import { store } from "@/store/store" export const GET_SETTINGS = "get_system_settings" export const USER_SIGNUP = "user_signup" export const UPDATE_PROFILE = "update_profile" export const GET_SLIDERS = "get_slider" export const GET_CATEGORES = "get_categories" export const GET_PROPETRES = "get_property" export const GET_ARTICLES = "get_articles" export const GET_COUNT_BY_CITIES_CATEGORIS = "get_count_by_cities_categoris" export const ADD_FAVOURITE = "add_favourite" export const GET_LANGUAGES = "get_languages" export const CONTACT_US = "contct_us" export const GET_FAV = "get_favourite_property" export const GET_PACKAGES = "get_package"; export const GET_PAYMENT_SETTINGS = "get_payment_settings"; export const CREATEPAYMENT = "createPaymentIntent"; export const CONFIRMPAYMENT = "confirmPayment" export const POST_PROPERTY = "post_property" export const GET_FACILITITES = "get_facilities" export const GET_LIMITS = "get_limits" export const GET_PAYMENT_DETAILS = "get_payment_details"; export const UPDATE_POST_PROPERTY = "update_post_property"; export const DELETE_PROPERTY = "delete_property" export const DELETE_PROJECT = "delete_project" export const INTEREST_PROPERTY = "interested_users" export const STORE_ADVERTISEMENT = "store_advertisement" export const GET_NOTIFICATION_LIST = "get_notification_list" export const ASSIGN_FREE_PACKAGE = "assign_package" export const GET_CHATS = "get_chats" export const GET_CHATS_MESSAGES = "get_messages" export const SEND_MESSAGE = "send_message" export const DELETE_MESSAGES = "delete_chat_message" export const DELETE_USER = "delete_user" export const GET_REPORT_REASONS = "get_report_reasons" export const ADD_REPORT = "add_reports" export const GET_NEARBY_PROPERTIES = "get_nearby_properties" export const GET_SEO_SETTINGS = "get_seo_settings" export const SET_PROPERTY_TOTAL_CLICKS = "set_property_total_click" export const UPDATE_PROPERTYY_STATUS = "update_property_status" export const GET_INTREESTED_USERS = "get_interested_users" export const POST_PROJECT = "post_project" export const GET_PROJECTS = "get_projects" export const USER_INTREST = "personalised-fields" export const GET_USER_RECOMMENDATION = "get_user_recommendation" // is login user check export const getUserID = () => { let user = store.getState()?.User_signup if (user) { try { return user?.data?.data?.id } catch (error) { return null; } } else { return null } } // GET SETTINGS export const getSettingApi = (user_id) => { return { url: `${GET_SETTINGS}`, method: "POST", data: { // type: type, user_id: user_id, }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // USER SIGNUP export const user_signupApi = (name, email, mobile, type, address, firebase_id, logintype, profile, fcm_id) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("name", name); data.append("email", email); data.append("mobile", mobile); data.append("firebase_id", firebase_id); data.append("address", address); data.append("logintype", logintype); data.append("type", type); data.append("profile", profile); data.append("fcm_id", fcm_id); return { url: `${USER_SIGNUP}`, method: 'POST', data, authorizationHeader: false, } } // UPDATE PROFILE export const update_profile = (userid, name, email, mobile, address, firebase_id, profile, latitude, longitude, about_me, facebook_id, twiiter_id, instagram_id, pintrest_id, fcm_id, notification, city, state, country) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("userid", userid); data.append("name", name); data.append("email", email); data.append("mobile", mobile); data.append("firebase_id", firebase_id); data.append("address", address); data.append("profile", profile); data.append("latitude", latitude); data.append("longitude", longitude); data.append("about_me", about_me); data.append("facebook_id", facebook_id); data.append("twiiter_id", twiiter_id); data.append("instagram_id", instagram_id); data.append("pintrest_id", pintrest_id); data.append("fcm_id", fcm_id); data.append("notification", notification); data.append("city", city); data.append("state", state); data.append("country", country); return { url: `${UPDATE_PROFILE}`, method: 'POST', data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // GET Slider export const getSliderApi = () => { return { url: `${GET_SLIDERS}`, method: "GET", params: { }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // GET CATEGORIES export const getCategorieApi = () => { return { url: `${GET_CATEGORES}`, method: "GET", params: { }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // get Propertyes export const getAllProperties = (promoted, top_rated, id, category_id, most_liked, city, get_simiilar, offset, limit, current_user, property_type, max_price, min_price, posted_since, state, country, search, userid, users_promoted, slug_id, category_slug_id) => { return { url: `${GET_PROPETRES}`, method: "GET", params: { promoted: promoted, top_rated: top_rated, id: id, category_id: category_id, most_liked: most_liked, city: city, get_simiilar: get_simiilar, offset: offset, limit: limit, current_user: current_user, property_type: property_type, max_price: max_price, min_price: min_price, posted_since: posted_since, state: state, country: country, search: search, userid: