_id = $sdata["id"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $status = $_POST["status"]; $coupon_code = $_POST["coupon_code"]; $min_amt = $_POST["min_amt"]; $coupon_val = $_POST["coupon_val"]; $description = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["description"]); $title = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["title"]); $subtitle = $evmulti->real_escape_string($_POST["subtitle"]); $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/coupon/"; $url = "images/coupon/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["coupon_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); if ($_FILES["coupon_img"]["name"] != "") { move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["coupon_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file ); $table = "tbl_coupon"; $field = [ "status" => $status, "coupon_img" => $url, "title" => $title, "coupon_code" => $coupon_code, "min_amt" => $min_amt, "coupon_val" => $coupon_val, "description" => $description, "subtitle" => $subtitle, "expire_date" => $expire_date, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . " and sponsore_id=" . $sponsore_id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Coupon Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Coupon section!", "action" => "list_coupon.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_coupon.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } else { $table = "tbl_coupon"; $field = [ "status" => $status, "title" => $title, "coupon_code" => $coupon_code, "min_amt" => $min_amt, "coupon_val" => $coupon_val, "description" => $description, "subtitle" => $subtitle, "expire_date" => $expire_date, ]; $where = "where id=" . $id . " and sponsore_id=" . $sponsore_id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Coupon Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Coupon section!", "action" => "list_coupon.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "add_coupon.php?id=" . $id . "", ]; } } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "update_status") { $id = $_POST["id"]; $status = $_POST["status"]; $coll_type = $_POST["coll_type"]; $page_name = $_POST["page_name"]; if ($coll_type == "userstatus") { $table = "tbl_user"; $field = "status=" . $status . ""; $where = "where id=" . $id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData_single($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "User Status Change Successfully!!", "message" => "User section!", "action" => "list_user.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "list_user.php", ]; } } else if ($coll_type == "can_game") { $orag_id = $sdata["id"]; $check_owner = $evmulti->query("select * from tbl_event where sponsore_id=" . $orag_id . " and id=".$id."")->num_rows; if($check_owner != 0) { $table="tbl_event"; $field = "event_status='Cancelled'"; $where = "where id=".$id.""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData_single($field,$table,$where); $table="tbl_ticket"; $field = "ticket_type='Cancelled'"; $where = "where eid=".$id." and ticket_type='Booked'"; $h = new Event(); $h->evmultiupdateData_single($field,$table,$where); $returnArr = array( "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Event Successfully Cancelled!!", "message"=>"Event Successfully Cancelled!!", "action" => "list_event.php" ); $a = $evmulti->query("SELECT total_amt,eid,wall_amt,p_method_id,price FROM `tbl_ticket` where eid=".$id.""); while($row = $a->fetch_assoc()) { $uid = $row['uid']; if($row['p_method_id'] == 11) { } else { if($row['p_method_id'] == 3) { $total_amt = $row['wall_amt']; } else { $total_amt = $row['total_amt']+$row['wall_amt']; } $vp = $evmulti->query("select wallet from tbl_user where id=".$uid."")->fetch_assoc(); $mt = floatval($vp['wallet']) + floatval($total_amt); $table="tbl_user"; $field = array('wallet'=>"$mt"); $where = "where id=".$uid.""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData_Api($field,$table,$where); $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $game = $evmulti->query("select title from tbl_event where id=".$id."")->fetch_assoc(); $table="wallet_report"; $field_values=array("uid","message","status","amt","tdate"); $data_values=array("$uid",'Refund Amount To Wallet Which Is Used For Booking Event '.$game['title'],'Credit',"$total_amt","$timestamp"); $h = new Event(); $checks = $h->evmultiinsertdata_Api($field_values,$data_values,$table); } $udata = $evmulti->query("select name from tbl_user where id=".$uid."")->fetch_assoc(); $name = $udata['name']; $content = array( "en" => $name.', Your Joined Event #'.$id.' Has Been Cancelled.' ); $heading = array( "en" => "Event Cancelled.!!" ); $fields = array( 'app_id' => $set['one_key'], 'included_segments' => array("Active Users"), 'data' => array("event_id" =>$id,"status"=>"Cancelled"), 'filters' => array(array('field' => 'tag', 'key' => 'user_id', 'relation' => '=', 'value' => $uid)), 'contents' => $content, 'headings' => $heading ); $fields = json_encode($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://onesignal.com/api/v1/notifications"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Authorization: Basic '.$set['one_hash'])); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $title_mains = "Event Cancelled!!"; $descriptions = 'Event ID #'.$id.' Has Been Cancelled.'; $table="tbl_notification"; $field_values=array("uid","datetime","title","description"); $data_values=array("$uid","$timestamp","$title_mains","$descriptions"); $h = new Eventmania(); $h->eventinsertdata_Api($field_values,$data_values,$table); } } else { $returnArr = array( "ResponseCode" => "401", "Result" => "false", "title" =>'You are Not Owner Of This Event!!', "message" => "You are Not Owner Of This Event!!", "action" =>"list_event.php" ); } } else if ($coll_type == "com_game") { $orag_id = $sdata["id"]; $bn = $evmulti->query("select sum(`total_ticket`) as book_ticket from tbl_ticket where eid=".$id." and ticket_type!='Cancelled'")->fetch_assoc(); $bookticket = empty($bn['book_ticket']) ? 