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Please try again later.": "An error occurred. Please try again later.", "Are you sure you want to turn off the debug mode? This action cannot be undone.": "Are you sure you want to turn off the debug mode? This action cannot be undone.", "Are you sure?": "Are you sure?", "Area for footer bottom widgets": "Area for footer bottom widgets", "Area for footer widgets": "Area for footer widgets", "Area for pre footer widgets": "Area for pre footer widgets", "Area for pre footer widgets :number": "Area for pre footer widgets :number", "Area for right sidebar widgets": "Area for right sidebar widgets", "Author": "Author", "Author avtar": "Author avtar", "Author bio": "Author bio", "Author name": "Author name", "Author signature": "Author signature", "Autoplay speed (if autoplay enabled)": "Autoplay speed (if autoplay enabled)", "Back here": "Back here", "Background color": "Background color", "Background image": "Background image", "Background image :number": "Background image :number", "Background image:number": "Background image:number", "Badge": "Badge", "Banner image (1920x330px)": "Banner image (1920x330px)", "Blog Categories": "Blog Categories", "Blog Posts": "Blog Posts", "Blog Search": "Blog Search", "Blog Tags": "Blog Tags", "Blog categories widget.": "Blog categories widget.", "Blog posts widget.": "Blog posts widget.", "Blog sidebar": "Blog sidebar", "Blog tags widget.": "Blog tags widget.", "Bottom footer sidebar style :number": "Bottom footer sidebar style :number", "Bottom footer style": "Bottom footer style", "Box": "Box", "Box Description": "Box Description", "Box description": "Box description", "Box image": "Box image", "Box subtitle": "Box subtitle", "Box title": "Box title", "Branch offices": "Branch offices", "Brand :number": "Brand :number", "Brands": "Brands", "Breadcrumb background": "Breadcrumb background", "Breadcrumb first shape image": "Breadcrumb first shape image", "Breadcrumb second shape image": "Breadcrumb second shape image", "Button Label": "Button Label", "Button Label 1": "Button Label 1", "Button Label 2": "Button Label 2", "Button URL": "Button URL", "Button URL 1": "Button URL 1", "Button URL 2": "Button URL 2", "Button action at the top header": "Button action at the top header", "Button label": "Button label", "Button play video icon": "Button play video icon", "Button play video label": "Button play video label", "By": "By", "By :name": "By :name", "Can not be used with Background image": "Can not be used with Background image", "Can't send message on this time, please try again later!": "Can't send message on this time, please try again later!", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Captcha": "Captcha", "Captcha Verification Failed!": "Captcha Verification Failed!", "Careers": "Careers", "Categories": "Categories", "Category": "Category", "Center": "Center", "Change copyright": "Change copyright", "Choose packages for this pricing": "Choose packages for this pricing", "Choose projects": "Choose projects", "Choose service categories": "Choose service categories", "Choose services": "Choose services", "Choose testimonials": "Choose testimonials", "Client": "Client", "Close": "Close", "Color": "Color", "Company Description": "Company Description", "Company overview": "Company overview", "Contact Form": "Contact Form", "Contact Info": "Contact Info", "Contact block": "Contact block", "Content": "Content", "Content collapse": "Content collapse", "Content rich fields": "Content rich fields", "Copyright": "Copyright", "Copyright on footer of site. Using %Y to display current year.": "Copyright on footer of site. Using %Y to display current year.", "Could not download updated file. Please check your license or your internet network.": "Could not download updated file. Please check your license or your internet network.", "Could not update files & database.": "Could not update files & database.", "Custom": "Custom", "Custom HTML": "Custom HTML", "Custom Menu": "Custom Menu", "Customize footer": "Customize footer", "Data": "Data", "Date": "Date", "Default": "Default", "Description": "Description", "Description 1": "Description 1", "Description 2": "Description 2", "Detail": "Detail", "Display name": "Display name", "Don't show this popup again": "Don't show this popup again", "E-mail": "E-mail", "E-mail Address": "E-mail Address", "Edit this shortcode": "Edit this shortcode", "Edit this widget": "Edit this widget", "Email": "Email", "Email Address": "Email Address", "Enable Facebook chat?": "Enable Facebook chat?", "Enable Facebook comment in post detail page?": "Enable Facebook comment in post detail page?", "Enable Newsletter Popup": "Enable Newsletter Popup", "Enable Preloader?": "Enable Preloader?", "Enable