require([ 'echarts' ], function (echarts) { var chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('area-echart'), null, { }); var sampling = 'none'; chart.setOption({ title : { text: 'Rainfall Flow diagram', x: 'center' }, tooltip : { trigger: 'axis', formatter: function(params) { return params[0].name + '
' + ( params[0] ? params[0].seriesName + ' : ' + params[0].value + ' (m^3/s)
' : '' ) + ( params[1] ? params[1].seriesName + ' : ' + -params[1].value + ' (mm)' : '' ); }, axisPointer: { animation: false } }, legend: { data:['Flow','Rainfall'], x: 'left' }, toolbox: { show : true, feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, magicType : {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar']}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, dataZoom: [ { show: true, realtime: true, start: 0, end: 100 }, { type: 'inside', show: true, realtime: true, start: 0, end: 100 } ], xAxis : [ { type : 'category', boundaryGap : false, axisLine: {onZero: false}, data : [ '2009/6/12 2:00', '2009/6/12 3:00', '2009/6/12 4:00', '2009/6/12 5:00', '2009/6/12 6:00', '2009/6/12 7:00', '2009/6/12 8:00', '2009/6/12 9:00', '2009/6/12 10:00', '2009/6/12 11:00', '2009/6/12 12:00', '2009/6/12 13:00', '2009/6/12 14:00', '2009/6/12 15:00', '2009/6/12 16:00', '2009/6/12 17:00', '2009/6/12 18:00', '2009/6/12 19:00', '2009/6/12 20:00', '2009/6/12 21:00', '2009/6/12 22:00', '2009/6/12 23:00', '2009/6/13 0:00', '2009/6/13 1:00', '2009/6/13 2:00', '2009/6/13 3:00', '2009/6/13 4:00', '2009/6/13 5:00', '2009/6/13 6:00', '2009/6/13 7:00', '2009/6/13 8:00', '2009/6/13 9:00', '2009/6/13 10:00', '2009/6/13 11:00', '2009/6/13 12:00', '2009/6/13 13:00', '2009/6/13 14:00', '2009/6/13 15:00', '2009/6/13 16:00', '2009/6/13 17:00', '2009/6/13 18:00', '2009/6/13 19:00', '2009/6/13 20:00', '2009/6/13 21:00', '2009/6/13 22:00', '2009/6/13 23:00', '2009/6/14 0:00', '2009/6/14 1:00', '2009/6/14 2:00', '2009/6/14 3:00', '2009/6/14 4:00', '2009/6/14 5:00', '2009/6/14 6:00', '2009/6/14 7:00', '2009/6/14 8:00', '2009/6/14 9:00', '2009/6/14 10:00', '2009/6/14 11:00', '2009/6/14 12:00', '2009/6/14 13:00', '2009/6/14 14:00', '2009/6/14 15:00', '2009/6/14 16:00', '2009/6/14 17:00', '2009/6/14 18:00', '2009/6/14 19:00', '2009/6/14 20:00', '2009/6/14 21:00', '2009/6/14 22:00', '2009/6/14 23:00', '2009/6/15 0:00', '2009/6/15 1:00', '2009/6/15 2:00', '2009/6/15 3:00', '2009/6/15 4:00', '2009/6/15 5:00', '2009/6/15 6:00', '2009/6/15 7:00', '2009/6/15 8:00', '2009/6/15 9:00', '2009/6/15 10:00', '2009/6/15 11:00', '2009/6/15 12:00', '2009/6/15 13:00', '2009/6/15 14:00', '2009/6/15 15:00', '2009/6/15 16:00', '2009/6/15 17:00', '2009/6/15 18:00', '2009/6/15 19:00', '2009/6/15 20:00', '2009/6/15 21:00', '2009/6/15 22:00', '2009/6/15 23:00', '2009/6/15 0:00', '2009/6/16 1:00', '2009/6/16 2:00', '2009/6/16 3:00', '2009/6/16 4:00', '2009/6/16 5:00', '2009/6/16 6:00', '2009/6/16 7:00', '2009/6/16 8:00', '2009/6/16 9:00', '2009/6/16 10:00', '2009/6/16 11:00', '2009/6/16 12:00', '2009/6/16 13:00', '2009/6/16 14:00', '2009/6/16 15:00', '2009/6/16 16:00', '2009/6/16 17:00', '2009/6/16 18:00', '2009/6/16 19:00', '2009/6/16 20:00', '2009/6/16 21:00', '2009/6/16 22:00', '2009/6/16 23:00', '2009/6/15 0:00', '2009/6/17 1:00', '2009/6/17 2:00', '2009/6/17 3:00', '2009/6/17 4:00', '2009/6/17 5:00', '2009/6/17 6:00', '2009/6/17 7:00', '2009/6/17 8:00', '2009/6/17 9:00', '2009/6/17 10:00', '2009/6/17 11:00', '2009/6/17 12:00', '2009/6/17 13:00', '2009/6/17 14:00', '2009/6/17 15:00', '2009/6/17 16:00', '2009/6/17 17:00', '2009/6/17 18:00', '2009/6/17 19:00', '2009/6/17 20:00', '2009/6/17 21:00', '2009/6/17 22:00', '2009/6/17 23:00', '2009/6/18 0:00', '2009/6/18 1:00', '2009/6/18 2:00', '2009/6/18 3:00', '2009/6/18 4:00', '2009/6/18 5:00', '2009/6/18 6:00', '2009/6/18 7:00', '2009/6/18 8:00', '2009/6/18 9:00', '2009/6/18 10:00', '2009/6/18 11:00', '2009/6/18 12:00', '2009/6/18 13:00', '2009/6/18 14:00', '2009/6/18 15:00', '2009/6/18 16:00', '2009/6/18 17:00', '2009/6/18 18:00', '2009/6/18 19:00', '2009/6/18 20:00', '2009/6/18 21:00', '2009/6/18 22:00', '2009/6/18 23:00', '2009/6/15 0:00', '2009/6/19 1:00', '2009/6/19 2:00', '2009/6/19 3:00', '2009/6/19 4:00', '2009/6/19 5:00', '2009/6/19 6:00', '2009/6/19 7:00', '2009/6/19 8:00', '2009/6/19 9:00', '2009/6/19 10:00', '2009/6/19 11:00', '2009/6/19 12:00', '2009/6/19 13:00', '2009/6/19 14:00', '2009/6/19 15:00', '2009/6/19 16:00', '2009/6/19 17:00', '2009/6/19 18:00', '2009/6/19 19:00', '2009/6/19 20:00', '2009/6/19 21:00', '2009/6/19 22:00', '2009/6/19 23:00', '2009/6/20 0:00', '2009/6/20 1:00', '2009/6/20 2:00', '2009/6/20 3:00', '2009/6/20 4:00', '2009/6/20 5:00', '2009/6/20 6:00', '2009/6/20 7:00', '2009/6/20 8:00', '2009/6/20 9:00', '2009/6/20 10:00', '2009/6/20 11:00', '2009/6/20 12:00', '2009/6/20 13:00', '2009/6/20 14:00', '2009/6/20 15:00', '2009/6/20 16:00', '2009/6/20 17:00', '2009/6/20 18:00', '2009/6/20 19:00', '2009/6/20 20:00', '2009/6/20 21:00', '2009/6/20 22:00', '2009/6/20 23:00', '2009/6/21 0:00', '2009/6/21 1:00', '2009/6/21 2:00', '2009/6/21 3:00', '2009/6/21 4:00', '2009/6/21 5:00', '2009/6/21 6:00', '2009/6/21 7:00', '2009/6/21 8:00', '2009/6/21 9:00', '2009/6/21 10:00', '2009/6/21 11:00', '2009/6/21 12:00', '2009/6/21 13:00', '2009/6/21 14:00', '2009/6/21 15:00', '2009/6/21 16:00', '2009/6/21 17:00', '2009/6/21 18:00', '2009/6/21 19:00', '2009/6/21 20:00', '2009/6/21 21:00', '2009/6/21 22:00', '2009/6/21 23:00', '2009/6/22 0:00', '2009/6/22 1:00', '2009/6/22 2:00', '2009/6/22 3:00', '2009/6/22 4:00', '2009/6/22 5:00', '2009/6/22 6:00', '2009/6/22 7:00', '2009/6/22 8:00', '2009/6/22 9:00', '2009/6/22 10:00', '2009/6/22 11:00', '2009/6/22 12:00', '2009/6/22 13:00', '2009/6/22 14:00', '2009/6/22 15:00', '2009/6/22 16:00', '2009/6/22 17:00', '2009/6/22 18:00', '2009/6/22 19:00', '2009/6/22 20:00', '2009/6/22 21:00', '2009/6/22 22:00', '2009/6/22 23:00', '2009/6/23 0:00', '2009/6/23 1:00', '2009/6/23 2:00', '2009/6/23 3:00', '2009/6/23 4:00', '2009/6/23 5:00', '2009/6/23 6:00', '2009/6/23 7:00', '2009/6/23 8:00', '2009/6/23 9:00', '2009/6/23 10:00', '2009/6/23 11:00', '2009/6/23 12:00', '2009/6/23 13:00', '2009/6/23 14:00', '2009/6/23 15:00', '2009/6/23 16:00', '2009/6/23 17:00', '2009/6/23 18:00', '2009/6/23 19:00', '2009/6/23 20:00', '2009/6/23 21:00', '2009/6/23 22:00', '2009/6/23 23:00', '2009/6/24 0:00', '2009/6/24 1:00', '2009/6/24 2:00', '2009/6/24 3:00', '2009/6/24 4:00', '2009/6/24 5:00', '2009/6/24 6:00', '2009/6/24 7:00', '2009/6/24 8:00', '2009/6/24 9:00', '2009/6/24 10:00', '2009/6/24 11:00', '2009/6/24 12:00', '2009/6/24 13:00', '2009/6/24 14:00', '2009/6/24 15:00', '2009/6/24 16:00', '2009/6/24 17:00', '2009/6/24 18:00', '2009/6/24 19:00', '2009/6/24 20:00', '2009/6/24 21:00', '2009/6/24 22:00', '2009/6/24 23:00', '2009/6/25 0:00', '2009/6/25 1:00', '2009/6/25 2:00', '2009/6/25 3:00', '2009/6/25 4:00', '2009/6/25 5:00', '2009/6/25 6:00', '2009/6/25 7:00', '2009/6/25 8:00', '2009/6/25 9:00', '2009/6/25 10:00', '2009/6/25 11:00', '2009/6/25 12:00', '2009/6/25 13:00', '2009/6/25 14:00', '2009/6/25 15:00', '2009/6/25 16:00', '2009/6/25 17:00', '2009/6/25 18:00', '2009/6/25 19:00', '2009/6/25 20:00', '2009/6/25 21:00', '2009/6/25 22:00', '2009/6/25 23:00', '2009/6/26 0:00', '2009/6/26 1:00', '2009/6/26 2:00', '2009/6/26 3:00', '2009/6/26 4:00', '2009/6/26 5:00', '2009/6/26 6:00', '2009/6/26 7:00', '2009/6/26 8:00', '2009/6/26 9:00', '2009/6/26 10:00', '2009/6/26 11:00', '2009/6/26 12:00', '2009/6/26 13:00', '2009/6/26 14:00', '2009/6/26 15:00', '2009/6/26 16:00', '2009/6/26 17:00', '2009/6/26 18:00', '2009/6/26 19:00', '2009/6/26 20:00', '2009/6/26 21:00', '2009/6/26 22:00', '2009/6/26 23:00', '2009/6/27 0:00', '2009/6/27 1:00', '2009/6/27 2:00', '2009/6/27 3:00', '2009/6/27 4:00', '2009/6/27 5:00', '2009/6/27 6:00', '2009/6/27 7:00', '2009/6/27 8:00', '2009/6/27 9:00', '2009/6/27 10:00', '2009/6/27 11:00', '2009/6/27 12:00', '2009/6/27 13:00', '2009/6/27 14:00', '2009/6/27 15:00', '2009/6/27 16:00', '2009/6/27 17:00', '2009/6/27 18:00', '2009/6/27 19:00', '2009/6/27 20:00', '2009/6/27 21:00', '2009/6/27 22:00', '2009/6/27 23:00', '2009/6/28 0:00', '2009/6/28 1:00', '2009/6/28 2:00', '2009/6/28 3:00', '2009/6/28 4:00', '2009/6/28 5:00', '2009/6/28 6:00', '2009/6/28 7:00', '2009/6/28 8:00', '2009/6/28 9:00', '2009/6/28 10:00', '2009/6/28 11:00', '2009/6/28 12:00', '2009/6/28 13:00', '2009/6/28 14:00', '2009/6/28 15:00', '2009/6/28 16:00', '2009/6/28 17:00', '2009/6/28 18:00', '2009/6/28 19:00', '2009/6/28 20:00', '2009/6/28 21:00', '2009/6/28 22:00', '2009/6/28 23:00', '2009/6/29 0:00', '2009/6/29 1:00', '2009/6/29 2:00', '2009/6/29 3:00', '2009/6/29 4:00', '2009/6/29 5:00', '2009/6/29 6:00', '2009/6/29 7:00', '2009/6/29 8:00', '2009/6/29 9:00', '2009/6/29 10:00', '2009/6/29 11:00', '2009/6/29 12:00', '2009/6/29 13:00', '2009/6/29 14:00', '2009/6/29 15:00', '2009/6/29 16:00', '2009/6/29 17:00', '2009/6/29 18:00', '2009/6/29 19:00', '2009/6/29 20:00', '2009/6/29 21:00', '2009/6/29 22:00', '2009/6/29 23:00', '2009/6/30 0:00', '2009/6/30 1:00', '2009/6/30 2:00', '2009/6/30 3:00', '2009/6/30 4:00', '2009/6/30 5:00', '2009/6/30 6:00', '2009/6/30 7:00', '2009/6/30 8:00', '2009/6/30 9:00', '2009/6/30 10:00', '2009/6/30 11:00', '2009/6/30 12:00', '2009/6/30 13:00', '2009/6/30 14:00', '2009/6/30 15:00', '2009/6/30 16:00', '2009/6/30 17:00', '2009/6/30 18:00', '2009/6/30 19:00', '2009/6/30 20:00', '2009/6/30 21:00', '2009/6/30 22:00', '2009/6/30 23:00', '2009/7/1 0:00', '2009/7/1 1:00', '2009/7/1 2:00', '2009/7/1 3:00', '2009/7/1 4:00', '2009/7/1 5:00', '2009/7/1 6:00', '2009/7/1 7:00', '2009/7/1 8:00', '2009/7/1 9:00', '2009/7/1 10:00', '2009/7/1 11:00', '2009/7/1 12:00', '2009/7/1 13:00', '2009/7/1 14:00', '2009/7/1 15:00', '2009/7/1 16:00', '2009/7/1 17:00', '2009/7/1 18:00', '2009/7/1 19:00', '2009/7/1 20:00', '2009/7/1 21:00', '2009/7/1 22:00', '2009/7/1 23:00', '2009/7/2 0:00', '2009/7/2 1:00', '2009/7/2 2:00', '2009/7/2 3:00', '2009/7/2 4:00', '2009/7/2 5:00', '2009/7/2 6:00', '2009/7/2 7:00', '2009/7/2 8:00', '2009/7/2 9:00', '2009/7/2 10:00', '2009/7/2 11:00', '2009/7/2 12:00', '2009/7/2 13:00', '2009/7/2 14:00', '2009/7/2 15:00', '2009/7/2 16:00', '2009/7/2 17:00', '2009/7/2 18:00', '2009/7/2 19:00', '2009/7/2 20:00', '2009/7/2 21:00', '2009/7/2 22:00', '2009/7/2 23:00', '2009/7/3 0:00', '2009/7/3 1:00', '2009/7/3 2:00', '2009/7/3 3:00', '2009/7/3 4:00', '2009/7/3 5:00', '2009/7/3 6:00', '2009/7/3 7:00', '2009/7/3 8:00', '2009/7/3 9:00', '2009/7/3 10:00', '2009/7/3 11:00', '2009/7/3 12:00', '2009/7/3 13:00', '2009/7/3 14:00', '2009/7/3 15:00', '2009/7/3 16:00', '2009/7/3 17:00', '2009/7/3 18:00', '2009/7/3 19:00', '2009/7/3 20:00', '2009/7/3 21:00', '2009/7/3 22:00', '2009/7/3 23:00', '2009/7/4 0:00', '2009/7/4 1:00', '2009/7/4 2:00', '2009/7/4 3:00', '2009/7/4 4:00', '2009/7/4 