mpdf = $mpdf; $this->writer = $writer; $this->form = $form; $this->protection = $protection; $this->logger = $logger; } public function writeMetadata() // _putmetadata { $this->writer->object(); $this->mpdf->MetadataRoot = $this->mpdf->n; $Producer = 'mPDF' . ($this->mpdf->exposeVersion ? (' ' . Mpdf::VERSION) : ''); $z = date('O'); // +0200 $offset = substr($z, 0, 3) . ':' . substr($z, 3, 2); $CreationDate = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s') . $offset; // 2006-03-10T10:47:26-05:00 2006-06-19T09:05:17Z $uuid = sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', random_int(0, 0xffff), random_int(0, 0xffff), random_int(0, 0xffff), random_int(0, 0x0fff) | 0x4000, random_int(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000, random_int(0, 0xffff), random_int(0, 0xffff), random_int(0, 0xffff)); $m = '' . "\n"; // begin = FEFF BOM $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . $Producer . '
' . "\n"; if (!empty($this->mpdf->keywords)) { $m .= '
' . $this->mpdf->keywords . '
' . "\n"; } $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . $CreationDate . '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . $CreationDate . '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . $CreationDate . '
' . "\n"; if (!empty($this->mpdf->creator)) { $m .= '
' . $this->mpdf->creator . '
' . "\n"; } $m .= '
' . "\n"; // DC elements $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . "\n"; if (!empty($this->mpdf->title)) { $m .= '
' . $this->mpdf->title . '
' . "\n"; } if (!empty($this->mpdf->keywords)) { $m .= '
' . $this->mpdf->keywords . '
' . "\n"; } if (!empty($this->mpdf->subject)) { $m .= '
' . $this->mpdf->subject . '
' . "\n"; } if (!empty($this->mpdf->author)) { $m .= '
' . $this->mpdf->author . '
' . "\n"; } $m .= '
' . "\n"; if (!empty($this->mpdf->additionalXmpRdf)) { $m .= $this->mpdf->additionalXmpRdf; } // This bit is specific to PDFX-1a if ($this->mpdf->PDFX) { $m .= '
' . "\n"; } // This bit is specific to PDFA-1b elseif ($this->mpdf->PDFA) { if (strpos($this->mpdf->PDFAversion, '-') === false) { throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('PDFA version (%s) is not valid. (Use: 1-B, 3-B, etc.)', $this->mpdf->PDFAversion)); } list($part, $conformance) = explode('-', strtoupper($this->mpdf->PDFAversion)); $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . $part . '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . $conformance . '
' . "\n"; if ($part === '1' && $conformance === 'B') { $m .= '
' . "\n"; } $m .= '
' . "\n"; } $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
uuid:' . $uuid . '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= '
' . "\n"; $m .= str_repeat(str_repeat(' ', 100) . "\n", 20); // 2-4kB whitespace padding required $m .= ''; // "r" read only $this->writer->write('<>'); $this->writer->stream($m); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } public function writeInfo() // _putinfo { $this->writer->write('/Producer ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString('mPDF' . ($this->mpdf->exposeVersion ? (' ' . $this->getVersionString()) : ''))); if (!empty($this->mpdf->title)) { $this->writer->write('/Title ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($this->mpdf->title)); } if (!empty($this->mpdf->subject)) { $this->writer->write('/Subject ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($this->mpdf->subject)); } if (!empty($this->mpdf->author)) { $this->writer->write('/Author ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($this->mpdf->author)); } if (!empty($this->mpdf->keywords)) { $this->writer->write('/Keywords ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($this->mpdf->keywords)); } if (!empty($this->mpdf->creator)) { $this->writer->write('/Creator ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($this->mpdf->creator)); } foreach ($this->mpdf->customProperties as $key => $value) { $this->writer->write('/' . $key . ' ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($value)); } $now = PdfDate::format(time()); $this->writer->write('/CreationDate ' . $this->writer->string('D:' . $now)); $this->writer->write('/ModDate ' . $this->writer->string('D:' . $now)); if ($this->mpdf->PDFX) { $this->writer->write('/Trapped/False'); $this->writer->write('/GTS_PDFXVersion(PDF/X-1a:2003)'); } } public function writeOutputIntent() // _putoutputintent { $this->writer->object(); $this->mpdf->OutputIntentRoot = $this->mpdf->n; $this->writer->write('<mpdf->ICCProfile, '.icc')); if ($this->mpdf->PDFA) { $this->writer->write('/S /GTS_PDFA1'); if ($this->mpdf->ICCProfile) { $this->writer->write('/Info (' . $ICCProfile . ')'); $this->writer->write('/OutputConditionIdentifier (Custom)'); $this->writer->write('/OutputCondition ()'); } else { $this->writer->write('/Info (sRGB IEC61966-2.1)'); $this->writer->write('/OutputConditionIdentifier (sRGB IEC61966-2.1)'); $this->writer->write('/OutputCondition ()'); } $this->writer->write('/DestOutputProfile ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R'); } elseif ($this->mpdf->PDFX) { // always a CMYK profile $this->writer->write('/S /GTS_PDFX'); if ($this->mpdf->ICCProfile) { $this->writer->write('/Info (' . $ICCProfile . ')'); $this->writer->write('/OutputConditionIdentifier (Custom)'); $this->writer->write('/OutputCondition ()'); $this->writer->write('/DestOutputProfile ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R'); } else { $this->writer->write('/Info (CGATS TR 001)'); $this->writer->write('/OutputConditionIdentifier (CGATS TR 001)'); $this->writer->write('/OutputCondition (CGATS TR 001 (SWOP))'); $this->writer->write('/RegistryName (http://www.color.org)'); } } $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); if ($this->mpdf->PDFX && !$this->mpdf->ICCProfile) { return; } $this->writer->object(); if ($this->mpdf->ICCProfile) { if (!file_exists($this->mpdf->ICCProfile)) { throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Unable to find ICC profile "%s"', $this->mpdf->ICCProfile)); } $s = file_get_contents($this->mpdf->ICCProfile); } else { $s = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../data/iccprofiles/sRGB_IEC61966-2-1.icc'); } if ($this->mpdf->compress) { $s = gzcompress($s); } $this->writer->write('<<'); if ($this->mpdf->PDFX || ($this->mpdf->PDFA && $this->mpdf->restrictColorSpace === 3)) { $this->writer->write('/N 4'); } else { $this->writer->write('/N 3'); } if ($this->mpdf->compress) { $this->writer->write('/Filter /FlateDecode '); } $this->writer->write('/Length ' . strlen($s) . '>>'); $this->writer->stream($s); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } public function writeAssociatedFiles() // _putAssociatedFiles { if (!function_exists('gzcompress')) { throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('ext-zlib is required for compression of associated files'); } // for each file, we create the spec object + the stream object foreach ($this->mpdf->associatedFiles as $k => $file) { // spec $this->writer->object(); $this->mpdf->associatedFiles[$k]['_root'] = $this->mpdf->n; // we store the root ref of object for future reference (e.g. /EmbeddedFiles catalog) $this->writer->write('<writer->string($file['name'])); if ($file['description']) { $this->writer->write('/Desc ' . $this->writer->string($file['description'])); } $this->writer->write('/Type /Filespec'); $this->writer->write('/EF <<'); $this->writer->write('/F ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/UF ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('>>'); if ($file['AFRelationship']) { $this->writer->write('/AFRelationship /' . $file['AFRelationship']); } $this->writer->write('/UF ' . $this->writer->string($file['name'])); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); $fileContent = null; if (isset($file['path'])) { $fileContent = @file_get_contents($file['path']); } elseif (isset($file['content'])) { $fileContent = $file['content']; } if (!