#!/usr/bin/env php parse($data)), true)); fwrite(STDERR, 'Warning: the --dump-tree option is deprecated. Use proper debugging tools instead.'); exit(); } $scss = new Compiler(); if ($loadPaths) { $scss->setImportPaths($loadPaths); } if ($style) { if ($style === OutputStyle::COMPRESSED || $style === OutputStyle::EXPANDED) { $scss->setOutputStyle($style); } else { fwrite(STDERR, "WARNING: the $style style is deprecated.\n"); $scss->setFormatter('ScssPhp\\ScssPhp\\Formatter\\' . ucfirst($style)); } } $outputFile = isset($arguments[1]) ? $arguments[1] : null; $sourceMapFile = null; if ($sourceMap) { $sourceMapOptions = array( 'outputSourceFiles' => $embedSources, ); if ($embedSourceMap || $outputFile === null) { $scss->setSourceMap(Compiler::SOURCE_MAP_INLINE); } else { $sourceMapFile = $outputFile . '.map'; $sourceMapOptions['sourceMapWriteTo'] = $sourceMapFile; $sourceMapOptions['sourceMapURL'] = basename($sourceMapFile); $sourceMapOptions['sourceMapBasepath'] = getcwd(); $sourceMapOptions['sourceMapFilename'] = basename($outputFile); $scss->setSourceMap(Compiler::SOURCE_MAP_FILE); } $scss->setSourceMapOptions($sourceMapOptions); } if ($encoding) { $scss->setEncoding($encoding); } try { $result = $scss->compileString($data, $inputFile); } catch (SassException $e) { fwrite(STDERR, 'Error: '.$e->getMessage()."\n"); exit(1); } if ($outputFile) { file_put_contents($outputFile, $result->getCss()); if ($sourceMapFile !== null && $result->getSourceMap() !== null) { file_put_contents($sourceMapFile, $result->getSourceMap()); } } else { echo $result->getCss(); }