const apiPath = 'https://director.millicast.com/api/director/publish'; const viewerPath = 'https://director.millicast.com/api/director/subscribe'; const turnUrl = 'https://turn.millicast.com/webrtc/_turn'; var rtlive,loadTime,renderTime,now; var is_streaming = false; var liveInterval; var endStreamPreview = 'Yes'; var streamViewers; var bannedFromStream = false; var privateStreamId = 0; var privateStreamPrice = 0; let liveUrl; let jwt; var viewStreamId = 0; let token = plugins['live']['pub_token']; streamName = 'live'+user_info.id; let accountId = plugins['live']['account_id']; let stream; let iceServers = []; let views = [ {form: 'tokenTxt', param: 'token'}, {form: 'streamTxt', param: 'streamName'}, {form: 'viewTxt', param: 'accountId'} ]; function startBroadcast() { viewStreamId = user_info.id; getICEServers() .then(list => { iceServers = list; liveConnect(); }) .catch(e => { liveConnect(); }); } function closeLive(id){ $('.stream-container').hide(); } function streamTab(tab){ $('[data-stream-tab]').hide(); $('[data-stream-tab="'+tab+'"]').show(); $('[data-stream-tab-link]').removeClass('is-current'); $('[data-stream-tab-link="'+tab+'"]').addClass('is-current'); } function subtractDate(low, high) { var secs = 1000 var min = secs * 60 var hour = min * 60 var day = hour * 24 var miliSecs = Math.abs(high.getTime() - low.getTime()) var days = Math.floor(miliSecs / day) miliSecs = miliSecs % day var hours = Math.floor(miliSecs / hour) miliSecs = miliSecs % hour var mins = Math.floor(miliSecs / min) miliSecs = miliSecs % min var sec = Math.floor(miliSecs / secs) return { day: days, hour: hours, min: mins, sec: sec, } } function renderTime() { now = new Date() var sDate = subtractDate(loadTime, now); if(sDate.hour > 0){ var str = sDate.hour+':' + sDate.min + ':' + sDate.sec } else { var str = sDate.min + ':' + sDate.sec } timeElement.innerHTML = str } function endStream(force='No'){ $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'endStream',uid: user_info.id},function(data){ if(force == 'No'){ window.location.reload(); } }); } function updateLiveStatus(status){ if(status == 'private'){ $('#startPrivateStream').show(); } else { $('#publicStream').hide(); $('#streamInPrivate').hide(); $('#privateStream').fadeIn(); $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'status', status: 'public',price: 0}); } } function accessPrivateStream(){ if(privateStreamPrice > user_info.credits){ if(mobileSite === true){ angular.element(document.querySelector('#openCreditsModal')).triggerHandler('click'); } else { openWidget("purchaseCredits"); } return false; } else { var data = []; data.name = ''; data.icon = site_theme['notification_inapp_credits_icon']['val']; data.message = site_lang[610].text+' '+privateStreamPrice+' ' + site_lang[73].text; updateCredits(user_info.id,privateStreamPrice,1,'Credits for access to private stream'); updateCredits(privateStreamId,privateStreamPrice,0,'Credits recieved for private stream access'); pushNotif(data,1); $('#streamPrivate').hide(); $('#streamLoading').show(); $('#streamCurrentVideo').show(); $("#streamCurrentVideo").prop('muted', false); $('#streamInPrivate').show(); $('#closeAccessPrivateStreamModal').click(); if(privateStreamId != viewStreamId){ if(iceServers.length == 0){ getICEServers() .then(list => { iceServers = list; updateMillicastViewerAuth(privateStreamId) .then(d => { $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'checkBanned',userId: user_info.id,streamId: privateStreamId},function(data){ if(data == 'Yes'){ $('.stream-container').hide(); openWidget('bannedStream'); viewStreamId = 0; privateStreamId = 0; goTo('live'); } else { var watchingData = user_info.id+','+user_info.first_name+','+user_info.profile_photo+','+privateStreamId; $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'watching', query: watchingData} ); viewLive('Yes'); viewStreamId = privateStreamId; } }); }) .catch(e => { $('#streamLoading').hide(); $('#streamEnded').show(); $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'endStreamFromViewer', live: privateStreamId} ); }); }); } else { updateMillicastViewerAuth(privateStreamId) .then(d => { $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'checkBanned',userId: user_info.id,streamId: privateStreamId},function(data){ if(data == 'Yes'){ $('.stream-container').hide(); openWidget('bannedStream'); viewStreamId = 0; privateStreamId = 0; goTo('live'); } else { var watchingData = user_info.id+','+user_info.first_name+','+user_info.profile_photo+','+privateStreamId; $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'watching', query: watchingData} ); viewLive('Yes'); viewStreamId = privateStreamId; } }); }) .catch(e => { $('#streamLoading').hide(); $('#streamEnded').show(); $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'endStreamFromViewer', live: privateStreamId} ); }); } } else { $('#streamLoading').hide(); } } } function startPrivateStream(){ var streamPrice = $('#streamPrivatePrice').val(); if(streamPrice == 0 || streamPrice == null){ return false; } $('#privateStream').hide(); $('#publicStream').fadeIn(); $('#closeStreamPrivate').click(); $('#streamInPrivate').show(); $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'status', status: 'private',price: streamPrice}); } function bannedStreamer(){ openWidget('streamerBanned'); } function watchLive(id,photo,uid,name,age,streamTime,streamMessage='',streamTimeM,viewers,credits,private,private_price=0) { viewStreamId = id; rtlive = 'live'+id; streamViewers = viewers; streamCredits = credits; bannedFromStream = false; $('[data-show-to-streamer]').hide(); $('#streamViewers').text(streamViewers); $('#streamCredit').text(streamCredits); $('#streamCurrentVideo').hide(); channel.unbind(); channel.bind(rtlive, rtlivecallback); $('#streamEnded').hide(); $('#streamLoading').show(); $('#streamVideoContainer').show(); $('#streamClose').show(); $('.stream-container').show(); $('#liveChatContainer').html(''); if(uid == user_info.id || user_info.admin == 1){ $('#endStream').show(); $('#streamClose').hide(); } else { $('#endStream').hide(); } if(private == 'Yes'){ $('#streamPrivateCredits').text(private_price); $('[data-private-stream-credits]').text(private_price); $('#streamPrivateProfilePhoto').attr('data-src',photo); profilePhoto(); if(plugins['live']['showPrivateStreamModal'] == 'Yes' ){ $('#showStreamPrivate').show(); } $('#streamPrivate').show(); $('#streamLoading').hide(); privateStreamId = id; privateStreamPrice = private_price; } $('#streamTime').text(streamTime); $('#streamProfilePhoto').attr('src',photo); $('[data-streamProfileLink]').attr('href',site_config.site_url+'@'+uid); $('#streamProfileName').text(name+', '+age); $('#streamBgLoader').css('background-image', 'url('+photo+')'); loadTime = new Date(streamTimeM); now = new Date(); timeElement = document.getElementById('streamTime'); renderTime(); liveInterval = window.setInterval(renderTime, 1000); var watchingData = user_info.id+','+user_info.first_name+','+user_info.profile_photo+','+viewStreamId; if(plugins['live']['adminCustomMessage'] != ''){ $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`); } //STREAM CUSTOM MESSAGE if(streamMessage != ''){ if(mobileSite === true){ $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`); } else { $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`); } } if(private == 'No'){ if(iceServers.length == 0){ getICEServers() .then(list => { iceServers = list; updateMillicastViewerAuth(viewStreamId) .then(d => { $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'checkBanned',userId: user_info.id,streamId: id},function(data){ if(data == 'Yes'){ $('.stream-container').hide(); openWidget('bannedStream'); viewStreamId = 0; goTo('live'); } else { $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'watching', query: watchingData} ); viewLive(); } }); }) .catch(e => { $('#streamLoading').hide(); //$('#streamEnded').show(); $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'endStreamFromViewer', live: viewStreamId} ); }); }); } else { updateMillicastViewerAuth(viewStreamId) .then(d => { $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'checkBanned',userId: user_info.id,streamId: id},function(data){ if(data == 'Yes'){ $('.stream-container').hide(); openWidget('bannedStream'); viewStreamId = 0; goTo('live'); } else { $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'watching', query: watchingData} ); viewLive(); } }); }) .catch(e => { $('#streamLoading').hide(); $('#streamEnded').show(); $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'endStreamFromViewer', live: viewStreamId} ); }); } } else { viewStreamId = 0; } return; } $("#sendLiveMessage").on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { sendLiveMessage(); } }); function sendLiveMessage(){ var message = $('#sendLiveMessage').val(); if(message == ''){ return false; } var data = viewStreamId+';-B-;'+message+';-B-;'+user_info.first_name+';-B-;'+user_info.profile_photo+';-B-;'+user_info.id; $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'sendLiveMessage', query: data} ); $('#sendLiveMessage').val(''); $('#sendLiveMessage').focus(); } function sendLiveGift(src,price){ $('[data-gift-img]').attr('src',src); $('[data-gift-price]').text(price); $('#send-gift').show(); streamGiftCredits = price; streamGiftIcon = src; } function closeSendGift(){ $('#send-gift').hide(); } function updateLiveScreen(val){ if(val == 'full'){ $("#streamCurrentVideo").css('objectFit', 'cover'); $('#screenFull').hide(); $('#screenRegular').show(); } else { $("#streamCurrentVideo").css('objectFit', ''); $('#screenFull').show(); $('#screenRegular').hide(); } } function updateSound(val){ if(val == 'enable'){ $("#streamCurrentVideo").prop('muted', false); $('#streamVolumenOFF').hide(); $('#streamVolumenON').show(); } else { $("#streamCurrentVideo").prop('muted', true); $('#streamVolumenON').hide(); $('#streamVolumenOFF').show(); } } function viewLive(private='No'){ var connectId = viewStreamId; if(private == 'Yes'){ connectId = privateStreamId; } if (!liveUrl) { updateMillicastViewerAuth(connectId) .then(d => { console.log('Server:', d); viewLive(); }) .catch(e => { }); return; } let conf = { iceServers: iceServers, rtcpMuxPolicy: "require", bundlePolicy: "max-bundle" }; let pc = new RTCPeerConnection(conf); let vidWin = document.getElementById('streamCurrentVideo'); pc.addEventListener("track", e => { vidWin.srcObject = e.streams[0]; }, false); pc.ontrack = function (event) { setTimeout(function(){ var endStreamInterval = plugins['live']['onlyForPremiumSeconds'] * 1000; if(plugins['live']['onlyForPremium'] == 'Yes' && user_info.premium == 0){ $('#streamOnlyPremium').show(); setTimeout(function(){ $('#streamCurrentVideo').remove(); },endStreamInterval); } if(plugins['live']['onlyVerifiedView'] == 'Yes' && user_info.verified == 0){ if($('#streamOnlyPremium').is(':visible')) { } else { $('#streamOnlyVerified').show(); } setTimeout(function(){ $('#streamCurrentVideo').remove(); },endStreamInterval); } },500); setTimeout(function(){ $('#streamLoading').fadeOut('slow'); },1000); $('#streamCurrentVideo').show(); vidWin.srcObject = event.streams[0]; }; let ws = new WebSocket(liveUrl + '?token=' + jwt); ws.onopen = function () { let offer = pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: true, offerToReceiveVideo: true }).then(desc => { pc.setLocalDescription(desc) .then(() => { let data = { streamId: accountId, sdp: desc.sdp } let payload = { type: "cmd", transId: 0, name: 'view', data: data } ws.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); }) .catch(e => { }) }).catch(e => { }); } ws.addEventListener('message', evt => { let msg = JSON.parse(evt.data); if(msg.name == 'inactive'){ $('#streamVideoContainer').hide(); $('#streamEnded').show(); clearInterval(liveInterval); } else { $('#streamVideoContainer').show(); $('#streamEnded').hide(); } switch (msg.type) { case "response": let data = msg.data; let answer = new RTCSessionDescription({ type: 'answer', sdp: data.sdp }); pc.setRemoteDescription(answer) .then(d => { }) .catch(e => { }); break; } }) } var rtlivecallback = function(data) { var streamerAction = ''; if(data.type == 'message'){ if(user_info.id == data.liveId){ streamerAction = `
`; } $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`); } if(data.type == 'watching' && plugins['live']['announceVisitor'] == 'Yes'){ $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`+data.name+` has joined the stream
