SetValidation(); $this->tableName = "ticket"; $this->primaryKey = "id"; $this->uniqueKey = array(array("ticket_track_id")); $this->multiKey = array(); $this->autoIncField = array("id"); } function SetValidation() { $this->validations = array( "id" => array("Text" => "Id", "Rule" => "max_length[10]|integer"), "ticket_track_id" => array("Text" => "Ticket Track Id", "Rule" => "max_length[18]"), "cat_id" => array("Text" => "Cat Id", "Rule" => "max_length[11]|integer"), "title" => array("Text" => "Title", "Rule" => "required|max_length[150]"), "ticket_body" => array("Text" => "Ticket Body", "Rule" => "required"), "ticket_user" => array("Text" => "Ticket User", "Rule" => "max_length[10]"), "opened_time" => array("Text" => "Opened Time", "Rule" => "max_length[20]"), "re_open_time" => array("Text" => "Re Open Time", "Rule" => "max_length[20]"), "re_open_by" => array("Text" => "Re Open By", "Rule" => "max_length[10]"), "re_open_by_type" => array("Text" => "Re Open By Type", "Rule" => "max_length[1]"), "user_type" => array("Text" => "User Type", "Rule" => "max_length[1]"), "status" => array("Text" => "Status", "Rule" => "max_length[1]"), "assigned_on" => array("Text" => "Assigned On", "Rule" => "max_length[2]"), "assigned_date" => array("Text" => "Assigned Time", "Rule" => "max_length[20]"), "last_replied_by" => array("Text" => "Last Replied By", "Rule" => "max_length[10]"), "last_replied_by_type" => array("Text" => "Last Replied By Type", "Rule" => "max_length[1]"), "last_reply_time" => array("Text" => "Last Reply Time", "Rule" => "max_length[20]"), "ticket_rating" => array("Text" => "Ticket Rating", "Rule" => "max_length[1]|numeric"), "priroty" => array("Text" => "Priority", "Rule" => "max_length[1]"), "is_public" => array("Text" => "Is Private", "Rule" => "max_length[1]"), "is_open_using_email" => array("Text" => "Using Email", "Rule" => "max_length[1]"), "is_paid_ticket" => array("Text" => "Is Paid Ticket", "Rule" => "max_length[1]"), "reply_counter" => array("Text" => "Is Paid Ticket", "Rule" => "max_length[10]|integer"), "is_user_seen_last_reply" => array("Text" => "Is User Seen", "Rule" => "max_length[1]") ); } protected function GetPropertyRawOptions($property, $isWithSelect = false){ $returnObj = array(); switch ($property) { case "re_open_by_type": $returnObj = array("A" => "Staff", "U" => "Ticket User", "G" => "Guest Ticket User"); break; case "user_type": case "last_replied_by_type": $returnObj = array("G" => "Guest", "U" => "User", "A" => "Staff"); break; case "status": $returnObj = array("N" => "New", "C" => "Closed", "P" => "In Progress", "R" => "Re-Open", "A" => "Action Required","I"=>"Investigating"); $returnObj=apply_filter('ticket-status',$returnObj); break; case "priroty": $returnObj = array("L" => "Low", "M" => "Medium", "H" => "High", "U" => "Urgent"); break; case "is_public": case "is_open_using_email": case "is_paid_ticket": case "is_user_seen_last_reply": $returnObj = array("Y" => "Yes", "N" => "No"); break; default: } if ($isWithSelect) { return array_merge(array("" => "Select"), $returnObj); } return $returnObj; } public function GetClientStatus(){ $status_list=$this->GetPropertyOptions("status"); $only=['C']; foreach ($status_list as $key=>$value){ if(!in_array($key,$only)){ unset($status_list[$key]); } } $status_list=apply_filter('ticket-client-status',$status_list); return $status_list; } public static function CheckLimit($ticket_user,$isShowError=true,&$msg=null) { $openCounter=Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("per_user_max_ticket",0); if(!empty($openCounter) && $openCounter>0){ $cc=self::OpenedTicketCount($ticket_user); if($cc>=$openCounter){ $msg=sprintf( "You have already opened %d tickets, you can't open any more ticket until close your old tickets", $cc ); if($isShowError) { AddError($msg); } return false; } } return true; } public static function getFileUrl($file,$ticket_user_id,$objobject=null){ $utype = GetCurrentUserType(); $hasHtaccess=dirname($file->path)."/.htaccess"; if(Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue('use_direct_file','N')=='Y'){ if(file_exists($hasHtaccess)){ unlink($hasHtaccess); } return $file->url; }else{ if(!file_exists($hasHtaccess)){ file_put_contents(dirname($file->path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.".htaccess", "
\n\tRequire all denied\n
\n\tDeny from all\n
