prevConfiguration(); $this->setSetting(); $body = $this->body; $user = $this->user; $globalTemplate = $this->globalTemplate; //finding the notification template $template = NotificationTemplate::where('act', $this->templateName)->where($this->statusField, 1)->first(); $this->template = $template; //Getting the notification message from database if use and template exist //If not exist, get the message which have sent via method if ($user && $template) { $message = $this->replaceShortCode($user->fullname,$user->username,$this->setting->$globalTemplate,$template->$body); if (empty($message)) { $message = $template->$body; } }else{ $message = $this->replaceShortCode($this->receiverName,$this->toAddress,$this->setting->$globalTemplate,$this->message); } //replace the all short cod of template if ($this->shortCodes) { foreach ($this->shortCodes as $code => $value) { $message = str_replace('{{' . $code . '}}', $value, $message); } } //Check email enable if (!$this->template && $this->templateName) return false; //set subject to property $this->getSubject(); $this->finalMessage = $message; //return the final message return $message; } /** * Replace the short code of global template * * @return string */ protected function replaceShortCode($name,$username,$template,$body){ $message = str_replace("{{fullname}}", $name, $template); $message = str_replace("{{username}}", $username, $message); $message = str_replace("{{message}}", $body, $message); return $message; } /** * Set the subject with replaced the short codes * * @return void */ protected function getSubject(){ if ($this->template) { $subject = $this->template->subj; if ($this->shortCodes) { foreach ($this->shortCodes as $code => $value) { $subject = str_replace('{{' . $code . '}}', $value, $subject); } } $this->subject = $subject; } } /** * Set the setting if not set yet * * @return void */ protected function setSetting(){ if (!$this->setting) { $this->setting = gs(); } } /** * Create the notification log * * @return void */ public function createErrorLog($message){ $adminNotification = new AdminNotification(); $adminNotification->user_id = 0; $adminNotification->title = $message; $adminNotification->click_url = '#'; $adminNotification->save(); } /** * Create the error log * * @return void */ public function createLog($type){ $userColumn = $this->userColumn; if ($this->user && $this->createLog) { $notifyConfig = $this->notifyConfig; $config = $this->setting->$notifyConfig; $NotificationLog = new NotificationLog(); if (@$this->user->id) { $NotificationLog->$userColumn = $this->user->id; } $NotificationLog->notification_type = $type; $NotificationLog->sender = @$config->name; $NotificationLog->sent_from = $this->setting->email_from; $NotificationLog->sent_to = $this->toAddress; $NotificationLog->subject = $this->subject; $NotificationLog->message = $type == 'email' ? $this->finalMessage : strip_tags($this->finalMessage); $NotificationLog->save(); } } }