userid, users_promoted: users_promoted, slug_id: slug_id, category_slug_id: category_slug_id, }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // GET ARTICLES export const getArticlesApi = (id, category_id, get_simiilar, slug_id) => { return { url: `${GET_ARTICLES}`, method: "GET", params: { id: id, category_id: category_id, get_simiilar: get_simiilar, slug_id: slug_id, }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // GET_COUNT_BY_CITIES_CATEGORIS export const getCountByCitysCategories = () => { return { url: `${GET_COUNT_BY_CITIES_CATEGORIS}`, method: "GET", params: { }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // ADD_FAVOURITE export const addFavourite = (property_id, type) => { return { url: `${ADD_FAVOURITE}`, method: "POST", data: { property_id: property_id, type: type }, authorizationHeader: true, } } // GET_LANGUAGES export const getLanguages = (language_code, web_language_file) => { return { url: `${GET_LANGUAGES}`, method: "GET", params: { language_code: language_code, web_language_file: web_language_file }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // CONTACT US export const ContactUs = (first_name, last_name, email, subject, message) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("first_name", first_name); data.append("last_name", last_name); data.append("email", email); data.append("subject", subject); data.append("message", message); return { url: `${CONTACT_US}`, method: 'POST', data, authorizationHeader: false, } } // GET_FAV_PROPERTY export const getFav = (offset, limit) => { return { url: `${GET_FAV}`, method: "GET", params: { offset: offset, limit: limit }, authorizationHeader: true, } } // GET_PACKAGES export const getPackages = () => { let getuserid = getUserID(); return { url: `${GET_PACKAGES}`, method: "GET", params: { current_user: getuserid }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // GET_PAYMENT_SETTINGS export const getPaymentSettings = () => { return { url: `${GET_PAYMENT_SETTINGS}`, method: "GET", params: {}, authorizationHeader: true, } } // CREATEPAYMENT export const createPaymentIntent = (description, name, address1, postalcode, city, state, country, amount, currency, card, packageID) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("description", description); data.append("shipping[name]", name); data.append("shipping[address][line1]", address1); data.append("shipping[address][postal_code]", postalcode); data.append("shipping[address][city]", city); data.append("shipping[address][state]", state); data.append("shipping[address][country]", country); data.append("amount", amount); data.append("currency", currency); data.append("payment_method_types[]", card); data.append("package_id", packageID); return { url: `${CREATEPAYMENT}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // CONFIRMPAYMENT export const confirmPayment = (paymentIntentId) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("paymentIntentId", paymentIntentId); return { url: `${CONFIRMPAYMENT}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // POST PROPERTY export const postProperty = (userid, title, description, city, state, country, latitude, longitude, address, price, category_id, property_type, video_link, parameters, facilities, title_image, threeD_image, gallery_images, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, meta_image, rentduration, is_premium) => { let data = new FormData(); // Append the property data to the FormData object data.append('userid', userid); data.append('title', title); data.append('description', description); data.append('city', city); data.append('state', state); data.append('country', country); data.append('latitude', latitude); data.append('longitude', longitude); data.append('address', address); data.append('price', price); data.append('category_id', category_id); data.append('property_type', property_type); data.append('video_link', video_link); data.append('meta_title', meta_title); data.append('meta_description', meta_description); data.append('meta_keywords', meta_keywords); data.append('meta_image', meta_image); data.append('rentduration', rentduration); data.append('is_premium', is_premium); // Append the parameters array if it is an array if (Array.isArray(parameters)) { parameters.forEach((parameter, index) => { data.append(`parameters[${index}][parameter_id]`, parameter.parameter_id); data.append(`parameters[${index}][value]`, parameter.value); }); } // Append the facilities array if it is an array if (Array.isArray(facilities)) { facilities.forEach((facility, index) => { data.append(`facilities[${index}][facility_id]`, facility.facility_id); data.append(`facilities[${index}][distance]`, facility.distance); }); } data.append('title_image', title_image); data.append('threeD_image', threeD_image); // Check if gallery_images is defined and an array before using forEach if (Array.isArray(gallery_images)) { gallery_images.forEach((image, index) => { data.append(`gallery_images[${index}]`, image); }); } return { url: `${POST_PROPERTY}`, method: 'POST', data, authorizationHeader: true, }; }; // GET_COUNT_BY_CITIES_CATEGORIS export const getFacilities = () => { return { url: `${GET_FACILITITES}`, method: "GET", params: { }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // get limits api export const getLimits = (package_type) => { return { url: `${GET_LIMITS}`, method: "GET", params: { package_type: package_type }, authorizationHeader: true, } } // get payment detaisl export const getPaymentDetials = (offset, limit) => { return { url: `${GET_PAYMENT_DETAILS}`, method: "GET", params: { offset: offset, limit: limit }, authorizationHeader: true, } } // UPDATE POST PROPERTY export const updatePostProperty = (action_type, id, title, description, city, state, country, latitude, longitude, address, price, category_id, property_type, video_link, parameters, facilities, title_image, threeD_image, gallery_images, slug_id, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, meta_image, rentduration, is_premium) => { let data = new FormData(); // Append the property data to the FormData object data.append('action_type', action_type); data.append('id', id); data.append('title', title); data.append('description', description); data.append('city', city); data.append('state', state); data.append('country', country); data.append('latitude', latitude); data.append('longitude', longitude); data.append('address', address); data.append('price', price); data.append('category_id', category_id); data.append('property_type', property_type); data.append('video_link', video_link); // Append the parameters array if it is an array if (Array.isArray(parameters)) { parameters.forEach((parameter, index) => { data.append(`parameters[${index}][parameter_id]`, parameter.parameter_id); data.append(`parameters[${index}][value]`, parameter.value); }); } // Append the facilities array if it is an array if (Array.isArray(facilities)) { facilities.forEach((facility, index) => { data.append(`facilities[${index}][facility_id]`, facility.facility_id); data.append(`facilities[${index}][distance]`, facility.distance); }); } data.append('title_image', title_image); data.append('threeD_image', threeD_image); // Check if gallery_images is defined and an array before using forEach if (Array.isArray(gallery_images)) { gallery_images.forEach((image, index) => { data.append(`gallery_images[${index}]`, image); }); } data.append('slug_id', slug_id); data.append('meta_title', meta_title); data.append('meta_description', meta_description); data.append('meta_keywords', meta_keywords); data.append('meta_image', meta_image); data.append('rentduration', rentduration); data.append('is_premium', is_premium); return { url: `${UPDATE_POST_PROPERTY}`, method: 'POST', data, authorizationHeader: true, }; }; // DELETE_PROPERTY export const deleteProperty = (id) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("id", id); return { url: `${DELETE_PROPERTY}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // DELETE_PROJECT export const deleteProject = (id) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("id", id); return { url: `${DELETE_PROJECT}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // FEATURE PROPERTY export const featureProperty = (property_id, type, image) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("property_id", property_id); data.append("type", type); data.append("image", image); return { url: `${STORE_ADVERTISEMENT}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // Intrested Property export const intrestedProperty = (property_id, type) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("property_id", property_id); data.append("type", type); return { url: `${INTEREST_PROPERTY}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // get notification list export const getNotificationList = (userid, offset, limit) => { // data.append("userid", userid); return { url: `${GET_NOTIFICATION_LIST}`, method: "GET", params: { userid: userid, offset: offset, limit: limit }, authorizationHeader: true, } } // assign free package export const assignFreePackage = (package_id) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("package_id", package_id); return { url: `${ASSIGN_FREE_PACKAGE}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // GET CHAT LIST export const getChatList = () => { return { url: `${GET_CHATS}`, method: "GET", params: { }, authorizationHeader: true, } } // GET CHAT messages export const getChatMessages = (user_id, property_id, page, per_page) => { return { url: `${GET_CHATS_MESSAGES}`, method: "GET", params: { user_id: user_id, property_id: property_id, page: page, per_page: per_page }, authorizationHeader: true, } } // USER SIGNUP export const sendMessage = (sender_id, receiver_id, message, property_id, file, audio) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("sender_id", sender_id); data.append("receiver_id", receiver_id); data.append("message", message); data.append("property_id", property_id); data.append("file", file); data.append("audio", audio); return { url: `${SEND_MESSAGE}`, method: 'POST', data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // DELETE CHAT messages export const deleteChatMessages = (sender_id, receiver_id, property_id) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("sender_id", sender_id); data.append("receiver_id", receiver_id); data.append("property_id", property_id); return { url: `${DELETE_MESSAGES}`, method: 