5:00', '2009/7/4 6:00', '2009/7/4 7:00', '2009/7/4 8:00', '2009/7/4 9:00', '2009/7/4 10:00', '2009/7/4 11:00', '2009/7/4 12:00', '2009/7/4 13:00', '2009/7/4 14:00', '2009/7/4 15:00', '2009/7/4 16:00', '2009/7/4 17:00', '2009/7/4 18:00', '2009/7/4 19:00', '2009/7/4 20:00', '2009/7/4 21:00', '2009/7/4 22:00', '2009/7/4 23:00', '2009/7/5 0:00', '2009/7/5 1:00', '2009/7/5 2:00', '2009/7/5 3:00', '2009/7/5 4:00', '2009/7/5 5:00', '2009/7/5 6:00', '2009/7/5 7:00', '2009/7/5 8:00', '2009/7/5 9:00', '2009/7/5 10:00', '2009/7/5 11:00', '2009/7/5 12:00', '2009/7/5 13:00', '2009/7/5 14:00', '2009/7/5 15:00', '2009/7/5 16:00', '2009/7/5 17:00', '2009/7/5 18:00', '2009/7/5 19:00', '2009/7/5 20:00', '2009/7/5 21:00', '2009/7/5 22:00', '2009/7/5 23:00', '2009/7/6 0:00', '2009/7/6 1:00', '2009/7/6 2:00', '2009/7/6 3:00', '2009/7/6 4:00', '2009/7/6 5:00', '2009/7/6 6:00', '2009/7/6 7:00', '2009/7/6 8:00', '2009/7/6 9:00', '2009/7/6 10:00', '2009/7/6 11:00', '2009/7/6 12:00', '2009/7/6 13:00', '2009/7/6 14:00', '2009/7/6 15:00', '2009/7/6 16:00', '2009/7/6 17:00', '2009/7/6 18:00', '2009/7/6 19:00', '2009/7/6 20:00', '2009/7/6 21:00', '2009/7/6 22:00', '2009/7/6 23:00', '2009/7/7 0:00', '2009/7/7 1:00', '2009/7/7 2:00', '2009/7/7 3:00', '2009/7/7 4:00', '2009/7/7 5:00', '2009/7/7 6:00', '2009/7/7 7:00', '2009/7/7 8:00', '2009/7/7 9:00', '2009/7/7 10:00', '2009/7/7 11:00', '2009/7/7 12:00', '2009/7/7 13:00', '2009/7/7 14:00', '2009/7/7 15:00', '2009/7/7 16:00', '2009/7/7 17:00', '2009/7/7 18:00', '2009/7/7 19:00', '2009/7/7 20:00', '2009/7/7 21:00', '2009/7/7 22:00', '2009/7/7 23:00', '2009/7/8 0:00', '2009/7/8 1:00', '2009/7/8 2:00', '2009/7/8 3:00', '2009/7/8 4:00', '2009/7/8 5:00', '2009/7/8 6:00', '2009/7/8 7:00', '2009/7/8 8:00', '2009/7/8 9:00', '2009/7/8 10:00', '2009/7/8 11:00', '2009/7/8 12:00', '2009/7/8 13:00', '2009/7/8 14:00', '2009/7/8 15:00', '2009/7/8 16:00', '2009/7/8 17:00', '2009/7/8 18:00', '2009/7/8 19:00', '2009/7/8 20:00', '2009/7/8 21:00', '2009/7/8 22:00', '2009/7/8 23:00', '2009/7/9 0:00', '2009/7/9 1:00', '2009/7/9 2:00', '2009/7/9 3:00', '2009/7/9 4:00', '2009/7/9 5:00', '2009/7/9 6:00', '2009/7/9 7:00', '2009/7/9 8:00', '2009/7/9 9:00', '2009/7/9 10:00', '2009/7/9 11:00', '2009/7/9 12:00', '2009/7/9 13:00', '2009/7/9 14:00', '2009/7/9 15:00', '2009/7/9 16:00', '2009/7/9 17:00', '2009/7/9 18:00', '2009/7/9 19:00', '2009/7/9 20:00', '2009/7/9 21:00', '2009/7/9 22:00', '2009/7/9 23:00', '2009/7/10 0:00', '2009/7/10 1:00', '2009/7/10 2:00', '2009/7/10 3:00', '2009/7/10 4:00', '2009/7/10 5:00', '2009/7/10 6:00', '2009/7/10 7:00', '2009/7/10 8:00', '2009/7/10 9:00', '2009/7/10 10:00', '2009/7/10 11:00', '2009/7/10 12:00', '2009/7/10 13:00', '2009/7/10 14:00', '2009/7/10 15:00', '2009/7/10 16:00', '2009/7/10 17:00', '2009/7/10 18:00', '2009/7/10 19:00', '2009/7/10 20:00', '2009/7/10 21:00', '2009/7/10 22:00', '2009/7/10 23:00', '2009/7/11 0:00', '2009/7/11 1:00', '2009/7/11 2:00', '2009/7/11 3:00', '2009/7/11 4:00', '2009/7/11 5:00', '2009/7/11 6:00', '2009/7/11 7:00', '2009/7/11 8:00', '2009/7/11 9:00', '2009/7/11 10:00', '2009/7/11 11:00', '2009/7/11 12:00', '2009/7/11 13:00', '2009/7/11 14:00', '2009/7/11 15:00', '2009/7/11 16:00', '2009/7/11 17:00', '2009/7/11 18:00', '2009/7/11 19:00', '2009/7/11 20:00', '2009/7/11 21:00', '2009/7/11 22:00', '2009/7/11 23:00', '2009/7/12 0:00', '2009/7/12 1:00', '2009/7/12 2:00', '2009/7/12 3:00', '2009/7/12 4:00', '2009/7/12 5:00', '2009/7/12 6:00', '2009/7/12 7:00', '2009/7/12 8:00', '2009/7/12 9:00', '2009/7/12 10:00', '2009/7/12 11:00', '2009/7/12 12:00', '2009/7/12 13:00', '2009/7/12 14:00', '2009/7/12 15:00', '2009/7/12 16:00', '2009/7/12 17:00', '2009/7/12 18:00', '2009/7/12 19:00', '2009/7/12 20:00', '2009/7/12 21:00', '2009/7/12 22:00', '2009/7/12 23:00', '2009/7/13 0:00', '2009/7/13 1:00', '2009/7/13 2:00', '2009/7/13 3:00', '2009/7/13 4:00', '2009/7/13 5:00', '2009/7/13 6:00', '2009/7/13 7:00', '2009/7/13 8:00', '2009/7/13 9:00', '2009/7/13 10:00', '2009/7/13 11:00', '2009/7/13 12:00', '2009/7/13 13:00', '2009/7/13 14:00', '2009/7/13 15:00', '2009/7/13 16:00', '2009/7/13 17:00', '2009/7/13 18:00', '2009/7/13 19:00', '2009/7/13 20:00', '2009/7/13 21:00', '2009/7/13 22:00', '2009/7/13 23:00', '2009/7/14 0:00', '2009/7/14 1:00', '2009/7/14 2:00', '2009/7/14 3:00', '2009/7/14 4:00', '2009/7/14 5:00', '2009/7/14 6:00', '2009/7/14 7:00', '2009/7/14 8:00', '2009/7/14 9:00', '2009/7/14 10:00', '2009/7/14 11:00', '2009/7/14 12:00', '2009/7/14 13:00', '2009/7/14 14:00', '2009/7/14 15:00', '2009/7/14 16:00', '2009/7/14 17:00', '2009/7/14 18:00', '2009/7/14 19:00', '2009/7/14 20:00', '2009/7/14 21:00', '2009/7/14 22:00', '2009/7/14 23:00', '2009/7/15 0:00', '2009/7/15 1:00', '2009/7/15 2:00', '2009/7/15 3:00', '2009/7/15 4:00', '2009/7/15 5:00', '2009/7/15 6:00', '2009/7/15 7:00', '2009/7/15 8:00', '2009/7/15 9:00', '2009/7/15 10:00', '2009/7/15 11:00', '2009/7/15 12:00', '2009/7/15 13:00', '2009/7/15 14:00', '2009/7/15 15:00', '2009/7/15 16:00', '2009/7/15 17:00', '2009/7/15 18:00', '2009/7/15 19:00', '2009/7/15 20:00', '2009/7/15 21:00', '2009/7/15 22:00', '2009/7/15 23:00', '2009/7/16 0:00', '2009/7/16 1:00', '2009/7/16 2:00', '2009/7/16 3:00', '2009/7/16 4:00', '2009/7/16 5:00', '2009/7/16 6:00', '2009/7/16 7:00', '2009/7/16 8:00', '2009/7/16 9:00', '2009/7/16 10:00', '2009/7/16 11:00', '2009/7/16 12:00', '2009/7/16 13:00', '2009/7/16 14:00', '2009/7/16 15:00', '2009/7/16 16:00', '2009/7/16 17:00', '2009/7/16 18:00', '2009/7/16 19:00', '2009/7/16 20:00', '2009/7/16 21:00', '2009/7/16 22:00', '2009/7/16 23:00', '2009/7/17 0:00', '2009/7/17 1:00', '2009/7/17 2:00', '2009/7/17 3:00', '2009/7/17 4:00', '2009/7/17 5:00', '2009/7/17 6:00', '2009/7/17 7:00', '2009/7/17 8:00', '2009/7/17 9:00', '2009/7/17 10:00', '2009/7/17 11:00', '2009/7/17 12:00', '2009/7/17 13:00', '2009/7/17 14:00', '2009/7/17 15:00', '2009/7/17 16:00', '2009/7/17 17:00', '2009/7/17 18:00', '2009/7/17 19:00', '2009/7/17 20:00', '2009/7/17 21:00', '2009/7/17 22:00', '2009/7/17 23:00', '2009/7/18 0:00', '2009/7/18 1:00', '2009/7/18 2:00', '2009/7/18 3:00', '2009/7/18 4:00', '2009/7/18 5:00', '2009/7/18 6:00', '2009/7/18 7:00', '2009/7/18 8:00', '2009/7/18 9:00', '2009/7/18 10:00', '2009/7/18 11:00', '2009/7/18 12:00', '2009/7/18 13:00', '2009/7/18 14:00', '2009/7/18 15:00', '2009/7/18 16:00', '2009/7/18 17:00', '2009/7/18 18:00', '2009/7/18 19:00', '2009/7/18 20:00', '2009/7/18 21:00', '2009/7/18 22:00', '2009/7/18 23:00', '2009/7/19 0:00', '2009/7/19 1:00', '2009/7/19 2:00', '2009/7/19 3:00', '2009/7/19 4:00', '2009/7/19 5:00', '2009/7/19 6:00', '2009/7/19 7:00', '2009/7/19 8:00', '2009/7/19 9:00', '2009/7/19 10:00', '2009/7/19 11:00', '2009/7/19 12:00', '2009/7/19 13:00', '2009/7/19 14:00', '2009/7/19 15:00', '2009/7/19 16:00', '2009/7/19 17:00', '2009/7/19 18:00', '2009/7/19 19:00', '2009/7/19 20:00', '2009/7/19 21:00', '2009/7/19 22:00', '2009/7/19 23:00', '2009/7/20 0:00', '2009/7/20 1:00', '2009/7/20 2:00', '2009/7/20 3:00', '2009/7/20 4:00', '2009/7/20 5:00', '2009/7/20 6:00', '2009/7/20 7:00', '2009/7/20 8:00', '2009/7/20 9:00', '2009/7/20 10:00', '2009/7/20 11:00', '2009/7/20 12:00', '2009/7/20 13:00', '2009/7/20 14:00', '2009/7/20 15:00', '2009/7/20 16:00', '2009/7/20 17:00', '2009/7/20 18:00', '2009/7/20 19:00', '2009/7/20 20:00', '2009/7/20 21:00', '2009/7/20 22:00', '2009/7/20 23:00', '2009/7/21 0:00', '2009/7/21 1:00', '2009/7/21 2:00', '2009/7/21 3:00', '2009/7/21 4:00', '2009/7/21 5:00', '2009/7/21 6:00', '2009/7/21 7:00', '2009/7/21 8:00', '2009/7/21 9:00', '2009/7/21 10:00', '2009/7/21 11:00', '2009/7/21 12:00', '2009/7/21 13:00', '2009/7/21 14:00', '2009/7/21 15:00', '2009/7/21 16:00', '2009/7/21 17:00', '2009/7/21 18:00', '2009/7/21 19:00', '2009/7/21 20:00', '2009/7/21 21:00', '2009/7/21 22:00', '2009/7/21 23:00', '2009/7/22 0:00', '2009/7/22 1:00', '2009/7/22 2:00', '2009/7/22 3:00', '2009/7/22 4:00', '2009/7/22 5:00', '2009/7/22 6:00', '2009/7/22 7:00', '2009/7/22 8:00', '2009/7/22 9:00', '2009/7/22 10:00', '2009/7/22 11:00', '2009/7/22 12:00', '2009/7/22 13:00', '2009/7/22 14:00', '2009/7/22 15:00', '2009/7/22 16:00', '2009/7/22 17:00', '2009/7/22 18:00', '2009/7/22 19:00', '2009/7/22 20:00', '2009/7/22 21:00', '2009/7/22 22:00', '2009/7/22 23:00', '2009/7/23 0:00', '2009/7/23 1:00', '2009/7/23 2:00', '2009/7/23 3:00', '2009/7/23 4:00', '2009/7/23 5:00', '2009/7/23 6:00', '2009/7/23 7:00', '2009/7/23 8:00', '2009/7/23 9:00', '2009/7/23 10:00', '2009/7/23 11:00', '2009/7/23 12:00', '2009/7/23 13:00', '2009/7/23 14:00', '2009/7/23 15:00', '2009/7/23 16:00', '2009/7/23 17:00', '2009/7/23 18:00', '2009/7/23 19:00', '2009/7/23 20:00', '2009/7/23 21:00', '2009/7/23 22:00', '2009/7/23 23:00', '2009/7/24 0:00', '2009/7/24 1:00', '2009/7/24 2:00', '2009/7/24 3:00', '2009/7/24 4:00', '2009/7/24 5:00', '2009/7/24 6:00', '2009/7/24 7:00', '2009/7/24 8:00', '2009/7/24 9:00', '2009/7/24 10:00', '2009/7/24 11:00', '2009/7/24 12:00', '2009/7/24 13:00', '2009/7/24 14:00', '2009/7/24 15:00', '2009/7/24 16:00', '2009/7/24 17:00', '2009/7/24 18:00', '2009/7/24 19:00', '2009/7/24 20:00', '2009/7/24 21:00', '2009/7/24 22:00', '2009/7/24 23:00', '2009/7/25 0:00', '2009/7/25 1:00', '2009/7/25 2:00', '2009/7/25 3:00', '2009/7/25 4:00', '2009/7/25 5:00', '2009/7/25 6:00', '2009/7/25 7:00', '2009/7/25 8:00', '2009/7/25 9:00', '2009/7/25 10:00', '2009/7/25 11:00', '2009/7/25 12:00', '2009/7/25 13:00', '2009/7/25 14:00', '2009/7/25 15:00', '2009/7/25 16:00', '2009/7/25 17:00', '2009/7/25 18:00', '2009/7/25 19:00', '2009/7/25 20:00', '2009/7/25 21:00', '2009/7/25 22:00', '2009/7/25 23:00', '2009/7/26 0:00', '2009/7/26 1:00', '2009/7/26 2:00', '2009/7/26 3:00', '2009/7/26 4:00', '2009/7/26 5:00', '2009/7/26 6:00', '2009/7/26 7:00', '2009/7/26 8:00', '2009/7/26 9:00', '2009/7/26 10:00', '2009/7/26 11:00', '2009/7/26 12:00', '2009/7/26 13:00', '2009/7/26 14:00', '2009/7/26 15:00', '2009/7/26 16:00', '2009/7/26 17:00', '2009/7/26 18:00', '2009/7/26 19:00', '2009/7/26 20:00', '2009/7/26 21:00', '2009/7/26 22:00', '2009/7/26 23:00', '2009/7/27 0:00', '2009/7/27 1:00', '2009/7/27 2:00', '2009/7/27 3:00', '2009/7/27 4:00', '2009/7/27 5:00', '2009/7/27 6:00', '2009/7/27 7:00', '2009/7/27 8:00', '2009/7/27 9:00', '2009/7/27 10:00', '2009/7/27 11:00', '2009/7/27 12:00', '2009/7/27 13:00', '2009/7/27 14:00', '2009/7/27 15:00', '2009/7/27 16:00', '2009/7/27 17:00', '2009/7/27 18:00', '2009/7/27 19:00', '2009/7/27 20:00', '2009/7/27 21:00', '2009/7/27 22:00', '2009/7/27 23:00', '2009/7/28 0:00', '2009/7/28 1:00', '2009/7/28 2:00', '2009/7/28 3:00', '2009/7/28 4:00', '2009/7/28 5:00', '2009/7/28 6:00', '2009/7/28 7:00', '2009/7/28 8:00', '2009/7/28 9:00', '2009/7/28 10:00', '2009/7/28 11:00', '2009/7/28 12:00', '2009/7/28 13:00', '2009/7/28 14:00', '2009/7/28 15:00', '2009/7/28 16:00', '2009/7/28 17:00', '2009/7/28 