import React from "react"; import Lightbox from 'react-spring-lightbox'; import { FaChevronLeft, FaChevronRight } from "react-icons/fa"; const LightBox = ({ photos, viewerIsOpen, currentImage, setCurrentImage, onClose, title_image }) => { if (!photos || photos.length === 0) { // Handle the case when photos is undefined or empty. return null; } // Create an array to include title_image at index 0 const lightboxPhotos = title_image ? [{ image_url: title_image, alt: 'Title Image' }, ...photos] : photos; const gotoPrevious = () => currentImage > 0 && setCurrentImage(currentImage - 1); const gotoNext = () => currentImage + 1 < lightboxPhotos.length && setCurrentImage(currentImage + 1); return (
({ src: photo.image_url, alt: photo.alt }))} currentIndex={currentImage} isOpen={viewerIsOpen} onClose={onClose} onPrev={gotoPrevious} onNext={gotoNext} renderPrevButton={({ canPrev, onPrev }) => (
)} renderNextButton={({ canNext, onNext }) => (
)} className="cool-class" style={{ background: "#000000b3" }} singleClickToZoom={true} pageTransitionConfig={{ // Custom react-spring config for open/close animation from: { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.5)' }, enter: { opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)' }, leave: { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.5)' }, }} /> ); }; export default LightBox;