load->model('plugins_model', 'plugins'); $this->load->library("Aauth"); if (!$this->aauth->is_loggedin()) { redirect('/user/', 'refresh'); } $this->load->library('parser'); } //todo section public function template() { $id = $this->input->post('invoiceid'); $ttype = $this->input->post('ttype'); if ($ttype == 'quote') { $invoice['tid'] = $id; $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'q' . $invoice['tid'], $this->config->item('encryption_key')); $link = base_url('billing/quoteview?id=' . $invoice['tid'] . '&token=' . $validtoken); } elseif ($ttype == 'purchase') { $invoice['tid'] = $id; $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $invoice['tid'], $this->config->item('encryption_key')); $link = base_url('billing/purchase?id=' . $invoice['tid'] . '&token=' . $validtoken); } else { $invoice['tid'] = $id; $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $invoice['tid'], $this->config->item('encryption_key')); $link = base_url('billing/view?id=' . $invoice['tid'] . '&token=' . $validtoken); } $sms_service = $this->plugins->universal_api(1); if ($sms_service['active']) { $this->load->library("Shortenurl"); $this->shortenurl->setkey($sms_service['key1']); $link = $this->shortenurl->shorten($link); } $this->load->model('templates_model','templates'); switch ($ttype) { case 'notification': $template = $this->templates->template_info(30); break; case 'reminder': $template = $this->templates->template_info(31); break; case 'refund': $template = $this->templates->template_info(32); break; case 'received': $template = $this->templates->template_info(33); break; case 'overdue': $template = $this->templates->template_info(34); break; case 'quote': $template = $this->templates->template_info(35); break; case 'purchase': $template = $this->templates->template_info(36); break; } $data = array( 'BillNumber' => $invoice['tid'], 'URL' => $link, 'DueDate'=>dateformat($invoice['invoiceduedate']), 'Amount'=>amountExchange($invoice['total'], $invoice['multi']) ); $message= $this->parser->parse_string($template['other'], $data, TRUE); echo json_encode(array('message' => $message)); } public function send_sms() { $mobile = $this->input->post('mobile'); $text_message = $this->input->post('text_message'); require APPPATH . 'third_party/twilio-php-master/Twilio/autoload.php'; $sms_service = $this->plugins->universal_api(2); // Your Account SID and Auth Token from twilio.com/console $sid = $sms_service['key1']; $token = $sms_service['key2']; $client = new Client($sid, $token); $message = $client->messages->create( // the number you'd like to send the message to $mobile, array( // A Twilio phone number you purchased at twilio.com/console 'from' => $sms_service['url'], // the body of the text message you'd like to send 'body' => $text_message ) ); if ($message->sid) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Success', 'message' => 'Message sending successful. Current Message Status is ' . $message->status)); } else { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Error', 'message' => 'SMS Service Error')); } } }