var holdActive = false; var holdDelay = 200; var uploadingStoryFakeId; var newStoryUpload = false; var storyUploaded = false; var isStoryBack = false; var viewingStory = 0; var preloadData = new Array(); var storyId; var noMoreStories = false; var chatStoryUrl; var chatStoryType; var storyContainerOpen = false; var storyAdmin = false; var videoPreloadCount = 0; if(mobileSite === true){ var user_info = user; } if (typeof user_info === 'undefined') { var user_info = []; user_info.id = 0; } (function() { var defaults; var video; var img; var thisTimeline; var start = 0; var storyTime; var storySpinner; var imageInterval; var isVideo = false; var isClosed = false; var storyCredits; var storyUser; var storyIcon; var storyName; var storyReview; var storyPaused; var myStory = 0; this.Story = function(data) { // Default parameters if non provided. defaults = { playlist: data }; if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0] === "object") { this.options = extendDefaults(defaults, arguments[0]); } try { if (defaults.playlist == null || defaults.playlist == '') { console.log('No story provided.'); storyContainerOpen = false; return false; } } catch (e) { console.log(e); storyContainerOpen = false; return false; } var Div = document.getElementById('storytime'); storyId = defaults.playlist[0].sid; storyUser = defaults.playlist[0].uid; storyIcon= defaults.playlist[0].icon; storyName= defaults.playlist[0].title; var baseHTML = '
' + '
' + '
' + //'
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
' + '
' + '
'+ '
'+ '
' + '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; var timelineHTML = ''; // Add HTML to storytime div element Div.innerHTML = baseHTML; var icon = document.getElementsByClassName('story-icon')[0]; icon.setAttribute("style", "width:50px;height:50px;background-image:url("+defaults.playlist[0].icon+")"); //$('.story-video').mousedown(onMouseDown); //$('.story-video').mouseup(onMouseUp); $('#replyStoryMessage').focus( function() { replyStory(1); }); $('#replyStoryMessage').blur( function() { replyStory(2); }); if(plugins['story']['storyCredits'] == 'Yes'){ $('.storyCredit').click(function(){ if(myStory == 1){ var storyCreditsArray = {}; var creditsBtn = new Array(); storyCreditsArray = JSON.parse("[" + plugins['story']['storyCreditsValues'] + "]"); storyCreditsArray.forEach(function(element) { creditsBtn[element+' '+site_lang[285]["text"]] = start+','+storyId+','+element+',Credits'; }); var storyCredits = new ActionSheet({ buttons: creditsBtn }); storyCredits.show(); } }); } else { $('.storyCredit').hide(); } $('.storySettings').click(function(){ if(plugins['story']['storyCredits'] == 'Yes'){ var as = new ActionSheet({ buttons: { '620': function(e){ this.hide(); holdActive = false; }, '619': function(e){ this.hide(); deleteStory.show(); }, '618': function(e){ storyCredits.show(); this.hide(); } } }); } else { var as = new ActionSheet({ buttons: { '620': function(e){ this.hide(); holdActive = false; }, '619': function(e){ this.hide(); deleteStory.show(); } } }); } var deleteStory = new ActionSheet({ buttons: { '616': function(e){ deleteCurrentStory(start,storyId); this.hide(); }, '617': function(e){ this.hide(); as.show(); }, } }); var storyCreditsArray = {}; var creditsBtn = new Array(); storyCreditsArray = JSON.parse("[" + plugins['story']['storyCreditsValues'] + "]"); storyCreditsArray.forEach(function(element) { creditsBtn[element+' '+site_lang[285]["text"]] = start+','+storyId+','+element+',Credits'; }); var storyCredits = new ActionSheet({ buttons: creditsBtn }); as.show(); }); // Create timeline elements by looping thorugh story items var i; for (i = 0; i < defaults.playlist.length; i++) { timelineHTML = timelineHTML + '
