# Getting started GUMP is a standalone PHP data validation and filtering class that makes validating any data easy and painless without the reliance on a framework. GUMP is open-source since 2013. [![License](https://poser.pugx.org/wixel/gump/license)](https://packagist.org/packages/wixel/gump) [![Total Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/wixel/gump/downloads)](https://packagist.org/packages/wixel/gump) [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/wixel/gump/v/stable)](https://packagist.org/packages/wixel/gump) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Wixel/GUMP.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Wixel/GUMP) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/Wixel/GUMP/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/Wixel/GUMP?branch=master) #### Install with composer ``` composer require wixel/gump ``` ### Short format example for validations ```php $is_valid = GUMP::is_valid(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES), [ 'username' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'password' => 'required|between_len,4;100', 'avatar' => 'required_file|extension,png;jpg', 'tags' => 'required|alpha_numeric', // ['value1', 'value3'] 'person.name' => 'required', // ['person' => ['name' => 'value']] 'persons.*.age' => 'required' // ['persons' => [ // ['name' => 'value1', 'age' => 20], // ['name' => 'value2'] // ]] ]); // 1st array is rules definition, 2nd is field-rule specific error messages (optional) $is_valid = GUMP::is_valid(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES), [ 'username' => ['required', 'alpha_numeric'], 'password' => ['required', 'between_len' => [6, 100]], 'avatar' => ['required_file', 'extension' => ['png', 'jpg']] ], [ 'username' => ['required' => 'Fill the Username field please.'], 'password' => ['between_len' => '{field} must be between {param[0]} and {param[1]} characters.'], 'avatar' => ['extension' => 'Valid extensions for avatar are: {param}'] // "png, jpg" ]); if ($is_valid === true) { // continue } else { var_dump($is_valid); // array of error messages } ``` ### Short format example for filtering ```php $filtered = GUMP::filter_input([ 'field' => ' text ', 'other_field' => 'Cool Title' ], [ 'field' => ['trim', 'upper_case'], 'other_field' => 'slug' ]); var_dump($filtered['field']); // result: "TEXT" var_dump($filtered['other_field']); // result: "cool-title" ``` ### Long format example ```php $gump = new GUMP(); // set validation rules $gump->validation_rules([ 'username' => 'required|alpha_numeric|max_len,100|min_len,6', 'password' => 'required|max_len,100|min_len,6', 'email' => 'required|valid_email', 'gender' => 'required|exact_len,1|contains,m;f', 'credit_card' => 'required|valid_cc' ]); // set field-rule specific error messages $gump->set_fields_error_messages([ 'username' => ['required' => 'Fill the Username field please, its required.'], 'credit_card' => ['extension' => 'Please enter a valid credit card.'] ]); // set filter rules $gump->filter_rules([ 'username' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'password' => 'trim', 'email' => 'trim|sanitize_email', 'gender' => 'trim', 'bio' => 'noise_words' ]); // on success: returns array with same input structure, but after filters have run // on error: returns false $valid_data = $gump->run($_POST); if ($gump->errors()) { var_dump($gump->get_readable_errors()); // ['Field
is required.'] // or var_dump($gump->get_errors_array()); // ['field' => 'Field Somefield is required'] } else { var_dump($valid_data); } ``` :star: Available Validators --------------------------- **Important:** If you use Pipe or Semicolon as parameter value, you **must** use array format. ```php $is_valid = GUMP::is_valid(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES), [ 'field' => 'regex,/partOf;my|Regex/', // NO 'field' => ['regex' => '/partOf;my|Regex/'] // YES ]); ```
| Rule | Description | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **required** | Ensures the specified key value exists and is not empty (not null, not empty string, not empty array). | | **contains**,one;two;use array format if one of the values contains semicolons | Verify that a value is contained within the pre-defined value set. | | **contains_list**,value1;value2 | Verify that a value is contained within the pre-defined value set. Error message will NOT show the list of possible values. | | **doesnt_contain_list**,value1;value2 | Verify that a value is contained within the pre-defined value set. Error message will NOT show the list of possible values. | | **boolean**,strict | Determine if the provided value is a valid boolean. Returns true for: yes/no, on/off, 1/0, true/false. In strict mode (optional) only true/false will be valid which you can combine with boolean filter. | | **valid_email** | Determine if the provided email has valid format. | | **max_len**,240 | Determine if the provided value length is less or equal to a specific value. | | **min_len**,4 | Determine if the provided value length is more or equal to a specific value. | | **exact_len**,5 | Determine if the provided value length matches a specific value. | | **between_len**,3;11 | Determine if the provided value length is between min and max values. | | **alpha** | Determine if the provided value contains only alpha characters. | | **alpha_numeric** | Determine if the provided value contains only alpha-numeric characters. | | **alpha_dash** | Determine if the provided value contains only alpha characters with dashed and underscores. | | **alpha_numeric_dash** | Determine if the provided value contains only alpha numeric characters with dashed and underscores. | | **alpha_numeric_space** | Determine if the provided value contains only alpha numeric characters with spaces. | | **alpha_space** | Determine if the provided value contains only alpha characters with spaces. | | **numeric** | Determine if the provided value is a valid number or numeric string. | | **integer** | Determine if the provided value is a valid integer. | | **float** | Determine if the provided value is a valid float. | | **valid_url** | Determine if the provided value is a valid URL. | | **url_exists** | Determine if a URL exists & is accessible. | | **valid_ip** | Determine if the provided value is a valid IP address. | | **valid_ipv4** | Determine if the provided value is a valid IPv4 address. | | **valid_ipv6** | Determine if the provided value is a valid IPv6 address. | | **valid_cc** | Determine if the input is a valid credit card number. | | **valid_name** | Determine if the input is a valid human name. | | **street_address** | Determine if the provided input is likely to be a street address using weak detection. | | **iban** | Determine if the provided value is a valid IBAN. | | **date**,d/m/Y | Determine if the provided input is a valid date (ISO 8601) or specify a custom format (optional). | | **min_age**,18 | Determine if the provided input meets age requirement (ISO 8601). Input should be a date (Y-m-d). | | **max_numeric**,50 | Determine if the provided numeric value is lower or equal to a specific value. | | **min_numeric**,1 | Determine if the provided numeric value is higher or equal to a specific value. | | **starts**,Z | Determine if the provided value starts with param. | | **required_file** | Determine if the file was successfully uploaded. | | **extension**,png;jpg;gif | Check the uploaded file for extension. Doesn't check mime-type yet. | | **equalsfield**,other_field_name | Determine if the provided field value equals current field value. | | **guidv4** | Determine if the provided field value is a valid GUID (v4) | | **phone_number** | Determine if the provided value is a valid phone number. | | **regex**,/test-[0-9]{3}/ | Custom regex validator. | | **valid_json_string** | Determine if the provided value is a valid JSON string. | | **valid_array_size_greater**,1 | Check if an input is an array and if the size is more or equal to a specific value. | | **valid_array_size_lesser**,1 | Check if an input is an array and if the size is less or equal to a specific value. | | **valid_array_size_equal**,1 | Check if an input is an array and if the size is equal to a specific value. | | **valid_twitter** | Determine if the provided value is a valid Twitter account. |
:star: Available Filters ------------------------ Filter rules can also be any PHP native function (e.g.: trim).
