id; $data['view'] = 'backend.customer_portal.gateway.' . $deposit->gateway->slug; //Convert USD to to BTC Amount $amount = $deposit->amount + $deposit->fee; $btc_amount = file_get_contents("https://blockchain.info/tobtc?currency=USD&value={$amount}"); $data['converted_amount'] = $btc_amount; //Block Chain Implementation $secret = "KJSHY$#16ao2dsf7hg65dssA"; $xpub = $deposit->gateway->parameters->blockchain_xpub; $api_key = $deposit->gateway->parameters->blockchain_api_key; $data['callback_url'] = route('callback.' . $deposit->gateway->slug) . "?invoice_id=" . $deposit->id . "&secret=" . $secret; $root_url = 'https://api.blockchain.info/v2/receive'; $parameters = "key=" . $api_key . "&callback=" . urlencode($data['callback_url']) . "&xpub=" . $xpub; $resp = @file_get_contents($root_url . '?' . $parameters); if (!$resp) { $data['error'] = true; $data['error_message'] = _lang('BlockChain API having issue. Please use valid API KEY and XPUB !'); return json_encode($data); } $response = json_decode($resp); $transaction_details = array( 'btc_address' => $response->address, 'btc_amount' => $btc_amount, ); $deposit->transaction_details = json_encode($transaction_details); $deposit->save(); $qr_code = "bitcoin:" . $response->address . "?amount=" . $data['converted_amount']; $data['btc_address'] = $response->address; $data['qr_code'] = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=300x300&cht=qr&chl=$qr_code&choe=UTF-"; return json_encode($data); } /** * Callback function from Payment Gateway * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function callback(Request $request) { @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); @set_time_limit(0); $invoice_id = $_GET['invoice_id']; $secret = $_GET['secret']; $address = $_GET['address']; $value = $_GET['value']; $confirmations = $_GET['confirmations']; $value_in_btc = $value / 100000000; $my_secret = "KJSHY$#16ao2dsf7hg65dssA"; $trx_hash = $_GET['transaction_hash']; $transaction = Transaction::find($invoice_id); if ($value_in_btc >= $transaction->transaction_details->btc_amount && $address == $transaction->transaction_details->btc_address && $secret == $my_secret && $confirmations > 2) { //Update Transaction $transaction->status = 2; // Completed $transaction->save(); //Trigger Deposit Money notifications try { $transaction->user->notify(new DepositMoney($transaction)); } catch (\Exception $e) {} } } }