'; } // Add timeline HTML to storytime div element var storyTimeline = document.getElementsByClassName('story-timeline')[0]; storyTimeline.innerHTML = timelineHTML; }; // Utility method to extend defaults with user options function extendDefaults(source, properties) { var property; for (property in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(property)) { source[property] = properties[property]; } } return source; } function launch() { // Get HTML elements if(storyUploaded == true || isStoryBack == true){ start = defaults.playlist.length; start = start-1; storyUploaded = false; isStoryBack = false; $('.story-timeline-line-active').css('width','100%'); } storyTime = document.getElementsByClassName('storytime')[0]; storySpinner = document.getElementsByClassName('spinner')[0]; thisTimeline = document.getElementsByClassName('story-active-' + start)[0]; var text = document.getElementsByClassName('story-text')[0]; var date = document.getElementsByClassName('story-date')[0]; var storyContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('story-video')[0]; isClosed = false; storyContainerOpen = true; // Show the Social Story Pop-up if (start < 0) { storyTime.setAttribute("style", "display: block; opacity: 0;"); } else { storyTime.setAttribute("style", "display: block; opacity: 1;"); } storyId = defaults.playlist[start].sid; storyUser = defaults.playlist[start].uid; storyCredits = defaults.playlist[start].credits; storyPurchased = defaults.playlist[start].purchased; storyReview = defaults.playlist[start].review; $('[data-story-credits]').text(storyCredits); if(storyUser == user_info.id){ myStory = 1; $('.storySettings').show(); } else { myStory = 0; } storySpinner.style.display = 'none'; setTimeout(function() { storyTime.setAttribute("style", "display: block; opacity: 1;"); }, 10); text.innerHTML = defaults.playlist[start].title; date.innerHTML = defaults.playlist[start].date; var storyType = ''; clearInterval(imageInterval); thisTimeline.style.width = '0%'; $('#replyStoryMessage').val(''); chatStoryType = defaults.playlist[start].stype; chatStoryUrl = defaults.playlist[start].url; if(defaults.playlist[start].stype == 'video'){ storyContainer.innerHTML = '
'; video = document.getElementsByClassName("videoStory")[0]; // Set source for new video and load it into page video.src = defaults.playlist[start].url; video.load(); thisTimeline.style.width = '0%' var videoStoryLoading = false; var videoIsPlaying = false; var videoPlay = setInterval(function(){ if(video.currentTime > 0.7){ videoIsPlaying = true; clearInterval(videoPlay); } else { video.play(); videoIsPlaying = true; clearInterval(videoPlay); } },50) if (video.readyState == 0 ) { videoStoryLoading = true; setTimeout(function(){ if(videoStoryLoading){ storySpinner.style.display = 'block'; } },150) } video.oncanplay = function() { storySpinner.style.display = 'none'; videoStoryLoading = false; video.play(); document.getElementsByClassName('story-video')[0].setAttribute("style", "min-width: " + video.offsetWidth + "px;"); video.muted = false; }; video.addEventListener('timeupdate', timeUpdate, false); video.addEventListener('ended', videoEnded, false); isVideo = true; } else { video = ''; storySpinner.style.display = 'none'; thisTimeline.style.width = '0%'; storyContainer.innerHTML = '
'; photo = document.getElementsByClassName("videoStory")[0]; photo.src = defaults.playlist[start].url; timeUpdateImg(defaults.playlist[start].duration); isVideo = false; } window.clearTimeout(storyPaused); if(storyCredits > 0 && storyPurchased == 0 && myStory == 0 && !storyAdmin){ $('.storyCredit').fadeIn(); $('.story-video').addClass('blurred'); if($('.story-blur').length > 0){ $('.story-blur').remove(); } $('.story-window').append('
'+site_lang[615]['text']+' '+ storyCredits +' '+site_lang[285]['text']+'
'); $('[data-story-chat-input]').hide(); /* storyPaused = setTimeout(function(){ if(isVideo){ video.pause(); showPause(1); } },1000); */ } else { $('.storyCredit').hide(); $('[data-story-chat-input]').show(); $('.story-video').removeClass('blurred'); $('.story-blur').remove(); if(myStory == 1 && !storyAdmin){ $('.storyCredit').fadeIn(); $('[data-story-chat-input]').hide(); } } if(plugins['story']['storyCredits'] == 'No'){ $('.storyCredit').remove(); } //story review if(storyReview == 'Yes' && plugins['story']['showStoryInReview'] == 'No'){ $('.storyCredit').fadeIn(); //$('.story-video').addClass('blurred'); if($('.story-blur').length > 0){ $('.story-blur').remove(); } $('.story-window').append('