`); streamViewers = streamViewers+1; $('#streamViewers').text(streamViewers); } if(data.type == 'leave' && plugins['live']['announceVisitorLeave'] == 'Yes'){ $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`+data.name+` has left the stream
`); streamViewers = streamViewers-1; $('#streamViewers').text(streamViewers); } if(data.type == 'banned'){ $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`+data.name+` was banned from the stream
`); streamViewers = streamViewers-1; $('#streamViewers').text(streamViewers); if(user_info.id == data.bannedId){ $('#streamBanned').show(); $('#streamCurrentVideo').remove(); $('.stream__gifts').remove(); $('.stream__comment-field').remove(); } } if(data.type == 'status'){ if(data.status == 'private'){ if(user_info.id != data.liveId){ $('#streamPrivateCredits').text(data.price); $('[data-private-stream-credits]').text(data.price); $('#streamPrivateProfilePhoto').attr('data-src',data.photo); profilePhoto(); if(plugins['live']['showPrivateStreamModal'] == 'Yes'){ $('#showStreamPrivate').show(); } $('#streamPrivate').show(); $('#streamLoading').hide(); $('#streamCurrentVideo').hide(); $("#streamCurrentVideo").prop('muted', true); privateStreamId = data.liveId; privateStreamPrice = data.price; } } else { $('#streamPrivate').hide(); $('#streamLoading').hide(); $('#streamCurrentVideo').show(); $("#streamCurrentVideo").prop('muted', false); $('#streamInPrivate').hide(); } } if(data.type == 'end'){ if(user_info.id == data.liveId){ openWidget('adminEndedStream'); setTimeout(function(){ window.location.reload(); },5000); } } if(data.type == 'gift'){ $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`); streamCredits = streamCredits+parseInt(data.credits); $('#streamCredit').text(streamCredits); } if(mobileSite === true){ var objDiv = document.getElementById("liveChatMsgList"); objDiv.scrollTop = objDiv.scrollHeight-80; } else { $('#liveChatScroll').mCustomScrollbar("scrollTo","bottom",{ scrollEasing:"easeOut" }); } }; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (event) => { if(is_streaming){ event.preventDefault(); endStream('Yes'); } if(viewStreamId != 0 && !is_streaming){ event.preventDefault(); var leaveData = user_info.id+','+user_info.first_name+','+user_info.profile_photo+','+viewStreamId; $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'leave', query: leaveData} ); } }); function liveConnect() { if (token && !liveUrl || token && !jwt) { updateMillicastAuth() .then(d => { console.log('auth info:', d); liveConnect(); }) .catch(e => { }); return; } let pc = new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers: iceServers, bundlePolicy: "max-bundle"}); stream.getTracks() .forEach(track => { pc.addTrack(track, stream); $('.stream-container').show(); }); if(mobileSite === true){ pc.addEventListener('track', event => { //document.querySelector('#streamCurrentVideo').srcObject = event.streams[0]; stream = event.streams[0]; }); } let ws = new WebSocket(liveUrl + '?token=' + jwt); ws.onopen = function () { rtlive = 'live'+user_info.id; channel.unbind(); channel.bind(rtlive, rtlivecallback); let offer = pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: true, offerToReceiveVideo: true }).then(desc => { $('#endStream').show(); $('#liveChatContainer').html(''); if(mobileSite === true){ $('.stream-container-preview').hide(); } is_streaming = true; viewStreamId = user_info.id; if(plugins['live']['adminCustomMessage'] != ''){ $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`); } if(plugins['live']['streamerCustomMessage'] == 'Yes'){ var customTxt = $('#customLiveMessage').val(); if(customTxt != ''){ $('#liveChatContainer').append(`
`); } } else { var customTxt = ''; } $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'live', message: customTxt} ); var frame = captureVideoFrame('streamCurrentVideo', 'jpeg'); $.post( request_source()+'/api.php', {action: 'updateLivePreview', uid: user_info.id, frame: frame.dataUri} ); setInterval(function(){ var frame = captureVideoFrame('streamCurrentVideo', 'jpeg'); $.post( request_source()+'/api.php', {action: 'updateLivePreview', uid: user_info.id, frame: frame.dataUri} ); },3000); $('#streamProfilePhoto').attr('src',user_info.profile_photo); $('[data-streamProfileLink]').attr('href',site_config.site_url+'@'+user_info.id); $('#streamProfileName').text(user_info.first_name+', '+user_info.age); $('#streamBgLoader').css('background-image', 