back()->with('error', PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { $category = Category::all(); return view('property.index', compact('category')); } } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function create() { if (!has_permissions('create', 'property')) { return redirect()->back()->with('error', PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { $category = Category::where('status', '1')->get(); $parameters = parameter::all(); $currency_symbol = Setting::where('type', 'currency_symbol')->pluck('data')->first(); $facility = OutdoorFacilities::all(); return view('property.create', compact('category', 'parameters', 'currency_symbol', 'facility')); } } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $arr = []; $count = 1; if (!has_permissions('read', 'property')) { return redirect()->back()->with('error', PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { $request->validate([ 'gallery_images.*' => 'required|image|mimes:jpg,png,jpeg|max:2048', 'title_image' => 'required|image|mimes:jpg,png,jpeg|max:2048', ]); $Saveproperty = new Property(); $Saveproperty->category_id = $request->category; $Saveproperty->title = $request->title; $title = $request->title; $Saveproperty->slug_id = generateUniqueSlug($title,null,1); $Saveproperty->description = $request->description; $Saveproperty->address = $request->address; $Saveproperty->client_address = $request->client_address; $Saveproperty->propery_type = $request->property_type; $Saveproperty->price = $request->price; $Saveproperty->package_id = 0; $Saveproperty->city = (isset($request->city)) ? $request->city : ''; $Saveproperty->country = (isset($request->country)) ? $request->country : ''; $Saveproperty->state = (isset($request->state)) ? $request->state : ''; $Saveproperty->latitude = (isset($request->latitude)) ? $request->latitude : ''; $Saveproperty->longitude = (isset($request->longitude)) ? $request->longitude : ''; $Saveproperty->video_link = (isset($request->video_link)) ? $request->video_link : ''; $Saveproperty->post_type = 0; $Saveproperty->added_by = 0; $Saveproperty->meta_title = isset($request->meta_title) ? $request->meta_title : $request->title; $Saveproperty->meta_description = $request->meta_description; $Saveproperty->meta_keywords = $request->keywords; $Saveproperty->rentduration = $request->price_duration; $Saveproperty->is_premium = $request->is_premium; if ($request->hasFile('title_image')) { $Saveproperty->title_image = store_image($request->file('title_image'), 'PROPERTY_TITLE_IMG_PATH'); // $Saveproperty->title_image_hash = $image_hash; } else { $Saveproperty->title_image = ''; } if ($request->hasFile('3d_image')) { $Saveproperty->threeD_image = store_image($request->file('3d_image'), '3D_IMG_PATH'); } else { $Saveproperty->threeD_image = ''; } if ($request->hasFile('meta_image')) { $Saveproperty->meta_image = store_image($request->file('meta_image'), 'PROPERTY_SEO_IMG_PATH'); } $Saveproperty->save(); $facility = OutdoorFacilities::all(); foreach ($facility as $key => $value) { if ($request->has('facility' . $value->id) && $request->input('facility' . $value->id) != '') { $facilities = new AssignedOutdoorFacilities(); $facilities->facility_id = $value->id; $facilities->property_id = $Saveproperty->id; $facilities->distance = $request->input('facility' . $value->id); $facilities->save(); } # code... } $parameters = parameter::all(); foreach ($parameters as $par) { if ($request->has('par_' . $par->id)) { $assign_parameter = new AssignParameters(); $assign_parameter->parameter_id = $par->id; if (($request->hasFile('par_' . $par->id))) { $destinationPath = public_path('images') . config('global.PARAMETER_IMG_PATH'); if (!is_dir($destinationPath)) { mkdir($destinationPath, 0777, true); } $imageName = microtime(true) . "." . ($request->file('par_' . $par->id))->getClientOriginalExtension(); ($request->file('par_' . $par->id))->move($destinationPath, $imageName); $assign_parameter->value = $imageName; } else { $assign_parameter->value = is_array($request->input('par_' . $par->id)) ? json_encode($request->input('par_' . $par->id), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT) : ($request->input('par_' . $par->id)); } $assign_parameter->modal()->associate($Saveproperty); $assign_parameter->save(); $arr = $arr + [$par->id => $request->input('par_' . $par->id)]; } } /// START :: UPLOAD GALLERY IMAGE $destinationPath = public_path('images') . config('global.PROPERTY_GALLERY_IMG_PATH') . "/" . $Saveproperty->id; if (!is_dir($destinationPath)) { mkdir($destinationPath, 0777, true); } if ($request->hasfile('gallery_images')) { // dd("in"); foreach ($request->file('gallery_images') as $file) { $name = time() . rand(1, 100) . '.' . $file->extension(); $file->move($destinationPath, $name); PropertyImages::create([ 'image' => $name, 'propertys_id' => $Saveproperty->id ]); } } /// END :: UPLOAD GALLERY IMAGE ResponseService::successRedirectResponse('Property Added Successfully'); } } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { if (!has_permissions('update', 'property')) { return redirect()->back()->with('error', PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { $category = Category::all()->where('status', '1')->mapWithKeys(function ($item, $key) { return [$item['id'] => $item['category']]; }); $category = Category::where('status', '1')->get(); $list = Property::with('assignParameter.parameter')->where('id', $id)->get()->first(); $categoryData = Category::find($list->category_id); $categoryParameterTypeIds = explode(',', $categoryData['parameter_types']); $parameters = parameter::all(); $edit_parameters = parameter::with(['assigned_parameter' => function ($q) use ($id) { $q->where('modal_id', $id); }])->whereIn('id',$categoryParameterTypeIds)->get(); // Sort the collection by the order of IDs in $categoryParameterTypeIds. $edit_parameters = $edit_parameters->sortBy(function ($parameter) use ($categoryParameterTypeIds) { return array_search($parameter->id, $categoryParameterTypeIds); }); // Reset the keys on the sorted collection. $edit_parameters = $edit_parameters->values(); $facility = OutdoorFacilities::with(['assign_facilities' => function ($q) use ($id) { $q->where('property_id', $id); }])->get(); $assignFacility = AssignedOutdoorFacilities::where('property_id', $id)->get(); $arr = json_decode($list->carpet_area); $par_arr = []; $par_id = []; $type_arr = []; foreach ($list->assignParameter as $par) { $par_arr = $par_arr + [$par->parameter->name => $par->value]; $par_id = $par_id + [$par->parameter->name => $par->value]; } $currency_symbol = Setting::where('type', 'currency_symbol')->pluck('data')->first(); return view('property.edit', compact('category', 'facility', 'assignFacility', 'edit_parameters', 'list', 'id', 'par_arr', 'parameters', 'par_id', 'currency_symbol')); } } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { if (!has_permissions('update', 'property')) { return redirect()->back()->with('error', PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { DB::beginTransaction(); $UpdateProperty = Property::with('assignparameter.parameter')->find($id); $destinationPath = public_path('images') . config('global.PROPERTY_TITLE_IMG_PATH'); if (!is_dir($destinationPath)) { mkdir($destinationPath, 0777, true); } $UpdateProperty->category_id = $request->category; $UpdateProperty->title = $request->title; $UpdateProperty->description = $request->description; $UpdateProperty->address = $request->address; $UpdateProperty->client_address = $request->client_address; $UpdateProperty->propery_type = $request->property_type; $UpdateProperty->price = $request->price; $UpdateProperty->propery_type = $request->property_type; $UpdateProperty->price = $request->price; $UpdateProperty->state = (isset($request->state)) ? $request->state : ''; $UpdateProperty->country = (isset($request->country)) ? $request->country : ''; $UpdateProperty->city = (isset($request->city)) ? $request->city : ''; $UpdateProperty->latitude = (isset($request->latitude)) ? $request->latitude : ''; $UpdateProperty->longitude = (isset($request->longitude)) ? $request->longitude : ''; $UpdateProperty->video_link = (isset($request->video_link)) ? $request->video_link : ''; $UpdateProperty->is_premium = $request->is_premium; $UpdateProperty->meta_title = (isset($request->edit_meta_title)) ? $request->edit_meta_title : ''; $UpdateProperty->meta_description = (isset($request->edit_meta_description)) ? $request->edit_meta_description : ''; $UpdateProperty->meta_keywords = (isset($request->Keywords)) ? $request->Keywords : ''; $UpdateProperty->rentduration = $request->price_duration; if ($request->hasFile('title_image')) { \unlink_image($UpdateProperty->title_image); $UpdateProperty->title_image = \store_image($request->file('title_image'), 'PROPERTY_TITLE_IMG_PATH'); } if ($request->hasFile('3d_image')) { \unlink_image($UpdateProperty->threeD_image); $UpdateProperty->threeD_image = \store_image($request->file('3d_image'), '3D_IMG_PATH'); } if ($request->hasFile('meta_image')) { \unlink_image($UpdateProperty->meta_image); $UpdateProperty->meta_image = \store_image($request->file('meta_image'), 'PROPERTY_SEO_IMG_PATH'); } $UpdateProperty->update(); AssignedOutdoorFacilities::where('property_id', $UpdateProperty->id)->delete(); $facility = OutdoorFacilities::all(); foreach ($facility as $key => $value) { if ($request->has('facility' . $value->id) && $request->input('facility' . $value->id) != '') { $facilities = new AssignedOutdoorFacilities(); $facilities->facility_id = $value->id; $facilities->property_id = $UpdateProperty->id; $facilities->distance = $request->input('facility' . $value->id); $facilities->save(); } # code... } $parameters = parameter::all(); AssignParameters::where('modal_id', $id)->delete(); foreach ($parameters as $par) { if ($request->has('par_' . $par->id)) { $update_parameter = new AssignParameters(); $update_parameter->parameter_id = $par->id; if (($request->hasFile('par_' . $par->id))) { $update_parameter->value = \store_image($request->file('par_' . $par->id), 'PARAMETER_IMG_PATH'); } else { $update_parameter->value = is_array($request->input('par_' . $par->id)) || $request->input('par_' . $par->id) == null ? json_encode($request->input('par_' . $par->id), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT) : ($request->input('par_' . $par->id)); } $update_parameter->modal()->associate($UpdateProperty); $update_parameter->save(); } } /// START :: UPLOAD GALLERY IMAGE $FolderPath = public_path('images') . config('global.PROPERTY_GALLERY_IMG_PATH'); if (!is_dir($FolderPath)) { mkdir($FolderPath, 0777, true); } $destinationPath = public_path('images') . config('global.PROPERTY_GALLERY_IMG_PATH') . "/" . $UpdateProperty->id; if (!is_dir($destinationPath)) { mkdir($destinationPath, 0777, true); } if ($request->hasfile('gallery_images')) { foreach ($request->file('gallery_images') as $file) { $name = time() . rand(1, 100) . '.' . $file->extension(); $file->move($destinationPath, $name); PropertyImages::create([ 'image' => $name, 'propertys_id' => $UpdateProperty->id ]); } } DB::commit(); ResponseService::successRedirectResponse('Property Updated Successfully'); } } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { if (env('DEMO_MODE') && Auth::user()->email != "superadmin@gmail.com") { return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'This is not allowed in the Demo Version'); } if (!has_permissions('delete', 'property')) { return redirect()->back()->with('error', PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { $property = Property::find($id); if ($property->delete()) { $chat = Chats::where('property_id', $property->id); if ($chat) { $chat->delete(); } $slider = Slider::where('propertys_id', $property->id); if ($slider) { $slider->delete(); } $notifications = Notifications::where('propertys_id', $property->id); if ($notifications) { $notifications->delete(); } $advertisements = Advertisement::where('property_id', $property->id); if ($advertisements) { $advertisements->delete(); } if ($property->title_image != '') { $url = $property->title_image; $relativePath = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH); if (file_exists(public_path() . $relativePath)) { unlink(public_path() . $relativePath); } } foreach ($property->gallery as $row) { if (PropertyImages::where('id', $row->id)->delete()) { if ($row->image != '') { $url = $row->image; $relativePath = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH); if (file_exists(public_path() . $relativePath)) { unlink(public_path() . $relativePath); } } } } Notifications::where('propertys_id', $id)->delete(); ResponseService::successRedirectResponse('Property