# razorpay-php [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/razorpay/razorpay-php.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/razorpay/razorpay-php) [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/razorpay/razorpay/v/stable.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/razorpay/razorpay) [![License](https://poser.pugx.org/razorpay/razorpay/license.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/razorpay/razorpay) Razorpay client PHP API. The Api follows the following practices: - Namespaced under `Razorpay\Api` - Call `$api->class->function()` to access the API - API throws exceptions instead of returning errors - Options are passed as an array instead of multiple arguments wherever possible - All requests and responses are communicated over JSON - A minimum of PHP 5.3 is required # Installation - If your project uses composer, run the below command ``` composer require razorpay/razorpay:2.* ``` - If you are not using composer, download the latest release from [the releases section](https://github.com/razorpay/razorpay-php/releases). **You should download the `razorpay-php.zip` file**. After that, include `Razorpay.php` in your application and you can use the API as usual. # Usage ```php use Razorpay\Api\Api; $api = new Api($api_key, $api_secret); // Orders $order = $api->order->create(array('receipt' => '123', 'amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'INR')); // Creates order $orderId = $order['id']; // Get the created Order ID $order = $api->order->fetch($orderId); $orders = $api->order->all($options); // Returns array of order objects $payments = $api->order->fetch($orderId)->payments(); // Returns array of payment objects against an order // Payments $payments = $api->payment->all($options); // Returns array of payment objects $payment = $api->payment->fetch($id); // Returns a particular payment $payment = $api->payment->fetch($id)->capture(array('amount'=>$amount)); // Captures a payment // To get the payment details echo $payment->amount; echo $payment->currency; // And so on for other attributes // Refunds $refund = $api->refund->create(array('payment_id' => $id)); // Creates refund for a payment $refund = $api->refund->create(array('payment_id' => $id, 'amount'=>$refundAmount)); // Creates partial refund for a payment $refund = $api->refund->fetch($refundId); // Returns a particular refund // Cards $card = $api->card->fetch($cardId); // Returns a particular card // Customers $customer = $api->customer->create(array('name' => 'Razorpay User', 'email' => 'customer@razorpay.com')); // Creates customer $customer = $api->customer->fetch($customerId); // Returns a particular customer $customer = $api->customer->edit(array('name' => 'Razorpay User', 'email' => 'customer@razorpay.com')); // Edits customer // Tokens $token = $api->customer->token()->fetch($tokenId); // Returns a particular token $tokens = $api->customer->token()->all($options); // Returns array of token objects $api->customer->token()->delete($tokenId); // Deletes a token // Transfers $transfer = $api->payment->fetch($paymentId)->transfer(array('transfers' => [ ['account' => $accountId, 'amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'INR']])); // Create transfer $transfers = $api->transfer->all(); // Fetch all transfers $transfers = $api->payment->fetch($paymentId)->transfers(); // Fetch all transfers created on a payment $transfer = $api->transfer->fetch($transferId)->edit($options); // Edit a transfer $reversal = $api->transfer->fetch($transferId)->reverse(); // Reverse a transfer // Payment Links $links = $api->payment_link->all(); // fetch all payment links $link = $api->payment_link->fetch('plink_GiwM9xbIZqbkJp'); // fetch payment link with id $data = json_encode( [ 'amount' => 98765, 'description' => 'For XYZ purpose', 'customer' => array('email' => 'test@test.test') ]); $link->payment_link->create($data); // create payment link , pass $data. $link = $api->payment_link->fetch('plink_GiwM9xbIZqbkJp'); // cancel payment link , first fetch payment link with id and then call cancel method like $link->cancel(); $link->cancel(); $link->notifyBy('sms'); // Invoices $invoices = $api->invoice->all(); $invoice = $api->invoice->fetch('inv_00000000000001'); $invoice = $api->invoice->create($params); // Ref: razorpay.com/docs/invoices for request params example $invoice = $invoice->edit($params); $invoice->issue(); $invoice->notifyBy('email'); $invoice->cancel(); $invoice->delete(); // Virtual Accounts $virtualAccount = $api->virtualAccount->create(array('receiver_types' => array('bank_account'), 'description' => 'First Virtual Account', 'notes' => array('receiver_key' => 'receiver_value'))); $virtualAccounts = $api->virtualAccount->all(); $virtualAccount = $api->virtualAccount->fetch('va_4xbQrmEoA5WJ0G'); $virtualAccount = $virtualAccount->close(); $payments = $virtualAccount->payments(); $bankTransfer = $api->payment->fetch('pay_8JpVEWsoNPKdQh')->bankTransfer(); // Bharat QR $bharatQR = $api->virtualAccount->create(array('receivers' => array('types' => array('qr_code')), 'description' => 'First QR code', 'amount_expected' => 100, 'notes' => array('receiver_key' => 'receiver_value'))); // Create Static QR $bharatQR = $api->virtualAccount->create(array('receivers' => array('types' => array('qr_code')), 'description' => 'First QR code', 'notes' => array('receiver_key' => 'receiver_value'))); // Create Dynamic QR // Subscriptions $plan = $api->plan->create(array('period' => 'weekly', 'interval' => 1, 'item' => array('name' => 'Test Weekly 1 plan', 'description' => 'Description for the weekly 1 plan', 'amount' => 600, 'currency' => 'INR'))); $plan = $api->plan->fetch('plan_7wAosPWtrkhqZw'); $plans = $api->plan->all(); $subscription = $api->subscription->create(array('plan_id' => 'plan_7wAosPWtrkhqZw', 'customer_notify' => 1, 'total_count' => 6, 'start_at' => 1495995837, 'addons' => array(array('item' => array('name' => 'Delivery charges', 'amount' => 30000, 'currency' => 'INR'))))); $subscription = $api->subscription->fetch('sub_82uBGfpFK47AlA'); $subscriptions = $api->subscription->all(); $subscription = $api->subscription->fetch('sub_82uBGfpFK47AlA')->cancel($options); //$options = ['cancel_at_cycle_end' => 1]; $addon = $api->subscription->fetch('sub_82uBGfpFK47AlA')->createAddon(array('item' => array('name' => 'Extra Chair', 'amount' => 30000, 'currency' => 'INR'), 'quantity' => 2)); $addon = $api->addon->fetch('ao_8nDvQYYGQI5o4H'); $addon = $api->addon->fetch('ao_8nDvQYYGQI5o4H')->delete(); // Settlements $settlement = $api->settlement->fetch('setl_7IZKKI4Pnt2kEe'); $settlements = $api->settlement->all(); $reports = $api->settlement->reports(array('year' => 2018, 'month' => 2)); ``` For further help, see our documentation on
. [composer-install]: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#installation-linux-unix-osx ## Developing See the [doc.md](doc.md) file for getting started with development. ## License The Razorpay PHP SDK is released under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details. ## Release Steps to follow for a release: 0. Merge the branch with the new code to master. 1. Bump the Version in `src/Api.php`. 1. Rename Unreleased to the new tag in `CHANGELOG.md` 1. Add a new empty "Unreleased" section at the top of `CHANGELOG.md` 1. Fix links at bottom in `CHANGELOG.md` 1. Commit 1. Tag the release and push to GitHub 1. A release should automatically be created once the travis build passes. Edit the release to add some description.