18:00', '2009/7/28 19:00', '2009/7/28 20:00', '2009/7/28 21:00', '2009/7/28 22:00', '2009/7/28 23:00', '2009/7/29 0:00', '2009/7/29 1:00', '2009/7/29 2:00', '2009/7/29 3:00', '2009/7/29 4:00', '2009/7/29 5:00', '2009/7/29 6:00', '2009/7/29 7:00', '2009/7/29 8:00', '2009/7/29 9:00', '2009/7/29 10:00', '2009/7/29 11:00', '2009/7/29 12:00', '2009/7/29 13:00', '2009/7/29 14:00', '2009/7/29 15:00', '2009/7/29 16:00', '2009/7/29 17:00', '2009/7/29 18:00', '2009/7/29 19:00', '2009/7/29 20:00', '2009/7/29 21:00', '2009/7/29 22:00', '2009/7/29 23:00', '2009/7/30 0:00', '2009/7/30 1:00', '2009/7/30 2:00', '2009/7/30 3:00', '2009/7/30 4:00', '2009/7/30 5:00', '2009/7/30 6:00', '2009/7/30 7:00', '2009/7/30 8:00', '2009/7/30 9:00', '2009/7/30 10:00', '2009/7/30 11:00', '2009/7/30 12:00', '2009/7/30 13:00', '2009/7/30 14:00', '2009/7/30 15:00', '2009/7/30 16:00', '2009/7/30 17:00', '2009/7/30 18:00', '2009/7/30 19:00', '2009/7/30 20:00', '2009/7/30 21:00', '2009/7/30 22:00', '2009/7/30 23:00', '2009/7/31 0:00', '2009/7/31 1:00', '2009/7/31 2:00', '2009/7/31 3:00', '2009/7/31 4:00', '2009/7/31 5:00', '2009/7/31 6:00', '2009/7/31 7:00', '2009/7/31 8:00', '2009/7/31 9:00', '2009/7/31 10:00', '2009/7/31 11:00', '2009/7/31 12:00', '2009/7/31 13:00', '2009/7/31 14:00', '2009/7/31 15:00', '2009/7/31 16:00', '2009/7/31 17:00', '2009/7/31 18:00', '2009/7/31 19:00', '2009/7/31 20:00', '2009/7/31 21:00', '2009/7/31 22:00', '2009/7/31 23:00', '2009/8/1 0:00', '2009/8/1 1:00', '2009/8/1 2:00', '2009/8/1 3:00', '2009/8/1 4:00', '2009/8/1 5:00', '2009/8/1 6:00', '2009/8/1 7:00', '2009/8/1 8:00', '2009/8/1 9:00', '2009/8/1 10:00', '2009/8/1 11:00', '2009/8/1 12:00', '2009/8/1 13:00', '2009/8/1 14:00', '2009/8/1 15:00', '2009/8/1 16:00', '2009/8/1 17:00', '2009/8/1 18:00', '2009/8/1 19:00', '2009/8/1 20:00', '2009/8/1 21:00', '2009/8/1 22:00', '2009/8/1 23:00', '2009/8/2 0:00', '2009/8/2 1:00', '2009/8/2 2:00', '2009/8/2 3:00', '2009/8/2 4:00', '2009/8/2 5:00', '2009/8/2 6:00', '2009/8/2 7:00', '2009/8/2 8:00', '2009/8/2 9:00', '2009/8/2 10:00', '2009/8/2 11:00', '2009/8/2 12:00', '2009/8/2 13:00', '2009/8/2 14:00', '2009/8/2 15:00', '2009/8/2 16:00', '2009/8/2 17:00', '2009/8/2 18:00', '2009/8/2 19:00', '2009/8/2 20:00', '2009/8/2 21:00', '2009/8/2 22:00', '2009/8/2 23:00', '2009/8/3 0:00', '2009/8/3 1:00', '2009/8/3 2:00', '2009/8/3 3:00', '2009/8/3 4:00', '2009/8/3 5:00', '2009/8/3 6:00', '2009/8/3 7:00', '2009/8/3 8:00', '2009/8/3 9:00', '2009/8/3 10:00', '2009/8/3 11:00', '2009/8/3 12:00', '2009/8/3 13:00', '2009/8/3 14:00', '2009/8/3 15:00', '2009/8/3 16:00', '2009/8/3 17:00', '2009/8/3 18:00', '2009/8/3 19:00', '2009/8/3 20:00', '2009/8/3 21:00', '2009/8/3 22:00', '2009/8/3 23:00', '2009/8/4 0:00', '2009/8/4 1:00', '2009/8/4 2:00', '2009/8/4 3:00', '2009/8/4 4:00', '2009/8/4 5:00', '2009/8/4 6:00', '2009/8/4 7:00', '2009/8/4 8:00', '2009/8/4 9:00', '2009/8/4 10:00', '2009/8/4 11:00', '2009/8/4 12:00', '2009/8/4 13:00', '2009/8/4 14:00', '2009/8/4 15:00', '2009/8/4 16:00', '2009/8/4 17:00', '2009/8/4 18:00', '2009/8/4 19:00', '2009/8/4 20:00', '2009/8/4 21:00', '2009/8/4 22:00', '2009/8/4 23:00', '2009/8/5 0:00', '2009/8/5 1:00', '2009/8/5 2:00', '2009/8/5 3:00', '2009/8/5 4:00', '2009/8/5 5:00', '2009/8/5 6:00', '2009/8/5 7:00', '2009/8/5 8:00', '2009/8/5 9:00', '2009/8/5 10:00', '2009/8/5 11:00', '2009/8/5 12:00', '2009/8/5 13:00', '2009/8/5 14:00', '2009/8/5 15:00', '2009/8/5 16:00', '2009/8/5 17:00', '2009/8/5 18:00', '2009/8/5 19:00', '2009/8/5 20:00', '2009/8/5 21:00', '2009/8/5 22:00', '2009/8/5 23:00', '2009/8/6 0:00', '2009/8/6 1:00', '2009/8/6 2:00', '2009/8/6 3:00', '2009/8/6 4:00', '2009/8/6 5:00', '2009/8/6 6:00', '2009/8/6 7:00', '2009/8/6 8:00', '2009/8/6 9:00', '2009/8/6 10:00', '2009/8/6 11:00', '2009/8/6 12:00', '2009/8/6 13:00', '2009/8/6 14:00', '2009/8/6 15:00', '2009/8/6 16:00', '2009/8/6 17:00', '2009/8/6 18:00', '2009/8/6 19:00', '2009/8/6 20:00', '2009/8/6 21:00', '2009/8/6 22:00', '2009/8/6 23:00', '2009/8/7 0:00', '2009/8/7 1:00', '2009/8/7 2:00', '2009/8/7 3:00', '2009/8/7 4:00', '2009/8/7 5:00', '2009/8/7 6:00', '2009/8/7 7:00', '2009/8/7 8:00', '2009/8/7 9:00', '2009/8/7 10:00', '2009/8/7 11:00', '2009/8/7 12:00', '2009/8/7 13:00', '2009/8/7 14:00', '2009/8/7 15:00', '2009/8/7 16:00', '2009/8/7 17:00', '2009/8/7 18:00', '2009/8/7 19:00', '2009/8/7 20:00', '2009/8/7 21:00', '2009/8/7 22:00', '2009/8/7 23:00', '2009/8/8 0:00', '2009/8/8 1:00', '2009/8/8 2:00', '2009/8/8 3:00', '2009/8/8 4:00', '2009/8/8 5:00', '2009/8/8 6:00', '2009/8/8 7:00', '2009/8/8 8:00', '2009/8/8 9:00', '2009/8/8 10:00', '2009/8/8 11:00', '2009/8/8 12:00', '2009/8/8 13:00', '2009/8/8 14:00', '2009/8/8 15:00', '2009/8/8 16:00', '2009/8/8 17:00', '2009/8/8 18:00', '2009/8/8 19:00', '2009/8/8 20:00', '2009/8/8 21:00', '2009/8/8 22:00', '2009/8/8 23:00', '2009/8/9 0:00', '2009/8/9 1:00', '2009/8/9 2:00', '2009/8/9 3:00', '2009/8/9 4:00', '2009/8/9 5:00', '2009/8/9 6:00', '2009/8/9 7:00', '2009/8/9 8:00', '2009/8/9 9:00', '2009/8/9 10:00', '2009/8/9 11:00', '2009/8/9 12:00', '2009/8/9 13:00', '2009/8/9 14:00', '2009/8/9 15:00', '2009/8/9 16:00', '2009/8/9 17:00', '2009/8/9 18:00', '2009/8/9 19:00', '2009/8/9 20:00', '2009/8/9 21:00', '2009/8/9 22:00', '2009/8/9 23:00', '2009/8/10 0:00', '2009/8/10 1:00', '2009/8/10 2:00', '2009/8/10 3:00', '2009/8/10 4:00', '2009/8/10 5:00', '2009/8/10 6:00', '2009/8/10 7:00', '2009/8/10 8:00', '2009/8/10 9:00', '2009/8/10 10:00', '2009/8/10 11:00', '2009/8/10 12:00', '2009/8/10 13:00', '2009/8/10 14:00', '2009/8/10 15:00', '2009/8/10 16:00', '2009/8/10 17:00', '2009/8/10 18:00', '2009/8/10 19:00', '2009/8/10 20:00', '2009/8/10 21:00', '2009/8/10 22:00', '2009/8/10 23:00', '2009/8/11 0:00', '2009/8/11 1:00', '2009/8/11 2:00', '2009/8/11 3:00', '2009/8/11 4:00', '2009/8/11 5:00', '2009/8/11 6:00', '2009/8/11 7:00', '2009/8/11 8:00', '2009/8/11 9:00', '2009/8/11 10:00', '2009/8/11 11:00', '2009/8/11 12:00', '2009/8/11 13:00', '2009/8/11 14:00', '2009/8/11 15:00', '2009/8/11 16:00', '2009/8/11 17:00', '2009/8/11 18:00', '2009/8/11 19:00', '2009/8/11 20:00', '2009/8/11 21:00', '2009/8/11 22:00', '2009/8/11 23:00', '2009/8/12 0:00', '2009/8/12 1:00', '2009/8/12 2:00', '2009/8/12 3:00', '2009/8/12 4:00', '2009/8/12 5:00', '2009/8/12 6:00', '2009/8/12 7:00', '2009/8/12 8:00', '2009/8/12 9:00', '2009/8/12 10:00', '2009/8/12 11:00', '2009/8/12 12:00', '2009/8/12 13:00', '2009/8/12 14:00', '2009/8/12 15:00', '2009/8/12 16:00', '2009/8/12 17:00', '2009/8/12 18:00', '2009/8/12 19:00', '2009/8/12 20:00', '2009/8/12 21:00', '2009/8/12 22:00', '2009/8/12 23:00', '2009/8/13 0:00', '2009/8/13 1:00', '2009/8/13 2:00', '2009/8/13 3:00', '2009/8/13 4:00', '2009/8/13 5:00', '2009/8/13 6:00', '2009/8/13 7:00', '2009/8/13 8:00', '2009/8/13 9:00', '2009/8/13 10:00', '2009/8/13 11:00', '2009/8/13 12:00', '2009/8/13 13:00', '2009/8/13 14:00', '2009/8/13 15:00', '2009/8/13 16:00', '2009/8/13 17:00', '2009/8/13 18:00', '2009/8/13 19:00', '2009/8/13 20:00', '2009/8/13 21:00', '2009/8/13 22:00', '2009/8/13 23:00', '2009/8/14 0:00', '2009/8/14 1:00', '2009/8/14 2:00', '2009/8/14 3:00', '2009/8/14 4:00', '2009/8/14 5:00', '2009/8/14 6:00', '2009/8/14 7:00', '2009/8/14 8:00', '2009/8/14 9:00', '2009/8/14 10:00', '2009/8/14 11:00', '2009/8/14 12:00', '2009/8/14 13:00', '2009/8/14 14:00', '2009/8/14 15:00', '2009/8/14 16:00', '2009/8/14 17:00', '2009/8/14 18:00', '2009/8/14 19:00', '2009/8/14 20:00', '2009/8/14 21:00', '2009/8/14 22:00', '2009/8/14 23:00', '2009/8/15 0:00', '2009/8/15 1:00', '2009/8/15 2:00', '2009/8/15 3:00', '2009/8/15 4:00', '2009/8/15 5:00', '2009/8/15 6:00', '2009/8/15 7:00', '2009/8/15 8:00', '2009/8/15 9:00', '2009/8/15 10:00', '2009/8/15 11:00', '2009/8/15 12:00', '2009/8/15 13:00', '2009/8/15 14:00', '2009/8/15 15:00', '2009/8/15 16:00', '2009/8/15 17:00', '2009/8/15 18:00', '2009/8/15 19:00', '2009/8/15 20:00', '2009/8/15 21:00', '2009/8/15 22:00', '2009/8/15 23:00', '2009/8/16 0:00', '2009/8/16 1:00', '2009/8/16 2:00', '2009/8/16 3:00', '2009/8/16 4:00', '2009/8/16 5:00', '2009/8/16 6:00', '2009/8/16 7:00', '2009/8/16 8:00', '2009/8/16 9:00', '2009/8/16 10:00', '2009/8/16 11:00', '2009/8/16 12:00', '2009/8/16 13:00', '2009/8/16 14:00', '2009/8/16 15:00', '2009/8/16 16:00', '2009/8/16 17:00', '2009/8/16 18:00', '2009/8/16 19:00', '2009/8/16 20:00', '2009/8/16 21:00', '2009/8/16 22:00', '2009/8/16 23:00', '2009/8/17 0:00', '2009/8/17 1:00', '2009/8/17 2:00', '2009/8/17 3:00', '2009/8/17 4:00', '2009/8/17 5:00', '2009/8/17 6:00', '2009/8/17 7:00', '2009/8/17 8:00', '2009/8/17 9:00', '2009/8/17 10:00', '2009/8/17 11:00', '2009/8/17 12:00', '2009/8/17 13:00', '2009/8/17 14:00', '2009/8/17 15:00', '2009/8/17 16:00', '2009/8/17 17:00', '2009/8/17 18:00', '2009/8/17 19:00', '2009/8/17 20:00', '2009/8/17 21:00', '2009/8/17 22:00', '2009/8/17 23:00', '2009/8/18 0:00', '2009/8/18 1:00', '2009/8/18 2:00', '2009/8/18 3:00', '2009/8/18 4:00', '2009/8/18 5:00', '2009/8/18 6:00', '2009/8/18 7:00', '2009/8/18 8:00', '2009/8/18 9:00', '2009/8/18 10:00', '2009/8/18 11:00', '2009/8/18 12:00', '2009/8/18 13:00', '2009/8/18 14:00', '2009/8/18 15:00', '2009/8/18 16:00', '2009/8/18 17:00', '2009/8/18 18:00', '2009/8/18 19:00', '2009/8/18 20:00', '2009/8/18 21:00', '2009/8/18 22:00', '2009/8/18 23:00', '2009/8/19 0:00', '2009/8/19 1:00', '2009/8/19 2:00', '2009/8/19 3:00', '2009/8/19 4:00', '2009/8/19 5:00', '2009/8/19 6:00', '2009/8/19 7:00', '2009/8/19 8:00', '2009/8/19 9:00', '2009/8/19 10:00', '2009/8/19 11:00', '2009/8/19 12:00', '2009/8/19 13:00', '2009/8/19 14:00', '2009/8/19 15:00', '2009/8/19 16:00', '2009/8/19 17:00', '2009/8/19 18:00', '2009/8/19 19:00', '2009/8/19 20:00', '2009/8/19 21:00', '2009/8/19 22:00', '2009/8/19 23:00', '2009/8/20 0:00', '2009/8/20 1:00', '2009/8/20 2:00', '2009/8/20 3:00', '2009/8/20 4:00', '2009/8/20 5:00', '2009/8/20 6:00', '2009/8/20 7:00', '2009/8/20 8:00', '2009/8/20 9:00', '2009/8/20 10:00', '2009/8/20 11:00', '2009/8/20 12:00', '2009/8/20 13:00', '2009/8/20 14:00', '2009/8/20 15:00', '2009/8/20 16:00', '2009/8/20 17:00', '2009/8/20 18:00', '2009/8/20 19:00', '2009/8/20 20:00', '2009/8/20 21:00', '2009/8/20 22:00', '2009/8/20 23:00', '2009/8/21 0:00', '2009/8/21 1:00', '2009/8/21 2:00', '2009/8/21 3:00', '2009/8/21 4:00', '2009/8/21 5:00', '2009/8/21 6:00', '2009/8/21 7:00', '2009/8/21 8:00', '2009/8/21 9:00', '2009/8/21 10:00', '2009/8/21 11:00', '2009/8/21 12:00', '2009/8/21 13:00', '2009/8/21 14:00', '2009/8/21 15:00', '2009/8/21 16:00', '2009/8/21 17:00', '2009/8/21 18:00', '2009/8/21 19:00', '2009/8/21 20:00', '2009/8/21 21:00', '2009/8/21 22:00', '2009/8/21 23:00', '2009/8/22 0:00', '2009/8/22 1:00', '2009/8/22 2:00', '2009/8/22 3:00', '2009/8/22 4:00', '2009/8/22 5:00', '2009/8/22 6:00', '2009/8/22 7:00', '2009/8/22 8:00', '2009/8/22 9:00', '2009/8/22 10:00', '2009/8/22 