'); $('[data-story-chat-input]').hide(); /* storyPaused = setTimeout(function(){ if(isVideo){ video.pause(); showPause(1); } },1000); */ } //if guest user if(user_info != undefined){ if(user_info.id == 0){ $('[data-story-chat-input]').hide(); } } if(plugins['story']['enableMessage'] == 'No'){ $('[data-story-chat-input]').hide(); } if(storyAdmin){ $('.storyCredit').hide(); $('.storySettings').hide(); $('[data-story-chat-input]').hide(); $('.story-blur').remove(); $('.story-video').removeClass('blurred'); } } function timeUpdate() { if(!newStoryUpload){ if(!holdActive){ var percentage = Math.ceil((100 / video.duration) * video.currentTime); thisTimeline.style.width = percentage + '%'; } else { video.pause(); } } } function timeUpdateImg(val) { if(!newStoryUpload){ var ct = 0; imageInterval = setInterval(function(){ if(!holdActive){ showPause(2); var percentage = Math.ceil((100 / val) * ct); thisTimeline.style.width = percentage + '%'; ct=ct+100; if(isClosed){ clearInterval(imageInterval); thisTimeline.style.width = '0%'; } if(ct == val){ clearInterval(imageInterval); if(start >= 0){ next(); } } } },100); } } function purchaseStory(sid,credits){ if(user_info.id == 0){ window.location.href = siteUrl+'connect'; return false; } if(user_info.credits < credits){ openWidget("purchaseCredits"); return false; } var data = []; data.name = ''; data.icon = site_theme['notification_inapp_credits_icon']['val']; data.message = site_lang[610].text+' '+credits+' ' + site_lang[73].text; if(mobileSite){ pushNotifMobile(data,1); } else { pushNotif(data,1); } updateCredits(user_info.id,credits,1,'Credits for purchase story'); if(plugins['story']['storyCreditsPurchaseTransfer'] == 'Yes'){ updateCredits(storyUser,credits,2,'Credits for story purchased'); } purchaseUserStory(user_info.id,sid); user_info.credits = user_info.credits - credits; $('.userCredits').text(user_info.credits); $('.top-menu-credits').removeClass('vivify'); $('.top-menu-credits').removeClass('pulsate'); setTimeout(function(){ $('.top-menu-credits').addClass('vivify'); $('.top-menu-credits').addClass('pulsate'); },50); $('.storyCredit').hide(); $('[data-story-chat-input]').show(); $('.story-video').removeClass('blurred'); $('.story-blur').remove(); if(isVideo){ video.currentTime = 0; video.play(); showPause(1); } defaults.playlist[start].purchased = 1; sendMessageFromStory(storyUser,credits); } function updateStoryCredit(s,sid,credits){ defaults.playlist[s].credits = credits; updateStoryCredits(sid,credits); } function deleteCurrentStory(s,sid){ defaults.playlist.splice(s,1); delStory(sid); if(defaults.playlist.length == 0){ socialStory.close(); noMoreStories = true; $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); } else { socialStory = new Story({ playlist: defaults.playlist }); socialStory.launch(); } } function showPause(val) { if(val == 1){ $('.paused').show(); } else { $('.paused').hide(); } } function replyStory(val) { if(val == 1){ holdActive = true; if(isVideo){ video.pause(); } showPause(1); } else { holdActive = false; if(isVideo){ video.play(); } showPause(2); } } function videoEnded() { // Remove all event listeners on video end so they don't get duplicated. video.removeEventListener('timeupdate', timeUpdate); video.removeEventListener('ended', videoEnded); if(start >= 0){ next(); } } function next() { //if(holdActive){return false;} start++; // If next video doesn't exist (i.e. the previous video was the last) then close the Social Story popup if (start >= defaults.playlist.length) { setTimeout(function() { if(storyPage == 'discover' && viewingStory < totalDiscoverStories){ nextStory++; /* socialStory = new Story({ playlist: carol }); launch(); */ //close(); viewingStory++; if(mobileSite){ angular.element(document.querySelector('#story'+viewingStory)).triggerHandler('click'); } else { $('[data-current-story-position='+viewingStory+']').click(); } } else { close(); } return false; }, 10); } else { // Otherwise run the next video showPause(2); thisTimeline.style.width = '100%'; launch(start); } } function prev() { if(holdActive){return false;} if (start != 0) { thisTimeline.style.width = '0%'; } start--; console.log(start); if (start < 0) { start = 0; if(viewingStory > 1){ viewingStory--; if(mobileSite){ angular.element(document.querySelector('#story'+viewingStory)).triggerHandler('click'); } else { $('[data-current-story-position='+viewingStory+']').click(); } isStoryBack = true; } else { return false; } } else { // Otherwise run the previous video showPause(2); launch(start); } } function close() { if(isVideo){ video.pause(); } video = ''; showPause(2); isClosed = true; holdActive = false; start = -1; storyContainerOpen = false; clearInterval(imageInterval); storyTime.setAttribute("display", "none"); setTimeout(function() { var i; for (i = 1; i < defaults.playlist.length; i++) { document.getElementsByClassName('story-timeline-line-active')[i].setAttribute("style", "width: 0%;"); } $('.videoStory').remove(); storyTime.remove(); }, 150); } Story.prototype.launch = function(num) { if(!num) { var num = 0;} start = num; launch(); }; Story.prototype.replyStory = function() { replyStory(); }; Story.prototype.purchaseStory = function(sid,credits){ purchaseStory(sid,credits); }; Story.prototype.updateStoryCredit = function(s,sid,credits){ updateStoryCredit(s,sid,credits); }; Story.prototype.next = function() { next(); }; Story.prototype.prev = function() { prev(); }; Story.prototype.close = function() { close(); }; }()); function purchaseUserStory(uid,sid) { var query = uid+','+sid; $.get( aUrl, { action: 'purchaseStory', query: query } ); } function updateStoryCredits(sid,credits) { var query = sid+','+credits; $.get( aUrl, { action: 'storyPrice', query: query } ); } function delStory(sid) { var query = sid; $.get( aUrl, { action: 'deleteStory', query: query } ); } function onMouseDown(){ holdStarter = setTimeout(function() { holdStarter = null; holdActive = true; /* if(isVideo){ video.pause(); } showPause(1);*/ }, holdDelay); } function onMouseUp(){ if (holdStarter) { clearTimeout(holdStarter); console.log('Clicked!'); } else if (holdActive) { setTimeout(function() { holdActive = false; },100); /* if(isVideo){ video.play(); } showPause(2);*/ } } $("#upload-story").dmUploader({ url: siteUrl+'assets/sources/upload.php', extFilter: ["jpg","jpeg","png","gif","mp4","ogg","webm","flv","mov","m4v","mpeg","mkv"], multiple: false, onFileExtError: function(file){ swal({ title: site_lang[811]['text'], text: site_lang[596]['text'], type: 'info' }, function(){ }); }, onNewFile: function(id, file){ console.log(id); if(file.size > site_config.max_upload){ var maxAllowed = site_config.max_upload / 1024 / 1024; swal({ title: site_lang[810]['text'], text: site_lang[809]['text']+' ('+maxAllowed+') MB', type: 'info' }, function(){ }); return false; } var fileUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file); var newStory= {}; var dataArr = new Array(0); var upStoryType = uploadedStoryType(file, fileUrl,id); uploadingStoryFakeId = Math.floor(Math.random()*(90000-10000+1)+10000); newStoryUpload = true; newStory['credits'] = 0; newStory['date'] = site_lang[594]['text']+'...'; newStory['icon'] = user_info.profile_photo; newStory['title'] = user_info.first_name; newStory['uid'] = user_info.id; newStory['sid'] = uploadingStoryFakeId; newStory['id'] = uploadingStoryFakeId; newStory['purchased'] = 0; newStory['stype'] = upStoryType; newStory['url'] = fileUrl; newStory['src'] = fileUrl; newStory['review'] = 'No'; var newStoryJSON = eval(newStory); dataArr.push(newStoryJSON); console.log(dataArr); storyLoader(1,dataArr,1,1); }, onUploadProgress: function(id,percent){ var uploadingStoryTimeline = document.getElementsByClassName('story-active-0')[0]; uploadingStoryTimeline.style.width = percent+'%'; }, onComplete: function(){ }, onUploadSuccess: function(id, file){ noMoreStories = false; upphotos[0] = file; var photoPath = file.path; newStoryUpload = false; //stories if(upType == 4){ if(url == 'discover'){ $('[data-discover-upload-story="1"]').show(); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: request_source()+'/belloo.php', data: { action: 'uploadStory', media: upphotos }, dataType:'JSON', success: function(response) { var story = response; user_info.stories = response['storiesProfile']; storyUploaded = true; storyLoader(story['story'],story['stories'],1,1); $('[data-upload-story]').show(); } }); } } }); function