"); } if($objobject instanceof Mticket){ return $utype == "AD" ? (base_url("admin/ticket/ticket-img/{$file->hash}/{$ticket_user_id}/{$objobject->id}/{$file->name}")):(base_url("ticket/ticket-img/{$file->hash}/{$ticket_user_id}/{$objobject->id}/{$file->name}")); }elseif($objobject instanceof Mticket_reply){ return $utype == "AD" ? (base_url("admin/ticket/ticket-replied-file/{$file->hash}/{$ticket_user_id}/{$objobject->ticket_id}/{$objobject->reply_id}/{$file->name}")) : (base_url("ticket/ticket-replied-file/{$file->hash}/{$ticket_user_id}/{$objobject->ticket_id}/{$objobject->reply_id}/{$file->name}")); } } return ''; } /** * @param int $id * * @return bool */ public static function UserCanReopenByID($id) { $t=Mticket::FindBy("id",$id); return self::UserCanReopen($t); } /** * @param self $ticketObj * * @return bool */ public static function UserCanReopen($ticketObj) { if(($ticketObj instanceof Mticket)&& Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("is_user_can_reopen","Y")=="Y"){ $openTimeSpan=Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("reopen_time",0); if($openTimeSpan>0){ if(strtotime("+ $openTimeSpan DAYS",strtotime($ticketObj->last_reply_time))>time()){ return true; } }else{ return true; } } return false; } public function GetPropertyOptionsColor($property) { $returnObj = array(); switch ($property) { case "re_open_by_type": $returnObj = array("A" => "success", "U" => "success", "G" => "success"); break; case "user_type": case "last_replied_by_type": $returnObj = array("G" => "success", "U" => "success", "A" => "success"); break; case "status": $returnObj = array("N" => "info text-bold", "C" => "danger text-bold", "P" => "info text-bold", "R" => "info text-bold", "A" => "danger text-bold"); break; case "priroty": $returnObj = array("L" => " label label-default", "M" => " label label-info", "H" => " label label-warning", "U" => " label label-danger"); break; case "is_public": $returnObj = array("Y" => "label label-success", "N" => "label label-info"); break; default: } return $returnObj; } public function GetPropertyOptionsIcon($property) { $returnObj = array(); switch ($property) { case "re_open_by_type": $returnObj = array("A" => "fa fa-check-circle-o", "U" => "", "G" => ""); break; case "user_type": case "last_replied_by_type": $returnObj = array("G" => "", "U" => "", "A" => "fa fa-check-circle-o"); break; case "status": $returnObj = array("N" => "fa fa-dot-circle-o", "C" => "fa fa-check-circle-o", "P" => "fa fa-hourglass-1", "R" => "fa fa-undo", "A" => "fa fa-user"); break; case "priroty": $returnObj = array("L" => "", "M" => "", "H" => "", "U" => ""); break; case "is_public": $returnObj = array("Y" => "fa fa-lock", "N" => "fa fa-unlock"); break; default: } return $returnObj; } function get_ticket_track_id($uid = "") { if (empty($uid)) { $uid = $this->ticket_user; } if (empty($uid)) { return false; } $this->load->helper('string'); $track_id = "T" . get8BitHashCode($uid); $track_id = strtoupper($track_id); $obj = $this->SelectQuery("select ticket_track_id from ticket where ticket_track_id like '{$track_id}%' ORDER BY ticket_track_id DESC LIMIT 1"); $random_str = strtoupper(random_string('alnum', 3)); if (!empty($obj[0]->ticket_track_id)) { $new_track_id = substr($obj[0]->ticket_track_id, 0, -4); $new_track_id++; $new_track_id .= "-" . $random_str; return $new_track_id; } return $track_id . "-001-" . $random_str; } function SendTicketOpeningAllEmail(){ self::OnTicketOpening($this); self::SendTicketOpenEmailByObj($this); } function SaveWithoutSendingEmail(){ if (!$this->IsSetPrperty('ticket_track_id')) { $trackid = $this->get_ticket_track_id(); if ($trackid) { $this->ticket_track_id($trackid); } } if (!$this->IsSetPrperty("opened_time")) { $this->opened_time(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } if (!$this->IsSetPrperty("last_reply_time")) { $this->last_reply_time(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } if (!$this->IsSetPrperty("re_open_time")) { $this->re_open_time(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } if (!