query($q)->num_rows; } else { $q = "select * from " . $tblname . " where email='" . $username . "' and password='" . $password . "'"; return $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->query($q)->num_rows; } } protected function evmultiinsertdata($field, $data, $table) { $field_values = implode(",", $field); $data_values = implode("','", $data); $sql = "INSERT INTO $table($field_values)VALUES('$data_values')"; $result = $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->query($sql); return $result; } protected function str_replace_first($search, $replace, $subject) { $search = "/" . preg_quote($search, "/") . "/"; return preg_replace($search, $replace, $subject, 1); } protected function evmultizoneinsertdata($field, $data, $table) { $field_values = implode(",", $field); $data_values = implode("','", $data); $data_values = $this->str_replace_first("','", ",'", $data_values) . "'"; $sql = "INSERT INTO $table($field_values)VALUES($data_values)"; $result = $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->query($sql); return $result; } protected function insmulti($field, $data, $table) { $field_values = implode(",", $field); $data_values = implode("','", $data); $sql = "INSERT INTO $table($field_values)VALUES('$data_values')"; $result = $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->multi_query($sql); return $result; } protected function evmultiupdateData($field, $table, $where) { $cols = []; foreach ($field as $key => $val) { if ($val != null) { // check if value is not null then only add that colunm to array $cols[] = "$key = '$val'"; } } $sql = "UPDATE $table SET " . implode(", ", $cols) . " $where"; return $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->query($sql); } protected function evmultiupdateDatanullApi($field, $table, $where) { $cols = []; foreach ($field as $key => $val) { if ($val != null) { // check if value is not null then only add that colunm to array $cols[] = "$key = '$val'"; } else { $cols[] = "$key = NULL"; } } $sql = "UPDATE $table SET " . implode(", ", $cols) . " $where"; $result = $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->query($sql); return $result; } protected function evmultizoneupdateData($field, $table, $where) { $cols = []; foreach ($field as $key => $val) { if ($val != null) { // check if value is not null then only add that colunm to array if ($key == "coordinates") { $cols[] = "$key = $val"; } else { $cols[] = "$key = '$val'"; } } } $sql = "UPDATE $table SET " . implode(", ", $cols) . " $where"; $result = $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->query($sql); return $result; } protected function evmultiupdateDatasingle($field, $table, $where) { $query = "UPDATE $table SET $field"; $sql = $query . " " . $where; $result = $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->query($sql); return $result; } protected function evmultiDeleteData($where, $table) { $sql = "Delete From $table $where"; $result = $GLOBALS["evmulti"]->query($sql); return $result; } }