# eBroker [//]: # (## Screenshots) [//]: # (![App Screenshot](https://via.placeholder.com/468x300?text=App+Screenshot+Here)) ### Setup Instructions Clone the project ```bash git clone https://github.com/wrteamshakir/ebroker.git ``` Go to the project directory ```bash cd ebroker ``` Only Install packages ```bash composer install ``` Copy .env File ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` Configure ENV Variables `DB_HOST` `DB_PORT` `DB_DATABASE` `DB_USERNAME` `DB_PASSWORD` Run Migrations ```bash php artisan migrate ``` Run Database seeder to create Permissions & Roles ```bash php artisan db:seed ``` Start the server ```bash php artisan serve ``` Add empty text file in Storage Folder ```bash installed ``` Default Credentials for Super Admin ```bash admin@gmail.com admin123 ```