$fileContent) { throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Cannot access associated file - %s', $file['path'])); } $filestream = gzcompress($fileContent); $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<writer->write('/Subtype /' . $this->writer->escapeSlashes($file['mime'])); } $this->writer->write('/Length ' . strlen($filestream)); $this->writer->write('/Filter /FlateDecode'); if (isset($file['path'])) { $this->writer->write('/Params <writer->string('D:' . PdfDate::format(filemtime($file['path']))).' >>'); } else { $this->writer->write('/Params <writer->string('D:' . PdfDate::format(time())).' >>'); } $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($filestream); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } // AF array $this->writer->object(); $refs = []; foreach ($this->mpdf->associatedFiles as $file) { $refs[] = '' . $file['_root'] . ' 0 R'; } $this->writer->write('[' . implode(' ', $refs) . ']'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); $this->mpdf->associatedFilesRoot = $this->mpdf->n; } public function writeCatalog() //_putcatalog { $this->writer->write('/Type /Catalog'); $this->writer->write('/Pages 1 0 R'); if (is_string($this->mpdf->currentLang)) { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/Lang (%s)', $this->mpdf->currentLang)); } elseif (is_string($this->mpdf->default_lang)) { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/Lang (%s)', $this->mpdf->default_lang)); } if ($this->mpdf->ZoomMode === 'fullpage') { $this->writer->write('/OpenAction [3 0 R /Fit]'); } elseif ($this->mpdf->ZoomMode === 'fullwidth') { $this->writer->write('/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]'); } elseif ($this->mpdf->ZoomMode === 'real') { $this->writer->write('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null 1]'); } elseif (!is_string($this->mpdf->ZoomMode)) { $this->writer->write('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null ' . ($this->mpdf->ZoomMode / 100) . ']'); } elseif ($this->mpdf->ZoomMode === 'none') { // do not write any zoom mode / OpenAction } else { $this->writer->write('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null null]'); } if ($this->mpdf->LayoutMode === 'single') { $this->writer->write('/PageLayout /SinglePage'); } elseif ($this->mpdf->LayoutMode === 'continuous') { $this->writer->write('/PageLayout /OneColumn'); } elseif ($this->mpdf->LayoutMode === 'twoleft') { $this->writer->write('/PageLayout /TwoColumnLeft'); } elseif ($this->mpdf->LayoutMode === 'tworight') { $this->writer->write('/PageLayout /TwoColumnRight'); } elseif ($this->mpdf->LayoutMode === 'two') { if ($this->mpdf->mirrorMargins) { $this->writer->write('/PageLayout /TwoColumnRight'); } else { $this->writer->write('/PageLayout /TwoColumnLeft'); } } // Bookmarks if (count($this->mpdf->BMoutlines) > 0) { $this->writer->write('/Outlines ' . $this->mpdf->OutlineRoot . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/PageMode /UseOutlines'); } // Fullscreen if (is_int(strpos($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences, 'FullScreen'))) { $this->writer->write('/PageMode /FullScreen'); } // Metadata if ($this->mpdf->PDFA || $this->mpdf->PDFX) { $this->writer->write('/Metadata ' . $this->mpdf->MetadataRoot . ' 0 R'); } // OutputIntents if ($this->mpdf->PDFA || $this->mpdf->PDFX || $this->mpdf->ICCProfile) { $this->writer->write('/OutputIntents [' . $this->mpdf->OutputIntentRoot . ' 0 R]'); } // Associated files if ($this->mpdf->associatedFilesRoot) { $this->writer->write('/AF '. $this->mpdf->associatedFilesRoot .' 0 R'); $names = []; foreach ($this->mpdf->associatedFiles as $file) { $names[] = $this->writer->string($file['name']) . ' ' . $file['_root'] . ' 0 R'; } $this->writer->write('/Names << /EmbeddedFiles << /Names [' . implode(' ', $names) . '] >> >>'); } // Forms if (count($this->form->forms) > 0) { $this->form->_putFormsCatalog(); } if ($this->mpdf->js !