*/ final class XmlSerializationVisitor extends AbstractVisitor implements SerializationVisitorInterface { /** * @var \DOMDocument */ private $document; /** * @var string */ private $defaultRootName = 'result'; /** * @var string|null */ private $defaultRootNamespace; /** * @var string|null */ private $defaultRootPrefix; /** * @var \SplStack */ private $stack; /** * @var \SplStack */ private $metadataStack; /** * @var \DOMNode|\DOMElement|null */ private $currentNode; /** * @var ClassMetadata|PropertyMetadata|null */ private $currentMetadata; /** * @var bool */ private $hasValue; /** * @var bool */ private $nullWasVisited; /** * @var \SplStack */ private $objectMetadataStack; public function __construct( bool $formatOutput = true, string $defaultEncoding = 'UTF-8', string $defaultVersion = '1.0', string $defaultRootName = 'result', ?string $defaultRootNamespace = null, ?string $defaultRootPrefix = null ) { $this->objectMetadataStack = new \SplStack(); $this->stack = new \SplStack(); $this->metadataStack = new \SplStack(); $this->currentNode = null; $this->nullWasVisited = false; $this->document = $this->createDocument($formatOutput, $defaultVersion, $defaultEncoding); $this->defaultRootName = $defaultRootName; $this->defaultRootNamespace = $defaultRootNamespace; $this->defaultRootPrefix = $defaultRootPrefix; } private function createDocument(bool $formatOutput, string $defaultVersion, string $defaultEncoding): \DOMDocument { $document = new \DOMDocument($defaultVersion, $defaultEncoding); $document->formatOutput = $formatOutput; return $document; } public function createRoot(?ClassMetadata $metadata = null, ?string $rootName = null, ?string $rootNamespace = null, ?string $rootPrefix = null): \DOMElement { if (null !== $metadata && !empty($metadata->xmlRootName)) { $rootPrefix = $metadata->xmlRootPrefix; $rootName = $metadata->xmlRootName; $rootNamespace = $metadata->xmlRootNamespace ?: $this->getClassDefaultNamespace($metadata); } else { $rootName = $rootName ?: $this->defaultRootName; $rootNamespace = $rootNamespace ?: $this->defaultRootNamespace; $rootPrefix = $rootPrefix ?: $this->defaultRootPrefix; } $document = $this->getDocument(); if ($rootNamespace) { $rootNode = $document->createElementNS($rootNamespace, (null !== $rootPrefix ? ($rootPrefix . ':') : '') . $rootName); } else { $rootNode = $document->createElement($rootName); } $document->appendChild($rootNode); $this->setCurrentNode($rootNode); return $rootNode; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitNull($data, array $type) { $node = $this->document->createAttribute('xsi:nil'); $node->value = 'true'; $this->nullWasVisited = true; return $node; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitString(string $data, array $type) { $doCData = null !== $this->currentMetadata ? $this->currentMetadata->xmlElementCData : true; return $doCData ? $this->document->createCDATASection($data) : $this->document->createTextNode((string) $data); } /** * @param mixed $data * @param array $type */ public function visitSimpleString($data, array $type): \DOMText { return $this->document->createTextNode((string) $data); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitBoolean(bool $data, array $type) { return $this->document->createTextNode($data ? 'true' : 'false'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitInteger(int $data, array $type) { return $this->document->createTextNode((string) $data); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitDouble(float $data, array $type) { return $this->document->createTextNode(var_export((float) $data, true)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitArray(array $data, array $type): void { if (null === $this->currentNode) { $this->createRoot(); } $entryName = null !== $this->currentMetadata && null !== $this->currentMetadata->xmlEntryName ? $this->currentMetadata->xmlEntryName : 'entry'; $keyAttributeName = null !== $this->currentMetadata && null !== $this->currentMetadata->xmlKeyAttribute ? $this->currentMetadata->xmlKeyAttribute : null; $namespace = null !== $this->currentMetadata && null !== $this->currentMetadata->xmlEntryNamespace ? $this->currentMetadata->xmlEntryNamespace : null; $elType = $this->getElementType($type); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $tagName = null !