load->model('invoices_model', 'invocies'); $this->load->model('billing_model', 'billing'); $this->load->library("Aauth"); } public function view() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('accounts_model'); $data['acclist'] = $this->accounts_model->accountslist(); $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['token'] = $token; $head['title'] = "Invoice $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->invocies->invoice_details($tid); $data['online_pay'] = $this->billing->online_pay_settings(); $data['products'] = $this->invocies->invoice_products($tid); $data['activity'] = $this->invocies->invoice_transactions($tid); $data['attach'] = $this->invocies->attach($tid); $data['employee'] = $this->invocies->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); $data['gateway'] = $this->billing->gateway_list('Yes'); $head['usernm'] = ''; $this->load->view('billing/header', $head); $this->load->view('billing/view', $data); $this->load->view('billing/footer'); } } public function invoice() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'rec' . $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('rec_invoices_model', 'rec_invocies'); $this->load->model('accounts_model'); $data['acclist'] = $this->accounts_model->accountslist(); $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['token'] = $token; $head['title'] = "Invoice $tid"; $data['attach'] = $this->rec_invocies->attach($tid); $data['invoice'] = $this->rec_invocies->invoice_details($tid); $data['online_pay'] = $this->billing->online_pay_settings(); $data['products'] = $this->rec_invocies->invoice_products($tid); $data['activity'] = $this->rec_invocies->invoice_transactions($tid); $data['employee'] = $this->invocies->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); $data['gateway'] = $this->billing->gateway_list('Yes'); $head['usernm'] = ''; $this->load->view('billing/header', $head); $this->load->view('billing/reccur', $data); $this->load->view('billing/footer'); } } public function quoteview() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'q' . $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('quote_model', 'quote'); $this->load->model('accounts_model'); $data['acclist'] = $this->accounts_model->accountslist(); $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['token'] = $token; $head['title'] = "Quote $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->quote->quote_details($tid); $data['attach'] = $this->quote->attach($tid); $data['products'] = $this->quote->quote_products($tid); $data['employee'] = $this->quote->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); $head['usernm'] = ''; $this->load->view('billing/header', $head); $this->load->view('billing/quoteview', $data); $this->load->view('billing/footer'); } } public function purchase() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'p' . $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('purchase_model', 'purchase'); $this->load->model('accounts_model'); $data['acclist'] = $this->accounts_model->accountslist(); $data['attach'] = $this->purchase->attach($tid); $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['token'] = $token; $head['title'] = "Purchase $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->purchase->purchase_details($tid); // $data['online_pay'] = $this->purchase->online_pay_settings(); $data['products'] = $this->purchase->purchase_products($tid); $data['activity'] = $this->purchase->purchase_transactions($tid);; $data['employee'] = $this->purchase->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); $head['usernm'] = ''; $this->load->view('billing/header', $head); $this->load->view('billing/purchase', $data); $this->load->view('billing/footer'); } } public function stockreturn() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 's' . $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('stockreturn_model', 'stockreturn'); $this->load->model('accounts_model'); $data['acclist'] = $this->accounts_model->accountslist(); $data['attach'] = $this->stockreturn->attach($tid); $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['token'] = $token; $head['title'] = "Stock return $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->stockreturn->purchase_details($tid); // $data['online_pay'] = $this->purchase->online_pay_settings(); $data['products'] = $this->stockreturn->purchase_products($tid); $data['activity'] = $this->stockreturn->purchase_transactions($tid);; $data['employee'] = $this->stockreturn->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); $head['usernm'] = ''; $this->load->view('billing/header', $head); $this->load->view('billing/stockreturn', $data); $this->load->view('billing/footer'); } } public function gateway() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->post('tid')); $token = $this->input->post('token'); $amount = $this->input->post('p_amount'); $pay_gateway = $this->input->post('pay_gateway'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { switch ($pay_gateway) { case 1 : $this->card(); break; } } } public function printinvoice() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $data['id'] = $tid; $data['title'] = "Invoice $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->invocies->invoice_details($tid); $data['products'] = $this->invocies->invoice_products($tid); $data['employee'] = $this->invocies->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $html = $this->load->view('invoices/view-print-' . LTR, $data, true); $html2 = $this->load->view('invoices/header-print-' . LTR, $data, true); //PDF Rendering $this->load->library('pdf_invoice'); $pdf = $this->pdf_invoice->load(); $pdf->SetHTMLHeader($html2); $pdf->SetHTMLFooter('
{PAGENO}/{nbpg} #' . $tid . '
'); $pdf->WriteHTML($html); if ($this->input->get('d')) { $pdf->Output('Invoice_#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'D'); } else { $pdf->Output('Invoice_#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'I'); } } } public function print_rec() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'rec' . $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('rec_invoices_model', 'rec_invoices'); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['title'] = "Invoice $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->rec_invoices->invoice_details($tid); $data['products'] = $this->rec_invoices->invoice_products($tid); $data['employee'] = $this->rec_invoices->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $html = $this->load->view('rec_invoices/view-print-' . LTR, $data, true); //PDF Rendering $this->load->library('pdf'); $pdf = $this->pdf->load(); $pdf->SetHTMLFooter('
{PAGENO}/{nbpg} #' . $tid . '
'); $pdf->WriteHTML($html); if ($this->input->get('d')) { $pdf->Output('Rec_invoices_#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'D'); } else { $pdf->Output('Rec_invoices_#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'I'); } } } public function printquote() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'q' . $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('quote_model', 'quote'); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['title'] = "Quote $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->quote->quote_details($tid); $data['products'] = $this->quote->quote_products($tid); $data['employee'] = $this->quote->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $html = $this->load->view('quotes/view-print-' . LTR, $data, true); //PDF Rendering $this->load->library('pdf'); $pdf = $this->pdf->load(); $pdf->SetHTMLFooter('
{PAGENO}/{nbpg} #' . $tid . '
'); $pdf->WriteHTML($html); if ($this->input->get('d')) { $pdf->Output('Quote_#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'D'); } else { $pdf->Output('Quote_#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'I'); } } } public function printorder() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'p' . $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('purchase_model', 'purchase'); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['title'] = "Invoice $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->purchase->purchase_details($tid); $data['invoice']['multi'] = 0; $data['products'] = $this->purchase->purchase_products($tid); $data['employee'] = $this->purchase->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $html = $this->load->view('purchase/view-print-' . LTR, $data, true); //PDF Rendering $this->load->library('pdf'); $pdf = $this->pdf->load(); $pdf->SetHTMLFooter('
{PAGENO}/{nbpg} #' . $tid . '
