toArray()); $chat = new Chats(); $chat->sender_id = $request->sender_by; $chat->receiver_id = $request->receiver_id; $chat->message = $request->message ? $request->message : ''; $chat->property_id = $request->property_id; if ($request->receiver_id == '' || !isset($request->receiver_id)) { $response['error'] = true; return response()->json($response); } $audio_data = $request->aud; if ($audio_data) { // Decode the data URL and extract the raw audio data $audio_data = str_replace('data:audio/mp3; codecs=opus;base64,', '', $audio_data); $audio_data = base64_decode($audio_data); // Save the audio data to a file $filename = uniqid() . '.mp3'; $audiodestinationPath = public_path('images/chat_audio/') . $filename; if (!is_dir(dirname($audiodestinationPath))) { mkdir(dirname($audiodestinationPath), 0777, true); } file_put_contents($audiodestinationPath, $audio_data); $chat->audio = $filename; } $destinationPath = public_path('images') . config('global.CHAT_FILE'); if (!is_dir($destinationPath)) { mkdir($destinationPath, 0777, true); } if ($request->hasFile('attachment')) { $attachment = $request->file('attachment'); $imageName = microtime(true) . "." . $attachment->getClientOriginalExtension(); $attachment->move($destinationPath, $imageName); $chat->file = $imageName; } else { $chat->file = ''; } $chat->save(); $fcm_id = []; $customer = Customer::select('id', 'fcm_id', 'name')->with(['usertokens' => function ($q) { $q->select('fcm_id', 'id', 'customer_id'); }])->find($request->receiver_id); // dd($customer->usertokens); if ($customer && !empty($customer->usertokens)) { foreach ($customer->usertokens as $usertokens) { array_push($fcm_id, $usertokens->fcm_id); } $username = $customer->name; } else { $fcm_id = []; } $Property = Property::find($request->property_id); $chat_message_type = ""; if (!empty($request->aud)) { $chat_message_type = "audio"; } else if (!empty($request->file('attachment')) && $request->message == "") { $chat_message_type = "file"; } else if (!empty($request->file('attachment')) && $request->message != "") { $chat_message_type = "file_and_text"; } else if (empty($request->file('attachment')) && $request->message != "" && empty($request->aud)) { $chat_message_type = "text"; } $fcmMsg = array( 'title' => 'Message', 'message' => $request->message, 'type' => 'chat', 'body' => $request->message, 'sender_id' => $request->sender_by, 'receiver_id' => $request->receiver_id, 'username' => $username, 'file' => $chat->file != '' ? $chat->file : '', 'audio' => $chat->audio, 'date' => $chat->created_at, 'click_action' => 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK', 'sound' => 'default', 'property_id' => $Property->id, 'property_title_image' => $Property->title_image, 'title' => $Property->title, 'chat_message_type' => $chat_message_type, ); // echo($customer->fcm_id); // dd($fcm_id); send_push_notification($fcm_id, $fcmMsg); $response['error'] = false; return response()->json($response); } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($id) { // } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { // } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { // } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { // } public function getChats() { // dd($_GET); $current_user = Auth::user()->id; $offset = 0; $limit = 10; $sort = 'id'; $order = 'DESC'; if (isset($_GET['offset'])) { $offset = $_GET['offset']; } if (isset($_GET['limit'])) { $limit = $_GET['limit']; } if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { $sort = $_GET['sort']; } if (isset($_GET['order'])) { $order = $_GET['order']; } DB::enableQueryLog(); $user_list = Chats::with(['sender', 'receiver', 'property']) ->select('id', 'sender_id', 'receiver_id', 'property_id', 'message', 'created_at') ->whereIn('id', function ($query) { $query->selectRaw('MAX(id)') ->from('chats') ->where('sender_id', 0) ->orWhere('receiver_id', 0) ->groupBy(DB::raw('IF(sender_id < receiver_id, CONCAT(sender_id, "-", receiver_id), CONCAT(receiver_id, "-", sender_id))'), 'property_id'); }) ->orderBy('id', 'desc') ->get(); // dd($user_list); $user_array = array_merge($user_list->pluck('sender_id')->toArray(), $user_list->pluck('receiver_id')->toArray()); $otherusers = Property::select('id', 'added_by', 'title', 'title_image')->with('customer', function ($q) use ($user_array) { $q->whereNotIn('id', $user_array); })->orWhereNotIn('id', $user_list->pluck('property_id')->toArray())->get(); // dd($otherusers->toArray()); $tempRow = array(); foreach ($otherusers as $key => $row) { if ($row->customer) { // foreach ($row->customer as $customer) { $tempRow[$key]['proeperty_id'] = $row->id; $tempRow[$key]['title_image'] = $row->title_image; $tempRow[$key]['title'] = $row->title; $tempRow[$key]['customer_id'] = $row->customer->id; $tempRow[$key]['profile'] = $row->customer->profile; $tempRow[$key]['name'] = $row->customer->name; } # code... // } } // dd($tempRow['custoemer_id']); // $user_list = // Chats::with(['sender', 'receiver'])->with('property') // ->select('id', 'sender_id', 'receiver_id', 'property_id', 'message', 'created_at') // ->where('sender_id', 0) // ->orWhere('receiver_id', 0) // ->orderBy('id', 'desc') // ->groupBy('receiver_id','sender_id')->get(); // dd($user_list->toArray()); $firebase_settings = array(); $firebase_settings['apiKey'] = system_setting('apiKey'); $firebase_settings['authDomain'] = system_setting('authDomain'); $firebase_settings['projectId'] = system_setting('projectId'); $firebase_settings['storageBucket'] = system_setting('storageBucket'); $firebase_settings['messagingSenderId'] = system_setting('messagingSenderId'); $firebase_settings['appId'] = system_setting('appId'); $firebase_settings['measurementId'] = system_setting('measurementId'); return view('chat.index', ['user_list' => $user_list, 'firebase_settings' => $firebase_settings, 'otherusers' => $tempRow]); } public function getAllMessage(Request $request) { $property_id = $request->propert_id; $offset = $request->offset ? $request->offset : 0; $limit = $request->limit ? $request->limit : 10; $chat = Chats::with('sender')->with('receiver')->with('property')->select('id', 'sender_id', 'receiver_id', 'message', 'audio', 'property_id', 'file', 'created_at')->where('property_id', $request->property_id) ->where(function ($query) use ($request) { $query->where('sender_id', $_GET['client_id']) ->orWhere('receiver_id', $_GET['client_id']); })->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get(); $rows = array(); $tempRow = array(); $count = 1; foreach ($chat as $row) { // dd($row->toArray()); if ($row->sender_id == 0 || $row->receiver_id == 0) { $tempRow['message'] = $row->message; $current = Carbon::parse(date('Y/m/d h:i:s'), 'Asia/Kolkata'); $test = Carbon::parse(($row->created_at), 'Asia/Kolkata'); $tempRow['time_ago'] = $row->created_at->diffForHumans(now(), CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_AUTO, true); $tempRow['attachment'] = $row->file; $tempRow['audio'] = !empty($row->audio) ? $row->audio : ''; if ($row->receiver_id == 0) { $customer = Customer::find($row->sender_id); if ($customer) { $name = $customer->name; $profile = $customer->profile; } else { $name = "Admin"; $profile = ''; } $tempRow['sendeprofile'] = $profile; $tempRow['sender_type'] = 1; $tempRow['sendername'] = $name; } if ($row->sender_id == 0) { // $user = User::find($row->sender_id); $customer = Customer::find($row->receiver_id); if ($row->property->added_by != 0) { $name = $customer->name; $profile = $customer->profile; } if ($row->property->added_by == 0) { $name = "Admin"; $profile = ''; } // $tempRow['attachment'] = $row->file; $tempRow['ssendeprofile'] = $profile; $tempRow['ssendername'] = $name; $tempRow['sender_type'] = 0; } $rows[] = $tempRow; $count++; } } $bulkData['rows'] = $rows; return response()->json($rows); } }