== $this->currentMetadata && $this->currentMetadata->xmlKeyValuePairs && $this->isElementNameValid((string) $k) ? $k : $entryName; $entryNode = $this->createElement($tagName, $namespace); $this->currentNode->appendChild($entryNode); $this->setCurrentNode($entryNode); if (null !== $keyAttributeName) { $entryNode->setAttribute($keyAttributeName, (string) $k); } try { if (null !== $node = $this->navigator->accept($v, $elType)) { $this->currentNode->appendChild($node); } } catch (NotAcceptableException $e) { $this->currentNode->parentNode->removeChild($this->currentNode); } $this->revertCurrentNode(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function startVisitingObject(ClassMetadata $metadata, object $data, array $type): void { $this->objectMetadataStack->push($metadata); if (null === $this->currentNode) { $this->createRoot($metadata); } $this->addNamespaceAttributes($metadata, $this->currentNode); $this->hasValue = false; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitProperty(PropertyMetadata $metadata, $v): void { if ($metadata->xmlAttribute) { $this->setCurrentMetadata($metadata); $node = $this->navigator->accept($v, $metadata->type); $this->revertCurrentMetadata(); if (!$node instanceof \DOMCharacterData) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported value for XML attribute for %s. Expected character data, but got %s.', $metadata->name, json_encode($v))); } $this->setAttributeOnNode($this->currentNode, $metadata->serializedName, $node->nodeValue, $metadata->xmlNamespace); return; } if (($metadata->xmlValue && $this->currentNode->childNodes->length > 0) || (!$metadata->xmlValue && $this->hasValue) ) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('If you make use of @XmlValue, all other properties in the class must have the @XmlAttribute annotation. Invalid usage detected in class %s.', $metadata->class)); } if ($metadata->xmlValue) { $this->hasValue = true; $this->setCurrentMetadata($metadata); $node = $this->navigator->accept($v, $metadata->type); $this->revertCurrentMetadata(); if (!$node instanceof \DOMCharacterData) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported value for property %s::$%s. Expected character data, but got %s.', $metadata->reflection->class, $metadata->reflection->name, \is_object($node) ? \get_class($node) : \gettype($node))); } $this->currentNode->appendChild($node); return; } if ($metadata->xmlAttributeMap) { if (!\is_array($v)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported value type for XML attribute map. Expected array but got %s.', \gettype($v))); } foreach ($v as $key => $value) { $this->setCurrentMetadata($metadata); $node = $this->navigator->accept($value, null); $this->revertCurrentMetadata(); if (!$node instanceof \DOMCharacterData) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported value for a XML attribute map value. Expected character data, but got %s.', json_encode($v))); } $this->setAttributeOnNode($this->currentNode, $key, $node->nodeValue, $metadata->xmlNamespace); } return; } if ($addEnclosingElement = !$this->isInLineCollection($metadata) && !$metadata->inline) { $namespace = null !== $metadata->xmlNamespace ? $metadata->xmlNamespace : $this->getClassDefaultNamespace($this->objectMetadataStack->top()); $element = $this->createElement($metadata->serializedName, $namespace); $this->currentNode->appendChild($element); $this->setCurrentNode($element); } $this->setCurrentMetadata($metadata); try { if (null !== $node = $this->navigator->accept($v, $metadata->type)) { $this->currentNode->appendChild($node); } } catch (NotAcceptableException $e) { $this->currentNode->parentNode->removeChild($this->currentNode); $this->revertCurrentMetadata(); $this->revertCurrentNode(); $this->hasValue = false; return; } $this->revertCurrentMetadata(); if ($addEnclosingElement) { $this->revertCurrentNode(); if ($this->isElementEmpty($element) && (null === $v || $this->isSkippableCollection($metadata) || $this->isSkippableEmptyObject($node, $metadata))) { $this->currentNode->removeChild($element); } } $this->hasValue = false; } private function isInLineCollection(PropertyMetadata $metadata): bool { return $metadata->xmlCollection && $metadata->xmlCollectionInline; } private function isSkippableEmptyObject(?\DOMElement $node, PropertyMetadata $metadata): bool { return null === $node && !