* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Tests\Definition; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder; class MergeTest extends TestCase { public function testForbiddenOverwrite() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\ForbiddenOverwriteException'); $tb = new TreeBuilder(); $tree = $tb ->root('root', 'array') ->children() ->node('foo', 'scalar') ->cannotBeOverwritten() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->buildTree() ; $a = [ 'foo' => 'bar', ]; $b = [ 'foo' => 'moo', ]; $tree->merge($a, $b); } public function testUnsetKey() { $tb = new TreeBuilder(); $tree = $tb ->root('root', 'array') ->children() ->node('foo', 'scalar')->end() ->node('bar', 'scalar')->end() ->node('unsettable', 'array') ->canBeUnset() ->children() ->node('foo', 'scalar')->end() ->node('bar', 'scalar')->end() ->end() ->end() ->node('unsetted', 'array') ->canBeUnset() ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->buildTree() ; $a = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'unsettable' => [ 'foo' => 'a', 'bar' => 'b', ], 'unsetted' => false, ]; $b = [ 'foo' => 'moo', 'bar' => 'b', 'unsettable' => false, 'unsetted' => ['a', 'b'], ]; $this->assertEquals([ 'foo' => 'moo', 'bar' => 'b', 'unsettable' => false, 'unsetted' => ['a', 'b'], ], $tree->merge($a, $b)); } public function testDoesNotAllowNewKeysInSubsequentConfigs() { $this->expectException('Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException'); $tb = new TreeBuilder(); $tree = $tb ->root('config', 'array') ->children() ->node('test', 'array') ->disallowNewKeysInSubsequentConfigs() ->useAttributeAsKey('key') ->prototype('array') ->children() ->node('value', 'scalar')->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->buildTree(); $a = [ 'test' => [ 'a' => ['value' => 'foo'], ], ]; $b = [ 'test' => [ 'b' => ['value' => 'foo'], ], ]; $tree->merge($a, $b); } public function testPerformsNoDeepMerging() { $tb = new TreeBuilder(); $tree = $tb ->root('config', 'array') ->children() ->node('no_deep_merging', 'array') ->performNoDeepMerging() ->children() ->node('foo', 'scalar')->end() ->node('bar', 'scalar')->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->buildTree() ; $a = [ 'no_deep_merging' => [ 'foo' => 'a', 'bar' => 'b', ], ]; $b = [ 'no_deep_merging' => [ 'c' => 'd', ], ]; $this->assertEquals([ 'no_deep_merging' => [ 'c' => 'd', ], ], $tree->merge($a, $b)); } public function testPrototypeWithoutAKeyAttribute() { $tb = new TreeBuilder(); $tree = $tb ->root('config', 'array') ->children() ->arrayNode('append_elements') ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->buildTree() ; $a = [ 'append_elements' => ['a', 'b'], ]; $b = [ 'append_elements' => ['c', 'd'], ]; $this->assertEquals(['append_elements' => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']], $tree->merge($a, $b)); } }