'); $pdf->WriteHTML($html); if ($this->input->get('d')) { $pdf->Output('Purchase_order#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'D'); } else { $pdf->Output('Purchase_order#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'I'); } } } public function printstockreturn() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $tid = intval($this->input->get('id')); $token = $this->input->get('token'); $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 's' . $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('stockreturn_model', 'stockreturn'); $data['id'] = $tid; $data['title'] = "Invoice $tid"; $data['invoice'] = $this->stockreturn->purchase_details($tid); $data['products'] = $this->stockreturn->purchase_products($tid); $data['employee'] = $this->stockreturn->employee($data['invoice']['eid']); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $html = $this->load->view('stockreturn/view-print', $data, true); //PDF Rendering $this->load->library('pdf'); $pdf = $this->pdf->load(); $pdf->SetHTMLFooter('
{PAGENO}/{nbpg} #' . $tid . '
'); $pdf->WriteHTML($html); if ($this->input->get('d')) { $pdf->Output('Stockreturn_order#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'D'); } else { $pdf->Output('Stockreturn_order#' . $tid . '.pdf', 'I'); } } } public function card() { if (!$this->input->get()) { exit(); } $this->load->helper('form'); $online_pay = $this->billing->online_pay_settings(); if ($online_pay['enable'] == 0) { exit(); } $data['tid'] = $this->input->get('id'); $data['token'] = $this->input->get('token'); $data['itype'] = $this->input->get('itype'); $data['gid'] = $this->input->get('gid'); if ($data['itype'] == 'inv') { $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $data['tid'], $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($data['token'], $validtoken)) { $data['invoice'] = $this->invocies->invoice_details($data['tid']); } else { exit(); } $data['view_st']='view'; } else if ($data['itype'] == 'rinv') { $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'rec' . $data['tid'], $this->config->item('encryption_key')); if (hash_equals($data['token'], $validtoken)) { $this->load->model('rec_invoices_model', 'rec_invoices'); $data['invoice'] = $this->rec_invoices->invoice_details($data['tid']); } else { exit(); } $data['view_st']='invoice'; } switch ($data['gid']) { case 1: $fname = 'stripe'; break; case 2: $fname = 'authorize'; break; case 3: $fname = 'pinpay'; break; case 4: $fname = 'paypal'; break; case 5: $fname = 'securepay'; break; case 6: $fname = 'checkout'; break; case 7: $fname = 'payumoney'; break; case 8: $fname = 'razor'; break; default : $fname = 'stripe'; break; } $data['inv_url']=base_url('billing/view?id=' . $data['tid'] . '&token=' . $data['token']); $online_pay = $this->billing->online_pay_settings(); // $data['gateway'] = $this->billing->gateway_list('Yes'); $data['gateway'] = $this->billing->gateway($data['gid']); if ($online_pay['enable'] == 1) { $this->load->view('billing/header'); $this->load->view('gateways/card_' . $fname, $data); $this->load->view('billing/footer'); } else { echo '
' . $this->lang->line('Online Payment Service') . '
'; } } public function process_card() { if (!$this->input->post()) { exit(); } $tid = $this->input->post('id', true); $itype = $this->input->post('itype', true); $amount = number_format($this->input->post('amount', true), 2, '.', ''); if ($itype == 'inv') { $customer = $this->invocies->invoice_details($tid); if (!$customer['tid']) { exit(); } $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); $view_st='view'; } else { $this->load->model('rec_invoices_model', 'rec_invoices'); $customer = $this->rec_invoices->invoice_details($tid); if (!$customer['tid']) { exit('c'); } $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'rec' .$tid, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); $view_st='invoice'; $itype='rinv'; } $hash = $this->input->post('token', true); $gateway = $this->input->post('gateway', true); $cardNumber = $this->input->post('cardNumber', true); $cardExpiry = $this->input->post('cardExpiry', true); $cardCVC = $this->input->post('cardCVC', true); $nmonth = substr($cardExpiry, 0, 2); $nyear = '20' . substr($cardExpiry, 5, 2); $note = 'Card Payment for #' . $tid; $pmethod = 'Card'; $amount_o = $amount; if ($customer['multi'] > 0) { $multi_currency = $this->invocies->currency_d($customer['multi']); $amount = $multi_currency['rate'] * $amount; $gateway_data['currency'] = $multi_currency['code']; $note .