entityFactory = $entityFactory; } /** * Returns a new ZipArchive instance pointing at the given path. * * @param string $tmpFolderPath Path of the temp folder where the zip file will be created * @return \ZipArchive */ public function createZip($tmpFolderPath) { $zip = $this->entityFactory->createZipArchive(); $zipFilePath = $tmpFolderPath . self::ZIP_EXTENSION; $zip->open($zipFilePath, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); return $zip; } /** * @param \ZipArchive $zip An opened zip archive object * @return string Path where the zip file of the given folder will be created */ public function getZipFilePath(\ZipArchive $zip) { return $zip->filename; } /** * Adds the given file, located under the given root folder to the archive. * The file will be compressed. * * Example of use: * addFileToArchive($zip, '/tmp/xlsx/foo', 'bar/baz.xml'); * => will add the file located at '/tmp/xlsx/foo/bar/baz.xml' in the archive, but only as 'bar/baz.xml' * * @param \ZipArchive $zip An opened zip archive object * @param string $rootFolderPath Path of the root folder that will be ignored in the archive tree. * @param string $localFilePath Path of the file to be added, under the root folder * @param string $existingFileMode Controls what to do when trying to add an existing file * @return void */ public function addFileToArchive($zip, $rootFolderPath, $localFilePath, $existingFileMode = self::EXISTING_FILES_OVERWRITE) { $this->addFileToArchiveWithCompressionMethod( $zip, $rootFolderPath, $localFilePath, $existingFileMode, \ZipArchive::CM_DEFAULT ); } /** * Adds the given file, located under the given root folder to the archive. * The file will NOT be compressed. * * Example of use: * addUncompressedFileToArchive($zip, '/tmp/xlsx/foo', 'bar/baz.xml'); * => will add the file located at '/tmp/xlsx/foo/bar/baz.xml' in the archive, but only as 'bar/baz.xml' * * @param \ZipArchive $zip An opened zip archive object * @param string $rootFolderPath Path of the root folder that will be ignored in the archive tree. * @param string $localFilePath Path of the file to be added, under the root folder * @param string $existingFileMode Controls what to do when trying to add an existing file * @return void */ public function addUncompressedFileToArchive($zip, $rootFolderPath, $localFilePath, $existingFileMode = self::EXISTING_FILES_OVERWRITE) { $this->addFileToArchiveWithCompressionMethod( $zip, $rootFolderPath, $localFilePath, $existingFileMode, \ZipArchive::CM_STORE ); } /** * Adds the given file, located under the given root folder to the archive. * The file will NOT be compressed. * * Example of use: * addUncompressedFileToArchive($zip, '/tmp/xlsx/foo', 'bar/baz.xml'); * => will add the file located at '/tmp/xlsx/foo/bar/baz.xml' in the archive, but only as 'bar/baz.xml' * * @param \ZipArchive $zip An opened zip archive object * @param string $rootFolderPath Path of the root folder that will be ignored in the archive tree. * @param string $localFilePath Path of the file to be added, under the root folder * @param string $existingFileMode Controls what to do when trying to add an existing file * @param int $compressionMethod The compression method * @return void */ protected function addFileToArchiveWithCompressionMethod($zip, $rootFolderPath, $localFilePath, $existingFileMode, $compressionMethod) { if (!$this->shouldSkipFile($zip, $localFilePath, $existingFileMode)) { $normalizedFullFilePath = $this->getNormalizedRealPath($rootFolderPath . '/' . $localFilePath); $zip->addFile($normalizedFullFilePath, $localFilePath); if (self::canChooseCompressionMethod()) { $zip->setCompressionName($localFilePath, $compressionMethod); } } } /** * @return bool Whether it is possible to choose the desired compression method to be used */ public static function canChooseCompressionMethod() { // setCompressionName() is a PHP7+ method... return (\method_exists(new \ZipArchive(), 'setCompressionName')); } /** * @param \ZipArchive $zip An opened zip archive object * @param string $folderPath Path to the folder to be zipped * @param string $existingFileMode Controls what to do when trying to add an existing file * @return void */ public function addFolderToArchive($zip, $folderPath, $existingFileMode = self::EXISTING_FILES_OVERWRITE) { $folderRealPath = $this->getNormalizedRealPath($folderPath) . '/'; $itemIterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folderPath, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($itemIterator as $itemInfo) { $itemRealPath = $this->getNormalizedRealPath($itemInfo->getPathname()); $itemLocalPath = \str_replace($folderRealPath, '', $itemRealPath); if ($itemInfo->isFile() && !$this->shouldSkipFile($zip, $itemLocalPath, $existingFileMode)) { $zip->addFile($itemRealPath, $itemLocalPath); } } } /** * @param \ZipArchive $zip * @param string $itemLocalPath * @param string $existingFileMode * @return bool Whether the file should be added to the archive or skipped */ protected function shouldSkipFile($zip, $itemLocalPath, $existingFileMode) { // Skip files if: // - EXISTING_FILES_SKIP mode chosen // - File already exists in the archive return ($existingFileMode === self::EXISTING_FILES_SKIP && $zip->locateName($itemLocalPath) !== false); } /** * Returns canonicalized absolute pathname, containing only forward slashes. * * @param string $path Path to normalize * @return string Normalized and canonicalized path */ protected function getNormalizedRealPath($path) { $realPath = \realpath($path); return \str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $realPath); } /** * Closes the archive and copies it into the given stream * * @param \ZipArchive $zip An opened zip archive object * @param resource $streamPointer Pointer to the stream to copy the zip * @return void */ public function closeArchiveAndCopyToStream($zip, $streamPointer) { $zipFilePath = $zip->filename; $zip->close(); $this->copyZipToStream($zipFilePath, $streamPointer); } /** * Streams the contents of the zip file into the given stream * * @param string $zipFilePath Path of the zip file * @param resource $pointer Pointer to the stream to copy the zip * @return void */ protected function copyZipToStream($zipFilePath, $pointer) { $zipFilePointer = \fopen($zipFilePath, 'r'); \stream_copy_to_stream($zipFilePointer, $pointer); \fclose($zipFilePointer); } }