$this->IsSetPrperty("last_c_reply")) { $this->last_c_reply(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } $this->filterTicketBody(); if(!self::CheckLimit($this->ticket_user)){ return false; } $opencounter=Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("per_user_max_ticket",0); if(!empty($opencounter) && $opencounter>0){ $cc=Mticket::OpenedTicketCount($this->ticket_user); if($cc>=$opencounter){ AddError(sprintf("You have already opened %d tickets, you can't open any more ticket until close your old tickets",$cc)); return false; } } if (parent::Save()) { Mticket_log::AddTicketLog($this->id, $this->ticket_user, $this->user_type, "Ticket Opened", $this->status); AddOnManager::CallHook("OnNewTicketOpen",$this); return true; } else { return false; } } function Update( $notLimit = false, $isShowMsg = true, $dontProcessIdWhereNotset = true ) { if($this->IsSetPrperty("ticket_body")){ $this->ticket_body(CleanHTMLtoText($this->ticket_body)); } return parent::Update( $notLimit, $isShowMsg, $dontProcessIdWhereNotset ); } function filterTicketBody(){ if($this->IsSetPrperty('ticket_body')) { $html = AppCleanHtml::CleanHTMLForDirectTicketReply( $this->ticket_body ); $this->ticket_body( $html ); } } function Save() { if($this->SaveWithoutSendingEmail()){ $this->SendTicketOpeningAllEmail(); return true; } return false; } /** * @param boolean $status */ static function SetSeenStatus($ticket_id, $status) { $statustext = $status ? "Y" : "N"; $obj = new self(); $obj->is_user_seen_last_reply($statustext); $obj->SetWhereCondition("id", $ticket_id); if ($obj->Update()) { } if ($status) { $obr = new Mticket_reply(); $obr->is_user_seen("Y"); $obr->seen_time(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $obr->SetWhereCondition("ticket_id", $ticket_id); $obr->SetWhereCondition("is_user_seen", "N"); $obr->Update(true); } } static function update_last_reply_info($ticket_id, $replied_by, $replied_by_type) { $ticket = new self(); $ticket->last_replied_by($replied_by); $ticket->last_replied_by_type($replied_by_type); $timeStr=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $ticket->last_reply_time($timeStr); if($replied_by_type=='U'){ $ticket->last_c_reply($timeStr); } $ticket->reply_counter("reply_counter+1", true); $ticket->SetWhereCondition("id", $ticket_id); return $ticket->Update(); } static function SendTicketOpenEmailById($ticket_id) { if (empty($ticket_id)) { return false; } $ticket_obj = self::FindBy("id", $ticket_id); if ($ticket_obj) { return self::SendTicketOpenEmailByObj($ticket_obj); } return false; } static function SendTicketOpenEmailByTrackId($ticket_track_id) { if (empty($ticket_track_id)) { return false; } $ticket_obj = self::FindBy("ticket_track_id", $ticket_track_id); if ($ticket_obj) { return self::SendTicketOpenEmailByObj($ticket_obj); } return false; } /** * @param $id * * @return bool|int */ static function OpenedTicketCount($id){ $tobj=new Mticket(); $tobj->ticket_user($id); $tobj->user_type(" in ('U','G') ",true); $tobj->status(" != 'C'" , true); return $tobj->CountALL(); } /** * @param Mticket $ticket_obj * * @return bool */ static function SendTicketOpenEmailByObj($ticket_obj) { if ($ticket_obj instanceof self) { $emailobj = new Memail_templates(); $ticket_link = ""; $tuserobj = Msite_user::FindBy("id", $ticket_obj->ticket_user); if ($tuserobj->user_type == "G") { $kword = "GOT"; $ticket_link = site_url("ticket/guest-ticket/{$ticket_obj->ticket_track_id}"); } else { $kword = "UOT"; $ticket_link = site_url("ticket/user-ticket/{$ticket_obj->ticket_track_id}"); } $ticket_link = '
' . $ticket_link . '
'; $params = Memail_templates::getEmailParamListClearData($kword); $params["ticket_track_id"] = $ticket_obj->ticket_track_id; $params["ticket_title"] = $ticket_obj->title; $params["ticket_category"] = Mcategory::getParentStr($ticket_obj->cat_id); $params["ticket_body"] = $ticket_obj->ticket_body; $params["ticket_priroty"] = $ticket_obj->getTextByKey("priroty", false); $params["ticket_open_app_time"] = get_timezonetime(date_default_timezone_get(), $ticket_obj->opened_time, "Y-m-d H:i:s ") . date_default_timezone_get(); $params["ticket_user"] = $tuserobj->first_name . " " . $tuserobj->last_name; $params["ticket_link"] = $ticket_link; if ($emailobj->SendEmailTemplates($kword, $tuserobj->email, "", $params,true)) { return true; } } else { return false; } } static function SendTicketOpenAdminEmailById($ticket_id, $emailAddress = "") { if (empty($ticket_id)) { return false; } $ticket_obj = self::FindBy("id", $ticket_id); if ($ticket_obj) { return self::SendTicketOpenAdminEmailByObj($ticket_obj, $emailAddress); } return false; } /** * @param Mticket $ticket_obj */ static function SendTicketOpenAdminEmailByObj($ticket_obj, $emailAddress = "") { if (Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("is_netkt_open", "N") != "Y") { return false; } if (empty($emailAddress)) { $emailAddress = Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("app_noti_email"); if (empty($emailAddress)) { $emailAddress = Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("app_email"); } } if (empty($emailAddress)) { return false; } if ($ticket_obj instanceof self) { $emailobj = new Memail_templates(); $kword = "ANT"; $ticket_link = ""; $tuserobj = Msite_user::FindBy("id", $ticket_obj->ticket_user); $ticket_link = site_url("admin/ticket/details/{$ticket_obj->id}"); $ticket_link = '