sendMessageFromStory(id,fromCredits=0){ var r_id = id; var messageVal = $('#replyStoryMessage').val(); if(fromCredits > 0){ messageVal = site_lang[678]['text']; } var message = user_info.id+'[message]'+r_id+'[message]'+messageVal+'[message]story'+'[message]'+storyId+'[message]'+fromCredits; var send = user_info.id+'[rt]'+r_id+'[rt]'+user_info.profile_photo+'[rt]'+user_info.first_name+'[rt]'+messageVal+'[rt]story[rt]'+chatStoryUrl+'[rt]'+chatStoryType; $('#replyStoryMessage').val(''); if(fromCredits == 0){ var data = []; data.name = ''; if(plugins['story']['sendMessage'] > 0){ if(user_info.credits < plugins['story']['sendMessage']){ openWidget("purchaseCredits"); return false; } data.icon = site_theme['notification_inapp_credits_icon']['val']; data.message = site_lang[662]['text']+'
'+site_lang[610].text+' '+plugins['story']['sendMessage']+' ' + site_lang[73].text; updateCredits(user_info.id,plugins['story']['sendMessage'],1,'Credits for purchase story'); if(plugins['story']['storyCreditsMessageTransfer'] == 'Yes'){ updateCredits(id,plugins['story']['sendMessage'],2,'Credits for message from story'); } } else { data.icon = user_info.profile_photo; data.message = site_lang[662]['text']; } if(mobileSite){ pushNotifMobile(data,1); } else { pushNotif(data,1); } } $.get( gUrl, {action: 'message', query: send} ); $.get( aUrl, {action: 'sendMessage', query: message} ); } var upStoryContent = document.getElementById('uploadStoryContent'); function upStory(){ uploadStory = true; $('[data-upload-story]').hide(); upType = 4; document.getElementById("uploadStoryContent").click(); uploadingStory(); console.log('upload story'); multipleUpload = false; document.body.onfocus = checkIfCanceled; } function upStoryDiscover(){ uploadStory = true; $('[data-discover-upload-story="1"]').hide(); upType = 4; document.getElementById("uploadStoryContent").click(); multipleUpload = false; document.body.onfocus = checkIfCanceled; } function upStoryMobile(){ uploadStory = true; //$('[data-discover-upload-story="1"]').hide(); upType = 4; document.getElementById("uploadStoryContent").click(); multipleUpload = false; document.body.onfocus = checkIfCanceled; } function checkIfCanceled(){ document.body.onfocus = null; $('[data-storyRoller]').removeClass('roller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').addClass('stopRoller'); $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); $('[data-upload-story]').show(); } function openStory(val,uid=0){ if(val >= 1){ storyPage = 'profile'; if(uid != 0){ openStoryProfile(uid); } else { openStoryProfile(profile_info.id); } } } function openStoryLanding(data){ socialStory = new Story({ playlist: data }); socialStory.launch(); preloadStories(data); } var isStoryLoading = false; function openStoryDiscover(element,uid,openAdmin=false){ console.log('launch story'); storyPage = 'discover'; viewingStory = $(element).attr('data-current-story-position'); if(!isStoryLoading){ isStoryLoading = true; $('[data-story-loader='+uid+']').show(); $.ajax({ url: request_source()+'/api.php', data: { action:"viewStory", uid: uid }, type: "GET", dataType: 'JSON', success: function(response) { console.log(response['stories']); currentStoryUserData = response['stories']; socialStory = new Story({ playlist: currentStoryUserData }); preloadStories(currentStoryUserData); storyAdmin = openAdmin; socialStory.launch(); isStoryLoading = false; $('[data-story-loader='+uid+']').hide(); } }); } } function openStoryProfile(uid,openAdmin=false){ console.log('launch story'); if(!isStoryLoading){ isStoryLoading = true; uploadingStory(); $.ajax({ url: request_source()+'/api.php', data: { action:"viewStory", uid: uid }, type: "GET", dataType: 'JSON', success: function(response) { console.log(response['stories']); currentStoryUserData = response['stories']; socialStory = new Story({ playlist: currentStoryUserData }); preloadStories(currentStoryUserData); storyAdmin = openAdmin; endStoryloading(); socialStory.launch(); isStoryLoading = false; } }); } } function openStoryAlbum(stories){ preloadStories(stories); socialStory = new Story({ playlist: stories }); socialStory.launch(); } function