11:00', '2009/8/22 12:00', '2009/8/22 13:00', '2009/8/22 14:00', '2009/8/22 15:00', '2009/8/22 16:00', '2009/8/22 17:00', '2009/8/22 18:00', '2009/8/22 19:00', '2009/8/22 20:00', '2009/8/22 21:00', '2009/8/22 22:00', '2009/8/22 23:00', '2009/8/23 0:00', '2009/8/23 1:00', '2009/8/23 2:00', '2009/8/23 3:00', '2009/8/23 4:00', '2009/8/23 5:00', '2009/8/23 6:00', '2009/8/23 7:00', '2009/8/23 8:00', '2009/8/23 9:00', '2009/8/23 10:00', '2009/8/23 11:00', '2009/8/23 12:00', '2009/8/23 13:00', '2009/8/23 14:00', '2009/8/23 15:00', '2009/8/23 16:00', '2009/8/23 17:00', '2009/8/23 18:00', '2009/8/23 19:00', '2009/8/23 20:00', '2009/8/23 21:00', '2009/8/23 22:00', '2009/8/23 23:00', '2009/8/24 0:00', '2009/8/24 1:00', '2009/8/24 2:00', '2009/8/24 3:00', '2009/8/24 4:00', '2009/8/24 5:00', '2009/8/24 6:00', '2009/8/24 7:00', '2009/8/24 8:00', '2009/8/24 9:00', '2009/8/24 10:00', '2009/8/24 11:00', '2009/8/24 12:00', '2009/8/24 13:00', '2009/8/24 14:00', '2009/8/24 15:00', '2009/8/24 16:00', '2009/8/24 17:00', '2009/8/24 18:00', '2009/8/24 19:00', '2009/8/24 20:00', '2009/8/24 21:00', '2009/8/24 22:00', '2009/8/24 23:00', '2009/8/25 0:00', '2009/8/25 1:00', '2009/8/25 2:00', '2009/8/25 3:00', '2009/8/25 4:00', '2009/8/25 5:00', '2009/8/25 6:00', '2009/8/25 7:00', '2009/8/25 8:00', '2009/8/25 9:00', '2009/8/25 10:00', '2009/8/25 11:00', '2009/8/25 12:00', '2009/8/25 13:00', '2009/8/25 14:00', '2009/8/25 15:00', '2009/8/25 16:00', '2009/8/25 17:00', '2009/8/25 18:00', '2009/8/25 19:00', '2009/8/25 20:00', '2009/8/25 21:00', '2009/8/25 22:00', '2009/8/25 23:00', '2009/8/26 0:00', '2009/8/26 1:00', '2009/8/26 2:00', '2009/8/26 3:00', '2009/8/26 4:00', '2009/8/26 5:00', '2009/8/26 6:00', '2009/8/26 7:00', '2009/8/26 8:00', '2009/8/26 9:00', '2009/8/26 10:00', '2009/8/26 11:00', '2009/8/26 12:00', '2009/8/26 13:00', '2009/8/26 14:00', '2009/8/26 15:00', '2009/8/26 16:00', '2009/8/26 17:00', '2009/8/26 18:00', '2009/8/26 19:00', '2009/8/26 20:00', '2009/8/26 21:00', '2009/8/26 22:00', '2009/8/26 23:00', '2009/8/27 0:00', '2009/8/27 1:00', '2009/8/27 2:00', '2009/8/27 3:00', '2009/8/27 4:00', '2009/8/27 5:00', '2009/8/27 6:00', '2009/8/27 7:00', '2009/8/27 8:00', '2009/8/27 9:00', '2009/8/27 10:00', '2009/8/27 11:00', '2009/8/27 12:00', '2009/8/27 13:00', '2009/8/27 14:00', '2009/8/27 15:00', '2009/8/27 16:00', '2009/8/27 17:00', '2009/8/27 18:00', '2009/8/27 19:00', '2009/8/27 20:00', '2009/8/27 21:00', '2009/8/27 22:00', '2009/8/27 23:00', '2009/8/28 0:00', '2009/8/28 1:00', '2009/8/28 2:00', '2009/8/28 3:00', '2009/8/28 4:00', '2009/8/28 5:00', '2009/8/28 6:00', '2009/8/28 7:00', '2009/8/28 8:00', '2009/8/28 9:00', '2009/8/28 10:00', '2009/8/28 11:00', '2009/8/28 12:00', '2009/8/28 13:00', '2009/8/28 14:00', '2009/8/28 15:00', '2009/8/28 16:00', '2009/8/28 17:00', '2009/8/28 18:00', '2009/8/28 19:00', '2009/8/28 20:00', '2009/8/28 21:00', '2009/8/28 22:00', '2009/8/28 23:00', '2009/8/29 0:00', '2009/8/29 1:00', '2009/8/29 2:00', '2009/8/29 3:00', '2009/8/29 4:00', '2009/8/29 5:00', '2009/8/29 6:00', '2009/8/29 7:00', '2009/8/29 8:00', '2009/8/29 9:00', '2009/8/29 10:00', '2009/8/29 11:00', '2009/8/29 12:00', '2009/8/29 13:00', '2009/8/29 14:00', '2009/8/29 15:00', '2009/8/29 16:00', '2009/8/29 17:00', '2009/8/29 18:00', '2009/8/29 19:00', '2009/8/29 20:00', '2009/8/29 21:00', '2009/8/29 22:00', '2009/8/29 23:00', '2009/8/30 0:00', '2009/8/30 1:00', '2009/8/30 2:00', '2009/8/30 3:00', '2009/8/30 4:00', '2009/8/30 5:00', '2009/8/30 6:00', '2009/8/30 7:00', '2009/8/30 8:00', '2009/8/30 9:00', '2009/8/30 10:00', '2009/8/30 11:00', '2009/8/30 12:00', '2009/8/30 13:00', '2009/8/30 14:00', '2009/8/30 15:00', '2009/8/30 16:00', '2009/8/30 17:00', '2009/8/30 18:00', '2009/8/30 19:00', '2009/8/30 20:00', '2009/8/30 21:00', '2009/8/30 22:00', '2009/8/30 23:00', '2009/8/31 0:00', '2009/8/31 1:00', '2009/8/31 2:00', '2009/8/31 3:00', '2009/8/31 4:00', '2009/8/31 5:00', '2009/8/31 6:00', '2009/8/31 7:00', '2009/8/31 8:00', '2009/8/31 9:00', '2009/8/31 10:00', '2009/8/31 11:00', '2009/8/31 12:00', '2009/8/31 13:00', '2009/8/31 14:00', '2009/8/31 15:00', '2009/8/31 16:00', '2009/8/31 17:00', '2009/8/31 18:00', '2009/8/31 19:00', '2009/8/31 20:00', '2009/8/31 21:00', '2009/8/31 22:00', '2009/8/31 23:00', '2009/9/1 0:00', '2009/9/1 1:00', '2009/9/1 2:00', '2009/9/1 3:00', '2009/9/1 4:00', '2009/9/1 5:00', '2009/9/1 6:00', '2009/9/1 7:00', '2009/9/1 8:00', '2009/9/1 9:00', '2009/9/1 10:00', '2009/9/1 11:00', '2009/9/1 12:00', '2009/9/1 13:00', '2009/9/1 14:00', '2009/9/1 15:00', '2009/9/1 16:00', '2009/9/1 17:00', '2009/9/1 18:00', '2009/9/1 19:00', '2009/9/1 20:00', '2009/9/1 21:00', '2009/9/1 22:00', '2009/9/1 23:00', '2009/9/2 0:00', '2009/9/2 1:00', '2009/9/2 2:00', '2009/9/2 3:00', '2009/9/2 4:00', '2009/9/2 5:00', '2009/9/2 6:00', '2009/9/2 7:00', '2009/9/2 8:00', '2009/9/2 9:00', '2009/9/2 10:00', '2009/9/2 11:00', '2009/9/2 12:00', '2009/9/2 13:00', '2009/9/2 14:00', '2009/9/2 15:00', '2009/9/2 16:00', '2009/9/2 17:00', '2009/9/2 18:00', '2009/9/2 19:00', '2009/9/2 20:00', '2009/9/2 21:00', '2009/9/2 22:00', '2009/9/2 23:00', '2009/9/3 0:00', '2009/9/3 1:00', '2009/9/3 2:00', '2009/9/3 3:00', '2009/9/3 4:00', '2009/9/3 5:00', '2009/9/3 6:00', '2009/9/3 7:00', '2009/9/3 8:00', '2009/9/3 9:00', '2009/9/3 10:00', '2009/9/3 11:00', '2009/9/3 12:00', '2009/9/3 13:00', '2009/9/3 14:00', '2009/9/3 15:00', '2009/9/3 16:00', '2009/9/3 17:00', '2009/9/3 18:00', '2009/9/3 19:00', '2009/9/3 20:00', '2009/9/3 21:00', '2009/9/3 22:00', '2009/9/3 23:00', '2009/9/4 0:00', '2009/9/4 1:00', '2009/9/4 2:00', '2009/9/4 3:00', '2009/9/4 4:00', '2009/9/4 5:00', '2009/9/4 6:00', '2009/9/4 7:00', '2009/9/4 8:00', '2009/9/4 9:00', '2009/9/4 10:00', '2009/9/4 11:00', '2009/9/4 12:00', '2009/9/4 13:00', '2009/9/4 14:00', '2009/9/4 15:00', '2009/9/4 16:00', '2009/9/4 17:00', '2009/9/4 18:00', '2009/9/4 19:00', '2009/9/4 20:00', '2009/9/4 21:00', '2009/9/4 22:00', '2009/9/4 23:00', '2009/9/5 0:00', '2009/9/5 1:00', '2009/9/5 2:00', '2009/9/5 3:00', '2009/9/5 4:00', '2009/9/5 5:00', '2009/9/5 6:00', '2009/9/5 7:00', '2009/9/5 8:00', '2009/9/5 9:00', '2009/9/5 10:00', '2009/9/5 11:00', '2009/9/5 12:00', '2009/9/5 13:00', '2009/9/5 14:00', '2009/9/5 15:00', '2009/9/5 16:00', '2009/9/5 17:00', '2009/9/5 18:00', '2009/9/5 19:00', '2009/9/5 20:00', '2009/9/5 21:00', '2009/9/5 22:00', '2009/9/5 23:00', '2009/9/6 0:00', '2009/9/6 1:00', '2009/9/6 2:00', '2009/9/6 3:00', '2009/9/6 4:00', '2009/9/6 5:00', '2009/9/6 6:00', '2009/9/6 7:00', '2009/9/6 8:00', '2009/9/6 9:00', '2009/9/6 10:00', '2009/9/6 11:00', '2009/9/6 12:00', '2009/9/6 13:00', '2009/9/6 14:00', '2009/9/6 15:00', '2009/9/6 16:00', '2009/9/6 17:00', '2009/9/6 18:00', '2009/9/6 19:00', '2009/9/6 20:00', '2009/9/6 21:00', '2009/9/6 22:00', '2009/9/6 23:00', '2009/9/7 0:00', '2009/9/7 1:00', '2009/9/7 2:00', '2009/9/7 3:00', '2009/9/7 4:00', '2009/9/7 5:00', '2009/9/7 6:00', '2009/9/7 7:00', '2009/9/7 8:00', '2009/9/7 9:00', '2009/9/7 10:00', '2009/9/7 11:00', '2009/9/7 12:00', '2009/9/7 13:00', '2009/9/7 14:00', '2009/9/7 15:00', '2009/9/7 16:00', '2009/9/7 17:00', '2009/9/7 18:00', '2009/9/7 19:00', '2009/9/7 20:00', '2009/9/7 21:00', '2009/9/7 22:00', '2009/9/7 23:00', '2009/9/8 0:00', '2009/9/8 1:00', '2009/9/8 2:00', '2009/9/8 3:00', '2009/9/8 4:00', '2009/9/8 5:00', '2009/9/8 6:00', '2009/9/8 7:00', '2009/9/8 8:00', '2009/9/8 9:00', '2009/9/8 10:00', '2009/9/8 11:00', '2009/9/8 12:00', '2009/9/8 13:00', '2009/9/8 14:00', '2009/9/8 15:00', '2009/9/8 16:00', '2009/9/8 17:00', '2009/9/8 18:00', '2009/9/8 19:00', '2009/9/8 20:00', '2009/9/8 21:00', '2009/9/8 22:00', '2009/9/8 23:00', '2009/9/9 0:00', '2009/9/9 1:00', '2009/9/9 2:00', '2009/9/9 3:00', '2009/9/9 4:00', '2009/9/9 5:00', '2009/9/9 6:00', '2009/9/9 7:00', '2009/9/9 8:00', '2009/9/9 9:00', '2009/9/9 10:00', '2009/9/9 11:00', '2009/9/9 12:00', '2009/9/9 13:00', '2009/9/9 14:00', '2009/9/9 15:00', '2009/9/9 16:00', '2009/9/9 17:00', '2009/9/9 18:00', '2009/9/9 19:00', '2009/9/9 20:00', '2009/9/9 21:00', '2009/9/9 22:00', '2009/9/9 23:00', '2009/9/10 0:00', '2009/9/10 1:00', '2009/9/10 2:00', '2009/9/10 3:00', '2009/9/10 4:00', '2009/9/10 5:00', '2009/9/10 6:00', '2009/9/10 7:00', '2009/9/10 8:00', '2009/9/10 9:00', '2009/9/10 10:00', '2009/9/10 11:00', '2009/9/10 12:00', '2009/9/10 13:00', '2009/9/10 14:00', '2009/9/10 15:00', '2009/9/10 16:00', '2009/9/10 17:00', '2009/9/10 18:00', '2009/9/10 19:00', '2009/9/10 20:00', '2009/9/10 21:00', '2009/9/10 22:00', '2009/9/10 23:00', '2009/9/11 0:00', '2009/9/11 1:00', '2009/9/11 2:00', '2009/9/11 3:00', '2009/9/11 4:00', '2009/9/11 5:00', '2009/9/11 6:00', '2009/9/11 7:00', '2009/9/11 8:00', '2009/9/11 9:00', '2009/9/11 10:00', '2009/9/11 11:00', '2009/9/11 12:00', '2009/9/11 13:00', '2009/9/11 14:00', '2009/9/11 15:00', '2009/9/11 16:00', '2009/9/11 17:00', '2009/9/11 18:00', '2009/9/11 19:00', '2009/9/11 20:00', '2009/9/11 21:00', '2009/9/11 22:00', '2009/9/11 23:00', '2009/9/12 0:00', '2009/9/12 1:00', '2009/9/12 2:00', '2009/9/12 3:00', '2009/9/12 4:00', '2009/9/12 5:00', '2009/9/12 6:00', '2009/9/12 7:00', '2009/9/12 8:00', '2009/9/12 9:00', '2009/9/12 10:00', '2009/9/12 11:00', '2009/9/12 12:00', '2009/9/12 13:00', '2009/9/12 14:00', '2009/9/12 15:00', '2009/9/12 16:00', '2009/9/12 17:00', '2009/9/12 18:00', '2009/9/12 19:00', '2009/9/12 20:00', '2009/9/12 21:00', '2009/9/12 22:00', '2009/9/12 23:00', '2009/9/13 0:00', '2009/9/13 1:00', '2009/9/13 2:00', '2009/9/13 3:00', '2009/9/13 4:00', '2009/9/13 5:00', '2009/9/13 6:00', '2009/9/13 7:00', '2009/9/13 8:00', '2009/9/13 9:00', '2009/9/13 10:00', '2009/9/13 11:00', '2009/9/13 12:00', '2009/9/13 13:00', '2009/9/13 14:00', '2009/9/13 15:00', '2009/9/13 16:00', '2009/9/13 17:00', '2009/9/13 18:00', '2009/9/13 19:00', '2009/9/13 20:00', '2009/9/13 21:00', '2009/9/13 22:00', '2009/9/13 23:00', '2009/9/14 0:00', '2009/9/14 1:00', '2009/9/14 2:00', '2009/9/14 3:00', '2009/9/14 4:00', '2009/9/14 5:00', '2009/9/14 6:00', '2009/9/14 7:00', '2009/9/14 8:00', '2009/9/14 9:00', '2009/9/14 10:00', '2009/9/14 11:00', '2009/9/14 12:00', '2009/9/14 13:00', '2009/9/14 14:00', '2009/9/14 15:00', '2009/9/14 16:00', '2009/9/14 17:00', '2009/9/14 18:00', '2009/9/14 19:00', '2009/9/14 20:00', '2009/9/14 21:00', '2009/9/14 22:00', '2009/9/14 23:00', '2009/9/15 0:00', '2009/9/15 1:00', '2009/9/15 2:00', '2009/9/15 3:00', '2009/9/15 4:00', '2009/9/15 5:00', '2009/9/15 6:00', '2009/9/15 7:00', '2009/9/15 8:00', '2009/9/15 9:00', '2009/9/15 10:00', '2009/9/15 11:00', '2009/9/15 12:00', '2009/9/15 13:00', '2009/9/15 14:00', '2009/9/15 15:00', '2009/9/15 16:00', '2009/9/15 17:00', '2009/9/15 18:00', '2009/9/15 19:00', '2009/9/15 20:00', '2009/9/15 21:00', '2009/9/15 22:00', '2009/9/15 23:00', '2009/9/16 0:00', '2009/9/16 1:00', '2009/9/16 2:00', '2009/9/16 