'url('+user_info.profile_photo+')'); $('#streamClose').hide(); streamViewers = 1; $('#streamViewers').text(streamViewers); $('[data-show-to-streamer]').show(); $('#publicStream').hide(); loadTime = new Date(); now = new Date(); timeElement = document.getElementById('streamTime'); renderTime(); liveInterval = window.setInterval(renderTime, 1000); pc.setLocalDescription(desc) .then(() => { //set required information for media server. let data = { name: streamName, sdp: desc.sdp, codec: 'vp8' } //create payload let payload = { type: "cmd", transId: Math.random() * 10000, name: 'publish', data: data } ws.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); }) .catch(e => { }) }).catch(e => { }); } ws.addEventListener('message', evt => { let msg = JSON.parse(evt.data); switch (msg.type) { case "response": let data = msg.data; let answer = new RTCSessionDescription({ type: 'answer', sdp: data.sdp + "a=x-google-flag:conference\r\n" }); pc.setRemoteDescription(answer) .then(d => { showViewURL(); }) .catch(e => { }); break; } }) } function captureVideoFrame(video, format, quality) { if (typeof video === 'string') { video = document.getElementById(video); } format = format || 'jpeg'; quality = quality || 0.92; if (!video || (format !== 'png' && format !== 'jpeg')) { return false; } var canvas = document.createElement("CANVAS"); canvas.width = video.videoWidth; canvas.height = video.videoHeight; canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video, 0, 0); var dataUri = canvas.toDataURL('image/' + format, quality); var data = dataUri.split(',')[1]; var mimeType = dataUri.split(';')[0].slice(5) var bytes = window.atob(data); var buf = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length); var arr = new Uint8Array(buf); for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { arr[i] = bytes.charCodeAt(i); } var blob = new Blob([ arr ], { type: mimeType }); return { blob: blob, dataUri: dataUri, format: format }; } function getICEServers() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { let res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), a; switch (xhr.status) { case 200: //returns array. if (res.s !== 'ok') { a = []; //failed to get ice servers, resolve anyway to connect w/ out. resolve(a); return } let list = res.v.iceServers; a = []; //call returns old format, this updates URL to URLS in credentials path. list.forEach(cred => { let v = cred.url; if (!!v) { cred.urls = v; delete cred.url; } a.push(cred); }); resolve(a); break; default: a = []; resolve(a); break; } } } xhr.open("PUT", turnUrl, true); xhr.send(); }) } function getMedia() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let constraints = { audio:true, video: true } navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints) .then(str => { window.stream = stream; resolve(str); }).catch(err => { console.error('Could not get Media: ', err); reject(err); }) }); } function updateMillicastAuth() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { let res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); switch (xhr.status) { case 200: let d = res.data; jwt = d.jwt; liveUrl = d.urls[0]; resolve(d); break; default: reject(res); } } } xhr.open("POST", apiPath, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", `Bearer ${token}`); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); xhr.send(JSON.stringify({streamName: streamName})); }); } function updateMillicastViewerAuth(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { let res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); switch (xhr.status) { case 200: let d = res.data; jwt = d.jwt; liveUrl = d.urls[0]; resolve(d); break; default: reject(res); } } } var streamName = 'live'+id; xhr.open("POST", viewerPath, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); xhr.send(JSON.stringify({streamAccountId: accountId, streamName: 'live'+id, unauthorizedSubscribe: true})); }); } function showViewURL() { let btn = document.getElementById('goLive'); document.getElementById('goLive').setAttribute("style", "display: none;"); } function setParams() { //get millicast id from url if undefined in variable above. otherwise use show a form at runtime. let params = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search.substring(1)); if (!token) {//if we have token, bypass this. token = params.get('token');//if no token, try url params. } if (!streamName) { streamName = params.get('streamName'); } if (!accountId) { accountId = params.get('accountId'); } if (!token || !streamName || !accountId) { document.getElementById('form').setAttribute("style", "display: unset;"); let i, l = views.