= ' (Currency Conversion Applied)'; } $gateway_data = $this->billing->gateway($gateway); $surcharge = ($amount * $gateway_data['surcharge']) / 100; $amount_t = $amount + $surcharge; $amount = number_format($amount_t, 2, '.', ''); if (hash_equals($hash, $validtoken)) { switch ($gateway) { case 1: $rming1 = $customer['total'] - $customer['pamnt']; if ($customer['status'] == 'due') { $rming1 = $customer['total']; } $surcharge =$rming1 * $gateway_data['surcharge'] / 100; $response = $this->stripe($this->input->post('token_s', true), number_format($amount_o, 0, '', ''), $gateway_data, $tid, $customer); break; case 2: $response = $this->authorizenet($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data); break; case 3: $response = $this->pinpay($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data, $customer); break; case 4: $response = $this->paypal($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data, $customer); break; case 5: $response = $this->securepay($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data); break; } // print_r($response); if ($gateway > 1) { // Process response if ($response->isSuccessful()) { if ($this->billing->paynow($tid, $amount_o, $note, $pmethod,$itype)) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Success', 'message' => $this->lang->line('Thank you for the payment') . "
" . $this->lang->line('View') . "
")); } } elseif ($response->isRedirect()) { // Redirect to offsite payment gateway $response->redirect(); } } elseif ($gateway == 1 AND $response['status'] == 'succeeded') { $f_a = ($amount_o / 100) - $surcharge; if ($this->billing->paynow($tid, $f_a, $note, $pmethod,$itype)) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Success', 'message' => $this->lang->line('Thank you for the payment') . "
" . $this->lang->line('View') . "
")); } } else { // Payment failed echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Error', 'message' => $this->lang->line('Payment failed'))); } } else { echo 6; } } private function stripe($token, $amount, $gateway_data, $tid, $customer, $currency = '') { require_once APPPATH . 'third_party/stripe-php/vendor/autoload.php'; \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey($gateway_data['key1']); $charge = \Stripe\Charge::create(['amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $gateway_data['currency'], 'source' => $token]); return $charge; /* $gateway = Omnipay::create('Stripe'); $gateway->setApiKey($gateway_data['key1']); if (!$currency) $currency = $gateway_data['currency']; $meta = array( 'Name' => $customer['name'], 'email' => $customer['email'] ); return $gateway->purchase([ 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $currency, 'token' => $token, 'description' => 'Paid for ' . $customer['name'] . ' INV#' . $tid, 'metadata' => $meta ])->send(); */ } private function authorizenet($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data) { $gateway = Omnipay::create('AuthorizeNet_AIM'); $gateway->setApiLoginId($gateway_data['key2']); $gateway->setTransactionKey($gateway_data['key1']); $gateway->setDeveloperMode(true); try { return $gateway->purchase( array( 'card' => array( 'number' => $cardNumber, 'expiryMonth' => $nmonth, 'expiryYear' => $nyear, 'cvv' => $cardCVC ), 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $gateway_data['currency'], 'description' => 'Paid on' . $this->config->item('ctitle'), 'transactionId' => 'INV#' . $tid ) )->send(); } catch (Exception $e) { return 0; } } private function pinpay($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data, $customer) { $gateway = \Omnipay\Omnipay::create('Pin'); // Initialise the gateway $gateway->initialize(array( 'secretKey' => $gateway_data['key1'], 'testMode' => $gateway_data['dev_mode'], // Or false when you are ready for live transactions )); // Create a credit card object // This card can be used for testing. // See https://pin.net.au/docs/api/test-cards for a list of card // numbers that can be used for testing. $card = new \Omnipay\Common\CreditCard(array( 'firstName' => $customer['name'], 'lastName' => 'Customer', 'number' => $cardNumber, 'expiryMonth' => $nmonth, 'expiryYear' => $nyear, 'cvv' => $cardCVC, 'email' => $customer['email'], 'billingAddress1' => $customer['address'], 'billingCountry' => $customer['country'], 'billingCity' => $customer['city'], 