' . $ticket_link . '
'; $params = Memail_templates::getEmailParamListClearData($kword); $params["ticket_track_id"] = $ticket_obj->ticket_track_id; $params["ticket_title"] = $ticket_obj->title; $params["ticket_category"] = Mcategory::getParentStr($ticket_obj->cat_id); $params["ticket_body"] = $ticket_obj->ticket_body; $params["ticket_priroty"] = $ticket_obj->getTextByKey("priroty", false); $params["ticket_open_app_time"] = get_timezonetime(date_default_timezone_get(), $ticket_obj->opened_time, "Y-m-d H:i:s ") . date_default_timezone_get(); $params["ticket_user"] = $tuserobj->first_name . " " . $tuserobj->last_name; $params["ticket_link"] = $ticket_link; if ($emailobj->SendEmailTemplates($kword, $emailAddress, "", $params)) { return true; } } else { return false; } } /** * @param Mticket $ticket_obj */ static function SendTicketAssignAdminEmailByObj($ticket_obj, $user_id) { if (Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("is_aetkt_open", "N") != "Y") { return false; } $appuser=Mapp_user::FindBy("id",$user_id); if(empty($appuser) || empty($appuser->email)){ return false; } $emailAddress=$appuser->email; if ($ticket_obj instanceof self) { $emailobj = new Memail_templates(); $kword = "AAT"; $ticket_link = ""; $tuserobj = Msite_user::FindBy("id", $ticket_obj->ticket_user); $ticket_link = site_url("admin/ticket/details/{$ticket_obj->id}"); $ticket_link = '
' . $ticket_link . '
'; $params = Memail_templates::getEmailParamListClearData($kword); $params["ticket_assigned_user"] = $appuser->title; $params["ticket_track_id"] = $ticket_obj->ticket_track_id; $params["ticket_title"] = $ticket_obj->title; $params["ticket_category"] = Mcategory::getParentStr($ticket_obj->cat_id); $params["ticket_body"] = $ticket_obj->ticket_body; $params["ticket_priroty"] = $ticket_obj->getTextByKey("priroty", false); $params["ticket_open_app_time"] = get_timezonetime(date_default_timezone_get(), $ticket_obj->opened_time, "Y-m-d H:i:s ") . date_default_timezone_get(); $params["ticket_user"] = $tuserobj->first_name . " " . $tuserobj->last_name; $params["ticket_link"] = $ticket_link; if ($emailobj->SendEmailTemplates($kword, $emailAddress, "", $params)) { return true; } } else { return false; } } static function hasTicketReplyPermission($ticketObj) { if (ACL::HasPermission("admin/ticket-confirm/ticket-reply")) { return self::hasTicketAssignPermission($ticketObj); } return false; } static function hasTicketAssignPermission($ticketObj) { $any_can_assign = Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("any_can_assign", "N") == "Y"; if (!empty($ticketObj->assigned_on) && !$any_can_assign) { $admindata = GetAdminData(); if (!$admindata->IsSuperUser() && $admindata->id != $ticketObj->assigned_on) { AddError("You can't assign or change other's ticket. Only assigned user can change the user"); return false; } } return true; } /** * @param Mticket $ticketObj * @param $user_id */ static function SendTicketAssignNotification($ticketObj, $user_id) { $isEnableEmailAssignTicket=Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("is_aetkt_open","N")=="Y"; if($isEnableEmailAssignTicket){ self::SendTicketAssignAdminEmailByObj($ticketObj,$user_id); } $isEnableScreenAssignTicket=Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("is_astkt_open","N")=="Y"; if($isEnableScreenAssignTicket){ $objpatam=new stdClass(); $objpatam->id=$ticketObj->id; $objpatam->title=$ticketObj->title; $paramstr=base64_encode(json_encode($objpatam)); $adminData=GetAdminData(); $status="A"; $title=__("New ticket assigned"); $msg=__("A new ticket is assigned to you"); if(!empty($adminData->id) && $adminData->id==$user_id){ $status="V"; $title=__("New ticket assigned by you"); $msg=__("You have assigned self to a ticket"); } Mapp_notificaiton::AddNotification($user_id,$title,$msg,admin_url("ticket/details/{$ticketObj->id}"),false,"TA",$paramstr,$status); } } static function AssignUser($ticket_id, $user_id, $assigner_user_id, $isTicketLogEntry = false) { $ticketObj = Mticket::FindBy("id", $ticket_id); $any_can_assign = Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("any_can_assign", "N") == "Y"; if ($ticketObj->status == "C") { AddError("Ticket closed already."); return false; } if ($ticketObj) { if (!self::hasTicketAssignPermission($ticketObj)) { return false; } $obj = new self(); $obj->assigned_on($user_id); $obj->assigned_date(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $obj->SetWhereCondition("id", $ticket_id); if ($obj->Update()) { $ticketObj->assigned_on=$user_id; if ($isTicketLogEntry) { if ($assigner_user_id == $user_id) { $msg = "Assign self"; } else { $userobj = Mapp_user::get_user_obj_by("$user_id"); $msg = "Assign user " . $userobj->title; } Mticket_log::AddTicketLog($ticket_id, $assigner_user_id, "A", $msg, $ticketObj->status); } self::SendTicketAssignNotification($ticketObj,$user_id); return true; } } return false; } /** * @param self $ticketObj * @param $user_id * @param $assigner_user_id * @param bool $isTicketLogEntry * @return bool */ static function AutoAssignUser($ticketObj, $user_id, $assigner_user_id, $isTicketLogEntry = false) { $any_can_assign = Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("any_can_assign", "N") == "Y"; if ($ticketObj->status == "C") { AddError("Ticket closed already."); return false; } if ($ticketObj) { $obj = new self(); $obj->assigned_on($user_id); $obj->assigned_date(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $obj->SetWhereCondition("id", $ticketObj->id); if ($obj->Update()) { $ticketObj->assigned_on=$user_id; if ($isTicketLogEntry) { $assigner_user_id=strtolower($assigner_user_id); if ($assigner_user_id =="SYS") { $msg = "Auto Assigned to"; }elseif ($assigner_user_id == $user_id) { $msg = "Assign self"; } else { $userobj = Mapp_user::get_user_obj_by("$user_id"); $msg = "Assign user " . $userobj->title; } Mticket_log::AddTicketLog($ticketObj->id, $assigner_user_id, "A", $msg, $ticketObj->status); } self::SendTicketAssignNotification($ticketObj,$user_id); return true; } } return false; } static function ReopenStatus($ticket_id, $newstatus, $last_replied_by, $last_replied_by_type, $isTicketLogEntry = false, $is_already_emailed = false) { $obj = new self(); $obj->status($newstatus); $obj->re_open_by($last_replied_by); $obj->re_open_by_type($last_replied_by_type); $obj->re_open_time(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $obj->last_replied_by($last_replied_by); $obj->last_replied_by_type($last_replied_by_type); $obj->last_reply_time(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $obj->SetWhereCondition("id", $ticket_id); if ($obj->Update()) { if ($isTicketLogEntry) { $msg = "Ticket " . $obj->getTextByKey("status", false, $newstatus); Mticket_log::AddTicketLog($ticket_id, $last_replied_by, $last_replied_by_type, $msg, $newstatus); } return true; } return false; } static function UpdateStatus($ticket_id, $newstatus, $last_replied_by, $last_replied_by_type, $isTicketLogEntry = false) { $obj = new self(); $obj->status($newstatus); $obj->last_replied_by($last_replied_by); $obj->last_replied_by_type($last_replied_by_type); $obj->last_reply_time(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $obj->SetWhereCondition("id", $ticket_id); if ($obj->Update()) { if ($isTicketLogEntry) { $msg = "Ticket " . $obj->getTextByKey("status", false, $newstatus); Mticket_log::AddTicketLog($ticket_id, $last_replied_by, $last_replied_by_type, $msg, $newstatus); } return true; } return false; } static function get_all_attachments($ticket_id, $is_public = false) { $obj = Mticket::FindBy("id", $ticket_id); return self::get_all_attachments_by_ticket_obj($obj, $is_public); } function setCustomFields(&$customes,&$hasCustom) { $customes=Mcustom_field::getGridColumn(""); $hasCustom=count($customes)>0; $custom_field_ids=[]; if($hasCustom) { foreach ( $customes as $cf ) { $custom_field_ids["custom_".$cf->id]=$cf->id; } } if($hasCustom && isset($custom_field_ids[$this->srcItem])){ $mjobj=new Mticket_custom_field(); $mjobj->fld_value(" LIKE '%".$this->srcText."%'",true); $this->Join($mjobj,"ticket_id","id","left","",["custom_id"=>"'".$custom_field_ids[$this->srcItem]."'"]); $this->srcItem=""; $this->srcText=""; } } /** * @param Mticket $ticket_obj */ static function get_all_attachments_by_ticket_obj($ticket_obj, $is_public = false) { $dir = self::get_ticket_file_path($ticket_obj->ticket_user, $ticket_obj->id, $is_public); if(Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue('use_direct_file','N')=='Y'){ check_direct_access($dir); } $ticket_obj->load->helper('directory'); $files = directory_map($dir, true); $newList = []; app_process_already_uploaded($files, $newList, $dir); return $newList; } static function get_ticket_file_path($user_id, $ticket_id, $is_public = false, $replied_id = '') { if (!