Deleted Successfully'); } else { ResponseService::errorRedirectResponse('Something Wrong'); } } } public function getPropertyList(Request $request) { $offset = $request->input('offset', 0); $limit = $request->input('limit', 10); $sort = $request->input('sort', 'sequence'); $order = $request->input('order', 'ASC'); $sql = Property::with('category')->with('customer')->with('assignParameter.parameter')->with('interested_users')->with('advertisement')->orderBy($sort, $order); if ($_GET['status'] != '' && isset($_GET['status'])) { $status = $_GET['status']; $sql = $sql->where('status', $status); } if ($_GET['category'] != '' && isset($_GET['category'])) { $category_id = $_GET['category']; $sql = $sql->where('category_id', $category_id); } if (isset($_GET['search']) && !empty($_GET['search'])) { $search = $_GET['search']; $sql = $sql->where('id', 'LIKE', "%$search%")->orwhere('title', 'LIKE', "%$search%")->orwhere('address', 'LIKE', "%$search%")->orwhereHas('category', function ($query) use ($search) { $query->where('category', 'LIKE', "%$search%"); })->orwhereHas('customer', function ($query) use ($search) { $query->where('name', 'LIKE', "%$search%")->orwhere('email', 'LIKE', "%$search%"); }); } $total = $sql->count(); if (isset($_GET['limit'])) { $sql->skip($offset)->take($limit); } $res = $sql->get(); //return $res; $bulkData = array(); $bulkData['total'] = $total; $rows = array(); $tempRow = array(); $count = 1; $operate = ''; $currency_symbol = Setting::where('type', 'currency_symbol')->pluck('data')->first(); foreach ($res as $row) { $tempRow = $row->toArray(); if (has_permissions('update', 'property')) { $operate = BootstrapTableService::editButton(route('property.edit', $row->id), false); } if (has_permissions('delete', 'property')) { $operate .= BootstrapTableService::deleteButton(route('property.destroy', $row->id)); } $interested_users = array(); foreach ($row->interested_users as $interested_user) { if ($interested_user->property_id == $row->id) { array_push($interested_users, $interested_user->customer_id); } } $count = " " . count($interested_users); $operate1 = BootstrapTableService::editButton('', true, null, null, $row->id, null, '', 'bi bi-eye-fill edit_icon', $count); // $tempRow['is_premium'] = $row->is_premium ? "Private" : "Public"; $tempRow['total_interested_users'] = count($interested_users); $tempRow['edit_status_url'] = 'updatepropertystatus'; $tempRow['price'] = $currency_symbol . '' . $row->price . '/' . (!empty($row->rentduration) ? $row->rentduration : 'Month'); $featured = count($row->advertisement) ? '
' : ''; $tempRow['Property_name'] = '
' . $row->title . '
' . $featured . '
'; $tempRow['interested_users'] = $operate1; if ($row->added_by != 0) { $tempRow['added_by'] = $row->customer->name; $tempRow['mobile'] = $row->customer->mobile; } if ($row->added_by == 0) { $mobile = Setting::where('type', 'company_tel1')->pluck('data'); $tempRow['added_by'] = 'Admin'; $tempRow['mobile'] = $mobile[0]; } $tempRow['customer_ids'] = $interested_users; $tempRow['interested_users'] = $operate1; foreach ($row->interested_users as $interested_user) { if ($interested_user->property_id == $row->id) { $tempRow['interested_users_details'] = Customer::Where('id', $interested_user->customer_id)->get()->toArray(); } } $tempRow['operate'] = $operate; $rows[] = $tempRow; $count++; } // $cities = json_decode(file_get_contents(public_path('json') . "/cities.json"), true); $bulkData['rows'] = $rows; return response()->json($bulkData); } public function updateStatus(Request $request) { if (!has_permissions('update', 'property')) { $response['error'] = true; $response['message'] = PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG; return response()->json($response); } else { Property::where('id', $request->id)->update(['status' => $request->status]); $Property = Property::with('customer')->find($request->id); if (count($Property->customer) > 0) { if ($Property->customer[0]->fcm_id != '' && $Property->customer[0]->notification == 1) { $fcm_ids = array(); $customer_id = Customer::where('id', $Property->customer[0]->id)->where('isActive', '1')->where('notification', 1)->get(); if (count($customer_id)) { $user_token = Usertokens::where('customer_id', $Property->customer[0]->id)->select('id', 'fcm_id')->get()->pluck('fcm_id')->toArray(); } $fcm_ids[] = $user_token; $msg = ""; if (!empty($fcm_ids)) { $msg = $Property->status == 1 ? 