options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; $this->options['certificate'] = $certificate; $this->options['privateKey'] = $privateKey; $this->options['sandbox'] = $sandbox; $this->options['apiKey'] = $apiKey; $this->options['secret'] = $secret; } /** * A descriptive string that you create to describe the resource. It can be up to 64 characters long. * * @param string $friendlyName A string to describe the resource * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setFriendlyName(string $friendlyName): self { $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; return $this; } /** * [APN only] The URL-encoded representation of the certificate. Strip everything outside of the headers, e.g. `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIFnTCCBIWgAwIBAgIIAjy9H849+E8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwgZYxCzAJBgNV.....A==-----END CERTIFICATE-----` * * @param string $certificate [APN only] The URL-encoded representation of the * certificate * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setCertificate(string $certificate): self { $this->options['certificate'] = $certificate; return $this; } /** * [APN only] The URL-encoded representation of the private key. Strip everything outside of the headers, e.g. `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAuyf/lNrH9ck8DmNyo3fGgvCI1l9s+cmBY3WIz+cUDqmxiieR\n.-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----` * * @param string $privateKey [APN only] URL-encoded representation of the * private key * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setPrivateKey(string $privateKey): self { $this->options['privateKey'] = $privateKey; return $this; } /** * [APN only] Whether to send the credential to sandbox APNs. Can be `true` to send to sandbox APNs or `false` to send to production. * * @param bool $sandbox [APN only] Whether to send the credential to sandbox * APNs * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSandbox(bool $sandbox): self { $this->options['sandbox'] = $sandbox; return $this; } /** * [GCM only] The `Server key` of your project from Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging. * * @param string $apiKey [GCM only] The `Server key` of your project from * Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setApiKey(string $apiKey): self { $this->options['apiKey'] = $apiKey; return $this; } /** * [FCM only] The `Server key` of your project from Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging. * * @param string $secret [FCM only] The `Server key` of your project from * Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSecret(string $secret): self { $this->options['secret'] = $secret; return $this; } /** * Provide a friendly representation * * @return string Machine friendly representation */ public function __toString(): string { $options = \http_build_query(Values::of($this->options), '', ' '); return '[Twilio.Notify.V1.CreateCredentialOptions ' . $options . ']'; } } class UpdateCredentialOptions extends Options { /** * @param string $friendlyName A string to describe the resource * @param string $certificate [APN only] The URL-encoded representation of the * certificate * @param string $privateKey [APN only] URL-encoded representation of the * private key * @param bool $sandbox [APN only] Whether to send the credential to sandbox * APNs * @param string $apiKey [GCM only] The `Server key` of your project from * Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging * @param string $secret [FCM only] The `Server key` of your project from * Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging */ public function __construct(string $friendlyName = Values::NONE, string $certificate = Values::NONE, string $privateKey = Values::NONE, bool $sandbox = Values::NONE, string $apiKey = Values::NONE, string $secret = Values::NONE) { $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; $this->options['certificate'] = $certificate; $this->options['privateKey'] = $privateKey; $this->options['sandbox'] = $sandbox; $this->options['apiKey'] = $apiKey; $this->options['secret'] = $secret; } /** * A descriptive string that you create to describe the resource. It can be up to 64 characters long. * * @param string $friendlyName A string to describe the resource * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setFriendlyName(string $friendlyName): self { $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; return $this; } /** * [APN only] The URL-encoded representation of the certificate. Strip everything outside of the headers, e.g. `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIFnTCCBIWgAwIBAgIIAjy9H849+E8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwgZYxCzAJBgNV.....A==-----END CERTIFICATE-----` * * @param string $certificate [APN only] The URL-encoded representation of the * certificate * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setCertificate(string $certificate): self { $this->options['certificate'] = $certificate; return $this; } /** * [APN only] The URL-encoded representation of the private key. Strip everything outside of the headers, e.g. `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAuyf/lNrH9ck8DmNyo3fGgvCI1l9s+cmBY3WIz+cUDqmxiieR\n.-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----` * * @param string $privateKey [APN only] URL-encoded representation of the * private key * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setPrivateKey(string $privateKey): self { $this->options['privateKey'] = $privateKey; return $this; } /** * [APN only] Whether to send the credential to sandbox APNs. Can be `true` to send to sandbox APNs or `false` to send to production. * * @param bool $sandbox [APN only] Whether to send the credential to sandbox * APNs * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSandbox(bool $sandbox): self { $this->options['sandbox'] = $sandbox; return $this; } /** * [GCM only] The `Server key` of your project from Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging. * * @param string $apiKey [GCM only] The `Server key` of your project from * Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setApiKey(string $apiKey): self { $this->options['apiKey'] = $apiKey; return $this; } /** * [FCM only] The `Server key` of your project from Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging. * * @param string $secret [FCM only] The `Server key` of your project from * Firebase console under Settings / Cloud messaging * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSecret(string $secret): self { $this->options['secret'] = $secret; return $this; } /** * Provide a friendly representation * * @return string Machine friendly representation */ public function __toString(): string { $options = \http_build_query(Values::of($this->options), '', ' '); return '[Twilio.Notify.V1.UpdateCredentialOptions ' . $options . ']'; } }