given($stream = new File\ReadWrite('hoa://Test/Vfs/Empty.pp?type=file')) ->exception(function () use ($stream) { SUT::load($stream); }) ->isInstanceOf(LUT\Exception::class) ->hasMessage( 'The grammar is empty: Nothing to read on the stream ' . 'hoa://Test/Vfs/Empty.pp?type=file.' ); } public function case_load() { $this ->given( $stream = new File\ReadWrite('hoa://Test/Vfs/Grammar.pp?type=file'), $stream->writeAll( '%pragma hello world' . "\n" . '%token foobar bazqux' . "\n" . 'ruleA:' . "\n" . '
' ), $_ruleA = new LUT\Llk\Rule\Token('ruleA', 'foobar', null, -1, true), $_ruleA->setPPRepresentation('
') ) ->when($result = SUT::load($stream)) ->then ->object($result) ->isInstanceOf(LUT\Llk\Parser::class) ->array($result->getPragmas()) ->isEqualTo([ 'hello' => 'world' ]) ->array($result->getTokens()) ->isEqualTo([ 'default' => [ 'foobar' => 'bazqux' ] ]) ->array($result->getRules()) ->isEqualTo([ 'ruleA' => $_ruleA ]); } public function case_save() { $this ->given( $stream = new File\Read('hoa://Library/Compiler/Llk/Llk.pp'), $parser = SUT::load($stream) ) ->when($result = SUT::save($parser, 'Foobar')) ->then ->string($result) ->isEqualTo(<<<'OUTPUT' class Foobar extends \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Parser { public function __construct() { parent::__construct( [ 'default' => [ 'skip' => '\s', 'or' => '\|', 'zero_or_one' => '\?', 'one_or_more' => '\+', 'zero_or_more' => '\*', 'n_to_m' => '\{[0-9]+,[0-9]+\}', 'zero_to_m' => '\{,[0-9]+\}', 'n_or_more' => '\{[0-9]+,\}', 'exactly_n' => '\{[0-9]+\}', 'token' => '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', 'skipped' => '::', 'kept_' => '<', '_kept' => '>', 'named' => '\(\)', 'node' => '#[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(:[mM])?', 'capturing_' => '\(', '_capturing' => '\)', 'unification_' => '\[', 'unification' => '[0-9]+', '_unification' => '\]', ], ], [ 0 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(0, ['choice'], null), 'rule' => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation('rule', [0], '#rule'), 2 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(2, 'or', null, -1, false), 3 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(3, [2, 'concatenation'], '#choice'), 4 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Repetition(4, 0, -1, 3, null), 'choice' => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation('choice', ['concatenation', 4], null), 6 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(6, ['repetition'], '#concatenation'), 7 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Repetition(7, 0, -1, 6, null), 'concatenation' => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation('concatenation', ['repetition', 7], null), 9 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(9, ['quantifier'], '#repetition'), 10 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Repetition(10, 0, 1, 9, null), 11 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(11, 'node', null, -1, true), 12 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Repetition(12, 0, 1, 11, null), 'repetition' => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation('repetition', ['simple', 10, 12], null), 14 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(14, 'capturing_', null, -1, false), 15 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(15, '_capturing', null, -1, false), 16 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(16, [14, 'choice', 15], null), 17 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(17, 'skipped', null, -1, false), 18 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(18, 'token', null, -1, true), 19 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(19, 'unification_', null, -1, false), 20 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(20, 'unification', null, -1, true), 21 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(21, '_unification', null, -1, false), 22 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(22, [19, 20, 21], null), 23 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Repetition(23, 0, 1, 22, null), 24 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(24, 'skipped', null, -1, false), 25 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(25, [17, 18, 23, 24], '#skipped'), 26 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(26, 'kept_', null, -1, false), 27 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(27, 'token', null, -1, true), 28 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(28, 'unification_', null, -1, false), 29 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(29, 'unification', null, -1, true), 30 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(30, '_unification', null, -1, false), 31 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(31, [28, 29, 30], null), 32 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Repetition(32, 0, 1, 31, null), 33 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(33, '_kept', null, -1, false), 34 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(34, [26, 27, 32, 33], '#kept'), 35 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(35, 'token', null, -1, true), 36 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(36, 'named', null, -1, false), 37 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Concatenation(37, [35, 36], null), 'simple' => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Choice('simple', [16, 25, 34, 37], null), 39 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(39, 'zero_or_one', null, -1, true), 40 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(40, 'one_or_more', null, -1, true), 41 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(41, 'zero_or_more', null, -1, true), 42 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(42, 'n_to_m', null, -1, true), 43 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(43, 'n_or_more', null, -1, true), 44 => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Token(44, 'exactly_n', null, -1, true), 'quantifier' => new \Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Rule\Choice('quantifier', [39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44], null), ], [ ] ); $this->getRule('rule')->setDefaultId('#rule'); $this->getRule('rule')->setPPRepresentation(' choice()'); $this->getRule('choice')->setPPRepresentation(' concatenation() ( ::or:: concatenation() #choice )*'); $this->getRule('concatenation')->setPPRepresentation(' repetition() ( repetition() #concatenation )*'); $this->getRule('repetition')->setPPRepresentation(' simple() ( quantifier() #repetition )?
