* @version 2.1 */ class MailChimp { private $api_key; private $api_endpoint = 'https://
.api.mailchimp.com/3.0'; public $verify_ssl = true; private $last_error = ''; private $last_response = array(); private $last_request = array(); /** * Create a new instance * @param string $api_key Your MailChimp API key */ public function __construct() { $this->ci =& get_instance(); $this->api_key = $this->ci->config->item('Mailchimp_api_key'); list(, $datacentre) = explode('-', $this->api_key); $this->api_endpoint = str_replace('
', $datacentre, $this->api_endpoint); $this->last_response = array('headers'=>null, 'body'=>null); } /** * Create a new instance of a Batch request. Optionally with the ID of an existing batch. * @param string $batch_id Optional ID of an existing batch, if you need to check its status for example. * @return Batch New Batch object. */ public function new_batch($batch_id=null) { return new Batch($this, $batch_id); } /** * Convert an email address into a 'subscriber hash' for identifying the subscriber in a method URL * @param string $email The subscriber's email address * @return string Hashed version of the input */ public function subscriberHash($email) { return md5(strtolower($email)); } /** * Get the last error returned by either the network transport, or by the API. * If something didn't work, this should contain the string describing the problem. * @return array|false describing the error */ public function getLastError() { if ($this->last_error) return $this->last_error; return false; } /** * Get an array containing the HTTP headers and the body of the API response. * @return array Assoc array with keys 'headers' and 'body' */ public function getLastResponse() { return $this->last_response; } /** * Get an array containing the HTTP headers and the body of the API request. * @return array Assoc array */ public function getLastRequest() { return $this->last_request; } /** * Make an HTTP DELETE request - for deleting data * @param string $method URL of the API request method * @param array $args Assoc array of arguments (if any) * @param int $timeout Timeout limit for request in seconds * @return array|false Assoc array of API response, decoded from JSON */ public function delete($method, $args=array(), $timeout=10) { return $this->makeRequest('delete', $method, $args, $timeout); } /** * Make an HTTP GET request - for retrieving data * @param string $method URL of the API request method * @param array $args Assoc array of arguments (usually your data) * @param int $timeout Timeout limit for request in seconds * @return array|false Assoc array of API response, decoded from JSON */ public function get($method, $args=array(), $timeout=10) { return $this->makeRequest('get', $method, $args, $timeout); } /** * Make an HTTP PATCH request - for performing partial updates * @param string $method URL of the API request method * @param array $args Assoc array of arguments (usually your data) * @param int $timeout Timeout limit for request in seconds * @return array|false Assoc array of API response, decoded from JSON */ public function patch($method, $args=array(), $timeout=10) { return $this->makeRequest('patch', $method, $args, $timeout); } /** * Make an HTTP POST request - for creating and updating items * @param string $method URL of the API request method * @param array $args Assoc array of arguments (usually your data) * @param int $timeout Timeout limit for request in seconds * @return array|false Assoc array of API response, decoded from JSON */ public function post($method, $args=array(), $timeout=10) { return $this->makeRequest('post', $method, $args, $timeout); } /** * Make an HTTP PUT request - for creating new items * @param string $method URL of the API request method * @param array $args Assoc array of arguments (usually your data) * @param int $timeout Timeout limit for request in seconds * @return array|false Assoc array of API response, decoded from JSON */ public function put($method, $args=array(), $timeout=10) { return $this->makeRequest('put', $method, $args, $timeout); } /** * Performs the underlying HTTP request. Not very exciting. * @param string $http_verb The HTTP verb to use: get, post, put, patch, delete * @param string $method The API method to be called * @param array $args Assoc array of parameters to be passed * @return array|false Assoc array of decoded result */ private function makeRequest($http_verb, $method, $args=array(), $timeout=10) { if (!function_exists('curl_init') || !function_exists('curl_setopt')) { throw new \Exception("cURL support is required, but can't be found."); } $url = $this->api_endpoint.'/'.$method; $this->last_error = ''; $response = array('headers'=>null, 'body'=>null); $this->last_response = $response; $this->last_request = array( 'method' => $http_verb, 'path' => $method, 'url' => $url, 'body' => '', 'timeout'=> $timeout, ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/vnd.api+json', 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json', 'Authorization: apikey '.$this->api_key)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'DrewM/MailChimp-API/3.0 (github.com/drewm/mailchimp-api)'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1000); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->verify_ssl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true); switch($http_verb) { case 'post': curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); $this->attachRequestPayload($ch, $args); break; case 'get': $query = http_build_query($args); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url.'?'.$query); break; case 'delete': curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE'); break; case 'patch': curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PATCH'); $this->attachRequestPayload($ch, $args); break; case 'put': curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT'); $this->attachRequestPayload($ch, $args); break; } $response['body'] = curl_exec($ch); $response['headers'] = curl_getinfo($ch); $this->last_request['headers'] = $response['headers']['request_header']; if ($response['body'] === false) { $this->last_error = curl_error($ch); } curl_close($ch); return $this->formatResponse($response); } /** * Encode the data and attach it to the request * @param resource $ch cURL session handle, used by reference * @param array $data Assoc array of data to attach */ private function attachRequestPayload(&$ch, $data) { $encoded = json_encode($data); $this->last_request['body'] = $encoded; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $encoded); } /** * Decode the response and format any error messages for debugging * @param array $response The response from the curl request * @return array|false The JSON decoded into an array */ private function formatResponse($response) { $this->last_response = $response; if (!empty($response['body'])) { $d = json_decode($response['body'], true); if (isset($d['status']) && $d['status']!='200' && isset($d['detail'])) { $this->last_error = sprintf('%d: %s', $d['status'], $d['detail']); } return $d; } return false; } }