3:00', '2009/9/16 4:00', '2009/9/16 5:00', '2009/9/16 6:00', '2009/9/16 7:00', '2009/9/16 8:00', '2009/9/16 9:00', '2009/9/16 10:00', '2009/9/16 11:00', '2009/9/16 12:00', '2009/9/16 13:00', '2009/9/16 14:00', '2009/9/16 15:00', '2009/9/16 16:00', '2009/9/16 17:00', '2009/9/16 18:00', '2009/9/16 19:00', '2009/9/16 20:00', '2009/9/16 21:00', '2009/9/16 22:00', '2009/9/16 23:00', '2009/9/17 0:00', '2009/9/17 1:00', '2009/9/17 2:00', '2009/9/17 3:00', '2009/9/17 4:00', '2009/9/17 5:00', '2009/9/17 6:00', '2009/9/17 7:00', '2009/9/17 8:00', '2009/9/17 9:00', '2009/9/17 10:00', '2009/9/17 11:00', '2009/9/17 12:00', '2009/9/17 13:00', '2009/9/17 14:00', '2009/9/17 15:00', '2009/9/17 16:00', '2009/9/17 17:00', '2009/9/17 18:00', '2009/9/17 19:00', '2009/9/17 20:00', '2009/9/17 21:00', '2009/9/17 22:00', '2009/9/17 23:00', '2009/9/18 0:00', '2009/9/18 1:00', '2009/9/18 2:00', '2009/9/18 3:00', '2009/9/18 4:00', '2009/9/18 5:00', '2009/9/18 6:00', '2009/9/18 7:00', '2009/9/18 8:00', '2009/9/18 9:00', '2009/9/18 10:00', '2009/9/18 11:00', '2009/9/18 12:00', '2009/9/18 13:00', '2009/9/18 14:00', '2009/9/18 15:00', '2009/9/18 16:00', '2009/9/18 17:00', '2009/9/18 18:00', '2009/9/18 19:00', '2009/9/18 20:00', '2009/9/18 21:00', '2009/9/18 22:00', '2009/9/18 23:00', '2009/9/19 0:00', '2009/9/19 1:00', '2009/9/19 2:00', '2009/9/19 3:00', '2009/9/19 4:00', '2009/9/19 5:00', '2009/9/19 6:00', '2009/9/19 7:00', '2009/9/19 8:00', '2009/9/19 9:00', '2009/9/19 10:00', '2009/9/19 11:00', '2009/9/19 12:00', '2009/9/19 13:00', '2009/9/19 14:00', '2009/9/19 15:00', '2009/9/19 16:00', '2009/9/19 17:00', '2009/9/19 18:00', '2009/9/19 19:00', '2009/9/19 20:00', '2009/9/19 21:00', '2009/9/19 22:00', '2009/9/19 23:00', '2009/9/20 0:00', '2009/9/20 1:00', '2009/9/20 2:00', '2009/9/20 3:00', '2009/9/20 4:00', '2009/9/20 5:00', '2009/9/20 6:00', '2009/9/20 7:00', '2009/9/20 8:00', '2009/9/20 9:00', '2009/9/20 10:00', '2009/9/20 11:00', '2009/9/20 12:00', '2009/9/20 13:00', '2009/9/20 14:00', '2009/9/20 15:00', '2009/9/20 16:00', '2009/9/20 17:00', '2009/9/20 18:00', '2009/9/20 19:00', '2009/9/20 20:00', '2009/9/20 21:00', '2009/9/20 22:00', '2009/9/20 23:00', '2009/9/21 0:00', '2009/9/21 1:00', '2009/9/21 2:00', '2009/9/21 3:00', '2009/9/21 4:00', '2009/9/21 5:00', '2009/9/21 6:00', '2009/9/21 7:00', '2009/9/21 8:00', '2009/9/21 9:00', '2009/9/21 10:00', '2009/9/21 11:00', '2009/9/21 12:00', '2009/9/21 13:00', '2009/9/21 14:00', '2009/9/21 15:00', '2009/9/21 16:00', '2009/9/21 17:00', '2009/9/21 18:00', '2009/9/21 19:00', '2009/9/21 20:00', '2009/9/21 21:00', '2009/9/21 22:00', '2009/9/21 23:00', '2009/9/22 0:00', '2009/9/22 1:00', '2009/9/22 2:00', '2009/9/22 3:00', '2009/9/22 4:00', '2009/9/22 5:00', '2009/9/22 6:00', '2009/9/22 7:00', '2009/9/22 8:00', '2009/9/22 9:00', '2009/9/22 10:00', '2009/9/22 11:00', '2009/9/22 12:00', '2009/9/22 13:00', '2009/9/22 14:00', '2009/9/22 15:00', '2009/9/22 16:00', '2009/9/22 17:00', '2009/9/22 18:00', '2009/9/22 19:00', '2009/9/22 20:00', '2009/9/22 21:00', '2009/9/22 22:00', '2009/9/22 23:00', '2009/9/23 0:00', '2009/9/23 1:00', '2009/9/23 2:00', '2009/9/23 3:00', '2009/9/23 4:00', '2009/9/23 5:00', '2009/9/23 6:00', '2009/9/23 7:00', '2009/9/23 8:00', '2009/9/23 9:00', '2009/9/23 10:00', '2009/9/23 11:00', '2009/9/23 12:00', '2009/9/23 13:00', '2009/9/23 14:00', '2009/9/23 15:00', '2009/9/23 16:00', '2009/9/23 17:00', '2009/9/23 18:00', '2009/9/23 19:00', '2009/9/23 20:00', '2009/9/23 21:00', '2009/9/23 22:00', '2009/9/23 23:00', '2009/9/24 0:00', '2009/9/24 1:00', '2009/9/24 2:00', '2009/9/24 3:00', '2009/9/24 4:00', '2009/9/24 5:00', '2009/9/24 6:00', '2009/9/24 7:00', '2009/9/24 8:00', '2009/9/24 9:00', '2009/9/24 10:00', '2009/9/24 11:00', '2009/9/24 12:00', '2009/9/24 13:00', '2009/9/24 14:00', '2009/9/24 15:00', '2009/9/24 16:00', '2009/9/24 17:00', '2009/9/24 18:00', '2009/9/24 19:00', '2009/9/24 20:00', '2009/9/24 21:00', '2009/9/24 22:00', '2009/9/24 23:00', '2009/9/25 0:00', '2009/9/25 1:00', '2009/9/25 2:00', '2009/9/25 3:00', '2009/9/25 4:00', '2009/9/25 5:00', '2009/9/25 6:00', '2009/9/25 7:00', '2009/9/25 8:00', '2009/9/25 9:00', '2009/9/25 10:00', '2009/9/25 11:00', '2009/9/25 12:00', '2009/9/25 13:00', '2009/9/25 14:00', '2009/9/25 15:00', '2009/9/25 16:00', '2009/9/25 17:00', '2009/9/25 18:00', '2009/9/25 19:00', '2009/9/25 20:00', '2009/9/25 21:00', '2009/9/25 22:00', '2009/9/25 23:00', '2009/9/26 0:00', '2009/9/26 1:00', '2009/9/26 2:00', '2009/9/26 3:00', '2009/9/26 4:00', '2009/9/26 5:00', '2009/9/26 6:00', '2009/9/26 7:00', '2009/9/26 8:00', '2009/9/26 9:00', '2009/9/26 10:00', '2009/9/26 11:00', '2009/9/26 12:00', '2009/9/26 13:00', '2009/9/26 14:00', '2009/9/26 15:00', '2009/9/26 16:00', '2009/9/26 17:00', '2009/9/26 18:00', '2009/9/26 19:00', '2009/9/26 20:00', '2009/9/26 21:00', '2009/9/26 22:00', '2009/9/26 23:00', '2009/9/27 0:00', '2009/9/27 1:00', '2009/9/27 2:00', '2009/9/27 3:00', '2009/9/27 4:00', '2009/9/27 5:00', '2009/9/27 6:00', '2009/9/27 7:00', '2009/9/27 8:00', '2009/9/27 9:00', '2009/9/27 10:00', '2009/9/27 11:00', '2009/9/27 12:00', '2009/9/27 13:00', '2009/9/27 14:00', '2009/9/27 15:00', '2009/9/27 16:00', '2009/9/27 17:00', '2009/9/27 18:00', '2009/9/27 19:00', '2009/9/27 20:00', '2009/9/27 21:00', '2009/9/27 22:00', '2009/9/27 23:00', '2009/9/28 0:00', '2009/9/28 1:00', '2009/9/28 2:00', '2009/9/28 3:00', '2009/9/28 4:00', '2009/9/28 5:00', '2009/9/28 6:00', '2009/9/28 7:00', '2009/9/28 8:00', '2009/9/28 9:00', '2009/9/28 10:00', '2009/9/28 11:00', '2009/9/28 12:00', '2009/9/28 13:00', '2009/9/28 14:00', '2009/9/28 15:00', '2009/9/28 16:00', '2009/9/28 17:00', '2009/9/28 18:00', '2009/9/28 19:00', '2009/9/28 20:00', '2009/9/28 21:00', '2009/9/28 22:00', '2009/9/28 23:00', '2009/9/29 0:00', '2009/9/29 1:00', '2009/9/29 2:00', '2009/9/29 3:00', '2009/9/29 4:00', '2009/9/29 5:00', '2009/9/29 6:00', '2009/9/29 7:00', '2009/9/29 8:00', '2009/9/29 9:00', '2009/9/29 10:00', '2009/9/29 11:00', '2009/9/29 12:00', '2009/9/29 13:00', '2009/9/29 14:00', '2009/9/29 15:00', '2009/9/29 16:00', '2009/9/29 17:00', '2009/9/29 18:00', '2009/9/29 19:00', '2009/9/29 20:00', '2009/9/29 21:00', '2009/9/29 22:00', '2009/9/29 23:00', '2009/9/30 0:00', '2009/9/30 1:00', '2009/9/30 2:00', '2009/9/30 3:00', '2009/9/30 4:00', '2009/9/30 5:00', '2009/9/30 6:00', '2009/9/30 7:00', '2009/9/30 8:00', '2009/9/30 9:00', '2009/9/30 10:00', '2009/9/30 11:00', '2009/9/30 12:00', '2009/9/30 13:00', '2009/9/30 14:00', '2009/9/30 15:00', '2009/9/30 16:00', '2009/9/30 17:00', '2009/9/30 18:00', '2009/9/30 19:00', '2009/9/30 20:00', '2009/9/30 21:00', '2009/9/30 22:00', '2009/9/30 23:00', '2009/10/1 0:00', '2009/10/1 1:00', '2009/10/1 2:00', '2009/10/1 3:00', '2009/10/1 4:00', '2009/10/1 5:00', '2009/10/1 6:00', '2009/10/1 7:00', '2009/10/1 8:00', '2009/10/1 9:00', '2009/10/1 10:00', '2009/10/1 11:00', '2009/10/1 12:00', '2009/10/1 13:00', '2009/10/1 14:00', '2009/10/1 15:00', '2009/10/1 16:00', '2009/10/1 17:00', '2009/10/1 18:00', '2009/10/1 19:00', '2009/10/1 20:00', '2009/10/1 21:00', '2009/10/1 22:00', '2009/10/1 23:00', '2009/10/2 0:00', '2009/10/2 1:00', '2009/10/2 2:00', '2009/10/2 3:00', '2009/10/2 4:00', '2009/10/2 5:00', '2009/10/2 6:00', '2009/10/2 7:00', '2009/10/2 8:00', '2009/10/2 9:00', '2009/10/2 10:00', '2009/10/2 11:00', '2009/10/2 12:00', '2009/10/2 13:00', '2009/10/2 14:00', '2009/10/2 15:00', '2009/10/2 16:00', '2009/10/2 17:00', '2009/10/2 18:00', '2009/10/2 19:00', '2009/10/2 20:00', '2009/10/2 21:00', '2009/10/2 22:00', '2009/10/2 23:00', '2009/10/3 0:00', '2009/10/3 1:00', '2009/10/3 2:00', '2009/10/3 3:00', '2009/10/3 4:00', '2009/10/3 5:00', '2009/10/3 6:00', '2009/10/3 7:00', '2009/10/3 8:00', '2009/10/3 9:00', '2009/10/3 10:00', '2009/10/3 11:00', '2009/10/3 12:00', '2009/10/3 13:00', '2009/10/3 14:00', '2009/10/3 15:00', '2009/10/3 16:00', '2009/10/3 17:00', '2009/10/3 18:00', '2009/10/3 19:00', '2009/10/3 20:00', '2009/10/3 21:00', '2009/10/3 22:00', '2009/10/3 23:00', '2009/10/4 0:00', '2009/10/4 1:00', '2009/10/4 2:00', '2009/10/4 3:00', '2009/10/4 4:00', '2009/10/4 5:00', '2009/10/4 6:00', '2009/10/4 7:00', '2009/10/4 8:00', '2009/10/4 9:00', '2009/10/4 10:00', '2009/10/4 11:00', '2009/10/4 12:00', '2009/10/4 13:00', '2009/10/4 14:00', '2009/10/4 15:00', '2009/10/4 16:00', '2009/10/4 17:00', '2009/10/4 18:00', '2009/10/4 19:00', '2009/10/4 20:00', '2009/10/4 21:00', '2009/10/4 22:00', '2009/10/4 23:00', '2009/10/5 0:00', '2009/10/5 1:00', '2009/10/5 2:00', '2009/10/5 3:00', '2009/10/5 4:00', '2009/10/5 5:00', '2009/10/5 6:00', '2009/10/5 7:00', '2009/10/5 8:00', '2009/10/5 9:00', '2009/10/5 10:00', '2009/10/5 11:00', '2009/10/5 12:00', '2009/10/5 13:00', '2009/10/5 14:00', '2009/10/5 15:00', '2009/10/5 16:00', '2009/10/5 17:00', '2009/10/5 18:00', '2009/10/5 19:00', '2009/10/5 20:00', '2009/10/5 21:00', '2009/10/5 22:00', '2009/10/5 23:00', '2009/10/6 0:00', '2009/10/6 1:00', '2009/10/6 2:00', '2009/10/6 3:00', '2009/10/6 4:00', '2009/10/6 5:00', '2009/10/6 6:00', '2009/10/6 7:00', '2009/10/6 8:00', '2009/10/6 9:00', '2009/10/6 10:00', '2009/10/6 11:00', '2009/10/6 12:00', '2009/10/6 13:00', '2009/10/6 14:00', '2009/10/6 15:00', '2009/10/6 16:00', '2009/10/6 17:00', '2009/10/6 18:00', '2009/10/6 19:00', '2009/10/6 20:00', '2009/10/6 21:00', '2009/10/6 22:00', '2009/10/6 23:00', '2009/10/7 0:00', '2009/10/7 1:00', '2009/10/7 2:00', '2009/10/7 3:00', '2009/10/7 4:00', '2009/10/7 5:00', '2009/10/7 6:00', '2009/10/7 7:00', '2009/10/7 8:00', '2009/10/7 9:00', '2009/10/7 10:00', '2009/10/7 11:00', '2009/10/7 12:00', '2009/10/7 13:00', '2009/10/7 14:00', '2009/10/7 15:00', '2009/10/7 16:00', '2009/10/7 17:00', '2009/10/7 18:00', '2009/10/7 19:00', '2009/10/7 20:00', '2009/10/7 21:00', '2009/10/7 22:00', '2009/10/7 23:00', '2009/10/8 0:00', '2009/10/8 1:00', '2009/10/8 2:00', '2009/10/8 3:00', '2009/10/8 4:00', '2009/10/8 5:00', '2009/10/8 6:00', '2009/10/8 7:00', '2009/10/8 8:00', '2009/10/8 9:00', '2009/10/8 10:00', '2009/10/8 11:00', '2009/10/8 12:00', '2009/10/8 13:00', '2009/10/8 14:00', '2009/10/8 15:00', '2009/10/8 16:00', '2009/10/8 17:00', '2009/10/8 18:00', '2009/10/8 19:00', '2009/10/8 20:00', '2009/10/8 21:00', '2009/10/8 22:00', '2009/10/8 23:00', '2009/10/9 0:00', '2009/10/9 1:00', '2009/10/9 2:00', '2009/10/9 3:00', '2009/10/9 4:00', '2009/10/9 5:00', '2009/10/9 6:00', '2009/10/9 7:00', '2009/10/9 8:00', '2009/10/9 9:00', '2009/10/9 10:00', '2009/10/9 11:00', '2009/10/9 12:00', '2009/10/9 13:00', '2009/10/9 14:00', '2009/10/9 15:00', '2009/10/9 16:00', '2009/10/9 17:00', '2009/10/9 18:00', '2009/10/9 19:00', '2009/10/9 20:00', '2009/10/9 21:00', '2009/10/9 22:00', '2009/10/9 23:00', '2009/10/10 0:00', '2009/10/10 1:00', '2009/10/10 2:00', '2009/10/10 3:00', '2009/10/10 4:00', '2009/10/10 5:00', '2009/10/10 6:00', '2009/10/10 7:00', '2009/10/10 