@function hello($x) { @return $x + 4; } @function add($a, $b) { @return $a + $b; } div { color: hello(10px); sum: add(11, 12); } // make sure values are being reduced before being passed up to previous scope @function one($a, $b) { @return $a $b; } @function two($a, $b) { @return $a#{$a} $b; } @function three($a, $b: default) { @return "hello #{$a} and #{$b}" } @function all($a...) { @return "hello #{$a}" } div { hello: one(10, 55); hello: two(10, 55); hello: three(10, 55); } @function hello_world() { @return 1000; } del { color: hello-world(); } div { $args: foo bar; hello: three($args...); hello: three(bar...); hello: all(Alice, Bob, Tom); } @function stringConcatCompassStyle($start,$last) { // Compass still uses it like this @return #{$start}-#{$last}; } .foo { test2: stringConcatCompassStyle(-moz,art); } @mixin content_test { span { $color: green; @content; } } @function func_test($c) { @return $c + 1; } div { @include content_test { height: func_test(2px); } }