$is_public) { $dir = FCPATH . "data/{$user_id}/ticket/{$ticket_id}/pri/"; } else { $dir = FCPATH . "data/{$user_id}/ticket/{$ticket_id}/pub/"; } if (!empty($replied_id)) { $dir .= "rep/" . $replied_id . "/"; } return $dir; } static function get_hash($path) { $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), "-", $path); $path = str_replace("--", "-", $path); $start_date = date("YmdH:i", strtotime("- 30 MINUTES")); $end_date = date("YmdH:i", strtotime("+ 30 MINUTES")); return get8BitHashCode($path . "/appsbd/" . date("YmdH")); } static function setPaidTicket($id) { $obj = new self(); $obj->is_paid_ticket('Y'); $obj->SetWhereCondition("id", $id); return $obj->Update(); } static function getTicketYearlyOpenData($fromYear, $toYear = "", $app_user = "") { $btproperty = !empty($app_user) ? "assigned_date" : "opened_time"; if (empty($toYear)) { $toYear = $fromYear; } $fromYear = "$fromYear-01-01 00:00:00"; $toYear = "$toYear-12-31 23:23:59"; if (!empty($app_user)) { $app_user = " `assigned_on` = '{$app_user}' AND "; } $query = "SELECT count(*) as total,MONTH({$btproperty}) as month FROM ticket WHERE {$app_user} {$btproperty} BETWEEN '{$fromYear}' AND '{$toYear}' GROUP BY MONTH($btproperty)"; $obj = new self(); $result = $obj->SelectQuery($query); $response_array = []; foreach ($result as $d) { $response_array[$d->month] = $d->total; } return $response_array; } /** * @param $ticket_id * @param bool $noLimit * @return bool */ static function DeleteByID($ticket_id, $noLimit = false) { $isDeleted = parent::DeleteByKeyValue("id", $ticket_id, $noLimit); if ($isDeleted) { Mticket_reply::DeleteByTicketId($ticket_id); Mticket_log::DeleteByTicketId($ticket_id); Mticket_feedback::DeleteByTicketId($ticket_id); Mticket_custom_field::DeleteByTicketId($ticket_id); } return $isDeleted; } static function getTicketYearlyCloseData($fromYear, $toYear = "", $app_user = "") { $btproperty = "last_reply_time"; if (empty($toYear)) { $toYear = $fromYear; } $fromYear = "$fromYear-01-01 00:00:00"; $toYear = "$toYear-12-31 23:23:59"; if (!empty($app_user)) { $app_user = " `assigned_on` = '{$app_user}' AND "; } $query = "SELECT count(*) as total,MONTH($btproperty) as Month FROM ticket WHERE {$app_user} `status` ='C' and {$btproperty} BETWEEN '{$fromYear}' AND '{$toYear}' GROUP BY MONTH({$btproperty})"; $obj = new self(); $result = $obj->SelectQuery($query); $response_array = []; foreach ($result as $d) { $response_array[$d->Month] = $d->total; } return $response_array; } static function getTicketOpenData($fromDate, $toData, $app_user = "") { $btproperty = !empty($app_user) ? "assigned_date" : "opened_time"; $fromDate = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($fromDate)); $toData = date("Y-m-d 23:23:59", strtotime($toData)); if (!empty($app_user)) { $app_user = " `assigned_on` = '{$app_user}' AND "; } $query = "SELECT count(*) as total,DAY({$btproperty}) as day FROM ticket WHERE {$app_user} {$btproperty} BETWEEN '{$fromDate}' AND '{$toData}' GROUP BY DAY($btproperty)"; $obj = new self(); $result = $obj->SelectQuery($query); $response_array = []; foreach ($result as $d) { $response_array[$d->day] = $d->total; } return $response_array; } static function getTicketCloseData($fromDate, $toData, $app_user = "") { $fromDate = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($fromDate)); $toData = date("Y-m-d 23:23:59", strtotime($toData)); $btproperty = "last_reply_time"; if (!empty($app_user)) { $app_user = " `assigned_on` = '{$app_user}' AND "; } $query = "SELECT count(*) as total,DAY($btproperty) as day FROM ticket WHERE {$app_user} `status` ='C' and {$btproperty} BETWEEN '{$fromDate}' AND '{$toData}' GROUP BY DAY({$btproperty})"; $obj = new self(); $result = $obj->SelectQuery($query); $response_array = []; foreach ($result as $d) { $response_array[$d->day] = $d->total; } return $response_array; } static function getClientTicketCounter($user_id) { $obj = new self(); $couter = $obj->SelectQuery("SELECT count(*) as total, `status` FROM ticket WHERE ticket_user={$user_id} GROUP BY `status`"); $display_counter = new stdClass(); $display_counter->active = 0; $display_counter->closed = 0; $display_counter->action_required = 0; $display_counter->other = 0; $active_status = ['P', 'N', 'R']; foreach ($couter as $c) { if (in_array($c->status, $active_status)) { $display_counter->active += $c->total; } elseif ($c->status == "A") { $display_counter->action_required += $c->total; } elseif ($c->status == "C") { $display_counter->closed += $c->total; } else { $display_counter->other += $c->total; } } return $display_counter; } static function getTicketStat($fromDate = "", $toDate = "", $app_user = "") { $btproperty = !empty($app_user) ? "assigned_date" : "opened_time"; $where = ""; $where2 = ""; if (!empty($app_user)) { $where = " WHERE `assigned_on` = '{$app_user}'"; $where2 = " WHERE `assigned_on` = '{$app_user}'"; } if (!empty($fromDate) && !empty($toDate)) { $fromDate = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($fromDate)); $toDate = date("Y-m-d 23:23:59", strtotime($toDate)); $where .