storyLoader(story,stories,status,up=0){ if(plugins['story']['enabled'] == 'No'){ return false; } var storyLoaderTimeout = 500; if(up == 1){ storyLoaderTimeout = 50; } if(story >= 1 && up == 0){ preloadStories(JSON.parse(stories)); } if(story >= 1 && up == 1){ preloadStories(stories); } $("[data-loading-story]").show(); $('[data-storyRoller]').removeClass('stopRoller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').addClass('roller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').removeClass('roller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').addClass('stopRoller'); $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); if(status >= 1){ $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); } if(story >= 1){ $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); setTimeout(function(){ $('[data-storyRoller]').removeClass('roller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').addClass('stopRoller'); if(story >= 1){ if(up == 1){ currentStoryUserData = stories; socialStory = new Story({ playlist: currentStoryUserData }); socialStory.launch(); } else { currentStoryUserData = JSON.parse(stories); socialStory = new Story({ playlist: currentStoryUserData }); } $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); } else { $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); } },storyLoaderTimeout); } } function endStoryloading(){ if(plugins['story']['enabled'] == 'No'){ return false; } $("[data-loading-story]").show(); $('[data-storyRoller]').removeClass('stopRoller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').addClass('roller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').removeClass('roller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').addClass('stopRoller'); $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); } function uploadingStory(){ $("[data-loading-story]").show(); $('[data-storyRoller]').removeClass('stopRoller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').addClass('roller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').removeClass('roller'); $('[data-storyRoller]').addClass('stopRoller'); $('[data-storyPath]').html(`
`); } function preloadStories(stories){ const videoFileUrls = []; videoPreloadCount = 0; $('#loadingVideos').html(''); for (var i = 0; i < stories.length; i++) { if(stories[i]['stype'] == 'video' && videoPreloadCount < 5){ videoPreloadCount++; console.log("video preload started"); videoFileUrls.push(stories[i]['url']); preloadVideo(stories[i]['id'],stories[i]['url']); } if(stories[i]['stype'] != 'video'){ $('#loadingImages').append('
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', { id: id, src: src, type: 'video/mp4', muted: true, preload: 'auto', style: 'display:none', controls: false }); pVideo.appendTo($('#loadingVideos')); var vid = document.getElementById(id); vid.onloadstart = function() { }; vid.onloadedmetadata = function() { vid.currentTime = 3; vid.setAttribute('preload', "auto"); //vid.play(); vid.pause(); }; vid.onloadeddata = function() { vid.currentTime = 0; }; } */ } function uploadedStoryType(file, fileContents,id) { var $storyType = ''; switch (file.type) { case 'image/png': case 'image/jpeg': case 'image/gif': $storyType = 'image'; break; case 'video/mp4': case 'video/webm': case 'video/ogg': $storyType = 'video'; break; default: break; } return $storyType; } document.onkeydown = checkKey; function checkKey(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.keyCode == '37') { if(storyContainerOpen === true){ Story.prototype.prev(); } } else if (e.keyCode == '39') { if(storyContainerOpen === true){ Story.prototype.next(); } } else if (e.keyCode == '27') { if(storyContainerOpen === true){ Story.prototype.close(); } } } function updateCredits(uid,amount,type,reason,reward='') { var credits = parseInt(amount); if(type == 1){ playAudio('coin.wav'); user_info.credits = user_info.credits - credits; } else { //user_info.credits = user_info.credits + credits; } user_info.credits = parseInt(user_info.credits); $('.userCredits').hide(); $('.userCredits').show(); $('.userCredits').html('
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