// media syntax @media { div { color: blue; } } @media what { div { color: blue; } } @media (cool) { div { color: blue; } } @media (cool: blue) { div { color: blue; } } @media hello and (world) and (butt: man) { div { color: blue; } } $navbarCollapseWidth: 940px; @media (max-width: $navbarCollapseWidth) { color: red; } // media bubbling @media not hello and (world) { color: blue; pre { color: blue; } @media butt { color: red; div { color: red; } } } @media a, b { @media c { color: blue; } } @media a{ @media b, c { color: blue; } } @media a, b{ @media c, d { color: blue; } } $media: cree; $feature: -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio; $value: 1.5; div { color: blue; @media s#{$media}n and ($feature: $value) { .sidebar { width: 500px; } } } // @media + @mixin @mixin color { color: red; .success { color: green; } } div { position: absolute; $y: 2em; @media screen { top: 0; $x: 5px; p { margin: $x; } bottom: 6em + $y; @include color; } } .button { width: 300px; height: 100px; background: #eee; :hover { background: #aaa; } @media only screen and (max-width : 300px){ width: 100px; height: 100px; } } code { position: absolute; @media screen { pre { height: 20px; } height: 10px; } } dt { @media screen { @media (color: blue) { height: 10px; } } } // nesting media queries @media screen { .screen { width: 12px; } @media only screen { .only-screen { height: 11px; } } } @media only screen { .only-screen { width: 14px; } @media only screen { .only-screen { height: 16px; } } } @media not screen { @media screen { .invalid { height: 12px; } } } @media not screen { @media print { .only-print { height: 12px; } } } @media screen { @media not print { .only-print { height: 12px; } } } @media not screen { @media not print { .invalid { height: 12px; } } } @media not screen { @media not screen { .not-screen { height: 15px; } } } @media only screen { @media print { .invalid { height: 15px; } } } @media only screen { @media screen and (color: blue) { @media screen and (width: 13) { .only-screen { height: 15px; } } } }