proxyGenerator = $proxyGenerator; $this->metadataFactory = $metadataFactory; $this->autoGenerate = (int) $autoGenerate; if (! in_array($this->autoGenerate, self::AUTOGENERATE_MODES, true)) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidAutoGenerateMode($autoGenerate); } } /** * Gets a reference proxy instance for the entity of the given type and identified by * the given identifier. * * @param string $className * @param array
$identifier * * @return Proxy * * @throws OutOfBoundsException */ public function getProxy($className, array $identifier) { $definition = $this->definitions[$className] ?? $this->getProxyDefinition($className); $fqcn = $definition->proxyClassName; $proxy = new $fqcn($definition->initializer, $definition->cloner); foreach ($definition->identifierFields as $idField) { if (! isset($identifier[$idField])) { throw OutOfBoundsException::missingPrimaryKeyValue($className, $idField); } $definition->reflectionFields[$idField]->setValue($proxy, $identifier[$idField]); } return $proxy; } /** * Generates proxy classes for all given classes. * * @param ClassMetadata[] $classes The classes (ClassMetadata instances) * for which to generate proxies. * @param string $proxyDir The target directory of the proxy classes. If not specified, the * directory configured on the Configuration of the EntityManager used * by this factory is used. * * @return int Number of generated proxies. */ public function generateProxyClasses(array $classes, $proxyDir = null) { $generated = 0; foreach ($classes as $class) { if ($this->skipClass($class)) { continue; } $proxyFileName = $this->proxyGenerator->getProxyFileName($class->getName(), $proxyDir); $this->proxyGenerator->generateProxyClass($class, $proxyFileName); $generated += 1; } return $generated; } /** * Reset initialization/cloning logic for an un-initialized proxy * * @return Proxy * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function resetUninitializedProxy(Proxy $proxy) { if ($proxy->__isInitialized()) { throw InvalidArgumentException::unitializedProxyExpected($proxy); } $className = ClassUtils::getClass($proxy); $definition = $this->definitions[$className] ?? $this->getProxyDefinition($className); $proxy->__setInitializer($definition->initializer); $proxy->__setCloner($definition->cloner); return $proxy; } /** * Get a proxy definition for the given class name. * * @param string $className * @psalm-param class-string $className * * @return ProxyDefinition */ private function getProxyDefinition($className) { $classMetadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($className); $className = $classMetadata->getName(); // aliases and case sensitivity $this->definitions[$className] = $this->createProxyDefinition($className); $proxyClassName = $this->definitions[$className]->proxyClassName; if (! class_exists($proxyClassName, false)) { $fileName = $this->proxyGenerator->getProxyFileName($className); switch ($this->autoGenerate) { case self::AUTOGENERATE_NEVER: require $fileName; break; case self::AUTOGENERATE_FILE_NOT_EXISTS: if (! file_exists($fileName)) { $this->proxyGenerator->generateProxyClass($classMetadata, $fileName); } require $fileName; break; case self::AUTOGENERATE_ALWAYS: $this->proxyGenerator->generateProxyClass($classMetadata, $fileName); require $fileName; break; case self::AUTOGENERATE_EVAL: $this->proxyGenerator->generateProxyClass($classMetadata, false); break; case self::AUTOGENERATE_FILE_NOT_EXISTS_OR_CHANGED: if (! file_exists($fileName) || filemtime($fileName) < filemtime($classMetadata->getReflectionClass()->getFileName())) { $this->proxyGenerator->generateProxyClass($classMetadata, $fileName); } require $fileName; break; } } return $this->definitions[$className]; } /** * Determine if this class should be skipped during proxy generation. * * @return bool */ abstract protected function skipClass(ClassMetadata $metadata); /** * @param string $className * @psalm-param class-string $className * * @return ProxyDefinition */ abstract protected function createProxyDefinition($className); }