| Filter | Description | |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **noise_words** | Replace noise words in a string (http://tax.cchgroup.com/help/Avoiding_noise_words_in_your_search.htm). | | **rmpunctuation** | Remove all known punctuation from a string. | | **urlencode** | Sanitize the string by urlencoding characters. | | **htmlencode** | Sanitize the string by converting HTML characters to their HTML entities. | | **sanitize_email** | Sanitize the string by removing illegal characters from emails. | | **sanitize_numbers** | Sanitize the string by removing illegal characters from numbers. | | **sanitize_floats** | Sanitize the string by removing illegal characters from float numbers. | | **sanitize_string** | Sanitize the string by removing any script tags. | | **boolean** | Converts ['1', 1, 'true', true, 'yes', 'on'] to true, anything else is false ('on' is useful for form checkboxes). | | **basic_tags** | Filter out all HTML tags except the defined basic tags. | | **whole_number** | Convert the provided numeric value to a whole number. | | **ms_word_characters** | Convert MS Word special characters to web safe characters. ([“ ”] => ", [‘ ’] => ', [–] => -, […] => ...) | | **lower_case** | Converts to lowercase. | | **upper_case** | Converts to uppercase. | | **slug** | Converts value to url-web-slugs. | | **trim** | Remove spaces from the beginning and end of strings (PHP). |
#### Other Available Methods ```php /** * This is the most flexible validation "executer" because of it's return errors format. * * Returns bool true when no errors. * Returns array of errors with detailed info. which you can then use with your own helpers. * (field name, input value, rule that failed and it's parameters). */ $gump->validate(array $input, array $ruleset); /** * Filters input data according to the provided filterset * * Returns array with same input structure but after filters have been applied. */ $gump->filter(array $input, array $filterset); // Sanitizes data and converts strings to UTF-8 (if available), optionally according to the provided field whitelist $gump->sanitize(array $input, $whitelist = null); // Override field names in error messages GUMP::set_field_name('str', 'Street'); GUMP::set_field_names([ 'str' => 'Street', 'zip' => 'ZIP Code' ]); // Set custom error messages for rules. GUMP::set_error_message('required', '{field} is required.'); GUMP::set_error_messages([ 'required' => '{field} is required.', 'valid_email' => '{field} must be a valid email.' ]); // Strips and encodes unwanted characters GUMP::xss_clean(array $data); ``` ### Creating your own validators and filters Adding custom validators and filters is made easy by using callback functions. ```php /** * You would call it like 'equals_string,someString' * * @param string $field Field name * @param array $input Whole input data * @param array $params Rule parameters. This is usually empty array by default if rule does not have parameters. * @param mixed $value Value. * In case of an array ['value1', 'value2'] would return one single value. * If you want to get the array itself use $input[$field]. * * @return bool true or false whether the validation was successful or not */ GUMP::add_validator("equals_string", function($field, array $input, array $params, $value) { return $value === $params; }, 'Field {field} does not equal to {param}.'); /** * @param string $value Value * @param array $param Filter parameters (optional) * * @return mixed result of filtered value */ GUMP::add_filter("upper", function($value, array $params = []) { return strtoupper($value); }); ``` Alternately, you can simply create your own class that extends GUMP. You only have to have in mind: * For filter methods, prepend the method name with "filter_". * For validator methods, prepend the method name with "validate_". ```php class MyClass extends GUMP { protected function filter_myfilter($value, array $params = []) { return strtoupper($value); } protected function validate_myvalidator($field, array $input, array $params = [], $value) { return $input[$field] === 'good_value'; } } $validator = new MyClass(); $validated = $validator->validate($_POST, $rules); ``` Global configuration -------------------- This configuration values allows you to change default rules delimiters (e.g.: `required|contains,value1;value2` to `required|contains:value1,value2`). ```php GUMP::$rules_delimiter = '|'; GUMP::$rules_parameters_delimiter = ','; GUMP::$rules_parameters_arrays_delimiter = ';'; ```