'billingPostcode' => $customer['postbox'], 'billingState' => $customer['region'], )); // Do a purchase transaction on the gateway $transaction = $gateway->purchase(array( 'description' => 'Payment for INV#' . $tid, 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $gateway_data['currency'], 'clientIp' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'card' => $card, )); return $transaction->send(); } private function securepay($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data) { $gateway = \Omnipay\Omnipay::create('SecurePay_SecureXML'); $gateway->setMerchantId($gateway_data['key1']); $gateway->setTransactionPassword($gateway_data['key2']); $gateway->setTestMode($gateway_data['dev_mode']); // Create a credit card object $card = new \Omnipay\Common\CreditCard( [ 'number' => $cardNumber, 'expiryMonth' => $nmonth, 'expiryYear' => $nyear, 'cvv' => $cardCVC, ] ); // Perform a purchase test $transaction = $gateway->purchase( [ 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $gateway_data['currency'], 'transactionId' => 'invoice_' . $tid, 'card' => $card, ] ); return $transaction->send(); } private function paypal($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data, $customer) { $gateway = Omnipay::create('PayPal_Rest'); // Initialise the gateway $gateway->initialize(array( 'clientId' => $gateway_data['key1'], 'secret' => $gateway_data['key2'], 'testMode' => $gateway_data['dev_mode'], // Or false when you are ready for live transactions )); $card = new \Omnipay\Common\CreditCard(array( 'firstName' => $customer['name'], 'lastName' => 'Customer', 'number' => $cardNumber, 'expiryMonth' => $nmonth, 'expiryYear' => $nyear, 'cvv' => $cardCVC, 'billingAddress1' => $customer['address'], 'billingCountry' => $customer['country'], 'billingCity' => $customer['city'], 'billingPostcode' => $customer['postbox'], 'billingState' => $customer['state'], )); try { $transaction = $gateway->purchase(array( 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $gateway_data['currency'], 'description' => 'Payment for #inv ' . $tid, 'card' => $card, )); return $transaction->send(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } } public function bank() { $online_pay = $this->billing->online_pay_settings(); if ($online_pay['bank'] == 1) { $data['accounts'] = $this->billing->bank_accounts('Yes'); $this->load->view('billing/header'); $this->load->view('payment/public_bank_view', $data); $this->load->view('billing/footer'); } } public function recharge() { if (!$this->input->post()) { exit(); } $online_pay = $this->billing->online_pay_settings(); if ($online_pay['enable'] == 0) { exit(); } $data['id'] = $this->input->post('id'); $data['amount'] = $this->input->post('amount'); $online_pay = $this->billing->online_pay_settings(); $data['gateway'] = $this->billing->gateway_list('Yes'); if ($online_pay['enable'] == 1) { $this->load->view('billing/header'); $this->load->view('payment/recharge', $data); $this->load->view('billing/footer'); } else { echo '
' . $this->lang->line('Online Payment Service') . '
'; } } public function process_recharge() { if (!$this->input->post()) { exit(); } $tid = $this->input->post('id', true); $amount = number_format($this->input->post('amount', true), 2, '.', ''); $gateway = $this->input->post('gateway', true); $cardNumber = $this->input->post('cardNumber', true); $cardExpiry = $this->input->post('cardExpiry', true); $cardCVC = $this->input->post('cardCVC', true); $nmonth = substr($cardExpiry, 0, 2); $nyear = '20' . substr($cardExpiry, 5, 2); $note = 'Card Payment for #' . $tid; $pmethod = 'Card'; $amount_o = $amount; $gateway_data = $this->billing->gateway($gateway); $surcharge = ($amount * $gateway_data['surcharge']) / 100; $amount_t = $amount + $surcharge; $this->load->model('customers_model', 'customers'); $customer = $this->customers->details($tid); $amount = number_format($amount_t, 2, '.', ''); switch ($gateway) { case 1: $response = $this->stripe($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $gateway_data); break; case 2: $response = $this->authorizenet($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data); break; case 3: $response = $this->pinpay($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data, $customer); break; case 4: $response = $this->paypal($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data, $customer); break; case 5: $response = $this->securepay($cardNumber, $nmonth, $nyear, $cardCVC, $amount, $tid, $gateway_data); break; } // Process response if ($response->isSuccessful()) { if ($this->billing->recharge_done($tid, $amount_o)) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Success', 'message' => $this->lang->line('Thank you for the payment') . "
