with[] = 'translations'; } /** * The "booting" method of the trait. * * @return void */ public static function bootTranslatable() { static::saved(function ($entity) { $entity->saveTranslations(request('trans', [])); }); } public function translation() { return $this->hasOne($this->getTranslationModel(), $this->getForeignKey()) ->where('locale', $this->localeOrFallback()) ->withDefault(); } public function translations() { return $this->hasMany($this->getTranslationModel(), $this->getForeignKey()); } /** * Save Translation data for the entity. * * @param array $data * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model */ public function saveTranslations($requestData = []) { $data = []; foreach ($requestData as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = xss_clean($value); } if ($this->translations->firstWhere('locale', get_language())) { $this->translation->fill($data); $this->translation->setAttribute('locale', get_language())->save(); } else { $modelName = $this->getTranslationModel(); $translation = new $modelName(); $translation->fill($data); $translation->setAttribute($this->getForeignKey(), $this->getKey()); $translation->setAttribute('locale', get_language())->save(); } } public function getTranslationModel(): string { $modelName = get_class($this) . 'Translation'; return $modelName; } private function localeOrFallback() { return $this->translations()->where('locale', get_language())->exists() ? get_language() : config('app.fallback_language'); } }