== null) { $this->writer->write('/Names << /JavaScript ' . $this->mpdf->n_js . ' 0 R >> '); } if ($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences || $this->mpdf->directionality === 'rtl' || $this->mpdf->mirrorMargins) { $this->writer->write('/ViewerPreferences<<'); if (is_int(strpos($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences, 'HideMenubar'))) { $this->writer->write('/HideMenubar true'); } if (is_int(strpos($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences, 'HideToolbar'))) { $this->writer->write('/HideToolbar true'); } if (is_int(strpos($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences, 'HideWindowUI'))) { $this->writer->write('/HideWindowUI true'); } if (is_int(strpos($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences, 'DisplayDocTitle'))) { $this->writer->write('/DisplayDocTitle true'); } if (is_int(strpos($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences, 'CenterWindow'))) { $this->writer->write('/CenterWindow true'); } if (is_int(strpos($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences, 'FitWindow'))) { $this->writer->write('/FitWindow true'); } // PrintScaling is PDF 1.6 spec. if (!$this->mpdf->PDFA && !$this->mpdf->PDFX && is_int(strpos($this->mpdf->DisplayPreferences, 'NoPrintScaling'))) { $this->writer->write('/PrintScaling /None'); } if ($this->mpdf->directionality === 'rtl') { $this->writer->write('/Direction /R2L'); } // Duplex is PDF 1.7 spec. if ($this->mpdf->mirrorMargins && !$this->mpdf->PDFA && !$this->mpdf->PDFX) { // if ($this->mpdf->DefOrientation=='P') $this->writer->write('/Duplex /DuplexFlipShortEdge'); $this->writer->write('/Duplex /DuplexFlipLongEdge'); // PDF v1.7+ } $this->writer->write('>>'); } if ($this->mpdf->open_layer_pane && ($this->mpdf->hasOC || count($this->mpdf->layers))) { $this->writer->write('/PageMode /UseOC'); } if ($this->mpdf->hasOC || count($this->mpdf->layers)) { $p = $v = $h = $l = $loff = $lall = $as = ''; if ($this->mpdf->hasOC) { if (($this->mpdf->hasOC & 1) === 1) { $p = $this->mpdf->n_ocg_print . ' 0 R'; } if (($this->mpdf->hasOC & 2) === 2) { $v = $this->mpdf->n_ocg_view . ' 0 R'; } if (($this->mpdf->hasOC & 4) === 4) { $h = $this->mpdf->n_ocg_hidden . ' 0 R'; } $as = "<> <>"; } if (count($this->mpdf->layers)) { foreach ($this->mpdf->layers as $k => $layer) { if (isset($this->mpdf->layerDetails[$k]) && strtolower($this->mpdf->layerDetails[$k]['state']) === 'hidden') { $loff .= $layer['n'] . ' 0 R '; } else { $l .= $layer['n'] . ' 0 R '; } $lall .= $layer['n'] . ' 0 R '; } } $this->writer->write("/OCProperties <writer->write("/Order [$v $p $h $lall] "); if ($as) { $this->writer->write("/AS [$as] "); } $this->writer->write('>>>>'); } } /** * @since 5.7.2 */ public function writeAnnotations() // _putannots { $nb = $this->mpdf->page; for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb; $n++) { if (isset($this->mpdf->PageLinks[$n]) || isset($this->mpdf->PageAnnots[$n]) || count($this->form->forms) > 0) { $wPt = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE; $hPt = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE; // Links if (isset($this->mpdf->PageLinks[$n])) { foreach ($this->mpdf->PageLinks[$n] as $key => $pl) { $this->writer->object(); $annot = ''; $rect = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $pl[0], $pl[1], $pl[0] + $pl[2], $pl[1] - $pl[3]); $annot .= '<writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($pl[4]); $annot .= ' /NM ' . $this->writer->string(sprintf('%04u-%04u', $n, $key)); $annot .= ' /M ' . $this->writer->string('D:' . date('YmdHis')); $annot .= ' /Border [0 0 0]'; // Use this (instead of /Border) to specify border around link // $annot .= ' /BS <>'; // $annot .= ' /C [1 0 0]'; // Color RGB if ($this->mpdf->PDFA || $this->mpdf->PDFX) { $annot .