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { let item = views[i]; let txt = document.getElementById(item.form); switch (item.param) { case 'token': txt.value = !!token ? token : ''; break; case 'streamName': txt.value = !!streamName ? streamName : ''; break; case 'accountId': txt.value = !!accountId ? accountId : ''; break; } } } if (token) {// && !!url updateMillicastAuth() .then(d => { console.log('auth data:', d); }) .catch(e => { }) } } function goLive() { endStreamPreview = 'No'; $('[data-widget-close]').click(); if(mobileSite === true){ //$('.stream-container-preview').hide(); } setParams(); startBroadcast(); } function closeLivePreview(){ if(mobileSite === true){ $('.stream-container-preview').hide(); } else { $('[data-widget-close="goingLive"]')[0].click(); } if(endStreamPreview == 'Yes'){ stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); } } function openVerifyAccount(){ $('[data-widget-close="onlyverifiedStream"]').click(); setTimeout(function(){ $('#verify-account').show(); },350); } function openLive() { endStreamPreview = 'Yes'; if(plugins['live']['onlyVerifiedStream'] == 'Yes' && user_info.verified == 0){ openWidget('onlyVerifiedStream'); return false; } getMedia() .then(str => { stream = str; if(mobileSite === true){ let vidPrev = document.getElementById('liveVideoPreview'); let liveVid = document.getElementById('streamCurrentVideo'); vidPrev.srcObject = stream; vidPrev.muted = true; liveVid.srcObject = stream; liveVid.muted = true; } else { let vidPrev = document.getElementById('liveVideoPreview'); if (vidPrev) { vidPrev.srcObject = stream; vidPrev.muted = true; } let vidWin = document.getElementById('streamCurrentVideo'); if (vidWin) { vidWin.srcObject = stream; vidWin.muted = true; } } if(mobileSite === true){ $('.stream-container-preview').show(); } else { openWidget('goingLive'); } }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); openWidget('noWebcam'); }); } function streamAlert(type, title, text,userId) { var alert = $("body").append( "
" + title + "
" + text + "
" ); var coolal = $("#coolal"); //Check what type of alert is being used if ( type == "alert") { $("#coolal").append( "
" ); var coolalAlert = $(".coolal-alert"); coolalAlert.click(function(){ coolal.animate({ "opacity":"0", "top":"70%" }, 200); setTimeout(function() { coolal.remove(); }, 500); }); } if ( type == "yes-no" ) { $("#coolal").append( "
" ); var yesNo = $(".coolal-yes-no"); var yes = $(".coolal-yes"); var no = $(".coolal-no"); no.click(function(){ coolal.animate({ "opacity":"0", "top":"70%" }, 200); setTimeout(function() { coolal.remove(); }, 500); }); yes.click(function(){ coolal.animate({ "opacity":"0", "top":"70%" }, 200); setTimeout(function() { coolal.remove(); $.get( request_source()+'/live.php', {action: 'blockUserLive', userId: userId} ); }, 500); }); } var titleHeight = $(".coolal-title").innerHeight(); var textHeight = $(".coolal-text").innerHeight(); var btnWrapperHeight = $("#coolal-btn").height(); if ( type != "" ) { $("#coolal").css("height", titleHeight + textHeight + btnWrapperHeight); } else { $("#coolal").css("height", titleHeight + textHeight); } $("#coolal").animate({ "opacity":"1", "top":"0" }, 1); } function copyToClipboard() { var aux = document.createElement("input"); aux.setAttribute("value", site_lang[844]['text']); document.body.appendChild(aux); aux.select(); document.execCommand("copy"); document.body.removeChild(aux); alert(site_lang[845]['text']); } $(window).keyup(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 44 && url == 'live' && plugins['live']['disablePrintScreen']) { copyToClipboard(); } });