8:00', '2009/10/10 9:00', '2009/10/10 10:00', '2009/10/10 11:00', '2009/10/10 12:00', '2009/10/10 13:00', '2009/10/10 14:00', '2009/10/10 15:00', '2009/10/10 16:00', '2009/10/10 17:00', '2009/10/10 18:00', '2009/10/10 19:00', '2009/10/10 20:00', '2009/10/10 21:00', '2009/10/10 22:00', '2009/10/10 23:00', '2009/10/11 0:00', '2009/10/11 1:00', '2009/10/11 2:00', '2009/10/11 3:00', '2009/10/11 4:00', '2009/10/11 5:00', '2009/10/11 6:00', '2009/10/11 7:00', '2009/10/11 8:00', '2009/10/11 9:00', '2009/10/11 10:00', '2009/10/11 11:00', '2009/10/11 12:00', '2009/10/11 13:00', '2009/10/11 14:00', '2009/10/11 15:00', '2009/10/11 16:00', '2009/10/11 17:00', '2009/10/11 18:00', '2009/10/11 19:00', '2009/10/11 20:00', '2009/10/11 21:00', '2009/10/11 22:00', '2009/10/11 23:00', '2009/10/12 0:00', '2009/10/12 1:00', '2009/10/12 2:00', '2009/10/12 3:00', '2009/10/12 4:00', '2009/10/12 5:00', '2009/10/12 6:00', '2009/10/12 7:00', '2009/10/12 8:00', '2009/10/12 9:00', '2009/10/12 10:00', '2009/10/12 11:00', '2009/10/12 12:00', '2009/10/12 13:00', '2009/10/12 14:00', '2009/10/12 15:00', '2009/10/12 16:00', '2009/10/12 17:00', '2009/10/12 18:00', '2009/10/12 19:00', '2009/10/12 20:00', '2009/10/12 21:00', '2009/10/12 22:00', '2009/10/12 23:00', '2009/10/13 0:00', '2009/10/13 1:00', '2009/10/13 2:00', '2009/10/13 3:00', '2009/10/13 4:00', '2009/10/13 5:00', '2009/10/13 6:00', '2009/10/13 7:00', '2009/10/13 8:00', '2009/10/13 9:00', '2009/10/13 10:00', '2009/10/13 11:00', '2009/10/13 12:00', '2009/10/13 13:00', '2009/10/13 14:00', '2009/10/13 15:00', '2009/10/13 16:00', '2009/10/13 17:00', '2009/10/13 18:00', '2009/10/13 19:00', '2009/10/13 20:00', '2009/10/13 21:00', '2009/10/13 22:00', '2009/10/13 23:00', '2009/10/14 0:00', '2009/10/14 1:00', '2009/10/14 2:00', '2009/10/14 3:00', '2009/10/14 4:00', '2009/10/14 5:00', '2009/10/14 6:00', '2009/10/14 7:00', '2009/10/14 8:00', '2009/10/14 9:00', '2009/10/14 10:00', '2009/10/14 11:00', '2009/10/14 12:00', '2009/10/14 13:00', '2009/10/14 14:00', '2009/10/14 15:00', '2009/10/14 16:00', '2009/10/14 17:00', '2009/10/14 18:00', '2009/10/14 19:00', '2009/10/14 20:00', '2009/10/14 21:00', '2009/10/14 22:00', '2009/10/14 23:00', '2009/10/15 0:00', '2009/10/15 1:00', '2009/10/15 2:00', '2009/10/15 3:00', '2009/10/15 4:00', '2009/10/15 5:00', '2009/10/15 6:00', '2009/10/15 7:00', '2009/10/15 8:00', '2009/10/15 9:00', '2009/10/15 10:00', '2009/10/15 11:00', '2009/10/15 12:00', '2009/10/15 13:00', '2009/10/15 14:00', '2009/10/15 15:00', '2009/10/15 16:00', '2009/10/15 17:00', '2009/10/15 18:00', '2009/10/15 19:00', '2009/10/15 20:00', '2009/10/15 21:00', '2009/10/15 22:00', '2009/10/15 23:00', '2009/10/16 0:00', '2009/10/16 1:00', '2009/10/16 2:00', '2009/10/16 3:00', '2009/10/16 4:00', '2009/10/16 5:00', '2009/10/16 6:00', '2009/10/16 7:00', '2009/10/16 8:00', '2009/10/16 9:00', '2009/10/16 10:00', '2009/10/16 11:00', '2009/10/16 12:00', '2009/10/16 13:00', '2009/10/16 14:00', '2009/10/16 15:00', '2009/10/16 16:00', '2009/10/16 17:00', '2009/10/16 18:00', '2009/10/16 19:00', '2009/10/16 20:00', '2009/10/16 21:00', '2009/10/16 22:00', '2009/10/16 23:00', '2009/10/17 0:00', '2009/10/17 1:00', '2009/10/17 2:00', '2009/10/17 3:00', '2009/10/17 4:00', '2009/10/17 5:00', '2009/10/17 6:00', '2009/10/17 7:00', '2009/10/17 8:00', '2009/10/17 9:00', '2009/10/17 10:00', '2009/10/17 11:00', '2009/10/17 12:00', '2009/10/17 13:00', '2009/10/17 14:00', '2009/10/17 15:00', '2009/10/17 16:00', '2009/10/17 17:00', '2009/10/17 18:00', '2009/10/17 19:00', '2009/10/17 20:00', '2009/10/17 21:00', '2009/10/17 22:00', '2009/10/17 23:00', '2009/10/18 0:00', '2009/10/18 1:00', '2009/10/18 2:00', '2009/10/18 3:00', '2009/10/18 4:00', '2009/10/18 5:00', '2009/10/18 6:00', '2009/10/18 7:00', '2009/10/18 8:00' ] } ], yAxis : [ { name : 'Flow(m^3/s)', type : 'value', max : 500 }, { name : 'Rainfall(mm)', type : 'value', inverse: true } ], series : [ { name:'Flow', type:'line', notShowSymbol: true, sampling: sampling, hoverAnimation: false, itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {type: 'default'}}}, markArea: { silent: true, data: [[{ // name: 'a', xAxis: '2009/10/2 7:00' // xAxis: 1 }, { // name: 'b', xAxis: '2009/10/12 7:00' // xAxis: 5 }]] }, data:[ 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{b} : {c} ({d}%)" }, legend: { orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data: ['direct interview','Email marketing','Affiliate advertising','Video ad(value is null)','search engine'] }, series : [ { name: 'Visit source', type: 'pie', radius : '55%', center: ['50%', '60%'], selectedMode: 'single', data:[ {value:335, name:'direct interview'}, {value:310, name:'Email marketing'}, {value:234, name:'Affiliate advertising'}, {value:null, name:'Video ad(value is null)'}, {value:1548, name:'search engine'} ], emphasis: { itemStyle: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' } } } ] }); chart.on('pieselectchanged', function (e) { console.log(e); }); window.onresize = chart.resize; } ); // bar polar chart js require([ 'echarts' // 'echarts/chart/bar', // 'echarts/component/legend', // 'echarts/component/polar', // 'echarts/component/title', // 'echarts/component/tooltip', // 'zrender/vml/vml' ], function (echarts) { var chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart-polar')); var data = [ [5000, 10000, 6785.71], [4000, 10000, 6825], [3000, 6500, 4463.33], [2500, 5600, 3793.83], [2000, 4000, 3060], [2000, 4000, 3222.33], [2500, 4000, 3133.33], [1800, 4000, 3100], [2000, 3500, 2750], [2000, 3000, 2500], [1800, 3000, 2433.33], [2000, 2700, 2375], [1500, 2800, 2150], [1500, 2300, 2100], [1600, 3500, 2057.14], [1500, 2600, 2037.5], [1500, 2417.54, 1905.85], [1500, 2000, 1775], [1500, 1800, 1650] ]; var cities = ['Beijing', 'Shanghai', 'Shenzhen', 'Guangzhou', 'State Su', 'Hangzhou', 'Nanjing', 'Fuzhou', 'Qingdao', 'Jinan', 'Changchun', 'Dalian', 'Wenzhou', 'Zhengzhou', 'Wuhan', 'Chengdu', 'Dongguan', 'Shenyang', 'Yantai']; var barHeight = 50; chart.setOption({ title: { text: 'How expensive is it to rent a house in China?', subtext: 'Monthly rent for a room in the city center(Data Sources:https://www.numbeo.com)' }, legend: { show: true, data: ['price range', 'Mean'] }, grid: { top: 100 }, angleAxis: { type: 'category', data: cities }, tooltip: { show: true, formatter: function (params) { var id = params.dataIndex; return cities[id] + '
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lowest:' + data[id][1] + '
average:' + data[id][2]; } }, radiusAxis: { }, polar: { }, series: [{ type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: 'transparent' } }, data: data.map(function (d) { return d[0]; }), coordinateSystem: 'polar', stack: 'Maximum and minimum', silent: true }, { type: 'bar', data: data.map(function (d) { return d[1] - d[0]; }), coordinateSystem: 'polar', name: 'price range', stack: 'Maximum and minimum' }, { type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: 'transparent' } }, data: data.map(function (d) { return d[2] - barHeight; }), coordinateSystem: 'polar', stack: 'Mean', silent: true, z: 10 }, { type: 'bar', data: data.map(function (d) { return barHeight * 2 }), coordinateSystem: 'polar', name: 'Mean', stack: 'Mean', barGap: '-100%', z: 10 }], legend: { show: true, data: ['A', 'B', 'C'] } }); chart.on('click', function (params) { console.log(params); }); window.onresize = chart.resize; }); // bar chart js require( (testHelper.hasURLParam('en') ? 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} }, lineStyle:{ type: 'dashed' } } }, data : [ [{type : 'min'}, {type : 'max'}] ] } }, { name:'Baidu', type:'bar', barWidth : 5, stack: 'search engine', data:[620, 732, 701, 734, 1090, 1130, 1120] }, { name:'Google', type:'bar', stack: 'search engine', data:[120, 132, 101, 134, 290, 230, 220] }, { name:'must', type:'bar', stack: 'search engine', data:[60, 72, 71, 74, 190, 130, 110] }, { name:'other', type:'bar', stack: 'search engine', data:[62, 82, 91, 84, 109, 110, 120] } ] }); window.onresize = chart.resize; }); // boxplot chart js /** * @see
* @see
*/ var chart; var data; var mean; require([ 'echarts', 'assets/js/chart/echart/data/Michelson-Morley.json' ], function (echarts, rawData) { var env = echarts.env; chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart-boxplot')); update('horizontal'); initControlPanel(env); function update(layout) { // mean = calculateMean(rawData); var categoryAxis = { type: 'category', boundaryGap: true, nameGap: 30, splitArea: { show: false }, splitLine: { show: false } }; var valueAxis = { type: 'value', name: 'km/s minus 299,000', splitArea: { show: true } }; chart.setOption({ aria: { show: true }, dataset: [{ source: rawData }, { transform: { type: 'boxplot', config: { itemNameFormatter: 'expr {value}' } } }, { fromDatasetIndex: 1, fromTransformResult: 1 }], title: [ { text: 'Michelson-Morley Experiment', left: 'center' } ], legend: { left: 'right' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'item', axisPointer: { type: 'shadow' } }, grid: { left: '10%', right: '10%', bottom: '15%' }, xAxis: layout === 'horizontal' ? categoryAxis : valueAxis, yAxis: layout === 'vertical' ? categoryAxis : valueAxis, series: [ { name: 'boxplot', type: 'boxplot', datasetIndex: 1, markPoint: { data: [ { name: 'A certain coordinate', coord: [2, 300] }, { name: 'A screen coordinate', x: 100, y: 200, label: { normal: { show: false, formatter: 'asdf' }, emphasis: { show: true, position: 'top', formatter: 'zxcv' } } }, { name: 'max value (default)', type: 'max' }, { name: 'min value (default)', type: 'min' }, { name: 'max value (dim:Q1)', type: 'max', valueDim: 'Q1' }, { name: 'average value (dim:Q1)', type: 'average', valueDim: 'Q1' } ] }, markLine: { data: [ [ {name: 'Marking line between two coordinates', coord: [1, 240]}, {coord: [2, 260]} ], [ {name: 'Mark line between two screen coordinates', x: 50, y: 60}, {x: 70, y: 90} ], [ {name: 'max - min', type: 'max'}, {type: 'min'} ], { name: 'min line', type: 'min' }, { name: 'max line on dim:Q3', type: 'max', valueDim: 'Q3' } ] } }, { name: 'outlier', type: 'scatter', datasetIndex: 2 } ] }); } // function calculateMean(rawData) { // var sum = 0; // var count = 0; // for (var i = 0, len = rawData.length; i < len; i++) { // for (var j = 0, lenj = rawData[i].length; j < lenj; j++) { // var value = rawData[i][j]; // count++; // if (!isNaN(value) && value != null && value !