body { color: 8; color: 16; height: 10px/10px; color: 6px; color: 5px; bottom: 2px; top: 1.5em; left: -1cm; top: 6.29921; } div { color: false; color: true; color: true; color: false; color: what > 3; } #units { test: 2.5748in; test: 13mm; test: 4em; test: 11mm; test: 1.1cm; } #modulo { test: 1; test: 1cm; } #colors { color: #ff0203; color: #fe0000; color: rgba(3, 8, 15, 0.5); color: rgba(5, 8, 10, 0.5); color: rgba(2, 4, 6, 0.5); color: rgba(1, 1, 2, 0.5); color: rgba(3, 4, 5, 0.5); color: rgba(0, 0, 1, 0.5); color: #22f; color: false; color: true; color: true; color: false; } #preserve { hello: what -going; hello: what - going; } #strings { hello: what -going; hello: whatgoing; hello: whatgoing; hello: whatgoing; hello: whatgoing; hello: "whatgoing"; hello: goingwhat; hello: "whatwhat"; } #negation { a: -60; b: 10 -100; b: -90; } #bools-fail { and: false and two; and: one and two; and: one and false; or: false or two; or: one or two; or: one or false; } #bools { and: false; and: two; and: false; or: two; or: one; or: one; } #nots-fail { not: false2; not: not false; not: not 0; not: not 1; not: not ""; not: not hello; } #nots { not: false2; not: true; not: false; not: false; not: false; not: false; } #string-test { str: true; str: false; str: true; str: true; str: xhellohellofalse; str: true; } #special { cancel-unit: 1; }