= ' /F 28'; } if (strpos($pl[4], '@') === 0) { $p = substr($pl[4], 1); // $h=isset($this->mpdf->OrientationChanges[$p]) ? $wPt : $hPt; $htarg = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$p]['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE; $annot .= sprintf(' /Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.3F null]>>', 1 + 2 * $p, $htarg); } elseif (is_string($pl[4])) { $annot .= ' /A <writer->string($pl[4]) . '>> >>'; } else { $l = $this->mpdf->links[$pl[4]]; // may not be set if #link points to non-existent target if (isset($this->mpdf->pageDim[$l[0]]['h'])) { $htarg = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$l[0]]['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE; } else { $htarg = $this->mpdf->h * Mpdf::SCALE; } // doesn't really matter $annot .= sprintf(' /Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.3F null]>>', 1 + 2 * $l[0], $htarg - $l[1] * Mpdf::SCALE); } $this->writer->write($annot); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } } /* -- ANNOTATIONS -- */ if (isset($this->mpdf->PageAnnots[$n])) { foreach ($this->mpdf->PageAnnots[$n] as $key => $pl) { $fileAttachment = (bool) $pl['opt']['file']; if ($fileAttachment && !$this->mpdf->allowAnnotationFiles) { $this->logger->warning('Embedded files for annotations have to be allowed explicitly with "allowAnnotationFiles" config key'); $fileAttachment = false; } $this->writer->object(); $annot = ''; $pl['opt'] = array_change_key_case($pl['opt'], CASE_LOWER); $x = $pl['x']; if ($this->mpdf->annotMargin != 0 || $x == 0 || $x < 0) { // Odd page, intentional non-strict comparison $x = ($wPt / Mpdf::SCALE) - $this->mpdf->annotMargin; } $w = $h = 0; $a = $x * Mpdf::SCALE; $b = $hPt - ($pl['y'] * Mpdf::SCALE); $annot .= '<mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R>>'; $annot .= '>>'; } else { $annot .= '/Subtype /Text'; $w = 20; $h = 20; // mPDF 6 } $rect = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b - $h, $a + $w, $b); $annot .= ' /Rect [' . $rect . ']'; // contents = description of file in free text $annot .= ' /Contents ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($pl['txt']); $annot .= ' /NM ' . $this->writer->string(sprintf('%04u-%04u', $n, 2000 + $key)); $annot .= ' /M ' . $this->writer->string('D:' . date('YmdHis')); $annot .= ' /CreationDate ' . $this->writer->string('D:' . date('YmdHis')); $annot .= ' /Border [0 0 0]'; if ($this->mpdf->PDFA || $this->mpdf->PDFX) { $annot .= ' /F 28'; $annot .= ' /CA 1'; } elseif ($pl['opt']['ca'] > 0) { $annot .= ' /CA ' . $pl['opt']['ca']; } $annotcolor = ' /C ['; if (isset($pl['opt']['c']) && $pl['opt']['c']) { $col = $pl['opt']['c']; if ($col[0] == 3 || $col[0] == 5) { $annotcolor .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F', ord($col[1]) / 255, ord($col[2]) / 255, ord($col[3]) / 255); } elseif ($col[0] == 1) { $annotcolor .= sprintf('%.3F', ord($col[1]) / 255); } elseif ($col[0] == 4 || $col[0] == 6) { $annotcolor .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', ord($col[1]) / 100, ord($col[2]) / 100, ord($col[3]) / 100, ord($col[4]) / 100); } else { $annotcolor .= '1 1 0'; } } else { $annotcolor .= '1 1 0'; } $annotcolor .= ']'; $annot .= $annotcolor; // Usually Author // Use as Title for fileattachment if (isset($pl['opt']['t']) && is_string($pl['opt']['t'])) { $annot .= ' /T ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($pl['opt']['t']); } if ($fileAttachment) { $iconsapp = ['Paperclip', 'Graph', 'PushPin', 'Tag']; } else { $iconsapp = ['Comment', 'Help', 'Insert', 'Key', 'NewParagraph', 'Note', 'Paragraph']; } if (isset($pl['opt']['icon']) && in_array($pl['opt']['icon'], $iconsapp)) { $annot .= ' /Name /' . $pl['opt']['icon']; } elseif ($fileAttachment) { $annot .= ' /Name /PushPin'; } else { $annot .= ' /Name /Note'; } if (!$fileAttachment) { // Subj is PDF 1.5 spec. if (!$this->mpdf->PDFA && !$this->mpdf->PDFX && isset($pl['opt']['subj'])) { $annot .