This sample shows how to configure CKEditor instances to use the
AutoGrow (autogrow
) plugin that lets the editor window expand
and shrink depending on the amount and size of content entered in the editing area.
In its default implementation the AutoGrow feature can expand the
CKEditor window infinitely in order to avoid introducing scrollbars to the editing area.
It is also possible to set a maximum height for the editor window. Once CKEditor
editing area reaches the value in pixels specified in the
configuration setting, scrollbars will be added and the editor window will no longer expand.
To add a CKEditor instance using the autogrow
plugin and its
attribute, insert the following JavaScript call to your code:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
extraPlugins: 'autogrow',
autoGrow_maxHeight: 800,
// Remove the Resize plugin as it does not make sense to use it in conjunction with the AutoGrow plugin.
removePlugins: 'resize'
Note that textarea_id
in the code above is the id
attribute of
the <textarea>
element to be replaced with CKEditor. The maximum height should
be given in pixels.