" . $this->lang->line('View') . "
")); } } elseif ($response->isRedirect()) { // Redirect to offsite payment gateway $response->redirect(); } else { // Payment failed echo json_encode(array('status' => 'Error', 'message' => $this->lang->line('Payment failed'))); } } public function gateway_process() { //for paypal $invoice = $this->input->post('id', true); $token = $this->input->post('token', true); $gateway_data = $this->billing->gateway(4); $paypalConfig = [ 'sandbox' => $gateway_data['dev_mode'], 'client_id' => $gateway_data['key1'], 'client_secret' => $gateway_data['key2'], 'return_url' => base_url('billing/gateway_response'), 'cancel_url' => base_url('billing/view?id=' . $invoice . '&token=' . $token) ]; $this->load->library("Paypal_gateway", $paypalConfig); $apiContext = $this->paypal_gateway->getApiContext(); $payer = new Payer(); $payer->setPaymentMethod('paypal'); // Set some example data for the payment. $customer = $this->invocies->invoice_details($invoice); if (!$customer['tid']) { exit(); } $amount = number_format($this->input->post('amount', true), 2, '.', ''); if ($customer['multi'] > 0) { $multi_currency = $this->invocies->currency_d($customer['multi']); // $amount = $amount; $gateway_data['currency'] = $multi_currency['code']; } $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $invoice, $this->config->item('encryption_key')); $surcharge = ($amount * $gateway_data['surcharge']) / 100; $amount_t = $amount + $surcharge; $amount = number_format($amount_t, 2, '.', ''); if (hash_equals($token, $validtoken)) { $amountPayable = $amount; $invoiceNumber = $invoice; $amount = new Amount(); $amount->setCurrency($gateway_data['currency']) ->setTotal($amountPayable); $transaction = new Transaction(); $transaction->setAmount($amount) ->setDescription('Some description about the payment being made') ->setInvoiceNumber($invoiceNumber); $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls(); $redirectUrls->setReturnUrl($paypalConfig['return_url']) ->setCancelUrl($paypalConfig['cancel_url']); $payment = new Payment(); $payment->setIntent('sale') ->setPayer($payer) ->setTransactions([$transaction]) ->setRedirectUrls($redirectUrls); try { $payment->create($apiContext); $this->billing->token($invoice, 1); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Unable to create link for payment'); } header('location:' . $payment->getApprovalLink()); exit(1); } } public function gateway_response() { if (empty($this->input->get('paymentId', true)) || empty($this->input->get('PayerID', true))) { exit; } $gateway_data = $this->billing->gateway(4); $paypalConfig = [ 'sandbox' => $gateway_data['dev_mode'], 'client_id' => $gateway_data['key1'], 'client_secret' => $gateway_data['key2'], 'return_url' => base_url('billing/gateway_response'), 'cancel_url' => base_url('billing/view?id=105&token=ee2f511d44dd7f0212d46b92f2d6022754574bb3') ]; $this->load->library("Paypal_gateway", $paypalConfig); $apiContext = $this->paypal_gateway->getApiContext(); $paymentId = $_GET['paymentId']; $payment = Payment::get($paymentId, $apiContext); $execution = new PaymentExecution(); $execution->setPayerId($_GET['PayerID']); try { // Take the payment $payment->execute($execution, $apiContext); try { $payment = Payment::get($paymentId, $apiContext); $data = [ 'transaction_id' => $payment->getId(), 'payment_amount' => $payment->transactions[0]->amount->total, 'payment_status' => $payment->getState(), 'invoice_id' => $payment->transactions[0]->invoice_number ]; $validtoken = hash_hmac('ripemd160', $data['invoice_id'], $this->config->item('encryption_key')); $paypalConfig['bill_url'] = base_url('billing/view?id=' . $data['invoice_id'] . '&token=' . $validtoken); if ($data['payment_status'] === 'approved') { $customer = $this->invocies->invoice_details($data['invoice_id']); $amount_o = $data['payment_amount']; //$amount_o = rev_amountExchange_s($amount_o, $customer['multi'], $customer['loc']); $note = 'Card Payment for #' . $customer['tid']; $pmethod = 'Card'; if ($customer['multi'] > 0) { // $amount = $amount; $note .