= !empty($where) ? " AND " : " WHERE "; $where .= " $btproperty BETWEEN '{$fromDate}' AND '{$toDate}'"; $where2 .= !empty($where) ? " AND " : " WHERE "; $where2 .= " last_reply_time BETWEEN '{$fromDate}' AND '{$toDate}'"; } $query1 = "SELECT count(*) as total_ticket, SUM( CASE WHEN`is_paid_ticket` = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as paid_ticket, SUM( CASE WHEN`status`!= 'C' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as pending_ticket, SUM( CASE WHEN `status`!= 'C' AND `last_replied_by_type` != 'A' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as need_reply, SUM( CASE WHEN`status` != 'C' AND assigned_on='' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as unassigned_ticket FROM ticket {$where}"; $query2 = "SELECT SUM( CASE WHEN`status` = 'C' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as close_ticket , SUM( CASE WHEN (`is_paid_ticket` = 'Y' AND `status`='C') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as paid_closed_ticket FROM ticket {$where2}"; $obj = new self(); $totalTicket = $obj->SelectQuery($query1); $othersStat = $obj->SelectQuery($query2); $response = new stdClass(); $response->total = !empty($totalTicket[0]->total_ticket) ? $totalTicket[0]->total_ticket : 0; $response->pending_ticket = !empty($totalTicket[0]->pending_ticket) ? $totalTicket[0]->pending_ticket : 0; $response->need_reply = !empty($totalTicket[0]->need_reply) ? $totalTicket[0]->need_reply : 0; $response->paid_ticket = !empty($totalTicket[0]->paid_ticket) ? $totalTicket[0]->paid_ticket : 0; $response->unassigned_ticket = !empty($totalTicket[0]->unassigned_ticket) ? $totalTicket[0]->unassigned_ticket : 0; $response->close_ticket = !empty($othersStat[0]->close_ticket) ? $othersStat[0]->close_ticket : 0; $response->paid_closed_ticket = !empty($othersStat[0]->paid_closed_ticket) ? $othersStat[0]->paid_closed_ticket : 0; return $response; } static function GetDefaultRule() { $rule = Mticket_assign_rule::FindBy("cat_ids", "*",['rule_type'=>'A']); if (!empty($rule)) { return $rule; } return NULL; } static function GetDefaultNotifyRule() { $rule = Mticket_assign_rule::FindBy("cat_ids", "*",['rule_type'=>'N']); if (!empty($rule)) { return $rule; } return NULL; } /** * @param $cat_id * @return Mticket_assign_rule|NULL */ static function GetAssignRuleByCategory($cat_id) { if ($cat_id == 0) { return self::GetDefaultRule(); } $rule = Mticket_assign_rule::GetAssignRuleByCategory($cat_id); if (!empty($rule)) { return $rule; } else { $category = Mcategory::FindBy("id", $cat_id); if ($category) { return self::GetAssignRuleByCategory($category->parent_category); } } return self::GetDefaultRule(); } /** * @param $cat_id * @return Mticket_assign_rule|NULL */ static function GetAssignSpecificRuleByCategory($cat_id) { if ($cat_id == 0) { return self::GetDefaultRule(); } $rule = Mticket_assign_rule::GetAssignSpecificRuleByCategory($cat_id); if (!empty($rule)) { return $rule; } else { $category = Mcategory::FindBy("id", $cat_id); if ($category) { return self::GetAssignSpecificRuleByCategory($category->parent_category); } } return self::GetDefaultRule(); } static function GetRoleMinAssignedUser($fromdata, $todate, $role_id) { $query = "SELECT app_user.id, SUM(IF(ticket.assigned_on IS NULL,0,1) ) as total_assign FROM app_user JOIN role_list ON app_user.role=role_list.role_id LEFT JOIN ticket ON app_user.id=ticket.assigned_on and ticket.assigned_date BETWEEN '$fromdata' AND '$todate' WHERE role='$role_id' and app_user.status='A' GROUP BY app_user.id ORDER BY total_assign LIMIT 1"; $obj = new self(); $result = $obj->SelectQuery($query); if (!empty($result[0]->id)) { return $result[0]->id; } return null; } static function GetNotifyRulesByCategory($cat_id) { if ($cat_id == 0) { $obj= self::GetDefaultNotifyRule(); if(!empty($obj)){ return [$obj]; }else{ return []; } } $rules = Mticket_assign_rule::GetNotifyRulesByCategory($cat_id); if (!empty($rules)) { return $rules; } else { $category = Mcategory::FindBy("id", $cat_id); if ($category) { return self::GetNotifyRulesByCategory($category->parent_category); } } return self::GetDefaultNotifyRule(); } /** * @param self $ticketObj */ static function OnTicketOpening($ticketObj) { if ($ticketObj instanceof self) { $assignRuleSpe = self::GetAssignSpecificRuleByCategory($ticketObj->cat_id); $assignedId=""; if (!empty($assignRuleSpe)) { if ($assignRuleSpe->rule_type == "S") { $app_user_id = $assignRuleSpe->rule_id; if (!empty($app_user_id)) { $assignedId=$app_user_id; Mticket::AutoAssignUser($ticketObj,$app_user_id,"sys",true); } } } if(empty($assignedId)) { $assignRule = self::GetAssignRuleByCategory( $ticketObj->cat_id ); if ( ! empty( $assignRule ) ) { if ( $assignRule->rule_type == "A" ) { $fromDate = date( 'Y-m-01 00:00:00' ); $todate = date( 'Y-m-t 23:23:59' ); $app_user_id = self::GetRoleMinAssignedUser( $fromDate, $todate, $assignRule->rule_id ); if ( ! empty( $app_user_id ) ) { $assignedId = $app_user_id; Mticket::AutoAssignUser( $ticketObj, $app_user_id, "sys", true ); } } } } $notifyRules=self::GetNotifyRulesByCategory($ticketObj->cat_id); foreach ( $notifyRules as $notifyRule ) { if($assignedId==$notifyRule->rule_id){continue;} $app_user=Mapp_user::FindBy("id",$notifyRule->rule_id); if(!empty($app_user)) { self::SendTicketOpenAdminEmailByObj($ticketObj, $app_user->email); } $isEnableScreenAssignTicket=Mapp_setting::GetSettingsValue("is_astkt_open","N")=="Y"; if($isEnableScreenAssignTicket){ $objpatam=new stdClass(); $objpatam->id=$ticketObj->id; $objpatam->title=$ticketObj->title; $paramstr=base64_encode(json_encode($objpatam)); Mapp_notificaiton::AddNotification($app_user->id,__("New ticket received"),__("A new ticket has been received, please assign"),admin_url("ticket/details/{$ticketObj->id}"),false,"TO",$paramstr); } } } } public static function SetReplyCTime(){ $ob=new Mticket(); $ob->last_c_reply('last_reply_time',true); $ob->SetWhereUpdate("last_replied_by_type",'U'); $ob->Update(true); $ob=new Mticket(); $ob->SelectQuery2('update ticket set last_c_reply=opened_time where last_c_reply is null'); } function GetAddForm($label_col = 5, $input_col = 7, $mainobj = null, $except = array(), $disabled = array()) { if (!$mainobj) { $mainobj = $this; } ?>
" class="form-control" id="ticket_track_id" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
" class="form-control" id="cat_id" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
" class="form-control" id="title" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">GetPostValue("ticket_body"); ?></textarea>
" class="form-control" id="ticket_user" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
" class="form-control" id="opened_time" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
" class="form-control" id="re_open_time" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
" class="form-control" id="re_open_by" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
GetPostValue("re_open_by_type", ""); $re_open_by_type_isDisabled = in_array("re_open_by_type", $disabled); GetHTMLRadioByArray("Re Open By Type", "re_open_by_type", "re_open_by_type", true, $mainobj->GetPropertyRawOptions("re_open_by_type"), $re_open_by_type_selected, $re_open_by_type_isDisabled); ?>
GetPostValue("user_type", "U"); $user_type_isDisabled = in_array("user_type", $disabled); GetHTMLRadioByArray("User Type", "user_type", "user_type", true, $mainobj->GetPropertyRawOptions("user_type"), $user_type_selected, $user_type_isDisabled); ?>
data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message=""> GetPostValue("status", "N"); GetHTMLOptionByArray($mainobj->GetPropertyRawOptions("status", true), $status_selected); ?>
data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message=""> GetPostValue("assigned_on"); GetHTMLOptionByArray($options_assigned_on, $assigned_on_selected); ?>
data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message=""> GetPostValue("last_replied_by"); GetHTMLOptionByArray($options_last_replied_by, $last_replied_by_selected); ?>
" class="form-control" id="last_reply_time" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
" class="form-control" id="ticket_rating" placeholder="" data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message="">
data-bv-notempty="true" data-bv-notempty-message=""> GetPostValue("priroty", "L"); GetHTMLOptionByArray($mainobj->GetPropertyRawOptions("priroty", true), $priroty_selected); ?>