options = $options; if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutput) { $output = new ParallelConsoleOutput($output); } $runnerResolver = static::$runnerResolver ?: function (Options $options, OutputInterface $output) { return new WrapperRunner($options, $output); }; $this->runner = call_user_func($runnerResolver, $options, $output); } /** * Set the application resolver callback. * * @param \Closure|null $resolver * @return void */ public static function resolveApplicationUsing($resolver) { static::$applicationResolver = $resolver; } /** * Set the runner resolver callback. * * @param \Closure|null $resolver * @return void */ public static function resolveRunnerUsing($resolver) { static::$runnerResolver = $resolver; } /** * Runs the test suite. * * @return void */ public function run(): void { (new PhpHandler)->handle($this->options->configuration()->php()); $this->forEachProcess(function () { ParallelTesting::callSetUpProcessCallbacks(); }); try { $this->runner->run(); } finally { $this->forEachProcess(function () { ParallelTesting::callTearDownProcessCallbacks(); }); } } /** * Returns the highest exit code encountered throughout the course of test execution. * * @return int */ public function getExitCode(): int { return $this->runner->getExitCode(); } /** * Apply the given callback for each process. * * @param callable $callback * @return void */ protected function forEachProcess($callback) { collect(range(1, $this->options->processes()))->each(function ($token) use ($callback) { tap($this->createApplication(), function ($app) use ($callback, $token) { ParallelTesting::resolveTokenUsing(function () use ($token) { return $token; }); $callback($app); })->flush(); }); } /** * Creates the application. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application * * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function createApplication() { $applicationResolver = static::$applicationResolver ?: function () { if (trait_exists(\Tests\CreatesApplication::class)) { $applicationCreator = new class { use \Tests\CreatesApplication; }; return $applicationCreator->createApplication(); } elseif (file_exists(getcwd().'/bootstrap/app.php')) { $app = require getcwd().'/bootstrap/app.php'; $app->make(Kernel::class)->bootstrap(); return $app; } throw new RuntimeException('Parallel Runner unable to resolve application.'); }; return call_user_func($applicationResolver); } }