= ' (Currency Conversion Applied)'; } $amount = $amount_o / (($gateway_data['surcharge'] / 100) + 1); $amount_o = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ''); $valid = $this->billing->token($customer['tid'], 2); if ($valid['rid'] == $customer['tid']) { $this->billing->paynow($customer['tid'], $amount_o, $note, $pmethod); $this->billing->token($customer['tid'], 3); } header('location:' . $paypalConfig['bill_url']); exit(1); } else { // Payment failed header('location:' . $paypalConfig['bill_url']); exit(1); } } catch (Exception $e) { // Failed to retrieve payment from PayPal $this->billing->token($customer['tid'], 3); header('location:' . base_url()); } } catch (Exception $e) { // Failed to take payment $this->billing->token($customer['tid'], 3); header('location:' . base_url()); } } public function process_stripe() { echo 'Payment processing do no hit back button.....'; } public function process_paypal() { $gateway_data = $this->billing->gateway(4); $clientId =$gateway_data['key1']; //$paypal_conf['client_id']; $clientSecret =$gateway_data['key2'];//$paypal_conf['secret']; if($gateway_data['dev_mode'] == 'true') { $environment = new \PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\SandboxEnvironment($clientId, $clientSecret); } else { $environment = new \PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\ProductionEnvironment($clientId, $clientSecret); } $ord_id = $this->input->post('order', true); $order = $this->invocies->invoice_details($ord_id); $surcharge = ($order['total'] * $gateway_data['surcharge']) / 100; $amount_t = $order['total'] + $surcharge; $client = new \PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\PayPalHttpClient($environment); $request = new \PayPalCheckoutSdk\Orders\OrdersCreateRequest(); $request->prefer('return=representation'); $request->body = [ "intent" => "CAPTURE", 'image_url'=>'https://carrsdigital.net/invoices/assets/gateway_logo/PayPalBanner.png', "purchase_units" => [[ "reference_id" => $order['tid'], "amount" => [ "value" => number_format($amount_t,2,'.',''), "currency_code" => $gateway_data['currency'] //put other details here as well related to your order ] ]], "application_context" => [ "cancel_url" => '', "return_url" => '' ] ]; try { // Call API with your client and get a response for your call $response = $client->execute($request); // If call returns body in response, you can get the deserialized version from the result attribute of the response echo json_encode($response); }catch (HttpException $ex) { echo $ex->statusCode; //echo json_encode($ex->getMessage()); } } public function paypal_capture() { $gateway_data = $this->billing->gateway(4); $orderId = $this->input->post('orderID', true); $itype = $this->input->post('itype', true); $clientId =$gateway_data['key1']; //$paypal_conf['client_id']; $clientSecret =$gateway_data['key2'];//$paypal_conf['secret']; if($gateway_data['dev_mode'] == true) { $environment = new \PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\SandboxEnvironment($clientId, $clientSecret); } else { $environment = new \PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\ProductionEnvironment($clientId, $clientSecret); } $client = new \PayPalCheckoutSdk\Core\PayPalHttpClient($environment); $request = new \PayPalCheckoutSdk\Orders\OrdersCaptureRequest($orderId); $request->prefer('return=representation'); try { $response = $client->execute($request); echo json_encode($response); $response = json_decode(json_encode($response), true); if (isset($response['result']) and $response['result']['intent'] == 'CAPTURE' and $response['result']['status'] == 'COMPLETED') { $note = 'INV '.$response['result']['purchase_units'][0]['reference_id'].' Paypal Payment #' . $response['result']['id']; // $surcharge = ($response['result']['purchase_units'][0]['amount']['value'] * $gateway_data['surcharge']) / 100; // $amount_t = $response['result']['purchase_units'][0]['amount']['value'] - $surcharge; $this->billing->paynow($response['result']['purchase_units'][0]['reference_id'], $response['result']['purchase_units'][0]['amount']['value'], $note, 'Card',$itype); } } catch (HttpException $ex) { echo json_encode(array('status'=>'Error','message'=>'Code '.$ex->statusCode.' Contact to seller.')); } } }