'POST', data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // Delete user api export const deleteUser = (userid) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("userid", userid); return { url: `${DELETE_USER}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // Get Report Reasons list export const getReportReasons = () => { return { url: `${GET_REPORT_REASONS}`, method: "GET", params: { }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // ADD Report export const addReport = (reason_id, property_id, other_message) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("reason_id", reason_id); data.append("property_id", property_id); data.append("other_message", other_message); return { url: `${ADD_REPORT}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // GET_NEARBY_PROPERTIES export const getNearbyProperties = (city, state, type) => { return { url: `${GET_NEARBY_PROPERTIES}`, method: "GET", params: { city: city, state: state, type: type, }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // set property clicks export const setPropertyTotalClicks = (slug_id) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("slug_id", slug_id); return { url: `${SET_PROPERTY_TOTAL_CLICKS}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: false, } } // set property status export const changePropertyStatus = (property_id, status) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("property_id", property_id); data.append("status", status); return { url: `${UPDATE_PROPERTYY_STATUS}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // get details of intrested users export const getIntretsedUsers = (property_id, slug_id, limit, offset) => { return { url: `${GET_INTREESTED_USERS}`, method: "GET", params: { property_id: property_id, slug_id: slug_id, limit: limit, offset: property_id }, authorizationHeader: true, } } // POST PROJECT export const postProject = (id, title, description, category_id, type, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, meta_image, city, state, country, latitude, longitude, location, video_link, image, plans, documents, gallery_images, remove_documents, remove_gallery_images, remove_plans) => { let data = new FormData(); // Append the property data to the FormData object data.append('id', id); data.append('title', title); data.append('description', description); data.append('category_id', category_id); data.append('type', type); data.append('meta_title', meta_title); data.append('meta_description', meta_description); data.append('meta_keywords', meta_keywords); data.append('meta_image', meta_image); data.append('city', city); data.append('state', state); data.append('country', country); data.append('latitude', latitude); data.append('longitude', longitude); data.append('location', location); data.append('video_link', video_link); data.append('image', image); // Append the parameters array if it is an array if (Array.isArray(plans)) { plans.forEach((plans, index) => { data.append(`plans[${index}][id]`, plans.id); data.append(`plans[${index}][title]`, plans.title); data.append(`plans[${index}][document]`, plans.document); }); } // Check if gallery_images is defined and an array before using forEach if (Array.isArray(documents)) { documents.forEach((image, index) => { data.append(`documents[${index}]`, image); }); } // Check if gallery_images is defined and an array before using forEach if (Array.isArray(gallery_images)) { gallery_images.forEach((image, index) => { data.append(`gallery_images[${index}]`, image); }); } data.append('remove_documents', remove_documents); data.append('remove_gallery_images', remove_gallery_images); data.append('remove_plans', remove_plans); return { url: `${POST_PROJECT}`, method: 'POST', data, authorizationHeader: true, }; }; // get Propertyes export const getAllProjects = (userid, id, slug_id, search, get_sililar, category_id, city, state, country, posted_since, offset, limit) => { return { url: `${GET_PROJECTS}`, method: "GET", params: { userid: userid, id: id, slug_id: slug_id, search: search, get_sililar: get_sililar, category_id: category_id, city: city, state: state, country: country, posted_since: posted_since, offset: offset, limit: limit }, authorizationHeader: false, } } // AddUserIntrest export const AddUserIntrest = (category_ids, outdoor_facilitiy_ids, price_range, property_type, city) => { let data = new FormData(); data.append("category_ids", category_ids); data.append("outdoor_facilitiy_ids", outdoor_facilitiy_ids); data.append("price_range", price_range); data.append("property_type", property_type); data.append("city", city); return { url: `${USER_INTREST}`, method: "POST", data, authorizationHeader: true, } } // getUser intrest export const GetUserIntrest = () => { return { url: `${USER_INTREST}`, method: "GET", params:{}, authorizationHeader: true, } } // getUser intrest export const DeleteUserIntrest = () => { return { url: `${USER_INTREST}`, method: "DELETE", params:{}, authorizationHeader: true, } } // GET get_user_recommendation export const getUserRecommendation = (offset, limit) => { return { url: `${GET_USER_RECOMMENDATION}`, method: "GET", params: { offset:offset, limit:limit }, authorizationHeader: true, } }