_canvas, "get_cpdf" ) //- For cpdf these can and must stay 0, because font metrics are used directly. //- For other renderers, if different values are wanted, separate the parameter sets. // But $size and $size-$height seem to be accurate enough /** Relative to bottom of text, as fraction of height */ const UNDERLINE_OFFSET = 0.0; /** Relative to top of text */ const OVERLINE_OFFSET = 0.0; /** Relative to centre of text. */ const LINETHROUGH_OFFSET = 0.0; /** How far to extend lines past either end, in pt */ const DECO_EXTENSION = 0.0; /** * @param \Dompdf\FrameDecorator\Text $frame */ function render(Frame $frame) { $style = $frame->get_style(); $text = $frame->get_text(); if ($text === "") { return; } $this->_set_opacity($frame->get_opacity($style->opacity)); list($x, $y) = $frame->get_position(); $cb = $frame->get_containing_block(); $ml = $style->margin_left; $pl = $style->padding_left; $bl = $style->border_left_width; $x += (float) $style->length_in_pt([$ml, $pl, $bl], $cb["w"]); $font = $style->font_family; $size = $style->font_size; $frame_font_size = $frame->get_dompdf()->getFontMetrics()->getFontHeight($font, $size); $word_spacing = $frame->get_text_spacing() + $style->word_spacing; $letter_spacing = $style->letter_spacing; $width = (float) $style->width; /*$text = str_replace( array("{PAGE_NUM}"), array($this->_canvas->get_page_number()), $text );*/ $this->_canvas->text($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $style->color, $word_spacing, $letter_spacing); $line = $frame->get_containing_line(); // FIXME Instead of using the tallest frame to position, // the decoration, the text should be well placed if (false && $line->tallest_frame) { $base_frame = $line->tallest_frame; $style = $base_frame->get_style(); $size = $style->font_size; } $line_thickness = $size * self::DECO_THICKNESS; $underline_offset = $size * self::UNDERLINE_OFFSET; $overline_offset = $size * self::OVERLINE_OFFSET; $linethrough_offset = $size * self::LINETHROUGH_OFFSET; $underline_position = -0.08; if ($this->_canvas instanceof CPDF) { $cpdf_font = $this->_canvas->get_cpdf()->fonts[$style->font_family]; if (isset($cpdf_font["UnderlinePosition"])) { $underline_position = $cpdf_font["UnderlinePosition"] / 1000; } if (isset($cpdf_font["UnderlineThickness"])) { $line_thickness = $size * ($cpdf_font["UnderlineThickness"] / 1000); } } $descent = $size * $underline_position; $base = $frame_font_size; // Handle text decoration: // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/text.html#propdef-text-decoration // Draw all applicable text-decorations. Start with the root and work our way down. $p = $frame; $stack = []; while ($p = $p->get_parent()) { $stack[] = $p; } while (isset($stack[0])) { $f = array_pop($stack); if (($text_deco = $f->get_style()->text_decoration) === "none") { continue; } $deco_y = $y; //$line->y; $color = $f->get_style()->color; switch ($text_deco) { default: continue 2; case "underline": $deco_y += $base - $descent + $underline_offset + $line_thickness / 2; break; case "overline": $deco_y += $overline_offset + $line_thickness / 2; break; case "line-through": $deco_y += $base * 0.7 + $linethrough_offset; break; } $dx = 0; $x1 = $x - self::DECO_EXTENSION; $x2 = $x + $width + $dx + self::DECO_EXTENSION; $this->_canvas->line($x1, $deco_y, $x2, $deco_y, $color, $line_thickness); } if ($this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugLayout() && $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugLayoutLines()) { $text_width = $this->_dompdf->getFontMetrics()->getTextWidth($text, $font, $size, $word_spacing, $letter_spacing); $this->_debug_layout([$x, $y, $text_width, $frame_font_size], "orange", [0.5, 0.5]); } } }