$metadata->xmlCollection && $metadata->skipWhenEmpty; } private function isSkippableCollection(PropertyMetadata $metadata): bool { return $metadata->xmlCollection && $metadata->xmlCollectionSkipWhenEmpty; } private function isElementEmpty(\DOMElement $element): bool { return !$element->hasChildNodes() && !$element->hasAttributes(); } public function endVisitingObject(ClassMetadata $metadata, object $data, array $type): void { $this->objectMetadataStack->pop(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getResult($node) { if (null === $this->document->documentElement) { if ($node instanceof \DOMElement) { $this->document->appendChild($node); } else { $this->createRoot(); if ($node) { $this->document->documentElement->appendChild($node); } } } if ($this->nullWasVisited) { $this->document->documentElement->setAttributeNS( 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'xmlns:xsi', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' ); } return $this->document->saveXML(); } public function getCurrentNode(): ?\DOMNode { return $this->currentNode; } public function getCurrentMetadata(): ?PropertyMetadata { return $this->currentMetadata; } public function getDocument(): \DOMDocument { if (null === $this->document) { $this->document = $this->createDocument(); } return $this->document; } public function setCurrentMetadata(PropertyMetadata $metadata): void { $this->metadataStack->push($this->currentMetadata); $this->currentMetadata = $metadata; } public function setCurrentNode(\DOMNode $node): void { $this->stack->push($this->currentNode); $this->currentNode = $node; } public function setCurrentAndRootNode(\DOMNode $node): void { $this->setCurrentNode($node); $this->document->appendChild($node); } public function revertCurrentNode(): ?\DOMNode { return $this->currentNode = $this->stack->pop(); } public function revertCurrentMetadata(): ?PropertyMetadata { return $this->currentMetadata = $this->metadataStack->pop(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function prepare($data) { $this->nullWasVisited = false; return $data; } /** * Checks that the name is a valid XML element name. */ private function isElementNameValid(string $name): bool { return $name && false === strpos($name, ' ') && preg_match('#^[\pL_][\pL0-9._-]*$#ui', $name); } /** * Adds namespace attributes to the XML root element */ private function addNamespaceAttributes(ClassMetadata $metadata, \DOMElement $element): void { foreach ($metadata->xmlNamespaces as $prefix => $uri) { $attribute = 'xmlns'; if ('' !== $prefix) { $attribute .= ':' . $prefix; } elseif ($element->namespaceURI === $uri) { continue; } $element->setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', $attribute, $uri); } } private function createElement(string $tagName, ?string $namespace = null): \DOMElement { // See #1087 - element must be like:
- https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#iri-use // Use of an empty string in a namespace declaration turns it into an "undeclaration". if ('' === $namespace) { // If we have a default namespace, we need to create namespaced. if ($this->parentHasNonEmptyDefaultNs()) { return $this->document->createElementNS($namespace, $tagName); } return $this->document->createElement($tagName); } if (null === $namespace) { return $this->document->createElement($tagName); } if ($this->currentNode->isDefaultNamespace($namespace)) { return $this->document->createElementNS($namespace, $tagName); } if (!($prefix = $this->currentNode->lookupPrefix($namespace)) && !($prefix = $this->document->lookupPrefix($namespace))) { $prefix = 'ns-' . substr(sha1($namespace), 0, 8); } return $this->document->createElementNS($namespace, $prefix . ':' . $tagName); } private function setAttributeOnNode(\DOMElement $node, string $name, string $value, ?string $namespace = null): void { if (null !== $namespace) { if (!$prefix = $node->lookupPrefix($namespace)) { $prefix = 'ns-' . substr(sha1($namespace), 0, 8); } $node->setAttributeNS($namespace, $prefix . ':' . $name, $value); } else { $node->setAttribute($name, $value); } } private function getClassDefaultNamespace(ClassMetadata $metadata): ?string { return $metadata->xmlNamespaces[''] ?? null; } private function parentHasNonEmptyDefaultNs(): bool { return null !== ($uri = $this->currentNode->lookupNamespaceUri(null)) && ('' !== $uri); } }