/** * jQuery.Preload * https://github.com/htmlhero/jQuery.preload * * Created by Andrew Motoshin * http://htmlhero.ru * * Version: 1.5.0 * Requires: jQuery 1.6+ * */ (function($){ $.preload = (function(sources, part, callback){ // Plugin cache var cache = []; // Wrapper for cache var caching = function(image){ for (var i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) { if (cache[i].src === image.src) { return cache[i]; } } cache.push(image); return image; }; // Execute callback var exec = function(sources, callback, last){ if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.call(sources, last); } }; // Closure to hide cache return function(sources, part, callback){ // Check input data if (typeof sources === 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof sources === 'string') { sources = [sources]; } if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof part === 'function') { callback = part; part = 0; } // Split to pieces var total = sources.length, next; if (part > 0 && part < total) { next = sources.slice(part, total); sources = sources.slice(0, part); total = sources.length; } // If sources array is empty if (!total) { exec(sources, callback, true); return; } // Image loading callback var preload = arguments.callee, count = 0; var loaded = function(){ count++; if (count !== total) { return; } exec(sources, callback, !next); preload(next, part, callback); }; // Loop sources to preload var image; for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { image = new Image(); image.src = sources[i]; image = caching(image); if (image.complete) { loaded(); } else { $(image).on('load error', loaded); } } }; })(); // Get URLs from DOM elements var getSources = function(items, options){ var sources = [], reg = new RegExp('url\\([\'"]?([^"\'\)]*)[\'"]?\\)', 'i'), $this, imageList, image, url, i; if (options.recursive) { items = items.find('*').add(items); } items.each(function(){ $this = $(this); imageList = $this.css('background-image') + ',' + $this.css('border-image-source'); imageList = imageList.split(','); for (i = 0; i < imageList.length; i++) { image = imageList[i]; if (image.indexOf('about:blank') !== -1 || image.indexOf('data:image') !== -1) { continue; } url = reg.exec(image); if (url) { sources.push(url[1]); } } if (this.nodeName === 'IMG') { sources.push(this.src); } }); return sources; }; $.fn.preload = function(){ var options, callback; // Make arguments flexible if (arguments.length === 1) { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object') { options = arguments[0]; } else { callback = arguments[0]; } } else if (arguments.length > 1) { options = arguments[0]; callback = arguments[1]; } // Extend default options options = $.extend({ recursive: true, part: 0 }, options); var items = this, sources = getSources(items, options); $.preload(sources, options.part, function(last){ if (last && typeof callback === 'function') { callback.call(items.get()); } }); return this; }; })(jQuery);