// gets clock hands and puts them into constants const HOURHAND = document.querySelector("#hour"); const MINUTEHAND = document.querySelector("#minute"); const SECONDHAND = document.querySelector("#second"); // gets the current time and adds hours / mins / secs to individual let varriables var date = new Date(); let hr = date.getHours(); let min = date.getMinutes(); let sec = date.getSeconds(); // converts current time into degrees of the 360 degree clock // the calculation on hr & min incriments the clock smootly instead of jumping from minuite to minuite or hour to hour it is percentages of a minuite / hour respectivly let hrPosition = (hr*360/12)+(min*(360/60)/12); let minPosition = (min*360/60)+(sec*(360/60)/60); let secPosition = sec*360/60; // function that sets clock to current time and adds a second to it every time it is called function runClock(){ // adds degrees in an hour divide by seconds in an hour to previous time hrPosition += (30/3600); // adds degrees in a minuite divide by seconds in an minuite to previous time minPosition += (6/60); // adds degrees in a second to previous time secPosition += 6; // position clock hands to degrees values calculated above using transfrom rotate HOURHAND.style.transform = "rotate(" + hrPosition + "deg)"; MINUTEHAND.style.transform = "rotate(" + minPosition + "deg)"; SECONDHAND.style.transform = "rotate(" + secPosition + "deg)"; } // intival that automates the clock by calling the runClock function every second var interval = setInterval(runClock, 1000);