*/ trait AddTrait { use LocalizedRouteTrait; /** * @var RouteCollection */ protected $collection; protected $name = ''; protected $prefixes; /** * Adds a route. * * @param string|array $path the path, or the localized paths of the route */ public function add(string $name, $path): RouteConfigurator { $parentConfigurator = $this instanceof CollectionConfigurator ? $this : ($this instanceof RouteConfigurator ? $this->parentConfigurator : null); $route = $this->createLocalizedRoute($this->collection, $name, $path, $this->name, $this->prefixes); return new RouteConfigurator($this->collection, $route, $this->name, $parentConfigurator, $this->prefixes); } /** * Adds a route. * * @param string|array $path the path, or the localized paths of the route */ public function __invoke(string $name, $path): RouteConfigurator { return $this->add($name, $path); } }