0 : $bn['book_ticket']; if($bookticket != 0) { $check_owner = $evmulti->query("select * from tbl_event where sponsore_id=" . $orag_id . " and id=".$id."")->num_rows; if($check_owner != 0) { $table="tbl_event"; $field = "event_status='Completed'"; $where = "where id=".$id.""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData_single($field,$table,$where); $table="tbl_ticket"; $field = "ticket_type='Completed'"; $where = "where eid=".$id." and ticket_type='Booked'"; $h = new Event(); $h->evmultiupdateData_single($field,$table,$where); $returnArr = array( "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title"=>"Event Successfully Completed!", "message" => "Event Successfully Completed!", "action" =>"list_event.php" ); $a = $evmulti->query("SELECT uid,id FROM `tbl_ticket` where eid=".$id." and is_verify=1"); while($row = $a->fetch_assoc()) { $uid = $row['uid']; $udata = $evmulti->query("select name from tbl_user where id=".$uid."")->fetch_assoc(); $name = $udata['name']; $content = array( "en" => $name.', Your Joined Event #'.$id.' Has Been Completed.' ); $heading = array( "en" => "Event Completed. Now Provide Review About Event!!" ); $fields = array( 'app_id' => $set['one_key'], 'included_segments' => array("Active Users"), 'data' => array("event_id" =>$id,"status"=>"Completed"), 'filters' => array(array('field' => 'tag', 'key' => 'user_id', 'relation' => '=', 'value' => $uid)), 'contents' => $content, 'headings' => $heading ); $fields = json_encode($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://onesignal.com/api/v1/notifications"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Authorization: Basic '.$set['one_hash'])); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $title_mains = "Event Completed!!"; $descriptions = 'Event ID #'.$id.' Has Been Completed.'; $table="tbl_notification"; $field_values=array("uid","datetime","title","description"); $data_values=array("$uid","$timestamp","$title_mains","$descriptions"); $h = new Eventmania(); $h->eventinsertdata_Api($field_values,$data_values,$table); } } else { $returnArr = array( "ResponseCode" => "401", "Result" => "false", "title" =>'You are Not Owner Of This Event!!', "message" => "You are Not Owner Of This Event!!", "action" =>"list_event.php" ); } } else { $returnArr = array( "ResponseCode" => "401", "Result" => "false", "title" =>'The event was not considered a complete event due to the lack of participation from anyone!!', "message" => "The event was not considered a complete event due to the lack of participation from anyone!!", "action" =>"list_event.php" ); } } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "Option Not There!!", "message" => "Error!!", "action" => "dashboard.php", ]; } } else if($_POST['type'] == 'add_payout') { $owner_id = $sdata["id"]; $amt = $_POST['amt']; $r_type = $_POST['r_type']; $acc_number = $_POST['acc_number']; $bank_name = $_POST['bank_name']; $acc_name = $_POST['acc_name']; $ifsc_code = $_POST['ifsc_code']; $upi_id = $_POST['upi_id']; $paypal_id = $_POST['paypal_id']; $total_earn = $evmulti->query("select sum((subtotal-cou_amt) - ((subtotal-cou_amt) * commission/100)) as total_amt from tbl_ticket where sponsore_id=".$sdata["id"]." and ticket_type ='Completed'")->fetch_assoc(); $earn = empty($total_earn['total_amt']) ? 0 : number_format((float)($total_earn['total_amt']), 2, '.', ''); $total_payout = $evmulti->query("select sum(amt) as total_payout from payout_setting where owner_id=".$sdata["id"]."")->fetch_assoc(); $payout = empty($total_payout['total_payout']) ? 0 : number_format((float)($total_payout['total_payout']), 2, '.', ''); $bs = 0; if($finalearn == 0){}else {$bs = number_format((float)($earn)- $payout, 2, '.', ''); } if(floatval($amt) > floatval($set['pstore'])) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"401","Result"=>"false","title"=>"You can't Payout Above Your Payout Limit!","message"=>"Payout Problem!!","action"=>"add_payout.php"); } else if(floatval($amt) > floatval($bs)) { $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"401","Result"=>"false","title"=>"You can't Payout Above Your Earning!","message"=>"Payout Problem!!","action"=>"add_payout.php"); } else { $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $table="payout_setting"; $field_values=array("owner_id","amt","status","r_date","r_type","acc_number","bank_name","acc_name","ifsc_code","upi_id","paypal_id"); $data_values=array("$owner_id","$amt","pending","$timestamp","$r_type","$acc_number","$bank_name","$acc_name","$ifsc_code","$upi_id","$paypal_id"); $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiinsertdata_Api($field_values,$data_values,$table); $returnArr = array("ResponseCode"=>"200","Result"=>"true","title"=>"Payout Request Submit Successfully!!","message"=>"Payout Submitted!!","action"=>"add_payout.php"); } } elseif ($_POST["type"] == "com_payout") { $payout_id = $_POST["payout_id"]; $target_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/images/proof/"; $url = "images/proof/"; $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["cat_img"]["name"]); $newfilename = round(microtime(true)) . "." . end($temp); $target_file = $target_dir . basename($newfilename); $url = $url . basename($newfilename); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["cat_img"]["tmp_name"], $target_file); $table = "payout_setting"; $field = ["proof" => $url, "status" => "completed"]; $where = "where id=" . $payout_id . ""; $h = new Event(); $check = $h->evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where); if ($check == 1) { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "true", "title" => "Payout Update Successfully!!", "message" => "Payout section!", "action" => "list_payout.php", ]; } else { $returnArr = [ "ResponseCode" => "200", "Result" => "false", "title" => "For Demo purpose all Insert/Update/Delete are DISABLED !!", "message" => "Operation DISABLED!!", "action" => "list_payout.php", ]; } } } echo json_encode($returnArr);