'Activate now by Adminstrator ' : 'Deactive now by Adminstrator '; $registrationIDs = $fcm_ids[0]; $fcmMsg = array( 'title' => $Property->name . 'Property Updated', 'message' => 'Your Property Post ' . $msg, 'type' => 'property_inquiry', 'body' => 'Your Property Post ' . $msg, 'click_action' => 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK', 'sound' => 'default', 'id' => $Property->id, ); send_push_notification($registrationIDs, $fcmMsg); } //END :: Send Notification To Customer Notifications::create([ 'title' => $Property->name . 'Property Updated', 'message' => 'Your Property Post ' . $msg, 'image' => '', 'type' => '1', 'send_type' => '0', 'customers_id' => $Property->customer[0]->id, 'propertys_id' => $Property->id ]); } } $response['error'] = false; ResponseService::successResponse($request->status ? "Property Activatd Successfully" : "Property Deactivatd Successfully"); } } public function removeGalleryImage(Request $request) { if (!has_permissions('delete', 'slider')) { return redirect()->back()->with('error', PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { $id = $request->id; $getImage = PropertyImages::where('id', $id)->first(); $image = $getImage->image; $propertys_id = $getImage->propertys_id; if (PropertyImages::where('id', $id)->delete()) { if (file_exists(public_path('images') . config('global.PROPERTY_GALLERY_IMG_PATH') . $propertys_id . "/" . $image)) { unlink(public_path('images') . config('global.PROPERTY_GALLERY_IMG_PATH') . $propertys_id . "/" . $image); } $response['error'] = false; } else { $response['error'] = true; } $countImage = PropertyImages::where('propertys_id', $propertys_id)->get(); if ($countImage->count() == 0) { rmdir(public_path('images') . config('global.PROPERTY_GALLERY_IMG_PATH') . $propertys_id); } return response()->json($response); } } public function getFeaturedPropertyList() { $offset = 0; $limit = 4; $sort = 'id'; $order = 'DESC'; if (isset($_GET['offset'])) { $offset = $_GET['offset']; } if (isset($_GET['limit'])) { $limit = $_GET['limit']; } if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { $sort = $_GET['sort']; } if (isset($_GET['order'])) { $order = $_GET['order']; } $sql = Property::with('category')->with('customer')->whereHas('advertisement')->orderBy($sort, $order); $sql->skip($offset)->take($limit); $res = $sql->get(); $bulkData = array(); $rows = array(); $tempRow = array(); $count = 1; $operate = ''; foreach ($res as $row) { if (count($row->advertisement)) { if (has_permissions('update', 'property')) { $operate = '
'; } $status = $row->status == '1' ? 'checked' : ''; $enable_disable = '
'; $interested_users = array(); $currency_symbol = Setting::where('type', 'currency_symbol')->pluck('data')->first(); $tempRow['total_interested_users'] = count($interested_users); $tempRow['enble_disable'] = $enable_disable; $tempRow['id'] = $row->id; $featured = count($row->advertisement) ? '
' : ''; if ($row->propery_type == 0) { $type = 'Sell'; } elseif ($row->propery_type == 1) { $type = 'Rent'; } elseif ($row->propery_type == 2) { $type = "Sold"; } elseif ($row->propery_type == 3) { $type = "Rented"; } $tempRow['title'] = '
' . '
' . '
' . '
' . $type . '
' . '
' . '
' . '
' . '
' . '
' . $row->category->category . '
' . '
' . '
' . $row->title . '
' . '
' . $row->price . '
' . '
' . '
' . $row->city . '
' . '
' . '
'; $tempRow['status'] = ($row->status == '0') ? '
' : '
'; $tempRow['operate'] = $operate; $rows[] = $tempRow; $count++; } } // $cities = json_decode(file_get_contents(public_path('json') . "/cities.json"), true); $total = $sql->count(); $bulkData['total'] = $total; $bulkData['rows'] = $rows; return response()->json($bulkData); } public function updateaccessability(Request $request) { if (!has_permissions('update', 'property')) { ResponseService::errorResponse(PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { Property::where('id', $request->id)->update(['is_premium' => $request->status]); ResponseService::successResponse("Property Updated Successfully"); } } }