?'); $this->getRule('simple')->setPPRepresentation(' ::capturing_:: choice() ::_capturing:: | ::skipped::
( ::unification_::
::_unification:: )? ::skipped:: #skipped | ::kept_::
( ::unification_::
::_unification:: )? ::_kept:: #kept |
::named::'); $this->getRule('quantifier')->setPPRepresentation('
'); } } OUTPUT ); } public function case_parse_tokens() { $this ->given( $pp = '%token foobar1 bazqux1' . "\n" . '%token sourceNS1:foobar2 bazqux2' . "\n" . '%token sourceNS2:foobar3 bazqux3 -> destinationNS' . "\n" . '%token foobar4 barqux4 -> destinationNS' ) ->when($result = SUT::parsePP($pp, $tokens, $rules, $pragmas, 'streamFoo')) ->then ->variable($result) ->isNull() ->array($tokens) ->isEqualTo([ 'default' => [ 'foobar1' => 'bazqux1', 'foobar4:destinationNS' => 'barqux4' ], 'sourceNS1' => [ 'foobar2' => 'bazqux2' ], 'sourceNS2' => [ 'foobar3:destinationNS' => 'bazqux3' ] ]) ->array($rules) ->isEmpty() ->array($pragmas) ->isEmpty(); } public function case_parse_skip_tokens() { $this ->given( $pp = '%skip foobar1 bazqux1' . "\n" . '%skip foobar2 bazqux2' . "\n" . '%skip foobar3 bazqux3' . "\n" . '%skip sourceNS1:foobar4 bazqux4' . "\n" . '%skip sourceNS1:foobar5 bazqux5' . "\n" . '%skip sourceNS2:foobar6 bazqux6' . "\n" ) ->when($result = SUT::parsePP($pp, $tokens, $rules, $pragmas, 'streamFoo')) ->then ->variable($result) ->isNull() ->array($tokens) ->isEqualTo([ 'default' => [ 'skip' => '(?:(?:bazqux1|bazqux2)|bazqux3)', ], 'sourceNS1' => [ 'skip' => '(?:bazqux4|bazqux5)' ], 'sourceNS2' => [ 'skip' => 'bazqux6' ] ]) ->array($rules) ->isEmpty() ->array($pragmas) ->isEmpty(); } public function case_parse_pragmas() { $this ->given( $pp = '%pragma truly true' . "\n" . '%pragma falsy false' . "\n" . '%pragma numby 42' . "\n" . '%pragma foobar hello' . "\n" . '%pragma bazqux "world!" ' . "\n" ) ->when($result = SUT::parsePP($pp, $tokens, $rules, $pragmas, 'streamFoo')) ->then ->variable($result) ->isNull() ->array($tokens) ->isEqualTo(['default' => []]) ->array($rules) ->isEmpty() ->array($pragmas) ->isIdenticalTo([ 'truly' => true, 'falsy' => false, 'numby' => 42, 'foobar' => 'hello', 'bazqux' => '"world!"' ]); } public function case_unrecognized_instructions() { $this ->given( $pp = '// shift line' . "\n" . '%foobar baz qux' . "\n" ) ->exception(function () use ($pp) { SUT::parsePP($pp, $tokens, $rules, $pragmas, 'streamFoo'); }) ->isInstanceOf(LUT\Exception::class) ->hasMessage( 'Unrecognized instructions:' . "\n" . ' %foobar baz qux' . "\n" . 'in file streamFoo at line 2.' ); } public function case_parse_rules() { $this ->given( $pp = 'ruleA:' . "\n" . ' single space' . "\n" . ' single space' . "\n" . 'ruleB:' . "\n" . ' many spaces' . "\n" . "\t" . 'single tab' . "\n" . 'ruleC:' . "\n" . "\t\t" . 'many tabs' . "\n" ) ->when($result = SUT::parsePP($pp, $tokens, $rules, $pragmas, 'streamFoo')) ->then ->variable($result) ->isNull() ->array($tokens) ->isEqualTo(['default' => []]) ->array($rules) ->isEqualTo([ 'ruleA' => ' single space single space', 'ruleB' => ' many spaces single tab', 'ruleC' => ' many tabs' ]) ->array($pragmas) ->isEmpty(); } public function case_parse_skip_comments() { $this ->given( $pp = '// Hello,' . "\n" . '// World!' ) ->when($result = SUT::parsePP($pp, $tokens, $rules, $pragmas, 'streamFoo')) ->then ->variable($result) ->isNull() ->array($tokens) ->isEqualTo(['default' => []]) ->array($rules) ->isEmpty() ->array($pragmas) ->isEmpty(); } }