== '') { // sum += value; // } // } // } // return sum / count; // }; function initControlPanel(env) { if (!env.browser.ie || env.browser.ie.version > 8) { var scr = document.createElement('script'); scr.src = '../assets/js/chart/echart/lib/dat.gui.min.js'; scr.onload = function () { var gui = new dat.GUI(); var config = { layout: 'horizontal' }; gui .add(config, 'layout', ['horizontal', 'vertical']) .onChange(update); }; document.head.appendChild(scr); } } window.onresize = chart.resize; }); // lines clip chart js function makeToggleChartButtons(toggleClip) { return [{ text: 'Set Clip', onclick: function () { toggleClip(true); } }, { text: 'Set Visible', onclick: function () { toggleClip(false); } }]; } require([ 'echarts' ], function (echarts) { var lineData = [] function getColor() { //定义字符串变量colorValue存放可以构成十六进制颜色值的值 var colorValue = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f"; //以","为分隔符,将colorValue字符串分割为字符数组["0","1",...,"f"] var colorArray = colorValue.split(","); var color = "#";//定义一个存放十六进制颜色值的字符串变量,先将#存放进去 //使用for循环语句生成剩余的六位十六进制值 for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //colorArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*16)]随机取出 // 由16个元素组成的colorArray的某一个值,然后将其加在color中, //字符串相加后,得出的仍是字符串 color += colorArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)]; } return color; } for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { var x = Math.floor(Math.random()*600+50) var y = Math.floor(Math.random()*600+50) var xSign = Math.floor(Math.random()*2+1) var ySign = Math.floor(Math.random()*2+1) //负数 if (xSign === 1) { x *= -1; } if (ySign === 1) { y *= -1; } var obj = { coords: [ [0, 0], [x, y] ], label: { show:false }, lineStyle: { normal: { color: getColor(), width: 1 } } }; lineData.push(obj); } option = { animation: false, xAxis: { type:'value', min: -1000, max: 1000, splitLine:{ lineStyle: { width: 1 } } }, yAxis: { type:'value', min: -1000, max: 1000, splitLine:{ lineStyle: { width: 1 } } }, dataZoom: [{ type: 'inside', xAxisIndex: 0, filterMode: 'filter', start: 30, end: 70 }, { type: 'inside', yAxisIndex: 0, filterMode: 'weakFilter', start: 30, end: 70 } ], series: [{ type: 'lines', name: 'Network topology diagram', coordinateSystem: 'cartesian2d', lineStyle: { normal: { color: '#F00', width: 1 } }, label: { fontSize: 15 }, symbol: ['none', 'arrow'], // 数据 data: lineData }] }; var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'lines-clip', { title: 'Lines Clip,(case from #10748). Should not overflow after zoomed in', option: option, height: 400, buttons: makeToggleChartButtons(function (clip) { chart.setOption({ series: [{ clip: clip, data: lineData }] }) }) }); window.onresize = chart.resize; }) // angle chart js require(['echarts'], function (echarts) { var _animationDuration = 1000; var _animationDurationUpdate = 1000; var _animationEasingUpdate = 'elasticOut'; var _datasourceList = [ [[1, 156]], [[1, 54]], [[1, 131]], [[1, 32]], [[1, 103]], [[1, 66]], ]; var _valOnRadianMax = 200; var _outerRadius = 100; var _innerRadius = 85; var _pointerInnerRadius = 40; var _insidePanelRadius = 65; var _currentDataIndex = 0; function renderItem(params, api) { var children = []; var dataIdx = params.dataIndex; var valOnRadian = api.value(1); var coords = api.coord([api.value(0), valOnRadian]); var polarEndRadian = coords[3]; var imageStyle = { image: window.BAR_ROUND_GRADIENT_TEXTURE, x: params.coordSys.cx - _outerRadius, y: params.coordSys.cy - _outerRadius, width: _outerRadius * 2, height: _outerRadius * 2 }; return { type: 'group', children: [{ type: 'image', style: imageStyle, clipPath: { type: 'sector', shape: { cx: params.coordSys.cx, cy: params.coordSys.cy, r: _outerRadius, r0: _innerRadius, startAngle: 0, // polor: anticlockwise-positive radian // sector: clockwise-positive radian endAngle: -polarEndRadian, transition: 'endAngle', enterFrom: { endAngle: 0 } } } }, { type: 'image', style: imageStyle, clipPath: { type: 'polygon', shape: { points: makePionterPoints(params, polarEndRadian), }, extra: { polarEndRadian: polarEndRadian, transition: 'polarEndRadian', enterFrom: { polarEndRadian: 0 } }, during: function (apiDuring) { apiDuring.setShape( 'points', makePionterPoints(params, apiDuring.getExtra('polarEndRadian')) ); } }, }, { type: 'circle', shape: { cx: params.coordSys.cx, cy: params.coordSys.cy, r: _insidePanelRadius }, style: { fill: '#fff', shadowBlur: 25, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 0, shadowColor: 'rgb(0,0,50)' } }, { type: 'text', extra: { valOnRadian: valOnRadian, transition: 'valOnRadian', enterFrom: { valOnRadian: 0 } }, style: { text: makeText(valOnRadian), fontSize: 40, x: params.coordSys.cx, y: params.coordSys.cy, fill: 'rgb(0,50,190)', align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', enterFrom: { opacity: 0 } }, during: function (apiDuring) { apiDuring.setStyle('text', makeText(apiDuring.getExtra('valOnRadian'))); } }] }; } function convertToPolarPoint(renderItemParams, radius, radian) { return [ Math.cos(radian) * radius + renderItemParams.coordSys.cx, -Math.sin(radian) * radius + renderItemParams.coordSys.cy ]; } function makePionterPoints(renderItemParams, polarEndRadian) { return [ convertToPolarPoint(renderItemParams, _outerRadius, polarEndRadian), convertToPolarPoint(renderItemParams, _outerRadius, polarEndRadian + Math.PI * 0.03), convertToPolarPoint(renderItemParams, _pointerInnerRadius, polarEndRadian) ]; } function makeText(valOnRadian) { // Validate additive animation calc. if (valOnRadian < -10) { alert('illegal during val: ' + valOnRadian); } return (valOnRadian / _valOnRadianMax * 100).toFixed(0) + '%' } var option = { animationEasing: _animationEasingUpdate, animationDuration: _animationDuration, animationDurationUpdate: _animationDurationUpdate, animationEasingUpdate: _animationEasingUpdate, dataset: { source: _datasourceList[_currentDataIndex] }, tooltip: {}, angleAxis: { type: 'value', startAngle: 0, axisLine: { show: false }, axisTick: { show: false }, axisLabel: { show: false }, splitLine: { show: false }, min: 0, max: _valOnRadianMax }, radiusAxis: { type: 'value', axisLine: { show: false }, axisTick: { show: false }, axisLabel: { show: false }, splitLine: { show: false } }, polar: {}, series: [{ type: 'custom', coordinateSystem: 'polar', renderItem: renderItem }] }; var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'texture-bar-by-clipPath', { title: [ 'Angle gradient | clipPath animation', 'click **next** to check the transition animation in both bar and text.' ], option: option, height: 300, buttons: [{ text: 'next', onclick: function () { _currentDataIndex++; _currentDataIndex >= _datasourceList.length && (_currentDataIndex = 0); chart.setOption({ dataset: { source: _datasourceList[_currentDataIndex] } }); } }] }); window.onresize = chart.resize; }); // gauge chart js require(['echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */], function (echarts) { var option4 = { tooltip: { formatter: '{a}
{b} : {c}%' }, toolbox: { feature: { restore: {}, saveAsImage: {} } }, series: [ { // name: 'Business indicators', type: 'gauge', pointer: { icon: 'path://M2090.36389,615.30999 L2090.36389,615.30999 C2091.48372,615.30999 2092.40383,616.194028 2092.44859,617.312956 L2096.90698,728.755929 C2097.05155,732.369577 2094.2393,735.416212 2090.62566,735.56078 C2090.53845,735.564269 2090.45117,735.566014 2090.36389,735.566014 L2090.36389,735.566014 C2086.74736,735.566014 2083.81557,732.63423 2083.81557,729.017692 C2083.81557,728.930412 2083.81732,728.84314 2083.82081,728.755929 L2088.2792,617.312956 C2088.32396,616.194028 2089.24407,615.30999 2090.36389,615.30999 Z' }, progress: { show: true, // 坐标轴线 overlap: true, roundCap: true }, axisLine: { roundCap: true }, data: [ { value: 20, name: 'Completion rate', title: { offsetCenter: ['-80%', '80%'] }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['-80%', '95%'] } }, { value: 40, name: 'Compliance rate', title: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '80%'] }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '95%'] } }, { value: 60, name: 'Excellent rate', title: { offsetCenter: ['80%', '80%'] }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['80%', '95%'] } } ], title: { fontSize: 14 }, detail: { width: 30, height: 12, fontSize: 12, color: 'auto', // backgroundColor: 'auto', formatter: '{value}%' }, } ] }; var chart4 = testHelper.create(echarts, 'echart-gauge', { option: option4 }); window.addEventListener('resize',function(){ chart4.resize(); }) setInterval(function () { option4.series[0].data[0].value = (Math.random() * 100).toFixed(2) - 0; option4.series[0].data[1].value = (Math.random() * 100).toFixed(2) - 0; option4.series[0].data[2].value = (Math.random() * 100).toFixed(2) - 0; chart4.setOption(option4, true); }, 2000); }); // line visual chart js require([ 'echarts' ], function (echarts) { var main = document.getElementById('line-visual'); if (!main) { return; } var chart = echarts.init(main); var xAxisData = []; var data1 = []; var base = Math.round(Math.random() * 30); for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { xAxisData.push('Category' + i); base += Math.round(Math.random() * 10 - 5); if (i > 500 && i < 550) { data1.push(180); } else if (i > 700 && i < 740) { data1.push(-90); } else { data1.push(base); } } chart.setOption({ visualMap: { type: 'piecewise', top: 'center', inRange: { color: ['red', 'green', 'black'] }, outOfRange: { color: '#aaa' }, min: -70, max: 150 }, dataZoom: { orient: 'vertical' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'line' } }, xAxis: { data: xAxisData, boundaryGap: false }, yAxis: {}, series: [{ name: 'line', type: 'line', stack: 'all', symbol: 'circle', areaStyle: { normal: {} }, symbolSize: 10, data: data1 }] }); window.onresize = chart.resize; }); // line visual chart 2 js require([ 'echarts' ], function (echarts) { var main = document.getElementById('line-visulH'); if (!main) { return; } var chart = echarts.init(main); var data0 = []; var MAX_DIM1 = 100; var itemStyle = { normal: { opacity: 0.8, shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)' } }; var last = 60; var lastDelta = 20; for (var i = 0; i < MAX_DIM1; i++) { lastDelta += (Math.random() - 0.5) * 15; data0.push([ i, last += lastDelta ]); } chart.setOption({ grid: { top: 100, bottom: 100 }, xAxis: { type: 'value', splitLine: { show: false } }, yAxis: { type: 'value', splitLine: { show: false } }, visualMap: [ { show: true, left: 'center', bottom: 20, orient: 'horizontal', itemWidth: 20, itemHeight: 200, min: 0, max: MAX_DIM1, calculable: true, range: [20, 95], dimension: 0, inRange: { colorHue: [0, 300], colorLightness: 0.35, colorSaturation: 1 }, outOfRange: { color: '#eee' } } ], series: [ { name: 'hue', type: 'line', barMaxWidth: 10, itemStyle: itemStyle, areaStyle: {normal: {}}, data: data0 } ] }); }); // pictorial repeat chart js function makeChart(id, option, cb) { require([ 'echarts' // 'echarts/chart/pictorialBar', // 'echarts/chart/bar', // 'echarts/chart/scatter', // 'echarts/component/grid', // 'echarts/component/markLine', // 'echarts/component/legend', // 'echarts/component/tooltip', // 'echarts/component/dataZoom' ], function (echarts) { var main = document.getElementById(id); if (main) { var chartMain = document.createElement('div'); chartMain.style.cssText = 'height:100%'; main.appendChild(chartMain); var chart = echarts.init(chartMain); chart.setOption(option); window.addEventListener('resize', chart.resize); cb && cb(echarts, chart); } }); } var startData = 13000; var maxData = 18000; var minData = 5000; makeChart('dynamic-data', { backgroundColor: '#f8f8f8', tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'none', label: {show: true} } }, legend: { data: ['all'], textStyle: {color: '#2b2b2b'} }, grid: { bottom: 100 }, xAxis: [{ data: [ 'standard', 'fix symbol margin\n(not accurate)\n(but more comparable)', 'use symbolBoundingData\nauto repeat times\n(accurate)\n(but symbolMargin not fixed)', 'use symbolBoundingData\nfix repeat times\n(accurate)\n(but less responsive)' ], axisTick: {show: false}, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#ddd' } }, axisLabel: { margin: 20, interval: 0, textStyle: { color: '#2b2b2b', fontSize: 14 } } }], yAxis: { splitLine: {show: false}, axisTick: { lineStyle: { color: '#ddd' } }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#ddd' } }, axisLabel: { textStyle: { color: '#2b2b2b' } } }, animationEasing: 'cubicOut', animationDuration: 100, animationDurationUpdate: 2000, series: [{ type: 'pictorialBar', name: 'all', id: 'paper', hoverAnimation: true, label: { normal: { show: true, position: 'top', formatter: '{c} km', textStyle: { fontSize: 16, color: '#2b2b2b' } } }, symbol: imageSymbols.paper, symbolSize: ['70%', 50], symbolMargin: '-25%', data: [{ value: maxData, symbolRepeat: true }, { value: startData, symbolRepeat: true }, { value: startData, symbolBoundingData: startData, symbolRepeat: true }, { value: startData, symbolBoundingData: startData, symbolRepeat: 20 }], markLine: { symbol: ['none', 'none'], label: { normal: {show: false} }, lineStyle: { normal: { color: '#e54035' } }, data: [{ yAxis: startData }] } }, { name: 'all', type: 'pictorialBar', symbol: 'circle', itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#ffffff' } }, silent: true, symbolSize: ['150%', 50], symbolOffset: [0, 20], z: -10, data: [1, 1, 1, 1] }] }, function (echarts, chart) { setInterval(function () { var dynamicData = Math.round(Math.random() * (maxData - minData) + minData); chart.setOption({ series: [{ id: 'paper', data: [{ value: maxData, symbolRepeat: true }, { value: dynamicData, symbolRepeat: true }, { value: dynamicData, symbolBoundingData: dynamicData, symbolRepeat: true }, { value: dynamicData, symbolBoundingData: dynamicData, symbolRepeat: 20 }], markLine: { data: [{ yAxis: dynamicData }] } }] }); }, 3000); }); // radar chart js require([ 'echarts' // 'echarts/chart/radar', // 'echarts/component/legend', // 'echarts/component/tooltip', // 'echarts/component/visualMap' ], function (echarts) { var chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart-radar')); chart.setOption({ title : { text: 'Browser accounted for changes', subtext: 'Purely fictitious', x:'right', y:'bottom' }, tooltip : { trigger: 'item', backgroundColor : 'rgba(0,0,250,0.2)' }, legend: { data: (function (){ var list = []; for (var i = 1; i <=28; i++) { list.push(i + 2000 + ''); } return list; })() }, visualMap: { color: ['red', 'yellow'] }, radar: { indicator : [ { text: 'IE8-', max: 400}, { text: 'IE9+', max: 400}, { text: 'Safari', max: 400}, { text: 'Firefox', max: 400}, { text: 'Chrome', max: 400} ] }, series : (function (){ var series = []; for (var i = 1; i <= 28; i++) { series.push({ name:'Browser(Data is purely fictitious)', type: 'radar', symbol: 'none', itemStyle: { normal: { lineStyle: { width:1 } } }, emphasis: { areaStyle: { color:'rgba(0,250,0,0.3)' } }, data:[ { value:[ (40 - i) * 10, (38 - i) * 4 + 60, i * 5 + 10, i * 9, i * i /2 ], name:i + 2000 + '' } ] }); } return series; })() }); }); // polar chart js require([ 'echarts' // 'echarts/chart/line', // 'echarts/component/legend', // 'echarts/component/polar', // 'echarts/component/tooltip', // 'echarts/component/markPoint', // 'echarts/component/markLine' ], function (echarts) { var chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main0'), null, { }); var xAxisData = []; var data1 = []; var data2 = []; var data3 = []; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { xAxisData.push('Category' + i); data1.push((Math.random() * 2 + 1).toFixed(3)); data3.push((Math.random() + 0.5).toFixed(3)); data2.push((Math.random() + 0.5).toFixed(3)); } chart.setOption({ legend: { data: ['line', 'line2', 'line3'] }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'shadow' } }, polar: {}, angleAxis: { // data: ['类目1', '类目2', '类目3', '类目4', '类目5',] data: xAxisData, startAngle: 30 }, radiusAxis: { axisLine: { symbol: 'arrow', symbolOffset: [20, -20] } }, animationDuration: 5000, series: [{ coordinateSystem: 'polar', name: 'line', stack: 'all', type: 'line', symbolSize: 10, label: { show: true }, itemStyle: { normal: { areaStyle: {} } }, markPoint: { data: [{ type: 'max' }] }, data: data1 }, { coordinateSystem: 'polar', name: 'line2', stack: 'all', type: 'line', symbolSize: 10, label: { show: true }, itemStyle: { normal: { areaStyle: {} } }, markLine: { data: [[{ type: 'max' }, { type: 'min' }]] }, data: data2 }, { coordinateSystem: 'polar', name: 'line3', stack: 'all', type: 'line', symbolSize: 10, label: { show: true }, itemStyle: { normal: { areaStyle: {} } }, data: data3 }] }); }) // pie rich chart js require(['echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */], function (echarts) { var option; // $.getJSON('./data/nutrients.json', function (data) {}); var colorList = [{ type: 'linear', x: 0, y: 0, x2: 1, y2: 1, colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(51,192,205,0.01)' // 0% 处的颜色 }, { offset: 1, color: 'rgba(51,192,205,0.57)' // 100% 处的颜色 } ], globalCoord: false // 缺省为 false }, { type: 'linear', x: 1, y: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(115,172,255,0.02)' // 0% 处的颜色 }, { offset: 1, color: 'rgba(115,172,255,0.67)' // 100% 处的颜色 } ], globalCoord: false // 缺省为 false }, { type: 'linear', x: 1, y: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(158,135,255,0.02)' // 0% 处的颜色 }, { offset: 1, color: 'rgba(158,135,255,0.57)' // 100% 处的颜色 } ], globalCoord: false // 缺省为 false }, { type: 'linear', x: 0, y: 1, x2: 0, y2: 0, colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(252,75,75,0.01)' // 0% 处的颜色 }, { offset: 1, color: 'rgba(252,75,75,0.57)' // 100% 处的颜色 } ], globalCoord: false // 缺省为 false }, { type: 'linear', x: 1, y: 1, x2: 1, y2: 0, colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(253,138,106,0.01)' // 0% 处的颜色 }, { offset: 1, color: '#FDB36ac2' // 100% 处的颜色 } ], globalCoord: false // 缺省为 false }, { type: 'linear', x: 0, y: 0, x2: 1, y2: 0, colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(254,206,67,0.12)' // 0% 处的颜色 }, { offset: 1, color: '#FECE4391' // 100% 处的颜色 } ], globalCoord: false // 缺省为 false } ] var colorLine = ['#33C0CD', '#73ACFF', '#9E87FF', '#FE6969', '#FDB36A', '#FECE43'] function getRich() { let result = {} colorLine.forEach((v, i) => { result[`hr${i}`] = { backgroundColor: colorLine[i], borderRadius: 3, width: 3, height: 3, padding: [0, 3, 3, -12] } result[`a${i}`] = { padding: [-20, -60, 0, -20], color: colorLine[i], fontSize: 12 } }) return result } let data = [{ 'name': 'Beijing', 'value': 25 }, { 'name': 'Shanghai', 'value': 20 }, { 'name': 'Guangzhou', 'value': 18 }, { 'name': 'Shenzhen', 'value': 15 }, { 'name': 'unknown', 'value': 13 }, { 'name': 'overseas', 'value': 9 }].sort((a, b) => { return b.value - a.value }) data.forEach((v, i) => { v.labelLine = { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: colorLine[i] } } }) option = { series: [{ type: 'pie', radius: '60%', center: ['50%', '50%'], clockwise: true, avoidLabelOverlap: true, label: { show: true, position: 'outside', formatter: function(params) { const name = params.name const percent = params.percent + '%' const index = params.dataIndex return [`{a${index}|${name}:${percent}}`, `{hr${index}|}`].join('\n') }, rich: getRich() }, itemStyle: { normal: { color: function(params) { return colorList[params.dataIndex] } } }, data, roseType: 'radius' }] } var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'echart-pierich', { option: option // height: 300, // buttons: [{text: 'btn-txt', onclick: function () {}}], // recordCanvas: true, }); }); // pictorial single chart js function makeChart(id, option, cb) { require([ 'echarts' // 'echarts/chart/pictorialBar', // 'echarts/chart/bar', // 'echarts/chart/line', // 'echarts/chart/scatter', // 'echarts/component/grid', // 'echarts/component/legend', // 'echarts/component/markLine', // 'echarts/component/tooltip', // 'echarts/component/dataZoom' ], function (echarts) { if (typeof option === 'function') { option = option(echarts); } var main = document.getElementById(id); if (main) { var chartMain = document.createElement('div'); chartMain.style.cssText = 'height:100%'; main.appendChild(chartMain); var chart = echarts.init(chartMain); chart.setOption(option); window.addEventListener('resize', chart.resize); cb && cb(echarts, chart); } }); } makeChart('dotted', function (echarts) { var bgColor = '#f8f8f8'; var category = []; var count = 20; var dottedBase = +new Date(); var lineData = []; var barData = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var date = new Date(dottedBase + 3600 * 24); category.push([ date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate() ].join('-')); var b = Math.random() * 200; var d = Math.random() * 200; barData.push(b) lineData.push(d + b); } return { backgroundColor: bgColor, tooltip: { }, legend: { data: ['line', 'bar'], textStyle: { color: '#ccc' } }, xAxis: { data: category, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#ccc' } } }, yAxis: { splitLine: {show: false}, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#ccc' } } }, series: [{ name: 'line', type: 'line', smooth: true, showAllSymbol: true, symbol: 'emptyCircle', symbolSize: 15, data: lineData }, { name: 'bar', type: 'bar', barWidth: 10, itemStyle: { normal: { barBorderRadius: 5, color: { type: 'linear', x: 0, y: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, colorStops: [ {offset: 0, color: '#14c8d4'}, {offset: 1, color: '#43eec6'} ] } } }, data: barData }, { name: 'line', type: 'bar', barWidth: 10, barGap: '-100%', itemStyle: { normal: { color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, 1, [ {offset: 0, color: 'rgba(20,200,212,0.5)'}, {offset: 0.2, color: 'rgba(20,200,212,0.2)'}, {offset: 1, color: 'rgba(20,200,212,0)'} ] ) } }, z: -12, data: lineData }, { name: 'dotted', type: 'pictorialBar', symbol: 'rect', itemStyle: { normal: { color: bgColor } }, symbolRepeat: true, symbolSize: [12, 4], symbolMargin: 1, z: -10, data: lineData }] }; });