animation?": "Enable animation?", "Enable banner background overlay?": "Enable banner background overlay?", "Enable breadcrumb background overlay?": "Enable breadcrumb background overlay?", "Enable dark mode": "Enable dark mode", "Enable light mode": "Enable light mode", "Enter Your Email": "Enter Your Email", "Enter keyword": "Enter keyword", "Enter location address": "Enter location address", "Enter phone number": "Enter phone number", "Enter the link URL": "Enter the link URL", "FAQ categories": "FAQ categories", "FAQs": "FAQs", "Facebook Admin ID": "Facebook Admin ID", "Facebook Admins": "Facebook Admins", "Facebook App ID": "Facebook App ID", "Facebook Integration": "Facebook Integration", "Facebook admins to manage comments :link": "Facebook admins to manage comments :link", "Facebook page ID": "Facebook page ID", "Featured": "Featured", "Featured projects": "Featured projects", "Featured service categories": "Featured service categories", "Featured services": "Featured services", "Featured specialty": "Featured specialty", "Fix it for me": "Fix it for me", "Footer Bottom": "Footer Bottom", "Footer background color": "Footer background color", "Footer background image": "Footer background image", "Footer border color": "Footer border color", "Footer bottom style :number": "Footer bottom style :number", "Footer sidebar style :number": "Footer sidebar style :number", "Footer style": "Footer style", "Footer style :number": "Footer style :number", "Footer text color": "Footer text color", "Footer text muted color": "Footer text muted color", "Founded year": "Founded year", "Functions": "Functions", "Galleries": "Galleries", "Get In Touch": "Get In Touch", "Get a quote": "Get a quote", "Go Back To Home": "Go Back To Home", "Google Maps": "Google Maps", "HTML code": "HTML code", "Header Action Button": "Header Action Button", "Header Action Contact": "Header Action Contact", "Header Action Menu Button": "Header Action Menu Button", "Header Action Search": "Header Action Search", "Header Logo": "Header Logo", "Header Menu": "Header Menu", "Header sidebar style :number": "Header sidebar style :number", "Header style": "Header style", "Header style :number": "Header style :number", "Header top sidebar style": "Header top sidebar style", "Header top sidebar style :number": "Header top sidebar style :number", "Header top style :number": "Header top style :number", "Heading color": "Heading color", "Heading font": "Heading font", "Height": "Height", "Hero banner": "Hero banner", "Hero banner slider": "Hero banner slider", "Highlight text": "Highlight text", "Home": "Home", "Homepage": "Homepage", "Hotline": "Hotline", "Icon": "Icon", "Icon Image (It will override icon above if set)": "Icon Image (It will override icon above if set)", "Icon Image (It will replace Icon Font if it is present.)": "Icon Image (It will replace Icon Font if it is present.)", "Icon image": "Icon image", "If you are the administrator and you can't access your site after enabling maintenance mode, just need to delete file
to turn-off maintenance mode.": "If you are the administrator and you can't access your site after enabling maintenance mode, just need to delete file
to turn-off maintenance mode.", "If you don't set it, it will be inherited from Theme options -> Logo.": "If you don't set it, it will be inherited from Theme options -> Logo.", "If you need help, contact us at :mail.": "If you need help, contact us at :mail.", "Image": "Image", "Image :number": "Image :number", "Index": "Index", "Inherit": "Inherit", "Install plugin from Marketplace": "Install plugin from Marketplace", "Internal Server Error": "Internal Server Error", "Intro video": "Intro video", "Invalid step.": "Invalid step.", "Is autoplay?": "Is autoplay?", "It looks as through there are no activities here.": "It looks as through there are no activities here.", "It might have been moved or deleted.": "It might have been moved or deleted.", "It will replace Icon Font if it is present.": "It will replace Icon Font if it is present.", "Language": "Language", "Language Switcher": "Language Switcher", "Latest": "Latest", "Lazy load images": "Lazy load images", "Lazy load placeholder image": "Lazy load placeholder image", "Learn more about Twig template: :url": "Learn more about Twig template: :url", "Leave categories empty if you want to show posts from all categories.": "Leave categories empty if you want to show posts from all categories.", "Left": "Left", "Left Image": "Left Image", "Left Image Link": "Left Image Link", "License": "License", "License Activation": "License Activation", "Limit": "Limit", "Link :number": "Link :number", "Link to": "Link to", "Logo": "Logo", "Logo :number": "Logo :number", "Logo image": "Logo image", "Maintenance mode": "Maintenance