= ' /Subj ' . $this->writer->utf16BigEndianTextString($pl['opt']['subj']); } if (!empty($pl['opt']['popup'])) { $annot .= ' /Open true'; $annot .= ' /Popup ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R'; } else { $annot .= ' /Open false'; } } $annot .= ' /P ' . $pl['pageobj'] . ' 0 R'; $annot .= '>>'; $this->writer->write($annot); $this->writer->write('endobj'); if ($fileAttachment) { $file = @file_get_contents($pl['opt']['file']); if (!$file) { throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('mPDF Error: Cannot access file attachment - ' . $pl['opt']['file']); } $filestream = gzcompress($file); $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<writer->write('/Length ' . strlen($filestream)); $this->writer->write('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($filestream); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } elseif (!empty($pl['opt']['popup'])) { $this->writer->object(); $annot = ''; if (is_array($pl['opt']['popup']) && isset($pl['opt']['popup'][0])) { $x = $pl['opt']['popup'][0] * Mpdf::SCALE; } else { $x = $pl['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE; } if (is_array($pl['opt']['popup']) && isset($pl['opt']['popup'][1])) { $y = $hPt - ($pl['opt']['popup'][1] * Mpdf::SCALE); } else { $y = $hPt - ($pl['y'] * Mpdf::SCALE); } if (is_array($pl['opt']['popup']) && isset($pl['opt']['popup'][2])) { $w = $pl['opt']['popup'][2] * Mpdf::SCALE; } else { $w = 180; } if (is_array($pl['opt']['popup']) && isset($pl['opt']['popup'][3])) { $h = $pl['opt']['popup'][3] * Mpdf::SCALE; } else { $h = 120; } $rect = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $x, $y - $h, $x + $w, $y); $annot .= '<writer->string('D:' . date('YmdHis')); if ($this->mpdf->PDFA || $this->mpdf->PDFX) { $annot .= ' /F 28'; } $annot .= ' /Parent ' . ($this->mpdf->n - 1) . ' 0 R'; $annot .= '>>'; $this->writer->write($annot); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } } } // Active Forms if (count($this->form->forms) > 0) { $this->form->_putFormItems($n, $hPt); } } } // Active Forms - Radio Button Group entries // Output Radio Button Group form entries (radio_on_obj_id already determined) if (count($this->form->form_radio_groups)) { $this->form->_putRadioItems($n); } } public function writeEncryption() // _putencryption { $this->writer->write('/Filter /Standard'); if ($this->protection->getUseRC128Encryption()) { $this->writer->write('/V 2'); $this->writer->write('/R 3'); $this->writer->write('/Length 128'); } else { $this->writer->write('/V 1'); $this->writer->write('/R 2'); } $this->writer->write('/O (' . $this->writer->escape($this->protection->getOValue()) . ')'); $this->writer->write('/U (' . $this->writer->escape($this->protection->getUValue()) . ')'); $this->writer->write('/P ' . $this->protection->getPValue()); } public function writeTrailer() // _puttrailer { $this->writer->write('/Size ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1)); $this->writer->write('/Root ' . $this->mpdf->n . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/Info ' . $this->mpdf->InfoRoot . ' 0 R'); if ($this->mpdf->encrypted) { $this->writer->write('/Encrypt ' . $this->mpdf->enc_obj_id . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/ID [<' . $this->protection->getUniqid() . '> <' . $this->protection->getUniqid() . '>]'); } else { $uniqid = md5(time() . $this->mpdf->buffer); $this->writer->write('/ID [<' . $uniqid . '> <' . $uniqid . '>]'); } } private function getVersionString() { $return = Mpdf::VERSION; $headFile = __DIR__ . '/../../.git/HEAD'; if (file_exists($headFile)) { $ref = file($headFile); $path = explode('/', $ref[0], 3); $branch = isset($path[2]) ? trim($path[2]) : ''; $revFile = __DIR__ . '/../../.git/refs/heads/' . $branch; if ($branch && file_exists($revFile)) { $rev = file($revFile); $rev = substr($rev[0], 0, 7); $return .= ' (' . $rev . ')'; } } return $return; } }