import { createSelector, createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; import moment from "moment"; import { store } from "../store"; import { apiCallBegan } from "../actions/apiActions"; import { getSliderApi, getCategorieApi } from "@/utils/api"; let initialState = { loading: false, lastFetch: null, slider: [], categories: [], newUserChatData: null, filterData: [], articleCategoryId: "" }; const momentSlice = createSlice({ name: "cachedata", initialState, reducers: { sliderRequested: (state, action) => { state.loading = true; }, sliderSuccess: (state, action) => { state.loading = false; state.slider = action.payload.data; state.lastFetch = Date.now(); }, sliderFailed: (state, action) => { state.loading = false; }, categoriesRequested: (state, action) => { state.loading = true; }, categoriesSuccess: (state, action) => { state.loading = false; state.categories = action.payload.data; state.lastFetch = Date.now(); }, categoriesFailed: (state, action) => { state.loading = false; }, newUserChatData: (state, action) => { state.loading = false; state.newUserChatData = action.payload.data; }, newUserRemoveChat: (state) => { state.newUserChatData = null; // return state; }, filterData: (state, action) => { state.loading = false; state.filterData = action.payload.data; }, articleId: (state, action) => { state.loading = false; state.articleCategoryId = action.payload.data; }, }, }); export const { sliderRequested, sliderSuccess, sliderFailed, categoriesRequested, categoriesSuccess, categoriesFailed, newUserChatData, newUserRemoveChat, filterData, articleId } = momentSlice.actions; export default momentSlice.reducer; // API Calls export const loadSlider = (onSuccess, onError, onStart) => { const { lastFetch } = store.getState().cachedata; const diffInMinutes = moment().diff(moment(lastFetch), "minutes"); // If API data is fetched within last 10 minutes then don't call the API again if (diffInMinutes < 10) return false; store.dispatch( apiCallBegan({ ...getSliderApi(), displayToast: false, onStartDispatch: sliderRequested.type, onSuccessDispatch: sliderSuccess.type, onErrorDispatch: sliderFailed.type, onStart, onSuccess, onError, }) ); }; export const loadCategories = (onSuccess, onError, onStart) => { const { lastFetch } = store.getState().cachedata; const diffInMinutes = moment().diff(moment(lastFetch), "minutes"); // If API data is fetched within last 10 minutes then don't call the API again if (diffInMinutes < 10) return false; store.dispatch( apiCallBegan({ ...getCategorieApi(), displayToast: false, onStartDispatch: categoriesRequested.type, onSuccessDispatch: categoriesSuccess.type, onErrorDispatch: categoriesFailed.type, onStart, onSuccess, onError, }) ); }; // store new user chat data export const getChatData = (data) => { store.dispatch(newUserChatData({ data })) } export const getfilterData = (data) => { store.dispatch(filterData({ data })) } export const getArticleId = (data) => { store.dispatch(articleId({ data })) } export const removeChat = (remove) => { store.dispatch(newUserRemoveChat({ remove })); }; // Selector Functions export const silderCacheData = createSelector( (state) => state.cachedata, (cachedata) => cachedata.slider ); export const categoriesCacheData = createSelector( (state) => state.cachedata, (cachedata) => cachedata.categories ); export const newchatData = createSelector( (state) => state.cachedata, (cachedata) => cachedata.newUserChatData ); export const filterDataaa = createSelector( (state) => state.cachedata, (cachedata) => cachedata.filterData ); export const articlecachedataCategoryId = createSelector( (state) => state.cachedata, (cachedata) => cachedata.articleCategoryId );