globalFunctionsHelper = $globalFunctionsHelper; $this->supportedEncodingsWithBom = [ self::ENCODING_UTF8 => self::BOM_UTF8, self::ENCODING_UTF16_LE => self::BOM_UTF16_LE, self::ENCODING_UTF16_BE => self::BOM_UTF16_BE, self::ENCODING_UTF32_LE => self::BOM_UTF32_LE, self::ENCODING_UTF32_BE => self::BOM_UTF32_BE, ]; } /** * Returns the number of bytes to use as offset in order to skip the BOM. * * @param resource $filePointer Pointer to the file to check * @param string $encoding Encoding of the file to check * @return int Bytes offset to apply to skip the BOM (0 means no BOM) */ public function getBytesOffsetToSkipBOM($filePointer, $encoding) { $byteOffsetToSkipBom = 0; if ($this->hasBOM($filePointer, $encoding)) { $bomUsed = $this->supportedEncodingsWithBom[$encoding]; // we skip the N first bytes $byteOffsetToSkipBom = \strlen($bomUsed); } return $byteOffsetToSkipBom; } /** * Returns whether the file identified by the given pointer has a BOM. * * @param resource $filePointer Pointer to the file to check * @param string $encoding Encoding of the file to check * @return bool TRUE if the file has a BOM, FALSE otherwise */ protected function hasBOM($filePointer, $encoding) { $hasBOM = false; $this->globalFunctionsHelper->rewind($filePointer); if (\array_key_exists($encoding, $this->supportedEncodingsWithBom)) { $potentialBom = $this->supportedEncodingsWithBom[$encoding]; $numBytesInBom = \strlen($potentialBom); $hasBOM = ($this->globalFunctionsHelper->fgets($filePointer, $numBytesInBom + 1) === $potentialBom); } return $hasBOM; } /** * Attempts to convert a non UTF-8 string into UTF-8. * * @param string $string Non UTF-8 string to be converted * @param string $sourceEncoding The encoding used to encode the source string * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\EncodingConversionException If conversion is not supported or if the conversion failed * @return string The converted, UTF-8 string */ public function attemptConversionToUTF8($string, $sourceEncoding) { return $this->attemptConversion($string, $sourceEncoding, self::ENCODING_UTF8); } /** * Attempts to convert a UTF-8 string into the given encoding. * * @param string $string UTF-8 string to be converted * @param string $targetEncoding The encoding the string should be re-encoded into * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\EncodingConversionException If conversion is not supported or if the conversion failed * @return string The converted string, encoded with the given encoding */ public function attemptConversionFromUTF8($string, $targetEncoding) { return $this->attemptConversion($string, self::ENCODING_UTF8, $targetEncoding); } /** * Attempts to convert the given string to the given encoding. * Depending on what is installed on the server, we will try to iconv or mbstring. * * @param string $string string to be converted * @param string $sourceEncoding The encoding used to encode the source string * @param string $targetEncoding The encoding the string should be re-encoded into * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\EncodingConversionException If conversion is not supported or if the conversion failed * @return string The converted string, encoded with the given encoding */ protected function attemptConversion($string, $sourceEncoding, $targetEncoding) { // if source and target encodings are the same, it's a no-op if ($sourceEncoding === $targetEncoding) { return $string; } $convertedString = null; if ($this->canUseIconv()) { $convertedString = $this->globalFunctionsHelper->iconv($string, $sourceEncoding, $targetEncoding); } elseif ($this->canUseMbString()) { $convertedString = $this->globalFunctionsHelper->mb_convert_encoding($string, $sourceEncoding, $targetEncoding); } else { throw new EncodingConversionException("The conversion from $sourceEncoding to $targetEncoding is not supported. Please install \"iconv\" or \"PHP Intl\"."); } if ($convertedString === false) { throw new EncodingConversionException("The conversion from $sourceEncoding to $targetEncoding failed."); } return $convertedString; } /** * Returns whether "iconv" can be used. * * @return bool TRUE if "iconv" is available and can be used, FALSE otherwise */ protected function canUseIconv() { return $this->globalFunctionsHelper->function_exists('iconv'); } /** * Returns whether "mb_string" functions can be used. * These functions come with the PHP Intl package. * * @return bool TRUE if "mb_string" functions are available and can be used, FALSE otherwise */ protected function canUseMbString() { return $this->globalFunctionsHelper->function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'); } }