output = $output; } /** * Prints the content. */ public function write(string $content): void { $this->output->write($content); } /** * Prints the content similar too:. * * ``` * PASS Unit\ExampleTest * ✓ basic test * ``` */ public function writeCurrentTestCaseSummary(State $state): void { if ($state->testCaseTestsCount() === 0) { return; } if (!$state->headerPrinted) { $this->output->writeln($this->titleLineFrom( $state->getTestCaseTitle() === 'FAIL' ? 'white' : 'black', $state->getTestCaseTitleColor(), $state->getTestCaseTitle(), $state->testCaseName )); $state->headerPrinted = true; } $state->eachTestCaseTests(function (TestResult $testResult) { $this->output->writeln($this->testLineFrom( $testResult->color, $testResult->icon, $testResult->description, $testResult->warning )); }); } /** * Prints the content similar too:. * * ``` * PASS Unit\ExampleTest * ✓ basic test * ``` */ public function writeErrorsSummary(State $state, bool $onFailure): void { $errors = array_filter($state->suiteTests, function (TestResult $testResult) { return $testResult->type === TestResult::FAIL; }); if (!$onFailure) { $this->output->writeln(['', " \e[2m---\e[22m", '']); } array_map(function (TestResult $testResult) use ($onFailure) { if (!$onFailure) { $this->output->write(sprintf( '
• %s >>
%s>', $testResult->testCaseName, $testResult->description )); } if (!$testResult->throwable instanceof Throwable) { throw new ShouldNotHappen(); } $this->writeError($testResult->throwable); }, $errors); } /** * Writes the final recap. */ public function writeRecap(State $state, Timer $timer = null): void { $types = [TestResult::FAIL, TestResult::WARN, TestResult::RISKY, TestResult::INCOMPLETE, TestResult::SKIPPED, TestResult::PASS]; foreach ($types as $type) { if (($countTests = $state->countTestsInTestSuiteBy($type)) !== 0) { $color = TestResult::makeColor($type); $tests[] = "
$countTests $type>"; } } $pending = $state->suiteTotalTests - $state->testSuiteTestsCount(); if ($pending !== 0) { $tests[] = "\e[2m$pending pending\e[22m"; } if (!empty($tests)) { $this->output->write([ "\n", sprintf( '
Tests: >
%s>', implode(', ', $tests) ), ]); } if ($timer !== null) { $timeElapsed = number_format($timer->result(), 2, '.', ''); $this->output->writeln([ '', sprintf( '
Time: >
%ss>', $timeElapsed ), ] ); } $this->output->writeln(''); } /** * Displays a warning message. */ public function writeWarning(string $message): void { $this->output->writeln($this->testLineFrom('yellow', $message, '')); } /** * Displays the error using Collision's writer * and terminates with exit code === 1. */ public function writeError(Throwable $throwable): void { $writer = (new Writer())->setOutput($this->output); if ($throwable instanceof AssertionFailedError) { $writer->showTitle(false); $this->output->write('', true); } $writer->ignoreFilesIn([ '/vendor\/pestphp\/pest/', '/vendor\/phpspec\/prophecy-phpunit/', '/vendor\/phpunit\/phpunit\/src/', '/vendor\/mockery\/mockery/', '/vendor\/laravel\/dusk/', '/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Testing/', '/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Foundation\/Testing/', '/vendor\/symfony\/framework-bundle\/Test/', '/vendor\/symfony\/phpunit-bridge/', '/vendor\/bin\/.phpunit/', '/bin\/.phpunit/', '/vendor\/bin\/simple-phpunit/', '/bin\/phpunit/', '/vendor\/coduo\/php-matcher\/src\/PHPUnit/', '/vendor\/sulu\/sulu\/src\/Sulu\/Bundle\/TestBundle\/Testing/', ]); if ($throwable instanceof ExceptionWrapper && $throwable->getOriginalException() !== null) { $throwable = $throwable->getOriginalException(); } $inspector = new Inspector($throwable); $writer->write($inspector); if ($throwable instanceof ExpectationFailedException && $comparisionFailure = $throwable->getComparisonFailure()) { $diff = $comparisionFailure->getDiff(); $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $diff); $diff = ''; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (0 === strpos($line, '-')) { $line = '
' . $line . '>'; } elseif (0 === strpos($line, '+')) { $line = '
' . $line . '>'; } $diff .= $line . PHP_EOL; } $diff = trim((string) preg_replace("/\r|\n/", "\n ", $diff)); $this->output->write(" $diff"); } $this->output->writeln(''); } /** * Returns the title contents. */ private function titleLineFrom(string $fg, string $bg, string $title, string $testCaseName): string { return sprintf( "\n
%s >
%s>", $fg, $bg, $title, $testCaseName ); } /** * Returns the test contents. */ private function testLineFrom(string $fg, string $icon, string $description, string $warning = null): string { if (!empty($warning)) { $warning = sprintf( ' → %s', $warning ); } return sprintf( "
%s>", $fg, $icon, $description, $warning ); } }