*/ final class SerializerBuilder { /** * @var string[] */ private $metadataDirs = []; /** * @var HandlerRegistryInterface */ private $handlerRegistry; /** * @var bool */ private $handlersConfigured = false; /** * @var EventDispatcherInterface */ private $eventDispatcher; /** * @var bool */ private $listenersConfigured = false; /** * @var ObjectConstructorInterface */ private $objectConstructor; /** * @var SerializationVisitorFactory[] */ private $serializationVisitors; /** * @var DeserializationVisitorFactory[] */ private $deserializationVisitors; /** * @var bool */ private $visitorsAdded = false; /** * @var PropertyNamingStrategyInterface */ private $propertyNamingStrategy; /** * @var bool */ private $debug = false; /** * @var string */ private $cacheDir; /** * @var AnnotationReader */ private $annotationReader; /** * @var bool */ private $includeInterfaceMetadata = false; /** * @var DriverFactoryInterface */ private $driverFactory; /** * @var SerializationContextFactoryInterface */ private $serializationContextFactory; /** * @var DeserializationContextFactoryInterface */ private $deserializationContextFactory; /** * @var ParserInterface */ private $typeParser; /** * @var ExpressionEvaluatorInterface */ private $expressionEvaluator; /** * @var AccessorStrategyInterface */ private $accessorStrategy; /** * @var CacheInterface */ private $metadataCache; /** * @param mixed ...$args * * @return SerializerBuilder */ public static function create(...$args): self { return new static(...$args); } public function __construct(?HandlerRegistryInterface $handlerRegistry = null, ?EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher = null) { $this->typeParser = new Parser(); $this->handlerRegistry = $handlerRegistry ?: new HandlerRegistry(); $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher ?: new EventDispatcher(); $this->serializationVisitors = []; $this->deserializationVisitors = []; if ($handlerRegistry) { $this->handlersConfigured = true; } if ($eventDispatcher) { $this->listenersConfigured = true; } } public function setAccessorStrategy(AccessorStrategyInterface $accessorStrategy): self { $this->accessorStrategy = $accessorStrategy; return $this; } private function getAccessorStrategy(): AccessorStrategyInterface { if (!$this->accessorStrategy) { $this->accessorStrategy = new DefaultAccessorStrategy($this->expressionEvaluator); } return $this->accessorStrategy; } public function setExpressionEvaluator(ExpressionEvaluatorInterface $expressionEvaluator): self { $this->expressionEvaluator = $expressionEvaluator; return $this; } public function setTypeParser(ParserInterface $parser): self { $this->typeParser = $parser; return $this; } public function setAnnotationReader(Reader $reader): self { $this->annotationReader = $reader; return $this; } public function setDebug(bool $bool): self { $this->debug = $bool; return $this; } public function setCacheDir(string $dir): self { if (!is_dir($dir)) { $this->createDir($dir); } if (!is_writable($dir)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The cache directory "%s" is not writable.', $dir)); } $this->cacheDir = $dir; return $this; } public function addDefaultHandlers(): self { $this->handlersConfigured = true; $this->handlerRegistry->registerSubscribingHandler(new DateHandler()); $this->handlerRegistry->registerSubscribingHandler(new StdClassHandler()); $this->handlerRegistry->registerSubscribingHandler(new ArrayCollectionHandler()); $this->handlerRegistry->registerSubscribingHandler(new IteratorHandler()); return $this; } public function configureHandlers(\Closure $closure): self { $this->handlersConfigured = true; $closure($this->handlerRegistry); return $this; } public function addDefaultListeners(): self { $this->listenersConfigured = true; $this->eventDispatcher->addSubscriber(new DoctrineProxySubscriber()); return $this; } public function configureListeners(\Closure $closure): self { $this->listenersConfigured = true; $closure($this->eventDispatcher); return $this; } public function setObjectConstructor(ObjectConstructorInterface $constructor): self { $this->objectConstructor = $constructor; return $this; } public function setPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategyInterface $propertyNamingStrategy): self { $this->propertyNamingStrategy = $propertyNamingStrategy; return $this; } public function setSerializationVisitor(string $format, SerializationVisitorFactory $visitor): self { $this->visitorsAdded = true; $this->serializationVisitors[$format] = $visitor; return $this; } public function setDeserializationVisitor(string $format, DeserializationVisitorFactory $visitor): self { $this->visitorsAdded = true; $this->deserializationVisitors[$format] = $visitor; return $this; } public function addDefaultSerializationVisitors(): self { $this->visitorsAdded = true; $this->serializationVisitors = [ 'xml' => new XmlSerializationVisitorFactory(), 'json' => new JsonSerializationVisitorFactory(), ]; return $this; } public function addDefaultDeserializationVisitors(): self { $this->visitorsAdded = true; $this->deserializationVisitors = [ 'xml' => new XmlDeserializationVisitorFactory(), 'json' => new JsonDeserializationVisitorFactory(), ]; return $this; } /** * @param bool $include Whether to include the metadata from the interfaces * * @return SerializerBuilder */ public function includeInterfaceMetadata(bool $include): self { $this->includeInterfaceMetadata = $include; return $this; } /** * Sets a map of namespace prefixes to directories. * * This method overrides any previously defined directories. * * @param array
$namespacePrefixToDirMap * * @return SerializerBuilder * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When a directory does not exist. */ public function setMetadataDirs(array $namespacePrefixToDirMap): self { foreach ($namespacePrefixToDirMap as $dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The directory "%s" does not exist.', $dir)); } } $this->metadataDirs = $namespacePrefixToDirMap; return $this; } /** * Adds a directory where the serializer will look for class metadata. * * The namespace prefix will make the names of the actual metadata files a bit shorter. For example, let's assume * that you have a directory where you only store metadata files for the ``MyApplication\Entity`` namespace. * * If you use an empty prefix, your metadata files would need to look like: * * ``my-dir/MyApplication.Entity.SomeObject.yml`` * ``my-dir/MyApplication.Entity.OtherObject.xml`` * * If you use ``MyApplication\Entity`` as prefix, your metadata files would need to look like: * * ``my-dir/SomeObject.yml`` * ``my-dir/OtherObject.yml`` * * Please keep in mind that you currently may only have one directory per namespace prefix. * * @param string $dir The directory where metadata files are located. * @param string $namespacePrefix An optional prefix if you only store metadata for specific namespaces in this directory. * * @return SerializerBuilder * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When a directory does not exist. * @throws InvalidArgumentException When a directory has already been registered. */ public function addMetadataDir(string $dir, string $namespacePrefix = ''): self { if (!is_dir($dir)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The directory "%s" does not exist.', $dir)); } if (isset($this->metadataDirs[$namespacePrefix])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('There is already a directory configured for the namespace prefix "%s". Please use replaceMetadataDir() to override directories.', $namespacePrefix)); } $this->metadataDirs[$namespacePrefix] = $dir; return $this; } /** * Adds a map of namespace prefixes to directories. * * @param array
$namespacePrefixToDirMap * * @return SerializerBuilder */ public function addMetadataDirs(array $namespacePrefixToDirMap): self { foreach ($namespacePrefixToDirMap as $prefix => $dir) { $this->addMetadataDir($dir, $prefix); } return $this; } /** * Similar to addMetadataDir(), but overrides an existing entry. * * @return SerializerBuilder * * @throws InvalidArgumentException When a directory does not exist. * @throws InvalidArgumentException When no directory is configured for the ns prefix. */ public function replaceMetadataDir(string $dir, string $namespacePrefix = ''): self { if (!is_dir($dir)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The directory "%s" does not exist.', $dir)); } if (!isset($this->metadataDirs[$namespacePrefix])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('There is no directory configured for namespace prefix "%s". Please use addMetadataDir() for adding new directories.', $namespacePrefix)); } $this->metadataDirs[$namespacePrefix] = $dir; return $this; } public function setMetadataDriverFactory(DriverFactoryInterface $driverFactory): self { $this->driverFactory = $driverFactory; return $this; } /** * @param SerializationContextFactoryInterface|callable $serializationContextFactory */ public function setSerializationContextFactory($serializationContextFactory): self { if ($serializationContextFactory instanceof SerializationContextFactoryInterface) { $this->serializationContextFactory = $serializationContextFactory; } elseif (is_callable($serializationContextFactory)) { $this->serializationContextFactory = new CallableSerializationContextFactory( $serializationContextFactory ); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('expected SerializationContextFactoryInterface or callable.'); } return $this; } /** * @param DeserializationContextFactoryInterface|callable $deserializationContextFactory */ public function setDeserializationContextFactory($deserializationContextFactory): self { if ($deserializationContextFactory instanceof DeserializationContextFactoryInterface) { $this->deserializationContextFactory = $deserializationContextFactory; } elseif (is_callable($deserializationContextFactory)) { $this->deserializationContextFactory = new CallableDeserializationContextFactory( $deserializationContextFactory ); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('expected DeserializationContextFactoryInterface or callable.'); } return $this; } public function setMetadataCache(CacheInterface $cache): self { $this->metadataCache = $cache; return $this; } public function build(): SerializerInterface { $annotationReader = $this->annotationReader; if (null === $annotationReader) { $annotationReader = new AnnotationReader(); if (null !== $this->cacheDir) { $this->createDir($this->cacheDir . '/annotations'); $annotationsCache = new FilesystemCache($this->cacheDir . '/annotations'); $annotationReader = new CachedReader($annotationReader, $annotationsCache, $this->debug); } } if (null === $this->driverFactory) { $this->initializePropertyNamingStrategy(); $this->driverFactory = new DefaultDriverFactory( $this->propertyNamingStrategy, $this->typeParser, $this->expressionEvaluator instanceof CompilableExpressionEvaluatorInterface ? $this->expressionEvaluator : null ); } $metadataDriver = $this->driverFactory->createDriver($this->metadataDirs, $annotationReader); $metadataFactory = new MetadataFactory($metadataDriver, null, $this->debug); $metadataFactory->setIncludeInterfaces($this->includeInterfaceMetadata); if (null !== $this->metadataCache) { $metadataFactory->setCache($this->metadataCache); } elseif (null !== $this->cacheDir) { $this->createDir($this->cacheDir . '/metadata'); $metadataFactory->setCache(new FileCache($this->cacheDir . '/metadata')); } if (!$this->handlersConfigured) { $this->addDefaultHandlers(); } if (!$this->listenersConfigured) { $this->addDefaultListeners(); } if (!$this->visitorsAdded) { $this->addDefaultSerializationVisitors(); $this->addDefaultDeserializationVisitors(); } $navigatorFactories = [ GraphNavigatorInterface::DIRECTION_SERIALIZATION => $this->getSerializationNavigatorFactory($metadataFactory), GraphNavigatorInterface::DIRECTION_DESERIALIZATION => $this->getDeserializationNavigatorFactory($metadataFactory), ]; return new Serializer( $metadataFactory, $navigatorFactories, $this->serializationVisitors, $this->deserializationVisitors, $this->serializationContextFactory, $this->deserializationContextFactory, $this->typeParser ); } private function getSerializationNavigatorFactory(MetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory): GraphNavigatorFactoryInterface { return new SerializationGraphNavigatorFactory( $metadataFactory, $this->handlerRegistry, $this->getAccessorStrategy(), $this->eventDispatcher, $this->expressionEvaluator ); } private function getDeserializationNavigatorFactory(MetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory): GraphNavigatorFactoryInterface { return new DeserializationGraphNavigatorFactory( $metadataFactory, $this->handlerRegistry, $this->objectConstructor ?: new UnserializeObjectConstructor(), $this->getAccessorStrategy(), $this->eventDispatcher, $this->expressionEvaluator ); } private function initializePropertyNamingStrategy(): void { if (null !== $this->propertyNamingStrategy) { return; } $this->propertyNamingStrategy = new SerializedNameAnnotationStrategy(new CamelCaseNamingStrategy()); } private function createDir(string $dir): void { if (is_dir($dir)) { return; } if (false === @mkdir($dir, 0777, true) && false === is_dir($dir)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not create directory "%s".', $dir)); } } }