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' + place.name + '
' + address ); infowindow.open( map, marker ); // Location details for ( var i = 0; i < place.address_components.length; i++ ) { console.log( place ); if ( place.address_components[ i ].types[ 0 ] == 'locality' ) { $( '#city' ).val( place.address_components[ i ].long_name ); } if ( place.address_components[ i ].types[ 0 ] == 'country' ) { $( '#country' ).val( place.address_components[ i ].long_name ); } if ( place.address_components[ i ].types[ 0 ] == 'administrative_area_level_1' ) { console.log( place.address_components[ i ].long_name ); $( '#state' ).val( place.address_components[ i ].long_name ); } } var latitude = place.geometry.location.lat(); var longitude = place.geometry.location.lng(); $( '#address' ).val( place.formatted_address ); $( '#latitude' ).val( place.geometry.location.lat() ); $( '#longitude' ).val( place.geometry.location.lng() ); } ); } $( document ).ready( function () { FilePond.registerPlugin( FilePondPluginImagePreview, FilePondPluginFileValidateSize, FilePondPluginFileValidateType ); $( '.filepond' ).filepond( { credits: null, allowFileSizeValidation: "true", maxFileSize: '25MB', labelMaxFileSizeExceeded: 'File is too large', labelMaxFileSize: 'Maximum file size is {filesize}', allowFileTypeValidation: true, acceptedFileTypes: [ 'image/*' ], labelFileTypeNotAllowed: 'File of invalid type', fileValidateTypeLabelExpectedTypes: 'Expects {allButLastType} or {lastType}', storeAsFile: true, allowPdfPreview: true, pdfPreviewHeight: 320, pdfComponentExtraParams: 'toolbar=0&navpanes=0&scrollbar=0&view=fitH', allowVideoPreview: true, // default true allowAudioPreview: true // default true } ); } ); function getWordCount( fiels_type = "", field_counter = "", font = "0px arial" ) { console.log( "getWordCount called for", fiels_type ); let textArea = document.getElementById( fiels_type ); let characterCounter = document.getElementById( field_counter ); const text = textArea.value; const canvas = document.createElement( "canvas" ); const context = canvas.getContext( "2d" ); context.font = font; const width = context.measureText( text ).width; const finalWidth = Math.ceil( width ); textdata = ""; info_data = ""; var fiels_type_value = ""; if ( fiels_type == "meta_title" ) { fiels_type_value = "Meta title"; } else if ( fiels_type == "meta_description" ) { fiels_type_value = "Meta description"; } else if ( fiels_type == "edit_meta_title" ) { fiels_type_value = "Meta title"; } else if ( fiels_type == "edit_meta_description" ) { fiels_type_value = "Meta description"; } if ( fiels_type == "meta_title" ) { less_equal = 240; less_equal2 = 580; textdata = "Title " + textdata + " is " + finalWidth + " pixel(s) long"; } else if ( fiels_type == "meta_description" ) { less_equal = 395; less_equal2 = 920; textdata = "Meta Description " + textdata + " is " + finalWidth + " pixel(s) long"; } else if ( fiels_type == "edit_meta_title" ) { less_equal = 240; less_equal2 = 580; textdata = "Title " + textdata + " is " + finalWidth + " pixel(s) long"; } else if ( fiels_type == "edit_meta_description" ) { less_equal = 395; less_equal2 = 920; textdata = "Meta Description " + textdata + " is " + finalWidth + " pixel(s) long"; } if ( finalWidth <= less_equal ) { info_class = "text-danger"; info_icon = ''; info_data = "--Your page " + fiels_type_value + " is too short."; } else if ( finalWidth > less_equal && finalWidth <= less_equal2 ) { info_class = "text-success"; info_icon = ''; info_data = "--Your page " + fiels_type_value + " is an acceptable length."; } else if ( finalWidth > less_equal2 ) { info_class = "text-danger"; info_icon = ''; info_data = "--Page " + fiels_type_value + " should be around " + less_equal2 + " pixels in length."; } // let numOfEnteredChars = textArea.value.length; // characterCounter.textContent = numOfEnteredChars; characterCounter.innerHTML = info_icon + " " + textdata + info_data; }