middleware('auth'); } /** * Show the application dashboard. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable */ public function index() { $currency_symbol = Setting::where('type', 'currency_symbol')->pluck('data')->first(); if (!has_permissions('read', 'dashboard')) { return redirect('dashboard')->with('error', PERMISSION_ERROR_MSG); } else { // $properties = Property::select('id', 'title', 'price', 'title_image', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'city')->orderBy('price', 'DESC')->limit(10)->get(); $properties = Property::select('id', 'category_id', 'title', 'price', 'title_image', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'city', 'total_click')->with('category')->where('total_click', '>', 0)->orderBy('total_click', 'DESC')->limit(10)->get(); // 0:Sell 1:Rent 2:Sold 3:Rented $list['total_sell_property'] = Property::where('propery_type', '0')->get()->count(); $list['total_rant_property'] = Property::where('propery_type', '1')->get()->count(); $list['total_properties'] = Property::all()->count(); $list['total_articles'] = Article::all()->count(); $list['total_categories'] = Category::all()->count(); $list['total_customer'] = Customer::all()->count(); $list['recent_properties'] = Property::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->limit(10)->where('status', 1)->get(); $today = now(); $startDate = $today->copy()->startOfMonth(); $endDate = $today->copy()->endOfMonth(); $sellproperties = Property::where('propery_type', 0) // Property type 0 ->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate, $endDate]) ->orderBy('created_at') ->get(); $rentproperties = Property::where('propery_type', 1) // Property type 0 ->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate, $endDate]) ->orderBy('created_at') ->get(); $sellmonthSeries = array(); $rentmonthSeries = array(); $monthDates = array(); $sellcountForCurrentDay = array(); $rentcountForCurrentDay = array(); $monthSeries = []; // Array to store counts for each month $get_category = Category::withCount('properties')->get(); $category_name = array(); $category_count = array(); foreach ($get_category as $key => $value) { array_push($category_name, "'" . $value->category . "'"); array_push($category_count, $value->properties_count); # code... } // dd(category_count) // Loop through each day of the current month for ($day = $startDate->copy(); $day->lte($endDate); $day->addDay()) { // data related Month $sellmonthSeries = array_fill(0, 12, 0); // Initialize an array with 12 zeroes for each month // Loop through each property and update the counts in $sellmonthSeries $sellproperties->each(function ($property) use (&$sellmonthSeries) { $monthIndex = Carbon::parse($property->created_at)->format('n') - 1; // Get the month index (0-11) $sellmonthSeries[$monthIndex]++; }); $rentmonthSeries = array_fill(0, 12, 0); // Initialize an array with 12 zeroes for each month // Loop through each property and update the counts in $rentmonthSeries $rentproperties->each(function ($property) use (&$rentmonthSeries) { $monthIndex = Carbon::parse($property->created_at)->format('n') - 1; // Get the month index (0-11) $rentmonthSeries[$monthIndex]++; }); $weekDates = array(); for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) { $monthName = Carbon::create(null, $month, 1)->format('M'); \array_push($monthDates, "'" . $monthName . "'"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $sellweekpropertyCounts = DB::table('propertys') ->select( DB::raw('DAYOFWEEK(created_at) as day_of_week'), DB::raw('COUNT(*) as count'), ) ->where('propery_type', 0) ->groupBy(DB::raw('DAYOFWEEK(created_at)')) ->get(); // Create an array to store the counts for each day of the week $sellweekSeries = array_fill(1, 7, 0); $rentweekSeries = array_fill(1, 7, 0); foreach ($sellweekpropertyCounts as $count) { $sellweekSeries[$count->day_of_week] = $count->count; } // echo (\implode(',', $weekDates)); // return false; $rentweekpropertyCounts = DB::table('propertys') ->select( DB::raw('DAYOFWEEK(created_at) as day_of_week'), DB::raw('COUNT(*) as count'), DB::raw('created_at') ) ->where('propery_type', 1) ->groupBy(DB::raw('DAYOFWEEK(created_at)')) ->get(); // Create an array to store the counts for each day of the week $sellweekSeries = array_fill(1, 7, 0); foreach ($rentweekpropertyCounts as $count) { $rentweekSeries[$count->day_of_week] = $count->count; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $propertiesForDay = $properties->filter(function ($property) use ($day) { return $day->isSameDay(Carbon::parse($property->created_at)); }); $countForMonth = $propertiesForDay->count(); array_push($sellcountForCurrentDay, $countForMonth); $currentDates[] = '"' . Carbon::parse($day)->format('Y-m-d') . '"'; } // Prepare the chart data $chartData = [ 'sellmonthSeries' => $sellmonthSeries, 'sellcountForCurrentDay' => $sellcountForCurrentDay, 'rentcountForCurrentDay' => $rentcountForCurrentDay, 'sellweekSeries' => $sellweekSeries, 'rentweekSeries' => $rentweekSeries, 'rentmonthSeries' => $rentmonthSeries, 'weekDates' => [0 => "'Day1'", 1 => "'Day2'", 2 => "'Day3'", 3 => "'Day4'", 4 => "'Day5'", 5 => "'Day6'", 6 => "'Day7'"], 'monthDates' => $monthDates, 'currentDates' => $currentDates, 'currentDate' => "[" . Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d') . "]" ]; $rows = array(); $firebase_settings = array(); $operate = ''; $settings['company_name'] = system_setting('company_name'); $settings['currency_symbol'] = system_setting('currency_symbol'); $userData = Customer::select(\DB::raw("COUNT(*) as count")) ->whereYear('created_at', date('Y')) ->groupBy(\DB::raw("Month(created_at)")) ->pluck('count'); return view('home', compact('list', 'settings', 'properties', 'userData', 'chartData', 'currency_symbol', 'category_name', 'category_count')); } } public function blank_dashboard() { return view('blank_home'); } public function change_password() { return view('change_password.index'); } public function changeprofile() { return view('change_profile.index'); } public function check_password(Request $request) { $id = Auth::id(); $oldpassword = $request->old_password; $user = DB::table('users')->where('id', $id)->first(); $response['error'] = password_verify($oldpassword, $user->password) ? true : false; return response()->json($response); } public function store_password(Request $request) { $confPassword = $request->confPassword; $id = Auth::id(); $role = Auth::user()->type; $users = User::find($id); if (isset($confPassword) && $confPassword != '') { $users->password = Hash::make($confPassword); } $users->update(); return back()->with('success', 'Password Change Successfully'); } function update_profile(Request $request) { $id = Auth::id(); $role = Auth::user()->type; $users = User::find($id); if ($role == 0) { $users->name = $request->name; $users->email = $request->email; } $users->update(); return back()->with('success', 'Profile Updated Successfully'); } public function privacy_policy() { echo system_setting('privacy_policy'); } public function firebase_messaging_settings(Request $request) { $file_path = public_path('firebase-messaging-sw.js'); // Check if file exists if (File::exists($file_path)) { File::delete($file_path); } // Move new file $request->file->move(public_path(), 'firebase-messaging-sw.js'); } public function getMapsData() { $apiKey = env('PLACE_API_KEY'); $url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?" . http_build_query([ 'libraries' => 'places', 'key' => $apiKey, // Use the API key from the .env file // Add any other parameters you need here ]); return file_get_contents($url); } }