mode", "Math Captcha": "Math Captcha", "Math Captcha Verification Failed!": "Math Captcha Verification Failed!", "Media URL": "Media URL", "Menu": "Menu", "Message": "Message", "Message / Note": "Message / Note", "Monthly": "Monthly", "Name": "Name", "Name :number": "Name :number", "News": "News", "Newsletter": "Newsletter", "Newsletter Popup": "Newsletter Popup", "No": "No", "No results found": "No results found", "None": "None", "Not Found": "Not Found", "Number categories to display": "Number categories to display", "Number categories to show, leave empty to show all": "Number categories to show, leave empty to show all", "Number posts to display": "Number posts to display", "Number tags to display": "Number tags to display", "Number tags to show, leave empty to show all": "Number tags to show, leave empty to show all", "OOPS! Page Not Found": "OOPS! Page Not Found", "Office Address": "Office Address", "Oops! An Error Occurred": "Oops! An Error Occurred", "Oops! it could be you or us, there is no page here": "Oops! it could be you or us, there is no page here", "Open user menu": "Open user menu", "Opening hours": "Opening hours", "Ops! No results found": "Ops! No results found", "PHP version :version required": "PHP version :version required", "Packages": "Packages", "Page Detail": "Page Detail", "Page could not be found": "Page could not be found", "Percent": "Percent", "Phone": "Phone", "Phone Number": "Phone Number", "Phone number": "Phone number", "Place": "Place", "Please go to Theme options -> Social links to setup social links.": "Please go to Theme options -> Social links to setup social links.", "Please solve the following math function: :label = ?": "Please solve the following math function: :label = ?", "Popular": "Popular", "Popular Posts": "Popular Posts", "Popular tags": "Popular tags", "Popup delay (seconds)": "Popup delay (seconds)", "Popup description": "Popup description", "Popup image": "Popup image", "Popup subtitle": "Popup subtitle", "Popup title": "Popup title", "Post style": "Post style", "Pre Footer sidebar :number": "Pre Footer sidebar :number", "Pre footer sidebar style": "Pre footer sidebar style", "Preloader Version": "Preloader Version", "Preloader Version?": "Preloader Version?", "Pricing": "Pricing", "Primary color": "Primary color", "Primary font": "Primary font", "Primary hover color": "Primary hover color", "Project Information": "Project Information", "Project detail bottom sidebar": "Project detail bottom sidebar", "Quantity": "Quantity", "Read More": "Read More", "Recent": "Recent", "Recent Posts": "Recent Posts", "Recent posts": "Recent posts", "Recent posts widget.": "Recent posts widget.", "Remove image": "Remove image", "Request quote form": "Request quote form", "Right": "Right", "Right Image": "Right Image", "Right Image Link": "Right Image Link", "Run": "Run", "SUBMIT NOW": "SUBMIT NOW", "Search": "Search", "Search result for: \":query\"": "Search result for: \":query\"", "Search...": "Search...", "Secondary color": "Secondary color", "Select categories": "Select categories", "Select gallery": "Select gallery", "Select menu": "Select menu", "Send": "Send", "Send Message": "Send Message", "Send an email to :email": "Send an email to :email", "Send message successfully!": "Send message successfully!", "Service Action": "Service Action", "Service Get A Quote": "Service Get A Quote", "Service detail bottom sidebar": "Service detail bottom sidebar", "Service detail sidebar": "Service detail sidebar", "Services": "Services", "Services List": "Services List", "Services list": "Services list", "Setup license code": "Setup license code", "Shape image": "Shape image", "Share": "Share", "Share:": "Share:", "Sidebar": "Sidebar", "Sidebar Information": "Sidebar Information", "Sidebar on the bottom of the project detail site.": "Sidebar on the bottom of the project detail site.", "Sidebar on the bottom of the service detail site.": "Sidebar on the bottom of the service detail site.", "Sidebar on the right of the blog detail site.": "Sidebar on the right of the blog detail site.", "Sidebar on the right of the service detail site.": "Sidebar on the right of the service detail site.", "Site Copyright": "Site Copyright", "Site Information": "Site Information", "Site statistic": "Site statistic", "Site statistics": "Site statistics", "Social Links": "Social Links", "Social Links at the footer.": "Social Links at the footer.", "Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.": "Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.", "Something went wrong.": "Something went wrong.", "Sorry, we are doing some maintenance. Please check back soon.": "Sorry, we are doing some maintenance. Please check back soon.", "Style": "Style", "Style :number": "Style :number", "Styles": "Styles", "Sub description": "Sub description", "Subject": "Subject", "Subscribe": "Subscribe", "Subscribe to newsletter successfully!": "Subscribe to newsletter successfully!", "Subtitle": "Subtitle", "Subtitle 1": "Subtitle 1", "Subtitle 2": "Subtitle 2", "Tab #:number": "Tab #:number", "Tags": "Tags", "Tags:": "Tags:", "Take me home": "Take me home", "Team": "Team", "Team skill": "Team skill", "Teams": "Teams", "Temporarily down for maintenance": "Temporarily down for maintenance", "Testimonials": "Testimonials", "Text align": "Text align", "Text color": "Text color", "Thank you for your quote request. We will contact you soon.": "Thank you for your quote request. We will contact you soon.", "The .env file is not writable.": "The .env file is not writable.", "The debug mode has been disabled successfully.": "The debug mode has been disabled successfully.", "The debug mode is already disabled.": "The debug mode is already disabled.", "The page you are looking for could not be found.": "The page you are looking for could not be found.", "The selected :attribute is invalid.": "The selected :attribute is invalid.", "The server returned a \"500 Internal Server Error\".": "The server returned a \"500 Internal Server Error\".", "The system is up-to-date. There are no new versions to update!": "The system is up-to-date. There are no new versions to update!", "There is no data to display!": "There is no data to display!", "This credential is invalid Google Analytics credentials.": "This credential is invalid Google Analytics credentials.", "This file is not a valid JSON file.": "This file is not a valid JSON file.", "This image will be used as placeholder for lazy load images.": "This image will be used as placeholder for lazy load images.", "This is only available for style 2": "This is only available for style 2", "Title": "Title", "Title 1": "Title 1", "Title 2": "Title 2", "Title must contain highlight text if you want that text to be highlight.": "Title must contain highlight text if you want that text to be highlight.", "To show chat box on that website, please go to :link and add :domain to whitelist domains!": "To show chat box on that website, please go to :link and add :domain to whitelist domains!", "Type": "Type", "Type Your Message": "Type Your Message", "URL": "URL", "Unable to set debug mode. No APP_DEBUG variable was found in the .env file.": "Unable to set debug mode. No APP_DEBUG variable was found in the .env file.", "Unit": "Unit", "Unsubscribe to newsletter successfully": "Unsubscribe to newsletter successfully", "Update :name": "Update :name", "Upload Service Account JSON File": "Upload Service Account JSON File", "Using %Y to display current year.": "Using %Y to display current year.", "VIEW DETAILS": "VIEW DETAILS", "Variables": "Variables", "Video URL": "Video URL", "View Details": "View Details", "We couldn’t find what you searched for. Try searching again or": "We couldn’t find what you searched for. Try searching again or", "Why choose us": "Why choose us", "Widget description": "Widget description", "Widget display blog categories": "Widget display blog categories", "Widget display contact info": "Widget display contact info", "Widget display language switcher": "Widget display language switcher", "Widget display site copyright": "Widget display site copyright", "Widget display social links network": "Widget display social links network", "Width": "Width", "With social links": "With social links", "Write comments": "Write comments", "Yearly": "Yearly", "Years": "Years", "Yes": "Yes", "Yes, turn off": "Yes, turn off", "You can create your app in :link": "You can create your app in :link", "You can get fan page ID using this site :link": "You can get fan page ID using this site :link", "YouTube URL": "YouTube URL", "YouTube Video URL": "YouTube Video URL", "YouTube video": "YouTube video", "Your Name": "Your Name", "Your asset files have been published successfully.": "Your asset files have been published successfully.", "Your email address": "Your email address", "Your email does not exist in the system or you have unsubscribed already!": "Your email does not exist in the system or you have unsubscribed already!", "Your email is in blacklist. Please use another email address.": "Your email is in blacklist. Please use another email address.", "Your message contains blacklist words: \":words\".": "Your message contains blacklist words: \":words\".", "Your name": "Your name", "Your system has been cleaned up successfully.": "Your system has been cleaned up successfully.", "button color": "button color", "by :author": "by :author", "by :name": "by :name", "content": "content", "enter your e-mail": "enter your e-mail", "here": "here", "month": "month", "year": "year" }