load->library("Aauth"); $this->load->model('export_model', 'export'); if (!$this->aauth->is_loggedin()) { redirect('/user/', 'refresh'); exit; } if ($this->aauth->get_user()->roleid < 5) { exit('Not Allowed!'); } $this->date = 'backup_' . date('Y_m_d_H_i_s'); } function products() { $this->load->helper(array('form')); $this->load->model('categories_model'); $head['title'] = "Import Products"; $head['usernm'] = $this->aauth->get_user()->username; $data['cat'] = $this->categories_model->category_list(); $data['warehouse'] = $this->categories_model->warehouse_list(); $this->load->view('fixed/header', $head); $this->load->view('import/products', $data); $this->load->view('fixed/footer'); } public function products_upload() { $this->load->helper(array('form')); $data['response'] = 3; $head['usernm'] = $this->aauth->get_user()->username; $head['title'] = 'Import Product'; $this->load->view('fixed/header', $head); if ($this->input->post('product_cat')) { $data['pc'] = $this->input->post('product_cat'); $data['wid'] = $this->input->post('product_warehouse'); $config['upload_path'] = './userfiles'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'csv'; $config['max_size'] = 6000; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload('userfile')) { $data['response'] = 0; $data['responsetext'] = 'File Upload Error'; } else { $data['response'] = 1; $data['responsetext'] = 'Document Uploaded Successfully.'; $data['filename'] = $this->upload->data()['file_name']; } $this->load->view('import/wizard', $data); } else { echo' error'; } $this->load->view('fixed/footer'); } public function start_process() { require APPPATH . 'third_party/vendor/autoload.php'; $name = $this->input->post('name'); $pcat = $this->input->post('pc'); $warehouse = $this->input->post('wid'); $inputFileName = FCPATH . 'userfiles/' . $name; $spreadsheet = IOFactory::load($inputFileName); $sheetData = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null, true, true, false); //print_r($sheetData); $products=array(); foreach ($sheetData as $row) { $products[] = array( 'pid' => null, 'pcat' => $pcat, 'warehouse' => $warehouse, 'product_name' => $row[0], 'product_code' => $row[1], 'product_price' => $row[2], 'fproduct_price' => $row[3], 'taxrate' => $row[4], 'disrate' => $row[5], 'qty' => $row[6], 'product_des' => $row[7], 'alert' => $row[8] ); } unlink( FCPATH . 'userfiles/' . $name); if(count($sheetData[0])==9) { $out = $this->db->insert_batch('products', $products); if($out) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Success', 'message' => "Product Data Imported Successfully!")); } else{ echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Error', 'message' => "Database Import Error! Please use proper encoding of file and its content.")); } } else{ echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Error', 'message' => "Please correct the format of CSV file, it should be as per template.")); } } //customer }