getOption($v)) { switch ($c) { case 'E': $exists = false; break; case 'u': $unfold = true; break; case 't': $tree = true; break; case 'V': $verbose = false; break; case 'h': case '?': return $this->usage(); case '__ambiguous': $this->resolveOptionAmbiguity($v); break; } } $this->parser->listInputs($path); if (null === $path) { return $this->usage(); } if (true === $tree) { $protocol = Protocol::getInstance(); $foo = substr($path, 0, 6); if ('hoa://' !== $foo) { return; } $path = substr($path, 6); $current = $protocol; foreach (explode('/', $path) as $component) { if (!isset($current[$component])) { break; } $current = $current[$component]; } echo $current; return; } if (true === $verbose) { echo Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(yellow)'), $path, Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'), ' is equivalent to:', "\n"; } $resolved = resolve($path, $exists, $unfold); foreach ((array) $resolved as $r) { echo $r, "\n"; } return; } /** * The command usage. * * @return int */ public function usage() { echo 'Usage : protocol:resolve
path', "\n", 'Options :', "\n", $this->makeUsageOptionsList([ 'E' => 'Do not check if the resolution result exists.', 'u' => 'Unfold all possible results.', 't' => 'Print the tree from the path.', 'V' => 'No-verbose, i.e. be as quiet as possible, just print ' . 'essential information.', 'help' => 'This help.' ]), "\n"; return; } } __halt_compiler(); Resolve `hoa://` paths.